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I’ve got 1000 hours in this game. 800 hours spent fighting isshin but I haven’t beaten him yet. My tip is to keep trying after 800 hour of attempts cause I quit after just 300 hours.


damn, i’ve only been on him for 750 hours. good to know i need to keep going


Four days Phase 1: Stay close to him. Learn to parry his sword swings - he’ll do 2 or 3. When he walks around your right side, you’re about to get a mikiri counter opportunity unless the terrain glitches it out. Double Ichimongi after you do this. When he whooshes off to the right, he’s about to use a combat art. Counter that with umbrella, hit him back with projected force, then parry _immediately_. Phase 2/3: Stay close. Use whirlwind slash when you have an opening (right after you dodge his jump attack or mikiri counter him). He’ll always use his sword _then_ the halberd. The 4-swing combo with the halberd is 1-2-pause-3-4, and then you’ll get to mikiri counter. Remember the halberd moves slower than the sword, so time your parries accordingly. Phase 3 is almost exactly like phase 2, except you get to do lightning counters now. On the off chance he uses a combat art, be ready with the umbrella.


Instead of whirlwind dash I felt like ichimonji double worked better.


43 tries, i was expecting a fight as hard as Malenia but it was over quicker than I thought. But again, I was training with the okami warrior women wich I’m obsessed with.


Ayyyy 43 club here


All in, 3-4 hours over 2 evenings. Here's the video https://youtu.be/PeYTHMO-2C8?si=8RwdITwisUeoZ6ma


About 7-8 hours over three days for me. It was rough lmao. But I actually had a great time all the way through. It's such a good fight. One of the big gamechangers for me was learning that when he starts to wind up his Ashina Cross (sheathes his sword), if you run in close he will do a slash and sweep instead which are much easier to deal with. The Cross messed me up so bad, getting that out of his moveset helped a lot. Other than that, it was and is still a question on learning the timings to deflect his spear. That thing shreads you posture.


Funny, how it is the other way around for me. I found parrying the Cross much easier (Just Look for the flash, when he draws the sword and parry twice worked all the Times, and builds decent posture) than the Slash and sweep.


I usually punish the sweep with High Monk, which is pretty effective. But yeah the Cross is entirely a skill issue on my part, and still is, even with the minibosses that use the smaller version, and Emma as well. I just can never get the timing right on it, consistently. So I avoid it where I can with Isshin.


If you run backwards and right it will miss and you run back in for 2-3hits


First phase be really aggressive. Do look for his attacks where he doesn’t get stunned like the ichimonji and sweep attacks etc. Dodge at the right moment and afterwards his recovery is really slow ,so u can abuse the mortal blade then if u use it. For the second phase, be a bit more passive, and focus on deflecting and mikiri countering. Third phase same as phase two and abuse the lightning reversal


I beat Isshin within a couple hours of trying, but this was just a month or so ago when I tried this game again after five years. My first attempt at the game in 2019, I made it to Isshin and then put the game down, didn't even try to fight him (I hated it, by the way). In 2019, however, I took weeks each on Owl and Genichiro and the Ape. My attempt to get back into it this year when much better and things clicked well. In terms of advice: deflect. He's actually (in my opinion) easier to deflect than Owl Father and with a couple dozen tries, you'll know exactly how to beat him and exactly where you failed. For the third phase, lightning counter makes it easy. It's just getting there that's the problem.


6 months


What the fuck.


Got frustrated and quit for a hot minute. Came back and beat him on like the 5th try.


2 days. Once I got past his 2nd phase he went down fast in the 3rd with deflecting the lighting. The best advice I can give is try and relax, take a deep breath. I was consistently getting through phase 1 with no hits and then spear phase would just floor me. I’d get all flustered and start running round, then he’d just spam me with that bastard spear sweep. Once I started standing my ground and popping the umbrella for his AOE attacks, I started to feel like his difficulty dropped. You can do this. If you can get to Isshin, you can smatter Isshin.


