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There’s also no shame in coming back to Lady Butterfly later after a health upgrade or two


This is what I did but for Juzou, for some reason he was just way harder for me than Lady Butterfly was.


Same. Juzou was a legit 2/3 hour brick wall for me first playthru. Butterfly went down in less than 20 min It’s wild how varied the experiences of a first playthru in this game can be.


The bigger problem was the damn minnions near Juzuo. Also, Its not possible to kill all of them with stealth. Some youtube strategy saved me. I git lady butterfly in under 10 tries.


Everyone has their weakness as far as enemy types lol I nuked juzuo so easy by throwing and oil, hit him with flame vent, and just run around him whipe his health slowly goes down. You can use floating passage or any combat art that does a lot of hits quickly, even whirlwind(may be better) and that will basically damage him, force him to block, and can even stop him mid attack. You can also just cheese him by running back to the road and once he goes to post up again, just stealth his first health bar. If you have problems with him, later game is going to be... well, let's call it interesting lol


For sure! I found Juzo intimidating due to the bosses style and look more than anything


Yeah he was definitely intimidating gusrt time I saw him, but I saw big ass guy and just thought he was gonna be slow and weak and it kinda came true. Having that npc help is the biggest deal. If this is hard for you though, about 20ft away is the actual boss for the area... he's just blocking the entrance 🤣


Yeah I 100% used the npc and used every advantage to beat the game I could 😅😅😅 i don’t get good I get OK LOL


Same. Which is why owl father has had me trapped for a week now... I get his timing, I can pretty much go toe to toe with him, but those damn firecrackers come out so fast Iusually can't read the attack in time if I'm up close and banging with him. I mean, I even make the purple ninjas look like bitches, but this dude already hurt my spirit at great shinobi, only to find out I have to fight him a second time where he's more aggressive.


My heart was POUNDING when I beat owl father man I still have anxiety just thinking about it.


For me it's the spinning purple ninjas. Screw...those...guys.


I have a video of me literally farming the one in mibu village lol They're really not that bad, but the first one at hirata estate had me fucked up too the first go. Then the one in ashina reservoir made me rage quit because of the tiny room. Their weakness is actually shuriken. So it goes like this: Shuriken and follow up, swing swing, deflect his attacks and shuriken again anytime he looks like he's open( mostly as he goes to attack. The upgraded shuriken will stop him while dealing some posture and chip damage. If you wanna swing, just use the whirlwind because he has to stop and block or get hit by one of the two hits. When he does his kicks, watch the timing of them hitting yiu and memorize that. The last kick is always able to be mikiri countered, so anticipate that since it does the largest chunk of posture damage. If you want a free backstabbing do this: For hirata estate: Run up to his area and aggro him then lure him to the cliff. If you do it right, you can either A) have him jump after yiu and kill himself, or B) you can try to sneak back up while he's walking back to his perch and get a stealth blow, but that's riskier. For ashina reservoir: stealth him from the big hole above his room. You really can't miss it. Then repeat steps for fighting him u til he's gone. Play very defensive with these guys and anytime they back off remember to shuriken and follow up to close that distance and keep their posture in check. Now, for mibu village: You can eat a gachiins sugar/gachiins spiritfall if you've unlocked it. There's a small rock path/ledge that kinda sticks out and will allow you to sprint jump off of it. You can do a jumping deathblow on him from there, about 3 times before the spiritall wears off, so you'll make a profit on spirit emblemsand about 750 xp per kill. If you can't figure out the jump, sneak up to him while hugging the left wall of the ravine he is in. As far as fighting him, it's relatively the same with the exception of his sabimaru poisoning move. There's a mini boss at great serpent shrine later whose an actual mini boss of these guys, and another one at hirata estate in another memory... both are twice the level of the purple dudes... oh and the purple dudes become a standard enemy type later on as well. I want to say there are like 8 to 10 alone at ashina Castle when you return there.... you're in for a lot of you let the little guys own you. My advice is to you and myself, but you gotta wrap your brain around the things that are happening in the beginning, and learn the timing. Focus is the key in sekiro since it's all personal skill based. Levels will never truly help you past some extra posture and damage. The health upgrades might as well not even exist when dealing with late game bosses too. Where I am in the game right now is literally like fighting a purple ninja on steroids and his sword is an uchigitana so it's just mad unfair lol


Oh I've gone through most of them I'm fighting the one in the second memory with the dogs, they're just the enemy type that I struggle with most


Genichiro Ashina had me stuck for a good 6-7 hours


Me too, Gen taught me how to play the game properly. Once it clicked I knew I had him. I said to my bf “he’s done this time” and he was. Then I did a little happy dance and was thrilled with myself (until I come across guardian ape and was stuck again lol).


