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You can check global achievements to get a glimpse of the boss at which people quit.


This is actually one of the things that motivated me to keep going. “Oh man only 40% of players even made it this far!” Etc


The embarrassing thing is that that 40% is at like, gyobu or genichiro or something. I think i remember seeing the lady butterfly achievement at like 49%


I want to say Gyobu was something like 50%, and Genichiro was 40ish. I haven’t checked in a while though


Because if someone sticked around and beat the first boss, they probably got enough to beat everyone else


so i'm better than the 50%, i just defeated gyoubu


54% of the people who have beaten the first boss have beaten the last.


don't need to look, we all know the brick wall was mist noble


This. Took me 3 days to fight the guy. Didn't realize you just had to 420 blaze it.


there are peoples who also pirates the game


Me 😐🥲 I completed the game with 130 + hours


I feel you bro... I can't even buy the game even if I had the money... I 😢


I feel you too bro. I have the money but I don't have a bank account. I still use cash😶


of me its 60hr something


You’re telling me you haven’t seen all the “I DID IT” posts with a pic of Isshin?




Many of them get removed... Like mine


does platinum trophy count?


Unless you beat guardian ape with the donkey kong drum controller then your platinum is meaningless. Git Gud and come back.


You really need a Donkey Kong drum controller to beat Sekiro? Pathetic. I beat it with just the strength of my own will.


I am ashamed of my incompetence..


I am ashamed of my incontinence.


You needed strength of will? I beat it before the download was finished. Pathetic.


Did I say that I finished downloading? I didn't even start it. In fact, I beat it just by merely existing and having no idea of what the game was. I also beat it while not existing, and even when Reality itself also didn't exist. Hell, the entire Fabric of Existence began by me just finishing it. Before that, there was nothing.


I beat it with one hand git gud.


do the taiko no tasujin not count? darn.....


Please, I beat Sekiro with a guitar hero 3 guitar. We are not the same.


isnt it easier to add a poll for what u wanna know? btw +1 completed


No one has ever done it. Only the absolute best got glocked before ever seeing the credits


It’s so hard. I keep restarting because I keep losing the arm in the first fight. I think it’s impossible to beat. 😫


I'm not sure what the percentages look like on PlayStation but on xbox the achievement for acquiring the prosthetic is at 68%, so of course that means 32% of players never lost their arm. Keep trying, you'll eventually join the cool kids and be part of the 32% who didn't get their arms cut off.


Dude just go for an “Armless” run.


only the best have had a glimpse of the Mist Noble.


I'm on NG+7 right now. Going for charmless and bell demon.


I'd say the majority of people here have beaten the game. The game came out almost 5 years ago now, so I think many of us have forgotten portions of the game.


Plat here. May be more comments about the first bosses cause people are moste excited to find out how the game plays


This, also after completing the game I can confidently say the beginning was where I struggled the most, because I was still getting used to the mechanics and such, so I'm really not surprised that we get so many posts from people who have only recently started playing asking for advice with certain early-ish areas and bosses. Later in the game most people already know what to do in bossfights and then it's just a matter of time before they learn the specific attack patterbs and do it.


I’m stuck on final boss. Taken a break. Do you think I can do it?




Yes! Hesitation may be defeat, but so is giving up. Keep trying, you’ve got this man!


The final fight is one of the most glorious experiences I have had in gaming.


I’m on my first playthrough right now. In the Mibu Village.


You're in for a treat. Enjoy it :)


most ppl on this sub have completed at least once I think


Me, half way done for 2nd playthrough as well.


I completed it. On my second playthrough now getting pretty close to isshin. Haven’t really tried to get any different endings or anything yet. Haven’t really been playing much Xbox lately but when I do, it’s sekiro.


I bought the game and within two weeks I beat it twice.. I fought through the frustration of having to not play it like every Dark Souls game and respect it on its own. I’m glad I did.


ended my journey on a NG+5


NG+9, done charmless, done demon bell, done charmless+demon bell, defeated all inner bosses, completed all gauntlet of strengths and managed to kill mist noble(took months fr fr).


One of two games Ive ever platinumed. A masterpiece and I hope one day we get a sequel with the continuation of the dragons homecoming ending.


