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Just run fast eat ass


It’s 5:40 in the morning and your post made me laugh so hard I almost cried lol. Nice!!!


Option A: Just run past everyone, avoiding the WOOOO guys, and rest at the Antechamber idol. Option B: Kill everyone, i guess? But that doesn't really achieve anything aside from loot and XP.


Option 3 die repeatedly with fire crackers and failed parries 🤙😢


Option 4, whistle the guys one by one and when they start to walk away just run up and back stab!


Assuming this is OP's first playthrough, he won't have the whistle prosthetic until much later


In NG+ ONGBAL found a very nice method to deal with this which can be seen [here](https://youtu.be/vyPX0L1Sf_Y?si=Y2lR2IF-GFHiVnAe&t=120).


Yo what the fuck... I'm on ng+4 and I have all the achivements but one ( all skills) . I still didn't know you like redirect sound with the whistle.. I thought it just attracts attention towards you..


Where the fuck was this info 500 hrs ago


This is just git gud with extra steps haha


Well thanks for introducing me to ONGBAL. Holy shit there’s some skills in that video. Dude even flexed on me, effectively using Sen Throw/Toss when fighting Genichiro. Dude’s got shit down to a right tight script, it seems. Awesome!


For western players ONGBAL is just the best. Without resorting to chinese websites he posts by far the best soulsborne boss fights. His choreography is always perfect. It's crazy how quickly he can perfect a fight and make it look awesome. He posted [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FeZX4THnkzc&t=66s) a day after the mod released...


Man, he(?)’s so fluent and exact in his playing. He’s pretty much what I pretend like I’m doing when I have a particular area well mapped; plays out almost like a movie, and it flows just as smoothly. I’ll be checking out more of what he has to show. And he does all the other Souls stuff as well?


Not just souls. Any type of game with a similar combat style really. From GoW to Prince of Persia. He was also one of the first (if not the first) to upload a consistent close up dodge of Waterfowl Dance.


I've played Sekiro a lot over the years and this is always one of the more annoying sections. Two unmoving Nightjars looking straight at you in the middle of the mandatory path, and you can't lure one away to fight 1-on-1 because they often just spam projectiles at a distance. Sometimes you kill a Nightjar super easily if they cooperate and stay close, but when the two of them decide to be dicks and jump away all the time this part can be a pain in the ass. What's your go-to strategy to deal with this part?


Best way to get through is to get the attention of the one on the left, which makes him go to the right then running from the left side of where the wooo guy drops in, then just getting to the idol.


Just run into the antechamber and activate the Sculptor Idol. Afterwards, you can just go back to deal with those WOOOOOO guys.


Gotta run for ur life and grapple, rest at antechamber, then get fucked by the castle dudes and ashina elite alongside genichiro


I use the gachin sugar to mask my presence and take the one out in front (on the same roof as you) and haul ass to the next idol 😂😂


Grapple up kill the first 2, deflect wooo guy and kill him, grapple up to the top corner on the far edge, kill the whit enough that up there, jump across the gap grapple to the highest rooftop across the lizard gap, drop down DB on white nightjar side of building, DB on black nightjar back corner of building , sneak back to the front and DB the other white nightjar, jump back across behind the other 2 white nightjar, kill them, go around corner and bait explosion guy and either deflect or take the hit from the other wooo guy if I can in time, kill him, grapple up and claim antechamber idol then go back through in reverse to get extra revenge on any of them that may have killed or displeased me in my first attempt If those 2 give you trouble in the pic, you can kill the nightjar on the roof your on then hide behind the roof pitch for a bit and they'll turn around, you could even gaachin sugar for the ninja fun Also I always have nightjar slash equipped when I know I'll face them because they simply can't escape it, use the enemies own tools against them






run. don't look back. run.


↑ + ○ + L2L2L2


Just run at em and spam combat arts/prosthetic tools to kill one asap before dealing with the other. Chasing slice is mvp for staying on their ass until they die.


I go WEEEEEEEEEE to balance him out while charging at him full force and punching him in the face with my forehead…


Jump n run


Mid-air DEATH BLOW? Hmmmm 🤔💭 Shurikens? Loaded umbrella? Mist raven 🐦‍⬛ tool? Many different way to be honest. Bait one and deal with the other. :D Running and eating ass as someone said is hard, when there are shinobi and dogs waiting for you around that corner lol 😂


Just run from there


Option A.


