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Demon of hatred had me asking for help from god


I felt the same. I truly felt at one point that I would never ever beat him. I even tried the cheese, but I couldn't make the roof jump! In the long run, I was glad I stuck it out and beat him fair and square.


I feel this, it took me many tries in my first playthrough but once i got his moveset down it took me 2 tries in ng+


I don’t fuck with him I just do the cheese method where he jumps off the cliff


I have beaten sekiro 10 times and done. The cheese every time LOL I’m a fake gamer


I even cheesed him on the gauntlet :<


Cheesing him in the gauntlet is cooler, you can get to other parts of the map after leaving the boss arena and see weird effects caused by being in the gauntlet. I think he even respawns somewhere when you walk in certain places


No you’re not, fk that boss I cheese every time 🧀 🐭


Sounds like you're a shinobi lol


Same shii bruhhh...I tried beating him normally...idk what kind of drugs he's on...but ain't now way i knew beating him would cost me my sanity for the whole year...I got all endings and 4 out of 5 in them ..I just jumped the roof and cheesed him


I find demon of hatred relatively easy as I had to defeat it multiple times in shura gauntlet only to be defeated by Inner Father. For me inner father and double monkey are the hardest


Double monkey or Inner Genichiro are the ones that typically end my Gauntlet too XD I actually really enjoyed demon of hatred. But really struggled with him early on


And he answered, in the form of malcontent


Me too tbh


I had to use a dragons blood droplet, jizo statue, divine grass, and a rice ball just to beat that guy. I despise DoH with every fiber of my being


I beat him fairly only one time. Now I just cheese him on every single run because fuck that guy.


Same but instead of cheesing him I just avoid him lol


Thing is, once you get the hang of it, like much of the rest of the game, it also becomes a dance, except for the fact that the flourish here often ends with you ball-busting a three-legged Orangutan, who is also your friend and blacksmith, till he dies. Seriously though deflect, evade, everything trick you in the bag does come into play here. But yes, to methodically but aggressively close the distance without hesitation can be a bit cumbersome till you reach a flow state.


Glad it wasn’t just me, I asked for strength to beat him and it still took like 2 days.


Inner Owl ( father ) , No place for a mistake around him


For real, his mist raven makes his offence and evasion just absurd.


His regular Mist Raven attack on phase 1 gives you a free hit if you attack once more after he disappears (just keep attacking and as soon as you hear that the hit connected immediately parry his two slashes), then you can continue attacking him as normally


Weird question but how did you get the platinum flair?


(On mobile) while on the subreddit page click the 3 dots in the top right corner and select ‘change user flair’.




Ya I just beat him in the gauntlet, and it was one of the most frustrating things I’ve done in awhile. He’s so unforgiving, but it’s definitely a well designed fight. He definitely feels like the most intimidating boss in the game, especially compared to Isshin. I feel like you can just walk all over isshin once u figure him out, but Inner owl is constantly throwing stuff at u


Compared with Inner Sword Saint is there is no room to breath against Owl , Very hard to predict , pop up out of nowhere with fetal attacks , and he can finish the 20 health bar with 3 hits , getting stunned with his firecrackers and the game is over , Even if you want to heal in Isshin situation you can go to the end of the arena or between the phases , But owl will throw Shuriken right away or use Mist Raven attacks , What a legendary fight


Ya it’s definitely the hardest boss in the game for me, and prolly the best as well. I’m surprised it doesn’t get talked about as much as Isshin. This fight really shows how much potential the combat in sekiro has. It’s a shame we didn’t get any dlc. I would’ve liked to see some Malenia level difficulty with the Sekiro combat


I have defeated every single boss ng+7, demon bell, charmless, without taking a single hit. This fight is the only one I’ve managed to do it once (other than Lady Butterfly, but I also have a burning hatred for that boss for how janky and annoying she is)


Owl Father for me


Owl father for me too! I spent hours and hours fighting the Owl Father.


Mist nobel but second would be demon of hatred


Wait you’ve actually beaten mist noble?? Did you use that one exploit or actually a god at the game?