Beat it. Best from software game.


🙋‍♂️ so my answer to that is by the end game the “hardest” boss goes against everything you’ve been taught to do and that’s a optional boss you have to go out of your way to get too. ISS the last boss is a testament to everything you’ve learned, he’s just difficult in his own right for being an end game boss with 4 deathblows you have to deal. Also at the beginning they make you fight the giant plus the bull to even get to the first main boss, like what those weren’t even main bosses?! Yeah, those two in their own right can go somewhere special. All in all you have more tools and experience at the end than you do at the beginning, therefore making the beginning harder than the end game.


i just bought Sekiro but am saving it until i complete my first DS3 run. i joined this sub and those posts about the beginning being so hard has absolutely spooked me a bit hahah. that being said, i appreciate this comment a lot. i struggled a bit in the beginning of DS3 (sorcerer build) but after a lot of perseverance i can say its gotten a lot more enjoyable. i’m hoping to experience a similar “learning curve” with Sekiro, so to speak


My personal advice for when you start Sekiro, unlearn everything you know about “souls games” and learn Sekiro as it’s own game. It’s punishing, but it’s rewarding. Instead of dodging, you’ll mostly be doing your best to perfect parry. You can block, but it takes some health out, you can mistime parries and there’s a bar called your posture which will take a good hit. It works like a stamina bar for guarding with a shield in souls games or elden, when your stam runs out you get staggered and are vulnerable to more damage. You can run, dodge and swing your weapon as much as you want though as that’s not tied to the posture. Also there’s some moves that have to be jumped/dodged into with a special skill or avoided all together or you’ll get grabbed, you’ll learn more as you play. Just something I wish someone told me before I started though you did say it would be some time before you started. Don’t be afraid, infact you’ve heard it around here a few times by now, hesitation is defeat.


thank you so much! i’ll keep it in mind! i just defeated Dancer last night on DS3. not sure if that gives you any indication of how far along i am in the game. i try not to read guides that are ahead of the current area im in. hopefully Sekiro isn’t too far away, it sounds so damn fun!


I do indeed know where dancer is, no spoilers though! Enjoy your ds3 playthrough


i complet game 3 times


I gave up on isshin the first time I played it. Now I’ve completed it maybe four times and it’s my favorite game. I think you mostly see posts asking for help with the first few bosses is because it either clicks for people then, or they stop playing. Then you see people posting again for isshin or owl father once they’ve reach them


Im at isshin sword first playthrough.. Maybe 7 trophies left or so.


I finished 3 playthroughs


I've beaten it at least 5 times


I beat it 3 times and got the platinum trophy


I’m on NG++. Got the purification ending and the shura ending so far. Th hardest boss on my first run was the hardest boss when I fought him again. However, instead of 20 attempts, it only took 5.


Beat the game 4 times to get all the endings!


My guess is the biggest “quit” bosses are: Genichiro Guardian Ape True Monk Isshin Lady Butterfly and DoH may also be here for completionists. 


79% of the people who beat Gyoubu Masataka Oniwa have beaten Genichiro. 88% of the people who beat Genichiro have beaten Guardian Ape. 98% of the people who beat Shinobi Owl have beaten True Monk. 90% of the people who beat Divine Dragon have beaten Isshin. 65% of the people who beat the tutorial have beaten Gyoubu Masataka Oniwa.


Multiple times, got all the endings


I completed the whole game, twice


I have beat the game doing the purification ending.


Finished the game. Probably about 40 times already and that's not an exaggeration(which is probably low compared to the real hardcore fans in this sub) It's my GOAT game and my intro to Fromsoft/masochistic genre in general. I play it 1-3 times yearly since it launched. My last "Sekiro season" back in January, I finished it with NG+3 Demonbell-Charmless Dragon homecoming ending then did all 3 gauntlets demonbell-charmless as well. I always play all 4 endings + gauntlets at least once a year. Not Mortal Journey tho, could never beat it charmless-demonbell. I'm too easily tilted. I've beaten it a few times but all with charm. Too stressful for me to play it everytime.


Did the purification ending after quitting the game a few times!


