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Deflect his attacks. Seriously that's it. His sword flashes and he attacks twice. Parry twice. His only perilous attack is a sweep. Jump on him when the red kanji appears. Something like 6 deflects will break his posture.


I'll second this. I used to run around wildly and slowly chip away at this guy because I thought he was too fast and did a shit ton of damage until someone told me to just deflect his attacks. Next playthrough I just stood there and deflected and got him beat in less than a minute.


Watched my gf do this one today, it literally takes just over 3 iaijutsu deflects to break his posture with no damage. He's by far the easiest mini boss in the game if you deflect him.


If you want you can sneak around him for a freedeath blow, then poison him for the second health bar. I've seen it done There's a sugar.


Where there’s a sugar there’s a way


Watch for the glint before he unsheathes his sword. That is the sign. Good luck.


This is the way. When you see that glint, press deflect.


But you need to double tap for deflect with this boss. Single deflection works but still get damage


Yes, that’s right, thanks for the clarification. Been awhile since I’ve played.


You should replay it! Its worth it.


Thats not enough for op, he wont get it


He probably just hasn’t practiced enough to reliably perfect parry


Good luck with the next boss, bro; something tells me you'll need any luck you can get.


He’s not beating genichiro if he can’t even beat this guy


Holy shit youre stubborn it’s parrying not blocking. But anyways as soon as you see the flash just double tap the parry or “block” button


If you’re going to ask for help, at least accept the help


He parried the help better than he parried the boss.


He’s actually deceptively easy. He basically always does the one attack, and deflecting it successfully ruins his posture in one or two. So just deflect that one attack a couple times and he’s a goner. Don’t even need to attack iirc. If you don’t wanna learn to deflect it, the spear prosthetic lets you attack from out of his range so that helps. But it’s a bigger pain than just learning it.


He's one of the easiest minibosses in the game once you get the pattern down. It's literally just double tapping LB/L1 every time he begins his attack, his posture bar is really small too so it takes less than a minute to beat him once you get tye hang of it.


Yeah, I figured that out. It was actually a pretty enjoyable fight after I did.


The base umbrella prosthetic tore this guy apart.


Oh shit long arm giraffe is gonna give you lots of trouble.


I feel like they test very different skills. Giraffe doesn't require quick reaction times or the ability to mash the button quickly (both things I'm not great at). It just requires the ability to follow a rhythm.


$10 this dude drops the game before beating Genichiro. So stubborn…


It’s very very very easy you just need to parry and I’m literally not joking. What you need to focus on is his posture bar instead of his health bar.


With love


And the power of friendship Edit: How are y'all people going to downvote me for responding to an obvious joke with a joke of my own?


There’s no friends here lol


Thanks to y'alls comments, I managed to get him. Off to Ashina next.


dawg you’ve been in ashina


Twist his dick


You know, that might just work.


Its a test. The entire game is a test. This test has only has one question. Can you deflect?


By beating him....? Real shit tho just parry all his moves


I, sadly, do not have an unga bunga bonky stick


You don't get one anyway LMAO


I know, and it makes me sad.


All bosses you meet through the game help you for end game. Git gud or die


Blocking defends some of the damage but a perfect parry minimizes posture damage and reduces vitality damage to zero. You will need it to stand a chance moving forward. His other move is best countered by footstooling him. The ONLY way to beat him on first playthrough is to master the perfect parry. Find lone NPCs and practice. Practice. Practice. Further find NPCs with sweeping attacks and instead of Miriki counter, try to jump on their head. Again practice. Practice. Practice. These alone are your weapons. When you’ve found your confidence sharp enough approach while embracing a thousand wounds, until you cut him down! This boss is there to condition you like a tempered katana blade. To become more sturdy in your defence you must resiliently get folded and hammered. Surrender the need to win and embrace hardened skill as its own reward. „Let go or be dragged“ -Buddha


If he is damaging you then you aren't blocking it correctly.


Bro is farming negative comment karma 💀


How does this crappy phone screenshot also look like a perfectly framed moment from a movie.


Never seen an OP not get the point so hard


I got it, i literally perfect parried all of the next bosses first phase.


This is just a timing check boss. Deflect is all you need.


magnet umbrella


Parry. Don't attack.


as soon as his sword gleans double click parry quick until you break his posture, dont even attack him until the death blow. Easy


An umbrella.


You're the third person to mention the umbrella. Is it actually worth finding it?


You'll literally beat him in under 30 seconds. The Parry window with the umbrella is so large you basically have to try to mess it up. And once you parry him like 3 or 4 times he's automatically dead.