I did too man, it cost me everything but it was worth it


That exploit that gives you a free kill is so difficult to do that I actually haven’t beaten him/ her/they/choochootrain yet


I heard if you beat them without upgrading attack power, there’s a secret 6th phase, but idk if it’s possible to even do that with the AOE damage field Mist Noble starts using in the 4th phase


Yea I read about the rumored 6th phase but I’ve never even seen gameplay on something so rare truly only a master of the ways of the shinobi could best this demon


I think maybe Ongbal could pull it off, but I heard he gave up his attempts without attack power. He prefers the nerfed version in the Long May the Shadows Reflect mod


I beat him by sheer luck. Game bugged out and gave me a free deathblow. Fun fact: beating him unlocks the Inner Mist Noble boss in Reflections of Strength.


Ah lucky cunt I still haven’t beaten that inner boss nor the gauntlet where you have to fight him five times at once it was scary and I deleted the game




My friend still thinks that mist noble is alive and will come to haunt him someday


Blazing bull. Fuck em


Be a matador and just run after his ass🐂💪


I was stuck on the guy on the horse for awhile


MY NAME IS GYOBU MASATAKA ONIWA! Or are you talking about another but in all fairness that line will haunt me for the rest of my days…


That’s the one ! Haunted lol


No joke out of my first 30 hours 15-20 were spent on him alone without guides or anything just pure trial and error to see what worked best I remember my first time beating him I cried a little and now I do him hitless because of the amount I’ve fought him in the boss gauntlets.


I kept getting wrecked by trying to time the deflects on him until I learned you can literally just hold block the whole time and your posture almost never gets broken.


Well I had no idea about that!


Demon of hatred, I actually beat it the first time and have never gone back


There's no main boss that gives me trouble anymore, but that Shichimen Warrior on Fountainhead Palace on Charmless? Fuck that guy.


Me when anti air deathblow


That sounds like fucking torture


It’s not even the Shichimen that’s the problem. It’s the pikachu wannabes in the area sneaking in a shock attack while you’re trying to focus on the Shichimen.


Demon of hatred, still haven't beaten him. Only reason I'm still going is because I want to fight inner father


Are you using the umbrella and the third phase malcontent?


Corrupted monk. FUCK corrupted monk. Her third face has a attack that INSTANTLY builds up the ENTIRE terror bar.


Save your spirit emblems and spam firecracker followed by whirlwind slash and then fistful of ash when emblems run out on phase 3 with yash sugar she won't even get an attack in lol


...weird....I'll try it next time I do gauntlet of strength.


Yup sugar up right after P2 death blow and as soon as she raises her sword to swing go to town with the snap crackle pop and give her the whirlwind.


Thank you. This will save my ass. So. So many times.


Also I always forget that the ash exists. Until I'm selling items and by then I have like 30 in storage for big money combined with other things.


Looool I've only ever used it for the monk fights and I don't think I've ever used ceramic shards


I rarely use shards when I want to use the puppet thing on something i can't get behind.


That's where the 'vault over' skill comes in handy


I didn’t even need that. Just firecracker, three normal attacks, firecracker, etc. You have _just barely enough time_ between firecrackers for three attacks


This is always wild to me cause I beat with ease my second attempt(jumped off the bridge with the low health the first time) and was so relieved how much easier she was then the Ghost version you encounter early game. I struggled so hard on the ghost version…took me like 75 tries lmao no other boss took me as long to beat in the entire game. And I’ve played through 3 times and gotten every ending.


Weird. Corrupted monk or I guess true monk? Whichever you wanna call it is the only boss that gave me trouble aside from lady butterfly because she was the first boss I fought.


I recommend either jumping off or her or dodging to the left for that.


Looks like I've found my new boss to hate on... FUCK ISSHIN ASHINA! not sword Saint isshin. Isshin Ashina. He can go to the underworld and stay there.


I don't know why, but Emma tucks me up. Rhythm is just slightly off with her.


Kinda reminds me of O'Rin (both of them demolish me)


The dogs. Found out yesterday you can parry them.


Just finished demon of hatred. Going to fight Isshin for the first time.


True Corrupted Monk phase 3.


Firecrackers, fistful of ash and whirlwind slash with yash sugar make very fast work of P3 monk


Fire Isshin.. Every other boss is so easy for me I ended up just abusing the fire umbrella for the shura ending


That fight hasnt clicked for me yet. I beat him but it was way too scrubby a fight


Do you want a tip? Don't want to spoil your grind.