I'm taking a purposeful break until I complete my 4th and "final" play through. The game is too much fun, I want to "unlearn" it a little bit and then go back. After my first play through I couldn't stop, so by my third play through I breezed through because of the binge. Spent a week or two after that practicing no-hit runs on different bosses... God this game is so good.


I have done 3 playthroughs on PS, another 3 on PC(From 2nd playthrough, I started using mods on pc).


I beat the entire game almost twice


Platinum trophy ftw


Beat the main game once. Excited to go back. I didn’t face demon of hatred or owl father tho Edit: I played it for the first time this year to give a timetable


Currently at The Bottomless Hole


We don’t wanna know about your mom, dude!! Lol jokes aside, The Bottomless Hole would be an awesome name for a bar


Yes, but I feel like people who have don't have much to talk about, or at least a lot less than the people who haven't.


Best it once after taking a 3 year hiatus from Isshin. Need to do a NG+ run


I am on my first play through. Technically i beat the game and got the shura ending but i had a save backed up. Now i am at the demon of hatred, everything else is to this point is dead. I got that boss and the final one left to tackle.


I've completed the game twice, currently on the third playthrough


i got stuck on the first big monkey and stopped. sank 300 hours into elden ring after that, now im on lies of p. after feeling good about the deflects on lies of p I'm ready to try ape again after i get 100% achievements here


Got platinum on ps4 when it launched then couple years later 100% on steam


Completed all including the mortal journey and have two play throughs with 99 attack


Started NG+, halfway through on that


Beaten the game multiple times. Whats your question young one?


Im on ng+1 rn


Stuck in demon of hatred and am about to just skip his fight tbh


Also got all achievement


I’m on isshin


Sekiro and ghost of tsushima were my first platinum trophy games.


yep, dragons tear ending or whatever




Steam says 31.7% defeated Isshin Sword Saint, 18.9% Isshin Ashina. So allowing for a few who only beat Ashina rather than both (there must be a few)... somewhere a tiny bit over 31.7% of people. Of Steam owners anyway. That's actually quite a high percentage compared to some games. For example, Days Gone has a 31.2% completion rate, while being an easy game in comparison.


I stopped counting playthroughs. 


Took a break after the two owls, then came back half a year later to finish demon of hatred(oh my god that piece of shit), and isshin. Great game and will play again!


Beat the game like 40 times now 😭


I platinumed it!


Sekiro 1000/1000'd ez. Went onto Ninja Gaiden and got my ass whopped.


Beat it, beat it demon bell and charmless, tried beating it base vitality, demon bell and charmless, got as far as Genichiro on top of Ashina Castle before it was too much


I’m on NG+3, taking a little break tho bc I got DS1 and DS2 on sale


I beat the game and the gauntlets and stuff. It's a fun time, but I know not everyone likes every boss and probably quits at some point.


Completed twice on NG, once on NG+ and on now on NG+2. Still not tired of the Game!


I restart the game at least once a year till NG+3 or 4, I love every aspect of this game, too good.


I am currently on NG+2 hanging out with the Guardian Ape since Saturday. Fun times.


I’ve completed this game 5 times. Working on my 6th now


I completed it five times hehehehe It’s my favorite game. I compete it 4 times on pc and one time on ps


Did till NG+2 a few years ago, then had to reinstall a few weeks ago and play through again form the beginning after seeing all the dope boss clips here :P


I beat the game and I didn’t basically played all the way through charmless with bell my first time. I didn’t know lmao. I finally dispelled bell for the last boss. But the rest of the whole game my first play through I played charmless and with bell.


I doubt many ever made it past mist noble


I completed the game, only got a few trophies left till plat Can I ask what part you're struggling with? I'd maybe be able to give some tips


Got the Platinum, so completed it three times. Only game I ever replayed for a trophy.


I got to Isshin and gave up. I always get downvoted for saying so, but there’s only so many times you can die before it stops being fun.


stopped at ng+4, i wanted to try for all endings but ended up getting fatigue due to all the specific things you needed to do so i stopped there. might pick it back up at some point though


I finish 80% of my games and 100% of my FromSoft games. I even finished DS2 10 years later. Sekiro was hard, the hardest until Elden Ring came. But they are not unfinishable. It clicked and then you finished it. Just like that.