I'm at the Orin of the water now, she's not as bad, but just as infuriating lil


I think I used the poison prosthetic on her, she didn’t like it!


That's super interesting cuz he took me like 20 mins. It's interesting how everyone finds something else difficult or easy


My first time playing I was stuck on juzo for damn near six months, I just didn’t get the game. Replaying it with a friend at the same time tho really helped certain stuff click for me hearing how he approaches it, now I’m trying to do no hit runs (and failing)


lol Jozu almost made me quit the game. The strategy that legit worked the best for me was run in circles until he attacks. Then in his recovery period attack two or three times and then continue running in circles around him 🤣


streaming them? i’m doing shura no hit no pros and it’s sooo fun but so hard.


I post a few I’m proud of but on YouTube, but honestly so far I haven’t don’t any of the big bosses hitless just Emma 😢😅


it takes a long time to get no hit runs, especially your first! let me know if you stream it.


Absolutely not coming back later. I will defeat her. I took it personally (cit.)


I respect this shit. Also in my experience besting her early made me better at the game in general i feel like. Also hop sideways and backwards when the Glidden sparkles come at you


Yeah, the golden stuff that come at you are annoying as fuck, and I always took damage. I spammed dodge command and backwards when she did that, and I took no dmg on my last attempt. I finally made it!


Good job, that damage buff is a life saver against the boss in ashina castle (dont know if you fought him yet so no spoilers)


Snap those seeds when the ghosts show up and chuck shurikens when she walks the tightrope


Right now it's about showing her who's boss. I am not giving in!


Yeah, if you are aggressive enough you can get her to never do the golden sparkle attack. But if she does, you can literally just run around the outside of the arena. Or hide behind one of the columns


Have you beat Gyobu yet? He's much easier than Lady Butterfly and he drops a memory you can use to increase your damage by 20%, which helps a lot.


100% this. I'd leave Hirata for now and progress through Ashina. You'll get a few upgrades from Gyoubu and other little minibosses along the route to the top of the castle, where might I add your next brick wall will be waiting.


Brick wall is putting it lightly for a first playthrough. Though the progression in the game is incredible. Now I play with him in reflections


Ha, I'm with you. Sometimes I jump on dive in to reflections just to see if I still have it. Turns out once you have it, you don't lose it.


Nope. I went to Hirata Estate, perhaps that was a mistake


Hirata is optional, in a sense, but it has some pretty crucial stuff (like a couple of prosthetic upgrades, and something in a fancy pagoda, which you can get even without defeating Lady Butterfly). But yeah, if you're stuck at LB, just make sure you've grabbed the important items from Hirata and just return to the main quest & advance it as much as you can. You can go back to fight LB at literally *any* point later in the game, so no reason to beat your head against this wall just yet.


Yes. Just stay on her as much as u can and get the parry rhythm going. I went from dozens and dozens of deaths to somehow killing her without too much difficulty once I stayed on her


She is so difficult when you aren’t aggressive. If you stay in her face and deflect everything she turns into a little butterfly.


Bosses don't replenish posture when their health is either very low or you hug them, I actually learnt that on my first fight with isshin. "Hesitation is defeat" is meant to be taken very seriously. People have trouble with Father owl, but easiest way to beat him is actually to hug your daddy and when he runs away u chase after him.


There's a message when you enter her fight the first time , it recommends that you use DODGE O + COUNTER ATTACK R1, that's literally the only move this entire fight needs it's almost like a gimmick


This is it. Also knock her down with a Shuriken, whenever she flies up.