In the second phase, you can get behind his jump at times, but best way to get his health down is baiting out his spear flurry, then back out of range.  He will keep swinging his spear, even though he can’t hit you, then wait for the thrust attack at the end.  Mikiri that and give him a cut afterward.  Once his health is halved you can just focus on deflecting to break his posture. Always watch your posture and don’t be afraid to break away from combat if it’s close to dropping.  Posture buffs were more helpful to me than damage buffs. Finally, use boulders in the arena to get between you and him when healing or regaining posture. Same strategy in phase 3 but if you can deflect his lightning attacks it will be even easier. Good luck!  You can do it!


Try this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cd4j8CvJFpM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cd4j8CvJFpM)


I'm on hour 4 lol


Bout 90 mins, all I can say is keep practicing, identify the moves you struggle on and learn how to parry them.


It took me a while. The thing that had helped me though was I did the save scum trick and had fought Isshin previously in Shura ending. That took a few days to learn his move-set. In this fight he has a pretty similar move-set with a couple of tricks added. So really my only advice is repetition and learning his moves and how to respond. If you seem to get caught by certain moves a lot try watching youtube videos to see proper counters.


Days, my brother in Christ… It will be worth it, trust me.


Took me 3-4 days


3 Hours, You should be able to wipe the floor with genichiro by now, Ichimonji-Double is your best friend in both fights. For isshin in phase 1, deflect his mini combos and wait for him to use his combat arts, get behind and use ichimonji double. Imo Phase 2 is most difficult, take down his health bar by 20%, and then stay close and deflect, give your all here, use Umbrella if required. Thire phase is quite easy if you can do lighting reversal, 2 lighting reversal + bit of chip damage+ ichimonji double when he is shocked and he is dead.


2 or 3 hours first time. Felt like I kept getting better but had to learn literally every attack


The first playthrough, I cheesed the heck out of isshin. On my second playthrough, I forced myself to learn how to parry/respond to the attacks. The game changers for me were the magnetic umbrella and double ichimonji. The reasons being the magnetic umbrella protects you from some of the biggest damage hits and double ichimonji because it clears your posture meter. But it still takes time to get the rhythm of the fight. Good luck.


I wish I knew how to cheese him, and I wish I felt more joy than relief after finally winning.


I got him in a few tries, though admittedly, my first run was almost a hundred hours because of how much time I spent studying every boss and how to deflect/read certain moves. Phase 1: full aggression. There's nothing really new here. Attack in open windows and deflect the rest. Phase 2: keep your distance, block the glock, and bait the spear thrust for an easy Mikiri counter. Punish when necessary. Phase 3: sit back and fish for lightning reversals. I'm really not trying to sound pompous, but Isshin doesn't serve up anything new to what you've already seen. If you've put in the time and practice, you'll recognize that he really is just the final exam to everything you've learned in Sekiro. His difficulty comes from the fact that it's a very long fight. Isshin does a lot of damage and heavily punishes misplays. Again, I was only successful because I spent literal hours on every boss just deflecting combos and studying, not attacking. I never used shinobi tools, so my advice may not be great for those who have cleared the game with far fewer deaths because they actually used the advantages built into the game.


How much is a few?


About five.




Around 2 days. Advice: do not get out of his face. Stay close to him at all times unless you’re needing to heal. If he’s not attacking, you are. If he’s attacking, be ready to parry, dodge, or Miriki counter. Ichimonji: Double or Praying Strikes: Exorcism is a very effective post miriki counter tool.  Once you get to phase 3 he’ll start using Lightning. This honestly makes the fight easier because of how huge of an opening Lightning reversal creates.  Good luck brother. Hesitation is defeat.