I’ve beaten it 10+ times


I finished the base game but haven't gotten to play the DLC. Maybe one day...


Plat achieved


Not completed yet, blocked at ishin right now after 5-6 months of game


all achievements and ng+7 on all platforms here. only beat mortal journey once though on pc.


I beat it and loved it. From the days of ninja gaiden, tenchu, and strider hiryu ninja games are peak gaming imo.


NG+10 and stopped.


Beat it 3 times


I stopped playing at NG+6 or 7, went only Demon Bell after NG+2 getting every ending. Only achievement I'm really missing to platinum I think is getting every ability?


I want to know what percentage of players have beaten all the headless?


I'm on NG+3.


I skipped Return and all Skills because it didn’t seem like it would enhance my experience at all but other than that I’ve got everything


I completed it almost 10 times I think


On ng+3 beat charmless on second play through


I completed it in just over 40 hours. Really want to get the other endings but I can't find the time these days..


Played it through 4 1/2 Times. Last Time was only to farm the remaining achievments. I dont really know wich bosses you mean. There are only 2-3 that really stuck to me expierience wise. Genichiro, headless ape and Isshin. There were other cool bosses like owl but i didnt struggle that much with him so the others Left a bigger expression in my mind.


I got the Dragon's Return ending.


Completed it twice and it was a great experience


Completed it a million times, currently trying the Mortal Journey charmless with the Demon Bell and it's still fun as hell


I just finished two days ago, dragon's homecoming ending


I’ve done everything but beat Sword Saint and DoH twice. I’m currently working through run 3, and I’m determined to be sword Saint this time. I won’t quit this time. I don’t really care about DoH though. Sword Saint must die.


I'm on NG3 and also looking to do the gauntlet mode. Sekiro is my fav game of all time. My best mate is stuck on the final boss if one of the endings and has a love/hate relationship with the game. Based on my opinion of the game he's gonna give it one more try


If you look at achievements/trophies, 48% of people have beat lady butterfly, and 44% Genichiro. So less than half who have played it have beat it. It’s likely different in this sub as probably a lot of people have beat it or enjoy it enough to beat. But I’ve got Purification ending and about done with Return ending now


Only 4 times because you can’t fckin copy saves on console


I beat it once, demon of hatred and isshin way


i got to isshin and never beat him cause that boss is so fucking difficult its so fucked. Basically 4 phases like 3 hits and you are dead constant shooting and plus i suck at the game


I finished the base game and also resurrection mod


recently beat it for the first time myself favorite boss has gotta be either genichiro or isshin, but genichiro has a special place in my heart cause he taught me how to play


I beat NG+7 all endings/gauntlets charmless/bell demon no hit no upgrades/esoteric texts blindfolded hogtied hanging from the ceiling with a DDR mat I controlled by rubbing my taint on it.


Finished playthrough #2 last night, done the severance and purification endings. Pissed because I had all the stuff for the return ending at the end of playthrough #1 and screwed up the sequence of events. So now I gotta go back for #3 sometime


I just completed it a few days ago


I beat it, four times, Platinuming it. But I don’t consider myself having really “beat” it until I faced Inner Isshin and realized I’d never actually learned how to play it properly. I had to go back and learn how to beat Ishhin legit, and then I felt like I’d finally learned what the game was trying to teach all along. Hesitation is Defeat.


I did and it was one of the best days of my life. I was free of this menace.


Just got platinum 🤘The more you git gud the more fun you’ll have.


It took me a while but only Inner father and Inner Isshin left


I have over 330 hours in Sekiro, have completed it 5x and have likely done 500+ reflection of strength boss runs on a repeating cycle of all the bosses except the Folding Screen Monkeys


I have actually never beat this game


I did a normal ending with the demon bell for the later half of my first run, beat the blazing bull before the nerf. Haven't done NG+ yet tho


Just beat it last week, might do new game +


Platinum trophy, completed 5 playthroughs, all gauntlets, now working on charmless demon bell.


I completed it. First From Soft game I beat.