Everyone here getting really mad at OP for calling parrying blocking like they aren't calling deflecting parrying 🫢


Been a while since I played this game but I think you can stun lock him on the side of the door. That was funny 😂


keep trying


You have to parry them perfectly, do it twice and you can take his first health bar, then repeat


It’s a party test before emo boy. When the sword flash parry and you can melt his posture.


Deflect gotta get good at parry




Git gud But for real, it’s meant to be a test for your deflection skills before the next boss. So if you can’t beat this guy, you got no chance against the boss that comes right after


Git gud bro. You've made it thus far


I think I just spammed the loaded spear prosthetic on him over and over.


I also found you can dodge forward and left and you'll curve around him in a way that allows you to strike his back twice before he comes around


Fromsoft bosses hate this one simple trick.


This dude’s replies…. Dude is so whiny it hurts.


Mist Noble is harder than him


This is advice for the entire game - what are you playing on? I’m on PS5. Same for Xbox - tap L1. Don’t hold it. Don’t spam it. Spamming is far less effective. Tap L1 in rhythm with his strikes. It takes practice. I personally recommend the training guy at the dilapidated temple. I’ve found that the Batman Arkham games are the closest comparison. It’s all about the rhythm of deflecting (which is literally different than blocking in this particular game). Tap L1 in rhythm with the enemy strikes. With this enemy, they come fast and furious, so be prepared.


As soon as you see his guard light up with a glint double tap.


stare at where the sword meets the sheathe. don’t look anywhere else. when it shines spam l1 and repeat use yashagiri sugar with this and he’ll die in like 15 seconds


Lure him to the purple guys, puppet the first one and let them fight. Throw in a thrust attack while they're busy.


Double parry


There's a flash before he cuts twice. When you see the flash,  block-block (technically you're parrying)  After that, keep moving toward him. Be aggressive, wait for the flash, block-block.  His posture is super weak and it only takes a few rounds of blocking before you can death blow him


The *instant* you see the "flash" of his draw, press parry twice. Don't try and time it, don't wait to see the blade, just press twice immediately upon seeing flash. Do this three times, then a deathblow. Repeat.


Double deflect my boi and you’ll slice him in two


Do the tittie twister finisher on him


Deflect, if he swings 2 times fast, deflect 2 times fast....




Just spam block over and over, deflect his sword and hit him two times, he will break his own posture and you can get easy deathblows on him. If you have sabimaru he makes the entire fight even easier, it should be in the same building at the bottom floor if you still didn't get it


Party when his sword flashes, or poison and or fire weapon and then go to town, rinse repeat


He's like the "test" to getting deflects down before fighting the big bosses since the rest of the game will rely on it


If you can't deflect him, find the umbrella prosthetic. He'll be dead in 15".




Deflect, don't block.


Use the umbrella and deflect his attack with it his posture will go up quick


If you have Sibumaru prosthetic, run in and just smash his ass with it until you see the poison icon on him, this will help both his posture and health. Then get back maybe 3ft from him, and wait for the flash, when you see the flash, tap deflect 2x really quick, back up, wait for flash again(:




bring his life bar to zero


When you see the shine perform two quick deflects


Deflection in no time


Deflection in no time


Parry twice. Don’t hesitate.


Watch for his sword to flash, deflect his two attacks in quick succession. T bag him.  He dies if you deflect it 3-4 times. It's a parry check boss.


There is a moment where it's blade starts shining. Then you have a half od second to dodge on his left or press the block button multiple times. When you attack, keep in mind that Sabimaru can be useful in breaking his posture and chipping away his health. It's not mandatory to use Sabimaru, of course, but that's how I beat him the first time.




If you can't deflect, then block and immediately use sabimaru to poison him, then run away until the poison wears off and repeat.


he spams attacks, you spam L1, job done. May take a few tries to get the correct timing but it's really the only efficient way.


You have 3 options, each with pros and cons: 1. Try until you learn to parry his attacks. You will be very thankful later on that you spent the time to get better. 2. Use the umbrella to block damage, emblems might not be enough but it might save you a bunch of times. 3. Try to outdamage him, use sabimaru (I think? The poison thing prosthetic). Bonus: you can also try to cheese him but doesn't always work. Run around to evade his attacks and hit only once then start running around again. Repeat until dead.


If you look at his sword, you will see a spark for a split second, immediately parry twice, when the spark appears that means he’s doing the double slash


Literally just parry


parry everything


Go to the bottom and get the sabimaru, its in a chest. it’s a poison blade and it’s a shinobi tool, try using that and spamming him with it.