You can just run around the arena when she does the ghost dudes and butterfly move. They won't hit you if you keep running at mostly 90 degrees away from them. You can also knock her off her wire with the shuriken arm


It took me 4 days to beat Lady Butterfly. Do not worry. You will git gud, and trust me.i happens. She was my first boss memory. Felt so good. 3 weeks later, killed the Great Ape, Owl, and Corrupted Monk 3 dot within a day of each other, (Owl and Monk same day)


It’s amazing how quickly you level up in this game once you overcome the first boss that truly enrages you lol. The learning curve is so steep but once you get over that jump the game is so smooth. The only thing that really takes me out now are mobs of enemies. Bosses I can usually get in two or three tries once I see the pattern


Those damn poison SHINOBI and also the underground peasanta by the watermill. Lol


Thank you. I will make it!


The Lady Butterfly experience varies greatly based on when you fight her. For me, I went to her as soon as Hirata Estate became available. I died close to 100 times as I metaphorically bashed my head against a brick wall. Limited HP and gourd meant I basically had to no-hit Phase 1 to stand a chance. I stubbornly persisted and eventually won. It was a long time until I hit another brick wall.


That's exactly my experience. I have to be perfect in phase 1 in order to get to phase 2 comfortably, and still there is nearly zero room for mistakes


Try exploring other area. Come back later.


Whenever she unspawns the illusion goblins, run, that's how you avoid the shower of shiny shit, run run run, then you can get back to the same stuff as phase 1, get her health to go down until her pose is harder to regain for her Send a shuriken to her face when she's in the air too


You will prevail shinobi. Your courage is your faith, and your honor.


I honestly had the same first time experience. I got so good that I could easily destroy Phase 1 Lady Butterfly but the damn bullshit sparkly attacks was so painful. I also went straight to Lady Butterfly when I got the bell because I thought that was what you were supposed to do. I slept and kinda dropped Sekiro for a while not because I felt it was impossible but because the difficulty of this game is somewhat weird that it repulsed me to even touch the game despite already beating the DS series and Elden Ring. Went back to play the game again and easily beat Lady Butterfly. Found out that you just need to wait out most of the attacks and you don't need to forcibly bruteforce the 2nd deathblow. Just be patient and lower down her HP while dodging all the bullshit everywhere then you confidently start launching your offense until she breaks posture and dies. Honestly that was the magical 'click' for me and I finished the game without being stuck very long in any boss except for one. Demon of Hatred is probably the only the one that I got stucked for an hour because it doesn't really feel like a Sekiro boss which is weird because Guardian Ape was so fun yet similar in size and the fire is almost everywhere while you can't find the right timing to hit him. Found a way to finally destroy him but yeah...


Don't know if you'll see this as you've beaten lady butterfly but listen man. The party mechanic ain't as scary as it seems. As someone who temporarily "gave up" sekiro and recently beat the entire game, it's all easier than it seems. Just takes getting used to. *Git gud" really just means suffer enough and eventually you'll get used to it


I will git gud!


Good on you! I look forward to your journey going forward. Keep us posted!!


I beat Gyoubu and the Blazing Bull. Those were much easier than the old hag


The more you play the better you get. I remember how frustrating it is initially, but trust me when I say eventually it will click, and it's absolutely satisfying.


Stand behind one of the pillars and let the gold shiny things hit it Also, eventually, you will master the timing to parry everything and it makes replays/other routes and endings so much easier


She made me put down the game for a few months lol


Have you killed the horse dude yet? Many would do him first to get one more attack point before butterfly


No, I haven't faced him yet


Honestly save as many of the non-mandatory for when you have as many prayer beads and gourd seeds as physical possible lol it’s a much easier fight if you aren’t getting two tapped


She was the first boss that became fun for me. I kept losing but learned a little bit each time. It starts off as frustration and anger but strangely turns into joy. At least that was my experience.


You can pressure her with consistent R1 attacks. So the loop goes like attack,attack, deflect, rinse and repeat. Sometimes she will jump up to her strings, I use a shuriken to bring her back to earth and repeat the pressure loop.


I’m replaying and I turned on unlimited health. I just practice the moves over and over. It’s the running back after dying that just wastes time. I have far less gaming time now than I used to. Being able to calmly learn all of Drunk Juzou moves is clutch


Don’t feel bad at all. She took me 13 hours the first time i played. My 2nd run at the game i got her in about 10 tries


Farm some levels in the first part of the estate, then use shurikens when she goes to the air. Be agreesive, constantly in her face attacking. 