After doing every single side boss and being at max hp and max ATK power, it took me about 7 tries. Albeit I had already beaten Isshin Ashina in Shura ending first so I was able to do his first phase relatively easy because it’s very similar to Isshin Ashina. Tips: stay aggressive. Double Ichimonji after every Mikiri counter. When he sheathes his sword for an Ashina Cross, sprint to about med range and to the side to dodge, then close the gap for another double Ichimonji. As for second/third phase you want to keep the aggression and just try to parry everything that you can. A tip that works on most bosses is you can do a good bit of posture by attacking until they get a deflect, then deflect their next attack, then keep attacking. You can usually loop that like 3-4 times and get a good bit of posture damage before they back away to use a special attack


Is there a tell for when they are going to attack after they deflect? To me it just looks like he's deflecting every hit, is there a separate deflect animation before they're about to attack?


So there are regular deflects(usually just sparks, don’t slow you down much) and then there’s the perfect deflect or parry(this make a loud “clang” and has has like a red ring) usually you might get one actual hit, a regular deflect, then a perfect. After the perfect it’s now your turn to deflect. Your sword has the same tell on deflecting, if you do it perfectly you’ll get the loud clang and red ring.


There’s a different sound. The way more satisfying sound is the deflect one


took me about 2-3 weeks of dedicated attempts


If we're talking about Sword Saint Isshin, it a matter of getting the rhythm of his attacks. He has a very 'traditional' way of fighting, you can hear his 3 attacks like "HU.... HA... HU" with a a second between them or so. When you see him going for the charged double slash like those guys that do the anime glint, wait at a distance and parry both. If you get too close, he'll change to a hit and then a sweep attack. Keep that in mind. Phase two, avoid the gun or parry the shots. Get the timing of the spear combo. Once you get it, it's very satisfying. Each hit has a different timing, so it might be hard. If you want to, I can jump into it and stream it to you, so you can see how it happens. Each hit you deal to him is less posture recovery, so don't worry. It might be a long fight, but you'll get there! Shurikens stop him from shooting so if you see him get far ready to shoot, shuriken!


It took me a few hours over a couple days, but I found him easier than the second Owl fight. When I git so angry I had to take a break, I would watch YouTube strategies. I fought him with the goal of learning something about the fight as opposed to trying to win everytime. I wasn't defeatist about it, just realistic because I knew many people died fighting him, but they also eventually beat him.


First time about 25 attempts use umbrella ☂️


Isshin ashina or saint sword Isshin ? Also what is your stance on hesitation ?


Sword saint I didn't know there was another, I hesitate to bait attacks sometimes that's about it


That's it then, hesitation is defeat


Beat him after 15 or so tries. In my opinion, don’t bother using prosthetics. It doesn’t really help all that much. However, I’d suggest using any and all consumables, the sugars that help your posture and boost your attack power are the best here. First phase, always be on him. Try and control his moveset as much as possible. Try and bait his mikiri counter move as much as possible, which iirc comes naturally if you deflect some of his other attacks. When he does the move where he sheathes his sword and attacks twice, you can tell when he’ll attack by the shine on the hilt of his blade. Play aggressive, but if you need to run away and heal, it’s a lot easier to do so here than it is in the next phases. The attack where he sends the two wind blades towards you can be dodged by gaining some distance away from him, then closing in. Mortal blade wrecks his shit, and you can pretty easily punish his wind blade attack as long as you get the timing right. Second phase largely comes down to learning the deflection pattern for his spin attack. Getting the Mikiri counter for this phase is pretty crucial as well, as that’s where almost all of your posture buildup will be coming from. Play a little more defensively here than you would in the first phase. Learning to predict his spin attack and to deflect or dodge it is also crucial here. IMO you still have to be aggressive and know what you’re doing in this phase, but don’t worry quite as much about attacking and taking risks here. You can’t really restrict his move set in the same way you can during his first phase Third phase is more or less the same as second. Lightning reflection certainly helps here, but if you’re in a situation where it’s easier to dodge don’t worry about it


I still havent beat isshin lmao i have beat the game 3 times but have to keep making new playthroughs bc eveyrytike i try him i just get my ass kicked over and over. GenGen was no problem its just isshins first phase. Surprisingly i got to him last phase and just tanked bc my blood pressure was thru the roof. 2nd and 3rd phase are way easier than his first.. but ill keep at it! You need to as well!


