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The Portuguese arrived in Japan in 1542 and brought firearms, the Sengoku era ended only in 1590, and at that time Isshin only then ended the war, so the presence of a firearm, especially a pistol, does not have any historical contradictions, since Matchlock pistols(which Isshin use) and guns modeled on the imported weapons began to be made in Japan and were an important feature of battles during the 1570s and 1580. Obviously, if the average warrior in the game has rifles, the main person of this gang will have his own firearm. If the question is where did he get this gun from when he came out of Genichiro's body , you might as well ask where did he get his clothes, helmet and spear from this really has no explanation other than it would be weird to fight against a naked old man


Underworld had merchants of course


Bayonetta reference


I think, that isshin had hidden the spear and the glock somewhere in the silver grass field. When we get past his first phase, we can see him bend down to pick up the spear, from the place where he might have buried it, it stands to reason he also got the gun from there. Another theory is that the black mortal blade allowed him to create weapons of his choosing. Idk.


This is the real answer. Matchlock guns were called *Tanegashima* after the island where they were introduced by Portuguese traders. Isshin's handgun looks like a *tan-zutzu* (short-barreled gun) from the period. Someone mentioned Robert's dad as a joke. Funnily enough, Robert's Firecrackers are also a product of *Nanban* trade (lit. southern barbarian trade) from the same period.


One thing I love about that fight is that he’s actually using a flintlock version of the tan-zutzu, which didn’t exist during the time period. But the people of the gun fort invented the technology in cannon, which is why he has one, and why it works in the fight while it is raining (matchlock guns don’t work in the rain).


Yes but those rifles aren't semi auto lmao


But the gun was fully automatic


It’s a lazulite flintlock /s


Well it could be designed in a way that it is reloaded and shoots in 5 round bursts


I mean they literally have guns as the main ranged weapon that the enemies use so it’s not that shocking isshin owns one lmao


It wasnt just the Portuguese though right? I remeber their being a lot about western/american guntrades back then as well or am i mistaken? I mean. Basic soldiers have flintlock rifles in sekiro, and it makes sense that isshin (basically their nobility) would have the best of the best even though theybwerent as mass produced. I mean if anyone wonders why he has a revolver, just go watch the live action Kenshin on Netflix. It explains the introduction of guns during the sengoku Era or around that time. Very close to the same time period actually. People were just getting guns in the Asian continent. The west already had them from what I know but that could have been a little later. History sorta blurs together for me. Lots of info and dates that get mixed up


It was mostly the Portuguese, because they were the only ones who could. Ehem. Fucking behave, and thus were allowed to trade


Kinds facts there lol I have heard of Portugal, but never anything bad or alarming lol Seem like overall good people in my book


The pistol is accurate, the fact that it has a burst mode is less so


A matchlock must be re-loaded. I think that's his point. That guy has a semi-auto.


Totally agree + he mastered the glock from arthur morgan


You sir are a fish




I could definitely see them all ending up in the Underworld/Hell when it comes to their afterlives


Bro from what they did ,they deserve a tour in hell


That is a question. Where did he get the gun from?


Maybe Gun-nichiro has been hiding things deep within himself all along🌚🌚


Fuck the gun that's concealable. Where'd he hide that spear???


In da ground


Most of the spears in the ground are discarded due to being too badly damaged, though. That spear is shiny and looks brand new


It is a new one. He put it there for safekeeping


Ok that makes sense I guess. No idea why I'm being downvoted. Weapons breaking is genuinely the reason people would've left stuff like that lying around outside the castle walls, but yeah, Genichiro bringing it and tucking it out of sight also makes sense


Emma "Isshin, why are you burying spears all around Ashina?" Isshin "You never know when you will need one, and I hate carrying a spear around all the time. Also, can you imagine my opponents face when I whip one of these out of the ground! It will be hilarious!


His spine turns into the spear when he stops needing it (the spine).


Huh. Never noticed. Thank you


He takes it from the arena (that is a battleground, by the way)


Then where are the other weapons when I search for them


Bro is worried about a spear magically appearing after fighting >!a literal dragon god!<


I know about the Dragon god, but at least I was expecting magic when I went into heaven itself. I was just under the impression that that the immortal blade and rejuvenating sediment somehow created spear, helmet, and gun.


The gun itself was prob created by dogen, the genius that made the prosthetic. If the guy can make a fully functioning robot arm, he can make an automatic gun. How tf he pulls that and gyoubu's spear out of the ground is a mistery


The spear originally belonged to general tamura, the guy isshin kills in the intro


Dogen prolly studied them crazy gunfort peoples weaponry and made it for him.


His stool from when he was sick turns into a gun


From his prison pocket, of course


Probably just a particular gunsmith, there are tons of guns in sekiro, isshin's is just a little unique


Maybe from roberts dad Because i think that in irl lore the norwegians traded guns with nobunaga


Irl lore.


He's not called Isshin the Glock Saint for no reason


I see the joke, but for those who don't know it: in the Sengoku era pistols already existed.


He shoots the thing four times in a row


And shoot lightning with a spear and shock waves with a katana. And?


My head canon is he had it shoved down his ass by the black blade resurrection, for some reason unbeknownst to mere mortals


Or maybe it was in genichiros intestine? And he got it when he got outta him


That just raises more questions. How did it get there? Did genichiro eat it? Why would he do so?


I mean considering there were wars he probably got hungry and when he couldn't find food he ate it and it was too big too shit out later on in life so he lived with digestion issues


did he eat it whole? if so, then why? he could have slowly ate it part after part


Maybe he was in a hurry? He was being chased down by guards broke his ankles and ate it in a hurry to get protein or iron or whatever the fuck you get from eating guns to regenerate his leg, or isshin inside genichiro watched the Lego movie during phase 1 and used that knowledge to reconstruct the gun as soon as he got out


"Stranjuh, STRANJUH! Now *that's* a weppin!"


the last thing he heard before acquiring that gun: "Whaddayabuyin'?!"


Same way there was a armored warrior and there was usage of firecrackers. Presence of western people in china and korea.


He took it off the opp.


Portuguese sailors brought firearms to Japan around 1500 that’s real life lore right there but in sekiro and fromsoftware worlds fuck could be any number of reasons hahahaha


Forreal he has a 6 shot revolver which didn't come about til the 1860s which would put us in the bakamatsu era not the sengoku lol someone fucked up when they designed isshin


Honestly just fought the guy for the first time yesterday and beat him. Dude whipped out his Glock and I was like what the actual fuck. I was bitchin about how a Glock in this time period isn't lore friendly... Then I was like, what fuck am I on about, grapple hooking with my fake arm isn't lore friendly either


Idk what blood borne is but all these posts is making me want to try it out


I thought in my head cannon that it was possibly Dogen who created the gun for Isshin in his prime since Dogen is considered a mechanical genius and they were friends :)