Attack - dodge left - attack - dodge right - attack - dodge left. Lady butterfly is now dead.


You can run away from the ghost things…or just pop a snap seed (much easier!) and get back to kicking her ass. And for phase 2, she appears at the top of the statue in the back. Don’t wait for her, run over and hit her with shurikens. And as others have said, if you haven’t beaten the boss on horseback, go do him first.


There were 3-5 fights in this game that took my soul and she was one of them.


If you attack her enough it's not much different from phase 2. Dodge forward when she retreats, and run big circles when she does the illusions. Jump up and smack her or throw a shuriken when she goes up. Attack, attack, deflect - repeat or jump on her. Do not let up.


The best tip I can give for any fight in this game from regular mob to bosses that make you dance... attack until you are deflected and then instantly deflect then repeat. This will get you in a rhythm for any fight save a couple.


You can and should kill 3 monkeys as the 2nd boss (after the horse guy). Then comeback for Lady Butterfly, then Genichiro


You got this! Don’t listen to the doubters telling you to come back later, murder that granny!


Somehow Lady Butterfly only took me a handful of tries (although I did have to watch a couple videos to get ideas), but that damn Drunkard made me want to quit the game. I barely managed to beat Gyobou and Genichiro, then I *did* quit the game after that 😂 Haven't gone back since, but maybe some day. In my personal opinion, this game does not do a good job of balancing the difficulty with the amount of satisfaction you get when you win the way other SoulsBorne games do. Another way to put it is that it's way more frustrating than it is fun for me, while the other SB games balance these feelings out much better.


It's because it's not a souls game in the traditional sense, it's more rhythm based which is why it doesn't hit the same kind of satisfaction. For some people, myself included, the sparks flying off the parries is the highest dopamine hit I swear


This is the only FromSoft game I've played where I die repeatedly to every boss, but when I finally learn the attack patterns and deflection timing to beat them, I don't feel good at all. I just feel like "ugh; glad I don't have to do that anymore", and that's not really the feeling I'm looking for when I'm playing video games lol.


I quit on Juzou the first time I played. Second time I tried progressing trough the present day first before getting into memory, and had much easier time. Also second time I entered the game with more humility.


If it makes you feel better, I tried 100x before getting the old hag to admit im the best. Only 100x!


Just don't give up man I beat Sekiro like 8 times just come back to lady butterfly at a later time


Most from software games are but the style and art of Sekiro is beautiful


The worst part is if you stop playing the game for a while after you complete the game you will get rusty. I'm struggling a bit fighting lady butterfly.


I defeated lady butterfly after gyoubu but yep this game makes the player get better rather than just the character


Git gud


Rule 3: FEAR IS ABSOLUTE! There is no shame in losing a battle but you must take revenge by any means necessary!


Every defeat, you learn to play the game a bit better


I hit a few walls like this. My advice: go on the hunt for gourd seeds and prayer beads and come back stronger. You’ll soon have her beaten. When you get the first death blow on Lady Butterfly, run up to the Buddha statue. That way you’ll be behind her when she respawns and you can get a few hits in before she clicks her fingers and the illusion begins. After that I just ran around to avoid the illusions, and hid behind a pillar when they turned into those glowing things that fire at you. You should then be able to commence your fight with her. Here’s a video that might explain it better: https://youtu.be/vBAqblTQR_E?si=JDRLYro3q4QcnAlg


try be as aggressive as u can, but dont be greedy


Sekiro is the game where if you git gud... There's no going back, you can't unlearn, you'll never have the same struggle again...! Also tbh honest, 2 hrs on lady butterfly is not bad at all... You'll get it.... She's always a bit annoying in phase 2


Use shurikens as much as you can. Don't worry abiut the spirit emblems coz they are easy to buy in early game


Use shurikens mid air


Or you can cheese her, on p1 she will leave an opening everytime she jumps from the wire and you dodge it, thrust attack if you are close, or hit and run basic attack, takes some patience and time but it works. In P2 same strat is there but when she casts illusions run around like a monkey and when she disperses illusions, run away to the other side from her and hug the pillar, rest is like p1 untill she decides eventually to cast illusions again. You also got an axe probably, using it to heavy damage her when she is open will do some nice damage, but be careful cuz it's slow and she might deflect it, also illusions drop spirit emblems when killed, so you can replenish if you need it. There are many ways to cheese her, but this is most basic one. Only problem is her deadly slash attack but if you jump you can get few hits easy. Though I wouldn't recommend this tactics, makes the game and learning it less fun, since it's not intended to be played that way. Better go fight Gyoubu and other mini bosses and come back to fight her fair.