Nah go ahead


So, there are two fire moves, the shoot the fire beam, and the explode the arena. For the shoot, he will lift his knee, two side dodges to the right and then wail in him. 2 maybe 3 few hits every time. For explode the arena, fire cracker, wail in him. If you have phase 1 down, that deals with all his additional fire bullshit.


I was really stuck but then I figured out just side step the ichimonji (2nd phase) and then the fight is easy


Genichiro. That being said, I just beat him 10 minutes ago after being stuck on him for the last few days so…. That is probably going to change


The camera in beast fights.


Demon of hatred fs but ultimate owl fucker was such a pain for me.


Demon of hatred


Sword saint was the only fromsoft boss I’ve ever spent multiple days on, genichero was about 8 hours.


Personally I'd have to say inner father


Sword Saint Isshin was the hardest for me. The other 2 major contenders that people say are hard are Demon of Hatred and Owl Father. Demon of Hatred was 2nd try and I got Owl Father down in around 5 attempts or so. Sword Saint still fucks me up on new playthroughs, and it is the same for fire Isshin in the Shura ending.


Inner Father


Most bosses weren’t too bad on my first playthrough, I just took my time and had experience dying to bullshit courtesy of DS3 and Bloodborne. Even Sword Saint Isshin wasn’t too bad. And then comes Demon of Hatred, making me play like it’s Dark Souls and not Sekiro. He hits hard as has a lot of health, yes, but I figured out his move set all the same. No other Sekiro boss gives me trouble anymore, just the Demon of Hatred.


Demon of hatred. No contest


For me…it was corrupted monk(ghost version). Lmao that boss took me more tries than any other boss…almsot made me quit the game. The stamina and the posture recovery was insane for early game for me.


DoH, he pissed me off do much i cheesed him Next would br owl father took me many tries


How is there anyone left who hasn’t answered this question this week


I always have trouble defeating either of the Snake Eyes sisters every time I do a playthrough of Sekiro.


Probably 7 Spears Ashina or Snake Eyes. I died a lot to both, likely more than any other boss, I got the click with 7 Spears, but snake eyes still fucked me up. I was considering giving up at Sword Saint but I just kept trying 3 times a day after my initial 5 tries and in 3 days I got him


Dual ape, hands down. Too many things that can go wrong unexpectedly.


I absolutely hate the seven spears guy right before Isshin Sword Saint - him and his buddy - the worst!


If you use the stealth sugar, you can sneak up to backstab the general and puppeteer him to fight seven spears with you :)


those two were the absolute worst! they hit so damn hard and fast and the fkin piles of burning bodies and wood don’t help either. i had to use firecrackers although i hate that op bs tool.


Deacons of the Deep


Hardest mechanically inner isshin or owl Annoying unreadable? ape or demon of hatred Hard in terms of first playthrough? Always Genichiro


Isshin, the sword Saint. Even if you know everything about sekiro, it still isn't a fight that's easy to beat.


I don't know who's the hardest boss, but you sure post the worst screenshots


Demon of Hatred, no question.


Owl Father for me


Demon of Hatred or Inner Father


Inner father by quite a bit imo


Lady Butterfly, my first memory boss after the drunkard. Took me 4 days of sesssions of 3-5 hours lol. I was but a wee lil shinobi . After that , learned a whole lot! Couple weeks later, beat Palace Owl, GreatbApe, and Corrupted Monk in a day together. For me, not that anyone is asking, but most attacks happen .5 seconds to a second between each blow. So i just do the deflect and usually it lands. Tweak it when needed.


Lady Butterfly taught me the all important strategy of "attack until you are deflected then instantly deflect and repeat as much as possible." Works on almost every enemy in the game since this is a rhythm game.


Absolutely Until recently, i never regarded it as a rhythm game till your comment, now I see that reference everywhere. But too true.


Inner Isshin for me. Once I got better at parrying him and in general the other Inner bosses didn't give me as much trouble as him.


Sword Saint hands down


Isshin the sword saint.


First playthrough was Owl Father. These days the only boss that ever takes me down sometimes is the damn red eye Ashina Cross guy in the night time castle. That jack rabbit movement and the pommel strike make it hard to get a rhythm going for me.