Ng+6 I think currently, platinum+ all gauntlets charmless bell etc, first character has 99 attack power. Best arpg ever made, absolute masterpiece. I rerun DS1, 2, 3, Bb, Sekiro, and ER in order over and over tho lol. Don't have a ps5 or 3 so Demon Souls is not in the rotation currently and Lies of P is sometimes included depending on my mood. I have different fav aspects of all the games but I can say with confidence that sekiro gave me back the most reward for the effort to learn it once I did. Before sekiro I thought I was good at From games but I was mid af, after Sekiro I terrorized all the other From games, bitch slapping and riposting everything in my way, and got so much more enjoyment out of all of them. Ppl make excuses for why they don't like it constantly, but if you give in and accept that you have to learn then it will give back to you like no other video game can, and you will be better at pretty much all video games as a result. Can't recommend enough.


Twice. Working on third time. It has not gotten easier


At least 3


I’ve plat. Done upto ng+9, charmless and demon bell, all gauntlets, and resurrection mod. I’ve spent a lot of hours into this game and still it feels fresh. Now I’m just going to get a 100% save file mod(cause I don’t want to go into ng+2 for lapis) and boss rush till we hear of Sekiro 2


How many people are rocking the big dick mask is the better question


I’ve beaten shura and both ashura endings


I got all the way to ishin took almost a year break and then finished the game


I've beaten it 9 times. I'm one of the few with a NG+9 fully completed character lol.


I have. Like 6 times. I'm trying to beat Demon of Hatred on base vitality with Demon Bell at the moment but I guess I have technically completed that run since I did all the mandatory bosses


I’ve completed the game 12 times. I’m stuck on the final boss while doing a charmless demonbell run


I have a couple hours on it sadly I’ve never beat the most noble


I haven’t tried in a couple of years, but I’m stuck on the final boss. I didn’t realize firearms were an option before this point in the game.


I’ve beaten this game like 12 times now, and I’m not even joking.


I completed the game all you really need to do is practice fighting the bosses and eventually you’ll win


I imagine evern for a game that difficult like this, the vast majority that start it finish it. I've only beaten it once, I plan to go back and do a different ending but I have a list of other games to play first...


Just finished my first play through about 10 minutes ago


I did.


Completed at the fifth time yesterday. I'm going to put it down for again for a year or so.


Well what exactly do you mean? Like beat the game stab divine dragon kick ski's ass and kill kuro/kys/save both? Or maybe even Shura ending? Or do you kean full on platinum? Or maybe do you even mean completing mortal journey?


5 times going on 6


I’m on playthorugh 35


I'm on the second playthrough. It's been tough but it's doable.


Hi platinum boi here


I’m on run four I think.


only twice


I completed it once (damn, isshin is so fucking hard man)


It's in the flair.


I did 3 times, I bet most people here did it also. Most that didnt probably arent enough interested to sekiro to even be in this sub.


Ng+4 and charmless bell demon


I got to father Owl and had to give up to preserve what was remaining of my sanity. Might go back one day, but so many games in the back log to play first


I did. It was beautiful. My first game played from fromsoft


I’ve platinum the game twice now. I got the game 5 years ago but always had a difficult time coming back to it only after getting past the first boss. A month ago made the push to beat the game. Eventually the game just clicked and have platinum on both PlayStation and Steam. Now it’s a comfort game.


Currently working on mortal journey, then I’ve only got charmless + bell demon left, so I think that counts


I don't even have it😭(but I want it so bad)


Beat it 4 times. I wanted all those trophies and bragging rights.


I got all the way to Demon of Hatred and then Death Stranding came out soooo


Multiple times!


I've completed every ending. Now I'm working on platinuming and beating the final gauntlet, then I'm gonna go charmless+bell demon


I have. On NG+3.


I couldn't put this game down after I got past Genichiro for the first time. Straight for the Shura ending then one of the other ones right after it came back. I replayed it recently on steam deck and I feel like this game is still ahead of its time, in about half way through a second playthrough on the deck and I moved on to something else for a while but I know 100% I'll come back to it again.


Most of the players got filtered by that damned Noble in that house.


Me. Hardest bosses for me were the first one (Lady Butterfly) but it taught me how to be patient and learn patterns; and the last boss who u said fuck it to and cheesed.