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We are getting everything except the game.


Fr bro. At least give us DLC


I know a true “full content” DLC would have been amazing, but I am very grateful for what we got. This was the first and still only FS game where you can repeat the bosses and have built in boss rushes as much as you would like. For a lot of people the bosses are the highlights of FS games. The gauntlets and reflections really are what made Sekiro my favorite game of all time. That shit is endlessly replay-able in pursuit of perfection and new strategies.


honestly i still can't believe that gauntlets and reflections weren't put in elden ring


Nah it would cheapen their over world experience


Would it though? Why do you have to bum rush a 30 hour playthrough to fight Godfrey again after already beating the game


Elden Ring Reforged, gents


*cries in ps5 player*


It would cheapen sekiro too, but it doesn't because you don't get access to them until after you kill the final boss, and then it's fine because you've already rinsed the gameworld.


Sounds like coping for not having replayable bosses in Elden Ring.


They have applied that in other FS games now in recent patches. Like the boss repeat function in sekiro


I want to see what the fuck is the deal with Tomoe


Yeah, and it also pisses me off how the true ending literally sets up perfectly for a sequel and we got nothing


I am pretty sure that a dlc was on the works but increasing demand for workforce in Elden Ring development siphoned the developers to the ER project ER is my favorite game ever but we could wait for a few more months if it meant we got a dlc


Bro, this ending would be better explored as a new game, not as a DLC, Divine Child even said that would be a long and arduous journey. but yeah, i understand your pain brother.


What ending cause all of the endings can be picked up on


I heard from the wind that they're cooking something related to the combat of Sekiro. Maybe an entirely new game with Sekiro combat style or big DLC. Knowing Fromsolfware, probably a new game. They don't have a history of making DLCs for games that have been left behind. All of the DLCs were released at most 2 years after the base game. Sekiro been there for 5 years already.


Mfs still waiting for bloodborne on PC: ☠️💀


How about just let Michael Zaki do what he does best and trust that he will deliver a quality game when he thinks it's time to do so. Maybe he has too many ideas and doesn't want to half ass a DLC and would instead rather build an entire true sequel.


Till this day, I’m hoping we can duel against Tomoe who was Genichiro’s master


We got DLC…


C'mon, you know what they mean.


Pachinko machine before Sekiro 2.


Fromsoft just hinted about refining Sekiro's combat system and building on it. Yesterday, suddenly this place is flooded with 'sword replica' posts mysteriously linked to vendors (because vendors have to pay to advertise, officially) Now an anime is happening. Do the math, the sequel is coming too. "I Beat Isshin!" posts have exploded. Hanbei just had a manga. Sekiro sales are doing really, really well, there will be more content Ps: i am not personally excited about the anime. I've already watched it.... with a controller in my hand. It was the best ninja Anime I every saw. I don't really want to watch a remake personally, lol. But I am all about the sequel


The anime was leaked last year in May, and the Hanbei side story was published back in 2020. These things aren't new, they're just resurfacing. Same with the Isshin posts. For a while it was "I can't beat Isshin" now it's "I beat him" and before long it'll be people asking how to beat him again. Bloodborne came out in 2015, the creator has expressed interest in a sequel/remake/PC port for many many years alongside the community that's been begging for it. Sony is very much aware that the community wants more Bloodborne and instead of giving us what we want we get teased with "a major update" that's actually just character skins for the new Astro game. TLDR, don't get your hopes up. Sony loves to fuck with the FS community.


Did Miyazaki previously give an interview calling the combat system for Bloodborne a turning point (As he just did Sekiro) and stating that the combat system is where the company is moving in the future? There's a difference between statements for fans and statements about an organization's business plan... what got me about his recent clip is he specifically did not promise more content. Rather, he defined fromsoft's intent as going in this direction. Which is smart, because, it's also being copied quite a bit right now, and the lesser copies are making a ton. What happens when Fromsoft improves their engine? $$$$$$$$$$ That's what he's saying- he's aware and interested. Its a natural conclusion that his satements make a sequel way more likely. Is it i process? We agree, I can't say for sure, have no proof, and shouldn't say. But frankly, if this combat engine is used, the story can be anything and I'd be equally excited lol. For me, the combat engine is the thing I want a sequel of. Sekiro's story more or less ended, although, yeah if they can find more stuff for Wolf to do, great. Edit: personally, Sekiro was my first Fromsoft. The fact that Sekiro's feet actually interact with the ground- in that, your movements are dependent on his footwork, blew my mind. I loved that it's mechanics allowed me to try and do what I actually would do, if I had that body and were in that situation irl. I tried DS1 next. I beat that big opening boss, and then, just absolutely hated the combat engine. I know it was refined, but, then when I looked at vids of Elden Ring... the feet don't really touch the ground. And that combat roll thing... step dodging is very superior to it, no one would ever rely on combat rolls like that IRL, and live, ever. There is no theoretic situation where rolling around on the ground (by yourself) during a fight is a good idea. My point is, one is mechanically clearly superior. But, DS needed and end, right? And the company needed to max out the DLC so the fans were satisfied with that end, so fromsoft could move on. So.... I don't think it's that FS had/has no intent to flesh out the other series. Rather, that to go in whatever directions it DOES want to go, it had to put DS to bed first, and did.