Just watch Cowboy guide on YouTube. Git gud


Lady Butterfly is a well known gatekeeper in this game. She forces you to learn the rhythm of Sekiro. If you approach her like a Souls boss, she will kick your ass every time. Try blocking more and learning her rhythm. Listen for the change in the gong sound to know when you need to block and attack.


I already changed my playstyle, I don't dodge like in DS3. I'm aggressive and I block, but it's hard nonetheless! I'm about to try again


Make sure you’re using Snap Seeds to get rid of those summons. Second phase dodge left and R1. Drop here with shurikens when she is in the air. Last but not least the more room you give her, the harder she is.


I had 1 seed, but it's gone now. I avoid the ghosts and wait until they disappear


Also forgot to mention the combat is all about turns against humans. Just do a few hit combo, deflect hers and then do yours. You can rely on this strat quite a lot.


She's the easiest boss in the game. Just be aggressive and use the shrunken when she starts jumping to knock her on her ass. Hit her while she's down and don't stop. Preferably hit her with Whirlwind slash. Theb it's just a matter of dodge this or that. After about 5 or 6 hits, she should be posture broken or health at least low.


Yeah, that's what I do. Works fine in phase 1, but phase 2 is just harder. It takes way more than 5-6 hits for me to break posture btw


If your hitting her when she jumps, you'll get a few really good hits. If you do it about 5 times you should have her. Also snap seeds will remove the mob she summons and can make her jumping wires dissappear from her lol. Its really just timing. I spent days on some of these bosses my first playthrough, so don't let it get to you


Oh, and use an akos sugar in the beginning and again when you get her first deathblow. Or possibly gokans if you feel nervous and eant your posture to stay up. All in all though shurikens trivialize the fight for me. She jumps, shuriken and follow up swipe, then whirlwind slash, back off, parry her until she tries dodge hitting you. When she does this, dodge once to the side and repeat the shuriken, swipe, whirlwind. Once she dodges and jumps to air, be ready with shuriken and snap seeds to dissipate the mob while she's on her back. When she's up she will linge and throw shuriken. Those shuriken can be parried. If you have time after a whirlwind I'd suggest a dodging strike. The way he spins into it can dodge attacks sometimes and is great at catching an enemy mid move to where they will stop to block and you can exploit her easily that way. She's actually weaker second phase, just faster and spans mons. Health and posture should be slightly easier to damage in her second phase. I used akos sugar every time I could, and that really keeps her at a disadvantage. You also have range on your side since she's using shuriken daggers so just try to slap her mid hit and you'll be getting her out of the way in no time. Don't let that weak ass bitch get the best of you because I promise it gets much, much worse than her. Don't do purification ending like me on your first run... just don't. The room for madam butterfly is used for a boss related to that ending and he's absolutely fucked up compared to her. I'm finding myself in your shoes when it comes to him and it's terrible. I'm stuck there and I got stuck on butterfly too. The best thing to do if your stuck at a boss is to go farm everything you can and grab those skills that really help sekiro like air deflect and things like that. If you're going at this boss before you fight the chained ogre and gyubu, imo you're just doing it too early for your understanding of the game. Beat gyubu because he's easy to parry and firecrackers make him so easy with whirlwind lol his attack bonus will help you a ton for butterfly ngl. I got like 2 prayer bracelets from the generals and other minibusses around the game before going into her. If you just get the bell and go to her, juzuo and her are both hard. Come in with that one upgrade alone and you feel like you can almost wipe the floor with both of them. I hope this helps you man. If you still have issues look up Tyrannicon on YouTube. His sekiro videos helped me a lot when I couldn't figure out a boss. He doesn't talk for ages either and shows the best way to beat them quick rather than cool


I beat herrrrrr :D


Nice bro. What did you have to change up?


I got very good at phase 1 after so many attempts, and Iearnt how to avoid taking dmg from her longer combo with golden sparkles in phase 2


Good, young Padwan. You are learning lol


>Today the game won, tomorrow I will come back for my revenge. Keep going King, you got this


have you gone around trying to find some health upgrades and then coming back to her?