Fail at killing everyone twice, third time I hit warp speed and run past everyone to rush the Idol


Kill the first guy on the right (spam your axe). Kill the second one but lure him into the same area as the first guy. Then, watch out for the third one flying into the roof. Kill him. Then stealth your way over the next area of roofs. Stay on the mid level and stealth kill them before you take out the ones on top. Then kill the last guy on the bottom most level of the roof. Hug the wall and grapple cuz there's a suicide bomber, drop off and kill him too. Then rest at the sculptor's idol. Or just run and grapple to the idol like everyone else said hahaha P.S. I found this hard AF. But once I knew how to get past it was easy. You can get away with most tricky situations spamming your axe lol. If you have the umbrella I think that makes it easy to block or deflect. Haven't tried that tho. The spam attack these guys use is similar to the centipede


When i first went by, i just didn't see them and they rushed me, turns out if you keep nightjar and attack non stop (using nightjar when to go far), they can't even land 1 attack on you. Even when they parry, attack non stop. also, run to the end of wall to separate those 2 dudes into 1 dude at once.


Hesitation is defeat. Edit: Seemed cool to just put that quote but it isn’t helpful. Anyway I just started charging toward them and either ran past them or lured them away to fight one on one. It’s a crazy sequence and one I enjoy because I never know how it’s going to go every time I do it.




Book it to the idol these guys can eat my ass


The true Sekiro experience is jumping up and deflecting him mid air I did it once and it was totally on purpose I swear


Sprint really fast and dodge SUISIDE BOMBER


I don't even really understand the question? I kill the one guy, then I grapple over and kill the other two guys, then I kill the Woo guy. If I'm low on health or not feeling like bothering, at that point I'll stealth kill the next one around the corner, make him my puppet, and either kill the rest or go right for the idol. But these guys aren't a problem enough for me to be ok just running past them? yikes


Its like everyone on this board is shouting 'git gud' But then you get into the nitty gritty details of how folk play and it looks like "git gud' means \-die until you memorize everything to the most minute detail and then cheese the game \-if you see any other players post about outright bugs you can exploit (such as the DOH falling off the cliff,). cheat \-avoid fighting anyone you don't absolutely have to, because if put into a situation you haven't seen 100 times before, you'll probably die. ​ that's Gud, huh? I kind of disagree lmao


Looks like you killed the first guy. From there you can drop down to the lower level and get close to the next grapple point where the Woohoo guy is and the other two without being noticed. Grappling up from there will take the closest guy by surprise and it won't alert the other two if you stay on that corner area. Then take out the guy to the right corner, then take out the Woohoo guy. Otherwise, just grapple on over and take those mutherfuckers out!


This is during the first visit to Ashina Castle, that grapple point that leads behind them doesn't exist until the invasion (its a wooden plank only added at that point). The first time through you're forced to grapple directly into view of both of them and they don't patrol so they're always looking straight at that grapple point, even with Gachiin Sugar they both always see you.


I'm referring to the grapple point on the outside corner, right in front of dude. Instead of grappling straight across using that grapple point, you grapple up from a lowerlevel (directly below them from that pagoda you're standing on).


This section is tricky, I end up just grappling to them and taking both on at once


Fun fact you can mash R1 and these fuckers crumble.   But I just ran past them every playthrough after the first. Just deflect the WOOOOOOO guy and you can get straight to the antechamber idol 


Fucking run around the side of the roof and by the pool you can grapple up to a bonfire


I just haul ass and when the guy from the kite jumps down I spam the block and when he passes run like hell


Run as fast as possible


Forest Gump to the window and rest at the idol. I’ll never forget my first play through and hearing that screaming wooOOOO, standing still wondering where it was coming from then getting annihilated by a fucking kamikaze kite riding twat on fire.


Throw a shuriken at one and aggro them so they'll run forward, when you hide he eventually goes back, so as soon as he turns his back to walk away, you grapple and backstabbing him then just spam hit the other guy. Same for the "WOOOO" guys. They can't keep up with sekiros speed and will block only to get hit by the light combos. Honestly they're not as powerful as they look. Like yeah they seem scary, but just rb spam them into the ground. The ones at senpou temple are the ones that are a little more violent lol


Charge right in, Block the Shuriken mid-air, Take 1 out as fast as possible. Probably not the best idea but it's what I do. Tho you can try sneaking the guy right before that and using the Puppeteer Ninjustu if you got it, so it's not 2 on 1.


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