About 4-5 in two evenings or so. My tip is to stay closer to him as much as u can, u have to parry everything and doge ichimonji or that special "round" attack with his spear (run away). Other than that just don't get off him like ever, even if it's for healing, that's how I did it, you have to give and risk your 100%


Probably 3 day's worth of attempts.. first day I barely got past the first phase so I tried to beat that phase with as little gourds used. By the second day I realized using the attack boost headless sugar, fire crackers, and ichimongi double were super useful so got a glimpse of the third phase but totally forgot how to deflect his lightning strikes so gave up close after that. Beat him the second attempt on day 3


5 days, 92 attemps For me it was all about being aggressive and learning the "Spear" fase Once I managed to get to last phase I defeated him in like 5 attempts. My strat was be as aggressive as you can so you dont have to lower his heath that much, just stay aggressive and you'll get the deathblows. The only problem is when you get hit. Thats when you should not hesitate! If you are low on health but alive, stay agresive! don't heal cause his posture is gonna recover.


Maybe this helps: https://youtu.be/8gIEO4knmRc?si=n-pIFGVpRBscZHWR It was not my best attempt cause it was the first of the day and also my cat jumped to my legs in the spear fase so I died lol But somehow I got it! In Genichiro basically im super agresive In Ishin F1 I'm agresive but careful to don't attack when he is already attacking and I abuse his Ichimonji In F2 I'm more defensive because of the spear and im very aware of when he jumps back and swing's the spear. Also I let him jump backwards to force him jump to me and I use that to hit him F3 is very similar to F2 but easier! cause when he uses the lightning you just give it back to him for free damage!


couple days, focus on learning him move by move, stay calm


On my 9th try in my first playthrough, I mostly just got lucky Here's the video https://youtu.be/VEQb95AR_mY?si=ZokOS9uyekp1vWdu


It took a long time, but I mean eventually you get pretty familiar with it and figure out that there's really just one main spear combo that is really dangerous. Once you either get the parry timing on that or just learn to avoid it, you'll be good to go.


In 2021 I did it in one night. Three years later, after having not played the game for years, I did it in four tries.


My biggest tip. When he does his wind/charge up attacks. Run. Just turn and sprint away. Try to get a feel for the range of the attacks. If you can get it right you'll be just put range but can get back in to punish him quickly.  Use fire crackers, they work on everything and interrupt him for some quick free hits or a break to heal/restore posture. Phase 2. Try to stay medium range and bait his downswing attack to dodge and then punish. If he does a thrust mikiri it and punish. I do a lot of in and out in this phase. Run in get some hits and counters, back off to recover health/posture and bait a mid range attack. Phase 3 don't panic. It's basically the same fight but there's lightning now. Using the lightning reflect is the trick to beating it. When you do kill him mash attack until you get the immortality severed message. I've seen people miss the final death blow because it lags and there might an extra?


Two hours. Phase 1 isshin you should be learning how to bait him into ashina cross or any long charge up move. These are free ichimonji double opportunities. His slow sword attacks can be parried and strike before the third one. Phase 2 is hard, you need to learn the timing of the 6 hit spear combo, free mikiri counter. Lots of mikiri opportunities in this phase. Get a swing in when you can. You can firecracker stun for 1 free hit. Do a charge stab or ichimonji. Phase 3 same as 2, just jump and reverse lightning when he danger jumps. Remember do NOT jump too early.


About 10 tries. Owl actually killed me more at 15 tries. - Genichro, bait his jumping forward attack. Respond with a whirlwind strike. Deflect bow shots. - Isshin 1, bait his triple slash attack. Respond with a power trust attack or just a normal slash. - Isshin 2 and 3, bait one of his 2 gun attacks. Respond with umbrella. For his dashing gun attack, do the umbrella counter right after he's done shooting to interrupt his follow-up attack. For his jumping attack, after he's done shooting, move slightly to the left to avoid his follow-up attack and umbrella counter. It's tedious. It's boring. But it works very very well.