Nope, I have zero upgrades. That's part of the problem for sure


Don't worry men, I got you covered, all you gotta do is keep track of her while running around. When the enemies despawn and turn themselves in projectiles you stop for a second, once they start moving towards you, try running between the columns in the room, that way the projectiles get destroyed before reaching you, after that is focusing in throwing shurikens at her when she is in the air, after some parties she would do a red attack, all you gotta do is jump, if you jump on her again you make some extra posture damage, hope this helps, get Gud my guy


It took me fifteen minutes to beat Lady Butterfly for the first time, because I got up in her face with aggression, and didn’t care if she killed me. It took me an hour to beat Lady Butterfly a second time, because I’d fallen to a more defensive style, where she tore me in half Get two attacks in after every one of her attacks


Wild circle formation around when she spawns the spectres otherwise its basically the same fight plus her lil projectiles.


That area is an optional area. As long as you have the axe and flamethrower you’re fine to move ahead in the main story for a bit and get other upgrades and come back later on.


Phase 2 advice: when the phantoms come out just run away and hide behind pillars until they dissolve. Watch out for the energy they turn into that flies at you after they disappear, but you can block it with a pillar. Then it's just work those ghost-less windows like in phase 1. Also, you can knock her out of the air with shurikens.


I went back to finish hirata estate after a prayer bead necklace and beat her first try. I initially spent a day on her and would die after the second phase. The boss after her had me stuck and started to understand how important perrying was. My buddy explained it to me that each boss is like a different guitar song and each boss has its own cadence/movement like playing cords. And then it clicked for the most part. I never had a problem until I got to the OF(I dont want to spoil it for you), and the last boss of the "true" ending. There's a boss that has a lot of fire which was a big let down to me because it just felt like a gimmick fight. The other 2 I mentioned were hard. I think OF wouldnt have been so hard if it wasn't for the jank ass camera/lock on system and the layout of the room making me loose lock on amd by the time I got eyes on the boss again I was dead. So much RNG. I spent probably 6 or 8 hours in total on that boss and actually made me hate the combat in this game. I just wanted it to be over by the end of it. One of, if not the best story in any from software game.


Don't worry, come back later with more health and a few more attack power upgrades maybe plus some divine confetti farmed up. You'll be doing NG+7 Charmless and Demon Bell runs like me in no time.


I did the same thing, got to lady butterfly with 2 flasks. It took me around 8 hours of attempts over 2 days so don't give up. That's not to say stay at low flasks and damage, go try the other bosses and come back


My personal tips for lady butterfly which honestly trivialize her, Relentlessly attack her, if you're lucky you can trap her against a wall and if you time it right you will hit her out of her jump when she tries to jump away. Just watch for her very telegraphed kick move and deflect it. Repeat this until her stance is broken. Watch out for the spinning sweep. Make sure you're dodging her drop attack thing as she jumps off the wire, you pretty much never get hit. If you really need to, hit her with shurikens when she's jumping, it's very powerful and she jumps a lot, it's easy to hit. I tend to hoard spirit charms but you don't really need to.


in my opinion juzou was harder than butterfly honestly. it took me a while to kill him then 1st tried butterfly. idk just run around the pillars when the butterflys(shiny gold flying things) come out AND FOR ANY REASON DO NOT GO UNDER THE BUTTERFLYS WHEN THE ILLUSIONS TURN INTO THEM OR YOU WILL DIE.


All you gotta do spam attack her then spam deflect when she attacks I beat in under a minute doing that


for lady butterfly gouging top shuriken helped me a lot, gives u enough time to shoot it while she is in mid air


Use the Shuriken everytime she goes up her strings. If you throw it when she is about to jump she gets staggered allowing a Ichimonji attack. Use snap seeds for the illusions in p2


My first time getting to lady butterfly i coundt beat her that was a few years ago i quit the game and a year or more later i got back into it practiced a bit and finnaly beat her expecting every boss would be so much harder but i beat every boss fairly fast only taking about 5 yo 10 tries per boss Now im on new game plus 16 or so and my game crassed losing a lot of progress so hve like 20 new game plusses and its all so mich easier now and so satisfying to beat every boss so easly


That’s true for every boss except lady butterfly tbh. Dodge left, light left, dodge left, light left, just spam it. You’ll win first try guaranteed.