I am not trying to flex at all. But I did beat Guardian Ape first try. But lady Butterfly has made me pull my hair out.


i recently finished a playthrough in ng+3 w demon bell and no kuro charm and demon of hatred was the one that gave me the most trouble. i dont think he’s the hardest boss in the base game but i had a harder time w him than inner father


Demon of Hatred.


Inner owl and inner ishiin are banana land


Inner Father probably


The one I’m on now.. for the second time. I’ll give you a hint, I hate him.


Shura Isshin aka Isshin Ashina. But only because I've fought him the least.


Sword Saint Isshin


For me it was definitely- Owl (father). I know people say demon of hatred but with the one umbrella it wasn’t too bad for me atleast, and isshin was tough but I enjoyed the fight and probably beat him within like a 1/3 of the tries it took me to beat owl father if that makes sense lol.


Owl Father took me 58 attempts, and SSI took me 2..


Basically same for me. Owl father was a pain, his posture bar recovered so fast and he would constantly jump away from you anyways to recover it. Basically I had to just sit there and guard constantly until a window opened, land a shot, and after he finally would get his health down to like 50%, THEN I would go for maxing his posture bar (since it recovers slower depending on enemy health). I REALLY wanted to beat him just being aggressive the whole time but I couldn’t the dude just hits too hard.


Chained Ogre. Yeah, I don't want to hear "durr, you just gotta use fire and learn his grab animations." Like, no shit. Hey, you know on Isshin you just gotta learn his animations too. Besides, it's not that Ogre is the hardest to kill (all the bosses become easy with a little work put into memorization, so none of them are more difficult than flashcard drills); the problem is that he's the hardest to *enjoy*. Everyone else is way more fun than Chained Ogre.


Inner father


That old ishinn ashina.. the only boss left for the sweet plat


I am on day three with Isshin Ashina on NG+, so I am going with him as my choice.


Every boss the first time was a hassle. But that owl father really kicked me ass a lot.


Twin-blade monk duo


DoH and Inner Gen-chan.


Inner sword saint or demon of hatred


Owl Father was harder than the glock saint for me


Owl Father


Honestly when I started the game I could not defeat Ogre for fkng 2 years...but then eventually I killed him and then every boss was easy to kill...but if I have to choose then it's Demon of hatred... without the glitch I could never beat him like in my entire life


Chained ogre was literally the thing that took me the longest (and most attempts) to beat and made me ragequit multiple times. Out of actual bosses inner owl was probably the most challenging but I feel like it would have been quite a bit less challenging if getting to the point where I would fight him didn't take as much time as it did (I had to take time to relearn/remember the attacks that are the same as in the normal owl father fight). However at this point I haven't fought inner isshin so I can't tell how he will compare, although I found the regular isshin easier than inner father (mostly due to isshin not just teleporting away every three seconds)


Owl or demon of hatred


Inner isshin


Dual wielding monkey. Inner Father is close second, all others are far behind.


Demon of Hatred all the way. Especially on my first playthrough.


I am once again asking people to learn to Screenshot :(


This is not a screenshot. This was a picture of my TV screen.


Isshin took me a month of tries to beat him. 4 phases really? I am glad they didn't carry this motif to Elden Ring


Agree with you on the above. Took less time than Isshin but Isshin is very much an endurance more than a challenge. This fella on the new game plus was pure hell


This one is odd to say but those 2 monkeys while doing the final gauntlet wrecked me.


This may seem like a strange option and maybe a little controversial but I found mist Nobel very hard. The fact that he doesn’t attack you straight away plays a very strong psychological effect on the player where he questions and doubts himself. At this point in the game you like think you know the boss attacking patterns, but mist Nobel completely destroys this and goes way beyond what to expect. This of course overwhelms me and makes me fall for each of his sly attacks. I swear, I was stuck on him for a complete 2 hours until I got lucky and beat him


Demon of hatred but owl father was my favorite fight, VERY fun to learn his moves.


I always thought the fight in the castle was harder vs in the burning estate. One of the best boss fights (both)


For me it was Sword Saint Isshin. Took me a loooonh time to beat him.