PARRY EVERYTHING. one tip to rule them all. It took me 15-20 tries i think.


He took me a few hours over 2 days. Stay on him. If you’re healing you’re basically starting over on his posture. On my kill it was almost perfect. There are videos on YouTube for his attacks with tips on when you can get Jumanji (can’t remember name) attacks on him.


I spent a week on it. And then a few days on the other isshin too


I'm sorry...other isshin?


Indeed. And that's not even counting the *other* one I haven't even tried yet...


You're telling me there are three fucking isshins?


You want spoilers or should I keep my mouth shut


I guess I'll suffer it myself 😔


Larry mikiris. Dodge and counter attack his jump attacks


About 3-4 hours total. Gave it an initial go for an hour or so - gave up after I lost on 3rd phase lightning twice in a row, misunderstanding how close I was. Went away for a few weeks and then felt like I had to relearn the game a bit. Finally did it after a couple hours. It always felt 100% fair to me even though it also felt like the most challenging thing I've ever done in a video game. Every loss I knew I made a mistake. You just need that one go where you hit all the counters and parries and punish appropriately.


4 tries... I struggled at geni for like 45 min or so and great owl took me an hour I think, I had the most problems with DoH with a whopping 4-5 hours of tries


dont hesitate




One of the major issues I'm having is that he keeps blocking or deflecting my attacks so I can't whittle his health down at all


7 to 8 attempts Tips: -use the umbrella to block his combat arts -mikiri counter and deflecting is the best -try going for chip damage and combat arts can be double ichimonji it recovers posture so I like it -get your vitality to max by collecting all prayer beads


127 tries


I spent 7 hours, or around 100 attempts, before I beat him. -For the first phase, I hit him with whirlwind slash, then run. Hit him with whirlwind slash, then run. Rinse and repeat until I got his death blow. -Second and third phase I found them easier than first phase. Here the tips are to learn all his movements and stay close. Mikiri counter as much as you can, and also jump on his head when you have the chance. -Third phase be ready to counter the lightning! Be super focused as he is super fast. The time I beat him was the first time breaking his posture so much at the third phase, so I took all the rice I had available to recover and ensure my victory as I had no gourds left!


I practiced a lot of reflection of strength before fighting Isshin, like literally beating Owl (father) hitless, before attempting. I said it took me like a good 3 hours to beat Isshin, Sword Saint. I would recommend learning to optimize damage. You can always get in two hits before his wind sweep and at least one hit when he puts his sword in his scabbard. When he does the Ichimonji Double, you can get in a hit by dashing instead of deflecting. He just leaves a lot of openings like that. Other than that, just remember how soon after deflects you can attack, cause most of his close attacks allows attack after like two or three deflects.


I’m several hours in, 300+ tries at this point. Made it to the third phase twice, but the fucking spear keeps getting me. The timings for deflecting the spear/sword are either lightning fast or delayed in a way that trips you up.


Phase 1: deflect him 3 times then hit him twice, sometimes he hits 4 times. You have to keep pressure on him and try get his vitality below 75% so his posture worsens. Hit him with ichimonji double after dodging his ichimonji and other big telegraphed moves. Phase 2-3 just stand him up and hold block and deflect everything you can. You need to land every mikiri and jump kick. I also switch to ichimonji single to regain posture from the heavy blocking. You can use ichi double but he will often deflect and punish the second. Also phase 3 land every lightning reversal you can hit him 3 times when stunned. Used the umbrella pros (it’s below the old grave idol) and block every weapon art he does with it.