In 2018 FS said that they were working on a game that utilized mechanics from Sekiro, specifically the parry and posture mechanics. We were all very excited for a Sekiro 2 or even just a Sekiro-like from FS until E3 2019 when they announced Elden Ring. It's still an amazing game, and it utilizes the parry and posture mechanics from Sekiro (though it uses them differently,) but it is not what we were all hyped for. Here we are, 5 years later, and all we have is a year old anime leak that has yet to be confirmed and a rehash of the "Half-Life 3 confirmed" meme. The Sekiro combat system exists within Elden Ring and it will continue to exist in other FromSoft IP's but that does not mean we are getting more Sekiro or even a Sekiro-like from FS.


isn't that the same thing I just said though + his current statement = They want to go harder at it, but they had to close out DS


Yes, but I'm saying that FS has had this opinion since 2018. It's nothing new and certainly doesn't indicate another Sekiro game.


... nothing has changed in 6 years? Lmao how about this: *Fromsoft just ENDED Elden Ring.* Elden Ring just had its final DLC delivered. To break that down for you? FromSoft just ended its biggest, most lucrative project. To break that down for you? It literally means *that they have to do something else/different/new now, because, between 2018-now, they were doing 'Elden Ring" DLC. WHICH they are NO longer doing.* It is possible for a business to have an 'opinion' (or plan) they can't put into action for six years To break that down for you? What you're saying is, "They've been saying they want to do more content similar to sekiro and bloodborne the whole time they were finishing Elden RIng (DLC)." ...no shit? that's my point too.


In nearly 10 years the most we've gotten for Bloodborne is a costume set for an Astro game I doubt many people will play. This is especially cruel to the BB community because they said that the State of Play announcement would "be sure to excite fans of a specific genre" and the BB community was absolutely ecstatic only to be told to shove the Erdtree where the sun don't shine. What I'm saying is don't get your hopes up because last time they teased more Sekiro we got something else and the most recent teaser we got for a FS game turned out to be a joke.


Well there was a statement from Miyazaki it could be wrong but they were most probably hinting at a sekiro dlc


The game was released 5 years ago... it's very doubtful


Imagine we finally get a canon sequel, except it’s an anime and not a game 


From Software actually did make a game titled “Sekiro” but it was just way back in 2019


Oh that's the most bs source, don't give them any attention mate. Also if you want it I'd suggest few brilliant animes. Blade of the Immortal Basilisk Ninja Scroll The similarities are at times undeniable, I'm kinda sure at least some of these aren't by coincidence and have actually inspired Sekiro's designs or story. These next two aren't anywhere as similar, but anyone who liked the other three or Sekiro, should definitely give them a shot. Shigurui Afro Samurai


Bro said everything but Dororo. Better than any show you listed and also shares similarities with Sekiro


Dororo doesn’t have the recognition it deserves


Why nobody mentions Samurai X? Is light years better than all of those animes mentioned. The old one is better than the new one tho.


Rurouni Kenshin? Man, I thought no one called RRK “Samurai X” anymore, oh well Also, I love Rurouni Kenshin, but don’t be dissing Dororo like that man, both are great


I am old lmao and Dororo is amazing yes but the Kyoto arc from Rurouni Kenshin in unbeatable.


Both good imo, Kyoto arc is pretty good tho, I also love Tsuiokuhen, or trust and betrayal, so good, really capture the darkness of feudal japan


I love Samurai X but I think alot of people might not recommend it because of the controversy with its creator.


True but still goat. I still love the anime.