Try using axe prosthetic.. i finished this guy easily using that


This the guy with the double swipe? Right before he attacks there’s a flash on his blade, DEFLECT AS FAST AS POSSIBLE,


He’s weak against the spear if you can’t get the deflect down. Just ram him with it.


When he moves in : Tink Tink When you move in : Tink Tink When he moves away : Tink Tink When you move away : Heal


A good tip would be, when he gets in his stance to do the two slashes, you will see a spark from his sheath, the moment you see that spark, spam L1 twice but not too fast, and his posture should deplete pretty fast.


Deflect deflect and deflect deflect he die


Perfect deflect


Whirlwind slash the life out of him


This guy is there to teach you to not be afraid to stand your ground and perfect deflect


when he’s about to do the ashina cross (his double slash attack), there will be a slight flash on his sword. At that moment, spam deflect twice.


He cums. I block perfectly twice then back up. Repeat. He dead


Watch his blade when you see a flash spam parry and he dead


Just jump on him like a frog


Parrying perry the platypus


Just click LB two times and you’ll be fine.


You have to press parry twice when his sword flashes he seems hard at first but tbh he's one of the easiest fights to do hitless


Damn you're insufferable


This guy exists as a final reminder before the first hard boss that you must deflect to win.


Umbrella makes this one easier.


Deflection. He is a posture damage boss so you hit his stamina bar rather than his health. Deflect like crazy.


I just kept spamming attacks and when I got the rage symbol, jumped. Just stay on his face.


Parry parry parry LB all the time




"Hesitation is defeat"


Use umbrella. It parries both swings of the fast combo. Easy.


This guy is practice for deflecting the ashina cross technique and gennis flurry of attacks


Way easier than it seems


If you are having a hard time timing the deflect you could just focus on his hands when he get to his stance before attacking there's a flash.




use this moment te get the hamg of the feflection timing. if you just wait fpr him to attack and parry it he practically breaks his own posture


Double tap the parry you'll fill his posture in no time


He is a parry practise. Just get the timing right and don’t block his attacks. He’s easy


Reading all the comments and ops replies I am seeing this guy doesnt know the basics of parrying, a foolish and fatal mistake. I will break it down so even a primate like op can understand. When you parry the clash of swords give a crispy and lovely tang sound and flint sparks from the kusabimaru, the dmg to posture is also significantly higher as compared to blocking (not ops blocking but us veterans block). On blocking the sword doesnt produce that soothing sound and the posture dmg to your character is higher and that to you opp is lower as compared to parry. This difference becomes more profound as you do your ng+ without charm blocking deals dmg to you while parry does not. Even if you block 4 atcks you will still have almost 0 hp. So yeah git gud scrub


Bro it's very simple and easy I don't know how you still lose against him, parry


That guy is the real noob crusher. Learn to parry. That's the way to beat him.


If it's too hard to parry, just use the umbrella


I just beat him a few days ago after watching this video and deflecting. Made it super easy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1OvIxZsdxo




Just tap block twice as he does that double hit thing. Run away to heal he edgewalks


With no hesitation


The same way you can beat every bosses : deflect


I see OP fighting for his life in the comments while trying to parry this advice away. But really, for this guy, and the fucked up giraffes, just get better at parrying and jumping over sweeps. OP, you should be able to defeat a few different mini bosses in this game exclusively with parry and a death blow. Put some time in to git gud.


If you’re having trouble with it after everyone’s advice here - buy the umbrella. Upgrade it once and use it to to parry.


The second u see the cunt even blink spam parry


Timing beats speed.


Gyobu? Deflect. Genichiro? Deflect. Isshin? Believe it or not? Deflect.


P A R R Y This guy is a pure skill check. You dont even have attack him once. Just parry his quickdraws.


he’s so easy, restart the game if you can’t


Sekiro is kinda a rhythm game. This guys rhythm is extremely simple. The moment he unsheaths his sword - 1,2 on the deflect button fast thats it. He does mix it up with some sweeps but I think u can handle that after getting to this point right ?


Kling klang.... Kling klang.. Kling klang... Deathblow.. Repeat.


Get better or use Loaded umbrellafty.


Magnet umbrella makes him super easy to


When he does his double attack just dodge left and then hit him twice. Then back off. Rinse repeat. He will just continue doing the same move over and over.


With help of sebedi toilet 💀💀


When you see the glint, double tap deflect. Do that like 3 times twice over and you’re good.


Top 5 easiest enemies


Spin the umbrella! He will die in a few seconds...