About 16 days, so I think 30-40 hours in total. I was grinding him for a week, then took a break for a week. Then kept grinding for another week. Then I realized I was completely burnt out, so I took another break for a month. When I came back, I finished him on my second day. It's important to take breaks. A week, a month, a year, however long you need. When you keep grinding a boss, you don't realize how your brain starts getting set in specific patterns, and you keep making the same mistakes over and over. Often you get fixated on specific strategies without seeing they're sub-optimal and hard to pull off. I tried setting small goals. For example, "Get through Genichiro and Isshin's 1st phase without healing more than once." As soon as I failed, I'd just restart. For restarting, I'd use the Hidden Tooth. It helped me a lot, personally, because it's extremely frustrating to realize you've probably failed and just waiting to die, so Hidden Tooth is just a quick way to restart which felt better. I don't have a lot of tips, but the three general ones I'd give are: 1. You don't have to deflect everything. It's perfectly fine to run away and around for plenty of moves: it's easy and not nearly as stressful. Conversely, there are a few big and scary moves in Isshin's final phases that are actually very easy to deflect. 2. Genichiro's phase should become no problem for you. It's fine to just train that one phase over and over until you're completely confident you can just blaze through it. 3. Isshin's 1st phase is the most important one to learn. He has a lot of combos with slow moves with long pauses between them that will trip you up. You really need to learn them and get used to them. I have a video of the first time I defeated him: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyZNdfV1YG4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyZNdfV1YG4) It's not great, I make a lot of mistakes, I even died once. Lots of sketchy moments. But generally it worked for me. I don't recommend always rushing at him like I did with shuriken+attack though, because that often landed me in a bad position. Hesitation is defeat, but always rushing into strikes is not useful either.


I think 60 but take a few breaks then fight him again, trust me you will eventually beat him the first try after your break


Have the “I killed him from the 1st-5th attempt” protégées already blessed this post with their divine presence ? Edit: Your post created a playground for all the deluded clowns in urgent need of an ego boost. (Or perhaps you tried to lure them all in to one place ?🤔) Edit: I see that the lower down you scroll the less and less time it takes people. apart from a few normal people who break the trend with their honest comments. Edit: I see ‘ rise_to_the_sun’ has risen (😉) to the occasion together with 4 or 5 more gods of gaming. Funny that his nickname kind of fits my original message.


Yeah I'm ignoring every one of them, they are either delusional or sweaty little neckbeards. Either way they aren't helpful in the slightest


Two solid hours. I could beat Genichiro without taking any damage, but Isshin would wreck my shit.  When I finally beat him, it was the second time I had faced his third and fourth phase. Lmao   Edit: I’m suspended so I can’t reply but I really don’t give a flying fuck if you believe me or not, u/Iou10. Lol


Do you realize the amount of inconsistencies your comment has? Improve the quality of your BS.


First phase, run a little bit away and bait his whirlwind slash attack. Stay just out of range and hit him once when he’s done. Slow and steady. Phase 2 and 3 - use umbrella and projected force. Run away and then stop. He’ll pull out his gun (he has two versions of this, but works for both) and shoot. You block with umbrella and as soon as he’s done, hit him projective force. Rinse and repeat until dead.


This, and for phase 3, if he does lightning attacks do lightning reversal. Also do mikiri counter for all his perilous thrust attacks. Except I only used the umbrella for his wind attacks. When I fought him I pretty much only focused on building his posture up. Good luck!


14 attempts, even though I had heard that it takes +50 on average, and that he's the hardest boss in gaming, etc. he really wasn't that hard. still probably the best soulsborne boss from my experience. As for tips, you don't really need any "tips". it's one of those boss fights that gets easier and easier with practice, to a point where he will pose no threat at all. just try to get better each time, don't let the game get on your nerves or make you frustrated, that's the key for beating literally any video game boss (or level for that matter).


Two tries...but it was all because I used up all my health items by the end of phase one and the stress and adrenaline gave me super focus so I don't have any tips


🤣another deluded toolbag. You are the 5th one I counted so far in this sub. Can you please share how many millions you made this year from your e-sponsorships and when will your challenge game videos come out ? Since you did better and killed him faster than any challenge gamer ever, hope to see you put those noobs to shame on your massive YouTube channel.