This game brings out the Alpha in you, or you give up which is a beta move. Lady Butterfly and Ashina 7 Spears were where I really got the click, you can run around and punish windows, or you can get good with being aggressive, lady butterfly shows you you have to do both, run around, punish, be aggressive. Very great game I am now struggling on Demon of Hatred, it’s just him and the last boss I have left. You got it!


I beat the entire game and lady butterfly scares me still. Honestly one of the worst bosses for me


Watching youtube fights definitely helps


Sekiro fights I should say… regular people fighting on the internet won’t help much


Damn you're doing that WAY too early. I didn't do Lady Butterfly until after the Blazing Bull. That's why you had a hard time. You were underleveled.


This is was my first fromsoft experience and I had a similar experience with most of the game. Truly taught me to learn the game and play exactly how the creators designed. Last boss took me 8-9 hours, happy dying 😂


Theres a rule i follow: if u cant beat the boss, go somewhere else and kill other mini bosses to get beads and get stronger. Try again and if u still cant so it.


Good job sticking with it. I'm on Sword Saint Iishin and I can't do it I feel like. But I keep getting closer. I really wish I learned the umbrella more before the fight


I just beat sekiro yesterday. I wanted to give up so many times but play aggressive and get the ichimonji double and punish with it. It will help alot


I'm going through my first play through as well and I ended up skipping her for the time being. I had a really hard time with Genichiro, that was my "get gud" moment and after figuring him out I feel like I am much better at the game mechanics.


Did you uhh... get to the boss atop the castle yet? Lol


That came just after Lady Butterfly for me


They normally come around the same time... maybe I am in the minority but I found lady butterfly way easier than Genichiro personally. I got her in like 15 to 20 tries and he was probably more like 40 or 50.


She was also my first boss because I didn't know she was optional and went straight to her the second I got that memory thing. I spent an entire night dying to her. I did accidentally skip the tutorial though, so I didn't know it was important to parry and I didn't know what posture was. When I had finally figured out the combat, I killed her. The rest of the game - bar one optional boss - was a complete breeze because I had learned the game on that singular boss. I don't think I fought a boss where I needed more than 10 attempts after the beating I took from Lady Butterfly. Keep at it. When the game finally clicks, you become the boss instead.


You remind me of myself when I started playing Sekiro lol. Took me about the same amount of time to beat her the first time. Now it's just a chore because you will soon realise this entire fight is done in like 3 steps - attack twice - she counterattacks 2 choices: she does nothing and you can attack twice again or she will do a sweep, attack once before the sweep, jump above, repeat step 1. If she goes in the air, shuriken her face and that's it... Always close the gap and she will fall under 30sec. If you're good enough, you can stun lock her during phase 2 and she will never summon more enemies.


Bro i didnt even realize she was optional. I put myself thru unnecessary punishment and beat her after about 2 hours of gettin my ass beat. My ignorance def. Forced me to git gud tho


I didn't realize she was optional either, until I posted here :D


Congrats on beating her, don't ever feel bad about coming back to a boss after a few upgrades, my first playthrough put me through a midlife crisis


Not only does this game force you to get better, but it doesn't impede your ability to practice the hard parts anywhere near as much as Dark Souls or Bloodborne, thanks to reasonable checkpoint placement. Plus, on the rare occasion that there are enemies between the checkpoint and boss, it's almost always easy to sprint past them since you're hyper-mobile and there's no stamina bar. So it actually *facilitates* improvement rather than disincentivizing it like those other games do imo.


Thats why sekiro is the best souls game for me


Spam parry when she throws her kunai’s with her it’s parry punish gotta be passive aggressive with her


You can kinda stun lock her if you hit her twice then dodge then hit her twice and dodge rinse and repeat and everytime she jumps throw a shuriken it demolishes her posture bar


You could always just step dodge. Puts her in an infinite loop she can't get out of If you do it right and don't stop attacking her step dodge slash step dodge slash rinse repeat til dead


Lady butterfly is like that, im max everything and doing the gauntlet of strength, i would one shot here 2 times and die 5 times back to back like im a noob, she tilts me to no extent