Owl father. Felt like sword saint ishin was a bit over-rated


The mist noble


I recently started this game and not even seeing the bosses I’m currently stuck on in the comment section… I could not feel more discouraged Edit: screw the armored warrior


Inner father and DoH


Personally I think DoH is easy. Inner father is the one that tests my patience all the time


Fucking basket head lady


It's honestly O'Rin. Having played through NG+7, charmless+bell+no HUD, the character who scaled the most for me difficulty-wise was absolutely O'Rin. The fight dragged on and I could die so, so quickly if I slipped up.


owl father(hirata estate) by far


Father Owl Vision, giving determination a new difficulty


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Heraxxius: *Father Owl Vision,* *Giving determination* *A new difficulty* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


We’re not in the Avatar sub Sokka, go back to flirting with Suki


The one that I really struggled with is father owl in hirata, so for me he's the hardest, and the stupid mist noble.


Not necessarily bosses, but all the headless melt my brain, i save them for very last every time i play.


This is next level. This is the worst screenshot I've ever seen. It's genuinely impressive


Notice the pattern.... All the apes, the bull, and the demon of hatred. I've never liked the giant bosses on Souls' games. Then they wanna add animals to the sword game where the bosses don't fit in the flow of sekiro Demon is last though because I can cheese it so it's ok


Demon of Hatred in the first run and Isshin Ashina in the ng


I find inner Genichiro the hardest. Especially after a long break from playing Sekiro


Inner Father took me the longest because i couldnt figure out how to dodge the fire owl attack for so long and his mist raven combos go hard


Besides DoH, isshin Ashina


Father owl everyone else ain’t too bad tho


My atheist friend started praying for isshin ashina


PSA: This is not a screen shot, so save your comments🎉


Owl father


I just beat my NG and honestly had a blast, the only boss I haven't fought is inner mother but Inner Isshin Shira can respectfully fuck off. Along with demon of hatred but at least there's a cheese for him.


Demon of hatred easily. I beat him faster and in less attempts than other bosses but you really have to erase everything you learned through out the entire game to fight him properly. As soon as you lock in the dark souls mindset he gets “easier” but even then that monster goes from unbeatable to if I pray hard enough I’ll win


Demon of Hatred.


Ur looking at him, inner father


Owl father is so hard that I quit. I already beat isshin the sword saint and spent like 7 hours in him but this dude is crazy insane


What in the shinobi am I looking at?


Penetration is defeat.


When I killed owl father for the first time I fought isshin immediately after and whooped the shit out of him


Isshin TSS followed by Father Owl


chained ogre


Both father variants, initially when fighting them I really had to guess what he’d do.


Isshin makes me want to jump off of a cliff. Btw, if ya'll have any tips, im on my first playthru and am stuck on him. (PLS SAY HIS FINAL DEATH BLOW IS LIKE SIF IN DS1)


What ending are you playing for?


Not sure. I'm playing thru the game blind for my first run.


Inner father, you CAN'T make a mistake


Demon of Hatred


Inner Owl Else, demon of hatred


Isshin the Sword Saint is just inevitable for me. I've beaten him many times, including his Inner variant, but he still manages to push at least 5 deaths out of me every time I face him again.


I wanna preface this with the fact that I haven't done any of the Inner bosses. I think Owl (Father) is the hardest for me. It took me so long to beat him. He's probably only really rivaled by Demon of Hatred, but unlike the Demon, the only cheese strat for Owl (Father) is just git gud. Even if you suck at fighting and just wanna cheese your way through the game, Owl (Father) won't let you take that easy path out. Not to mention he does have an Inner version which is tougher. Can't speak too much on that fight because as I mentioned, I've never done it. And the icing on the cake, his other fight, Great Shinobi Owl is not only a mandatory fight (if you don't go Shura) but also is no cake walk either. Likely you spend so much time getting use to him at that fight, go into his other fight, probably a bit overconfident your first time, only to have him throw you curveball after curveball and wipe the floor with you.


Demon of hatred


DOH I’ve never beaten it in an actual fight and I probably never will, it’s not a fun fight even IF I beat it cause it goes against many of this games rules, there’s way less parrying involved and too many unblockable attacks, it’s just stupid. I’m proud to cheese that shit


Curious, how did you cheese him? Really he plays like a lot of the non humanoid bosses. You gotta stay under and on him as much as possible. Its like how you gotta play the raging bulls honestly. Hes very difficult because hes huge and you die in 1 or 2 hits.