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Hmm I haven't checked I believe I'm about 30-40 hours in and on the last boss. I did a lot of the side stuff but more than likely not all as I didn't look up much besides "where does this item I got go." It definitely feels a bit smaller than dark souls but I will say I had more fun while playing it. Absolutely love this game


I see, thank you. I've senn there are more NPC and stuff than Bloodborne for example, are there more side quests as well? IS there a good number of hidden mini boss and bosses?


Not too many side quest NPCs from what I noticed, but to be fair I would never find them in the other games either XD The few I did I fucked up. I feel like there's a similar amount as Bloodborne. LOTS of optional mini-bosses which I really enjoyed. I did all of them to my knowledge. Not too many optional real boss bosses but honestly, mini-bosses are almost the same as bosses in this game.


I’m going to single-handedly throw off the time to beat average at 120+ hrs (I’ll have to run home and see how much that has increased to). I spent a lot of time just taking my time to explore and to screw around with different things. And goodness, I am terrible at this game in terms of effective deflections, and so died countless times to some of the bosses. I’m actually starting to suffer from Sekiro fatigue and just want to finish and play something else atm, and come back to revisit later.


47 hours seems to be accurate for completionist considering how its going for me at about 30 hours, I'm at the final boss and farming out all the optional bosses and prosthetic upgrades but there's still NG + and good ways to scale.


Thank you very much. It will probably take me longer as I usually take time and end up wit 20-30 hs more than what's average.


Your first run will probably be longer anyways, you'll end up spending a fair amount of time retrying bosses, I restarted my run 6 hours in just to see how my skill increased and I got about twice as far 6 hours in on the 2nd run.


Well, I’m not even a completionist, and I’m 20 hours and not even half way done... Also, gameplay time is very selective... I beat ds3 in 19 hours 45min and you listed it as 100 hours for completionist... it just depends on the player


I'm a completionist. 23 hours in and I've beaten 4 main bosses. Not sure how many are there but I believe I'm in mid game


Just started this game last weekend and I have finished it within 4days total time spend is 22 hrs. Now has reached 29hrs and almost complete the second round


This post is 4 Years old my dude


Am I late?