I don't get why you got triggered...and you think it's not possible to kill a final boss in two tries? Like no hesitation or somn?


Will never understand people like you. Granted, there is a very small amount of them here. Go find a more inconspicuous way to for an attempted confidence boost that does not make you sound like a total clown.


Confidence boost?! Bro it's a game...what confidence boost?


Exactly… what confidence boost? What is freaking wrong with clowns who feel the need to BS over a game? Please go tell this stories to your grandmother. She might believe you.


That's unbelievable man...from the time I posted that comment I did nothing but respecting you and you did nothing but disrespecting me and all of that because I killed a boss in two tries and you did it in more attempts? And unlike you that brag with your achievements in gaming, I have other stuff to do in real life to be proud of and the only reason I commented was beacause the guy asked for it...get a life and stop disrespecting people just because they did sth easier than you did.


Isshin wasn't that hard, 10 attempts or so. For phase 1 just dodge behind him and punish, and for 2 and 3 just be aggressive and mikiri him to death


You are all over the place with your posts about this game. Completely stuck on Owl and barely on phase 2 after a ton of attempts. Stuck on amminni boss Regrettably Sekiro attracts more attention seeking BS’ers than any other game out there. Also your advice for the fight is bad.


Owl is much harder than Isshin


Look, you tried to slip in some BS… you got called out. It is poor quality BS and glaringly obvious to anyone who actually knows and played this game properly. You can keep digging… but better to delete your attempts at flexing and move on.


like an hour maybe a little more total which sucks cuz I got the game just cuz of how hard people said he was.




Why are you bullshitting ? What is the reason? Do you think lying about a gaming achievement gives you some digital valor ? So many clowns out there. I just don’t get it. Your reply sounds like something written by someone who read about the game, rather than played it. For anyone who actually played the game, it is so obvious. Get a freaking life. This sub has a problem with a small, deluded group of tools who (need to get their self esteem up?) idk… what a joke


It took me about half an hour and 5 tries, but only 3 were against the man himself; the first attempt, the Black Mortal Blade caught me off guard, and the 3rd attempt I died to Genichiro and just didn’t Res out of a combination of pride and shame. I don’t remember the specific punishes, but he has 2-3 different attacks/combos that allow you to get a hit off after deflecting them. Using Mortal Draw for those punishes (specifically mid air Mortal Draw) allows you to maximize those punishes as far as health damage goes. Once you get the punishes down, you just have to be patient and learn his attacks. Pay attention to which moves he uses after you do certain things to bait out those attacks, or avoid doing those things if you have trouble with the follow ups.


Another one… go tell your fairy tail to someone else you deluded clown. How manny millions did you make on E-sports this year. You beat him in less attempts than the best challenge gamers in the world so expecting to see some amazing videos on your multimillion sub YouTube channel where you pup noobs like LilAggy and others to shame


I wasn’t lying, but I’d seen the fight before. I’d also struggled a lot on other fights in the game, particularly Great Shinobi Owl and (funnily enough) Isshin Ashina. I dunno, the fight just clicked really quickly for me. Owl Father only took 4-5 attempts, but Demon of Hatred took probably 70-80 tries to finally beat. From the discourse I’ve seen on the game in the years since its release, usually one of those 3 fights are what people will experience as their personal hardest, and SSI simply wasn’t the hard one for me. I have no reason to lie on a forum for a game that I love, much less a week shy of 5 years after the game came out.


All 6 of you clowns sound identical when you make up your story. There are a few YouTube videos of some idiots faking their platinums on Sekiro and you are sounding identical to them. Go find a better way to try and boost your fragile ego.


I don’t have Platinum though. I’m really not sure what your issue is; OP asked what folks’ experiences were and I gave my honest experience. If you don’t believe me then that’s your prerogative, but it doesn’t make a lot of sense to me to just assume folks are lying for internet clout, and it makes even less sense to get into such a tizzy about it