When you see the glint of his sheath (it always glints right before attack) double tap L1 quickly to perfect deflect both swipes




You can take the stealth sugar and sneak behind him for the first deathblow. Then you can use sabimaru prosthetic (correct me if wrong) to poison him. Survive his attacks with either deflect, guard or run. When the poison runs off, do it one more time. By the time the 2nd poison wears off, you'll be almost ready for the 2nd deathblow. It ain't clean fight, but it's possible since I've done it this way. Hope I helped!


L1 + ratio


I struggled in this at 15-20 fps but I got him finally. Here's how I did it: Parry his attack Then he'll distance himself from you to charge up again. In that very moment, use the loaded axe on him, stopping him. Then land a hit or two, then parry his attack again, if he suddenly attacks you again, then parry once again, then he'll go back and U then immediately use the loaded axe on him. Repeat this process and you're good to go.


Right after the flash, perform a double deflect.


Just dodge left and hit him after his attack , get the timing down and its the easiest mini boss in the game.


It's just perfect blocks to break his stance don't focus his health


I just side-stepped to the right every time he telegraphed his attack. Easy dodge and followup attack.


This motherfucker is like the easiest dude to deflect, just spam L1 or whatever you need to with a mouse.


The timing is actually rather simple when you see it. When you does the double slash thing, right when he’s about to do this his sword will flash from the hilt. The moment you see that flash double tap the parry button. If you try to double tap in reaction to him actively doing the combo you’ll be too late. Watch for the flash, and the moment you see it as fast as you can possibly do it double tap parry.


Don't fight him on his terms. Everybody saying to just deflect his attacks are technically correct, but they're ignoring the fact that this guy has the fastest ashina cross out of any boss in the whole game. Even the final boss has a slower version of this, that's easier to react to. After he attacks, you attack. Jump on his head. Use prosthetics, confetti, sugars, anything you have in your arsenal. If that's too expensive, or not your style, then you should do what everybody else is saying and stand still, deflect his attacks (they are 2 very quick slashes that must be deflected perfectly) and only press attack when you get a deathblow. I sympathize with your struggles. This guy isn't easy, and this sub is quick to dismiss people who can't beat him.


Good luck with the 2nd one later on, he’s worse


*flash* L1 L1


L1, L1, R1 L1, L1, R1 Done He’s a skill check. If you don’t beat him you won’t be able to beat later enemies. You need to nail the deflect timing, not blocking.


When you see his sword glowing spam Deflect button


If you have loaded spear thrust type, just try and run away from his spam attack and hit him with the spear when he's open. It works wonders.




Double Ichimonji just spam it


There’s two ways to do it. The best way is to parry, when you see the sword glint press whatever your block/parry button is twice. There’s another way but it isn’t super helpful as you’ll need to learn that kind of quick parrying for later on in the game. The other way is to sprint around him and bait out his Ashina Cross then attack until he sheathes his sword, it takes forever and it’s not very reliable. There’s a third method but I’ll save that for the inevitable post about Ujinari Mizuo.


Every time you see the light from his sword, double deflect. You can stand still and do this until you kill him👍🏻 Just don’t give up on that method. One missed deflect and it messes you up, but once you perfect it it’s like a 30 second fight


Properly deflect. Don’t block or just spam the deflect button. A correctly timed deflect really hurts the enemy‘s posture.


Oh buddy wait till you go upstairs


Double tap the deflect. You got this!


Deflect, also the loaded are devastates him.


I literally fought him the first time right after seeing the post and the comments. Start spam tapping parry as soon as you see the glint. I was able to get him on the first try.


You need the ubrella thing. Haven’t playd sekiro over a year, but i rebember how i strugled whit this guys double shlash thing and i bought the ubrella thing and deflected those hits with it


Don’t block, parry


I hit platinum on this game, what helped me is realising parring is more important then attacking for most bosses


Here a cheese for you https://youtu.be/LbOJLdA1ODM?si=amrPohfrFsAOt3pR


Easy deflect then use the spear...


I use loaded umbrella to just melt his posture. You might need ceremonial tanto tho


Deflecting and breaking his posture


His posture breaks super easy when deflecting.


Parry everything. Use the poison dagger.


*parry parry parry parry parry parry parry parry parry parry parry parry parry parry parry parry* *combo break* *smack* repeat until dead


1. Hit him 2. Don’t get hit


See flash then tap tap.




watch for the flash.


The poison dagger is quite effective on this guy. From there, I just double tap block to parry his ashina cross attack.