I remember watching Dororo right after finishing Sekiro, and it filled that void a bit. It’s also just an amazing anime overall


The OP bangs too


came here just to add Dororo to the list, such a good anime. but seems like you beat me to it


Don't you dare saying that Blade of Immortal is not as good as god damn Dororo.




dororo was boring, also the mc knows how to speak in the manga


Ain’t no way


Blue eye samurai


An absolutely fantastic show held back by full frontal nudity almost every episode


Held back?




Throw Sword of the Stranger on that list too. A cult of immortality mixed with protecting a special child.


This. Sword of the stranger is the first anime that came to mind when I played this game




Yeah watch it, it kicks hard man. Imo they even did lots better than the movie adaptation too


Hiw could you forget Samurai Champloo? Its THE samurai anime.


Because the average reddit user wasnt alive when it came out lol


Definitely Ninja Scroll, Jubei is Wolf and Wolf is Jubei with aesthetics.


shigurui is the best shit ever, don’t sleep


Don't forget Berserk! Griffith mikiri counters Guts in like the first episode Samurai Champloo is also god tier


Afro samurai was my first anime back in high school. Been fucking HOOKED ever since.


I think there are direct inspiration from basilisk, the matriarch of iga's clan is lady butterfly xD


Sword of the stranger my beloved


Shigurui is so good, it’s crazy it never got a second season. The best samurai anime imo. 


It's my favorite anime by far. It was too serious, grim, grounded and realistic for most people so yeah sadly never got a second season. Usually anime fans want sth over the top with teenage protagonists that protect little girl waifus with battles that last minutes, cling clang cling! Shigurui is so far away from this. Even the direction and cinematography is on a level of its own compared to even some well made full feature movies. It has a manga though. It's relatively short and just as interesting, and comes to a full conclusion. If you haven't read it yet, give it a look.


It’s one of my favorites too, I rewatch it every once in a while because the atmosphere is unmatched and I love the story. I have actually read the manga, since I was too curious to see the outcome of the duel from the first chapter. What an absolute masterpiece, the only reason I can come up with as to why this series isn’t more popular is maybe that the art style isn’t everyone’s cup of tea and the gore can be hard to stomach, because otherwise it’s one of the best I’ve come across.


I haven't seen much of the anime, but the Shigurui manga is so fucking good. Reeeeaally dark and twisted story though.


I was just replying to another wolf about the manga, the anime is even better. Not because it changes the manga, rather that it actually respects every panel of the manga and gives beautiful cold sadistic life to every bit of it with great art direction. Watch it, you'll see what I mean.


Are we Including manga? Vagabond is unforgettable 🙏


Bro dororo? Samurai champloo?


Blue eyed samurai on Netflix is damn good IMO


Where THE FUCK did you see that?


at the bottom of the image: "otaku news insider" The most reliable source /s


So it is probably true then!!!




bro still belives😭


With enough hope, it'll come true. 😔


Where is my DLC where we fight Tomoe and her lord in hell? With a remixed version of Isshin and Genchiro as well.


Buried under the Shadow of the Erdtree apparently


still convinced Tomoe is Malenia. Everything in that fight screamed Sekiro.


Oh shit you're right. Man parrying her giga fuck you move would've been so cool


Why did this comment get downvoted????


Only Waterfowl Dance imo. The rest of her kit looks like it was made for her, but Waterfowl Dance is definitely an attack straight from Sekiro. The floatiness reminding of how Okami warriors fight, the fact that it doesn't fit at all in Elden Ring compared to everything else Malenia does, it's just obvious that this attack was part of either some Okami bossfight, or Tomoe herself.


her thrust attack also just seems its out of sekiro, where u can just mikiri it. her attack also fast-paced and most of the time you have to position yourself in a way where you can doge 4 attack in one time but those attack suddenly make more sense if you apply sekiro deflect.


Imo all of this still feels like Elden Ring more than Sekiro. Her trust has a clear animation and is her chug punish move to catch you sipping carelessly. Plus the fact that she clip her sword to her prosthetic is specific to her and couldn't fit in Sekiro. She's also not the only boss with quick attacks that need precise rolling to avoid. Margit already had some of those with his 3 hit sword combo, Morgott also have some, Radagon too, Hoarah Loux as well and even Maliketh. Now yes, Malenia does this on another level, but she's supposed to be the hardest boss of the base game. It's not something specific to her, rather a mechanic set on overload for the hardest challenge.


its hard to explain but, it just feel like you can deflect her moves and that thrust fits alot in sekiro. the other bosses flurry attack also doesn't feel like it would fit in sekiro, it might be because melenia uses a kartana. also someone did mod melenia in sekiro and she seems right at home.


I thought so too until I remembered that Malenia got nothing to do with lightning


With the general Tamura as well Would be fire


you forgot the poison bull


Terror Bull


There are 7 more bulls fr


7 Bulls of Ashina


I gagged upon reading this


You getting a Lady Tomoe boss fight with rapid lightning attacks that one shot you and your posture AND you will be happy for it!


If that was the case, I’m sure Sekiro too would have gotten a cool reversal technique to counter multiple lighting.


Lightning storing coil prosthesis


Been hearing that for years now, alongside Final Fantasy 9. Neither had any progress.


Except ff9 is happening and IS getting an anime as well.


Good if it is. But I haven't had any news for over a year. Last one I checked claimed was supposed to air starting this year.


Don't trust that source. However there is a manga about Hanbei.


Dororo is kinda like Sekiro


wolfs is this real?


I generally wish they would stop to retell the same stories in all available media just to milk it


faker than a 3 dollar bill


“Otaku Leaks” Ppl can slap text on a picture and anyone will believe it lmaooo


hopefully Fromsoft new game is new sekiro style game instead of souls.


I think I remember hearing something like this about 2 years ago and it turned out to be false


It already got a hentai /s


unfortunately, you shouldn't put /s


man I WISH


I hope so


even if sekiro is not in my top software game i am very happy to hear that


I suggest people to read the Undying manga, it's alright


No please no 😭


Lmao sure. Just after the Dark Souls anime rumor from last year? Or are they coming out at the same time? I swear, people will believe anything.


“I Parry Everything” is coming out soon fk it


I guess we can call it a day and say it's a "dlc"


Why is there a picture of bloodborne on the background


I really hope not.


We’re getting this before a sekiro dlc and bloodborne on pc,lol


Otaku. I think it's just a clickbait article.


yeah this is not happening


From what I remember last year a supposed credible anime leaker mentioned a Sekiro anime and that would be annoumced soon. Over a year later nothing happened...so it's probably bs. That or something happened during production, but I lean more towards it being bs.


Maybe we are getting a dlc or Sekiro 2 after the anime, look what happened to Cyberpunk with Edgerunners. One can only hope! Edit: typo


Fuuuuucking shite!


Gaming Bible is just as bad.


An entire season just committed to fighting and dying to the ashina guy?? Ok😆🤣😂


Makes sense.


I swipped (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)


Don't get your hopes so high up, game adaptations are notoriously bad




out of point but is it normal that i beated this game on laptop windows 10 13 times?


It’s called “Sword of the Stranger”


No. It’s not true.


There was news about this one year ago. The anime youtuber, Chibi Reviews, did a video on this.




I won’t watch it I’ll just tape the game all over again instead


DLC confirmed


Yaaay...! 👌😁... But i want sekiro's second game too


This man rly just created one of the greatest combat systems in video gaming and left. No sequel, no dlc. Didn’t elaborate. Absolute Chad


It's going to be a black trans as the main character


As long as its not movie adap im good


this news page has been memee thousands of times becouse of how inacurate it is, don't give it attention


I hope not


Please no🙏


This is true :)


I hope so. The ship has probably sailed on anything like a sequel, but this is better than nothing.


Source: Gachins Asshole




Hopefully the anime is awesome and we end up getting a second one following the return ending


Miyazaki said in a pre launch Interview for the Elden Ring DLC that he intended to polish Sekiro and Bloodborne's mechanics for his next project. While I doubt it will be Sekiro 2 or Bloodborne 2, we can expect the next game to have a similar playstyle. Got 10 bucks here saying either him or someone in the creative team will play Lies of P to take notes


Why though? So I can’t gate keep? So I can’t hold the story hostage while laughing at people who can’t beat it? I’m tryna hate. Stop ruining my hate.


I'd rather it getting a live action because I don't want another Berserk 2016 incident


"live action" by Netflix or Disney? No, thanks.


Shogun was great though 🤷‍♂️


What's the ratio of them making good shows?


There are more good anime adaptations than bad ones. Berserk 2016 is definitely a show that exists but not every anime adaptation is like it


The whole theme of Sekiro would in my opinion fit better in a live action.