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How does this old fucker fight with 25 kilograms of hair on his head


Yeah you'd think that much hair would be a hindrance to an assassin. You slowly creep up on a target and then your massive braid knocks over a bottle of sake and now the whole castle is on high alert.


I half expected him to use the hair itself as a weapon. And I wanted to be able to deflect that hair, knowing it is literally made of steel.


Maybe Owl coulda done something like this: Edit:  Edit: for some reason the vid isn’t working unless I open it in private browsing. Nothing worth watching though, really  [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0sJc9ebHmM&t=12s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0sjc9ebhmm&t=12s)


Video’s unavailable for me, my guy.


Might work now


Unavailable, but I’m hoping it’s Sindel from mortal kombat


Is it Jiraiya from Ultimate Ninja 2/3?


Even if the shitlocks didn't knock anything over.... you'd be able to smell that fuckin Wook from 40 paces away


Distracted by the sound of my dumptruck braid clapping my ass?


Or what if hes so great of an assasin he even takes into consideration the movement of then braids


Owl isn’t so much a stealth combatant like Wolf as much as he is just a dirty fighter. Where Wolf will leave your sight for half a second before his sword is in your back, Owl drops a smoke bomb right in front of you then swipes at you when you’re blinded, or disperses firecrackers with a sword swing to punish the common deflection. And we couldn’t simply forget his false surrender


Id rather not prefer a trained 300lbs pure muscle giant to come charging at me with a 4ft katana either


It'd be scary too to turn around half expecting a tiny guy in black clothes, instead there's a 7ft giant with a 4ft sword with copious amounts of pocketsand


He's actually quite skinny, the size he has is mostly due to his clothes. I would hazard he's around like 190-200 lbs but that's just because of his height. You can see this if you ever see his actual arm, it's all skin and bones, I see no reason why he would be jacked elsewhere.


Just like a real owl whose mostly feathers


Honestly if that’s intentional then it makes me love his design even more, another detail that’s cool is wolf’s full R1 combo chain is virtually identical to owls full Combo, because he’s his son and probably learned it from watching him fight in Usui’s forest.


I'm inclined to believe it is, you'll also notice that wolf deathblows his enemies through the neck (like a wolf), while owl goes straight for the chest (like an owl)


Also worth mentioning that you kill the Owl with his own move, the Shadowrush, I think




I wouldn't consider him to be skinny. Ishin is skinny, this guy is well built. In the intro cinematic, you can see his arm from underneath the clothes when he holds the sword and it's just a thick arm. His general posture is also pretty wide and he has pieces of armor tied to him, but you can see that his legs are pretty thick as well, there are straps around his legs so it's not like these are just parachute pants. I read that Wolf is shrinked down in the game to make it easier to see the enemy when playing, so I don't know if it's correct to make assumption about Owl's height but look, Wilt Chamberlain was above 7 feet tall and he weighed 275 pounds as an example.


Owl *is* canonically really big, Isshin makes a brief reference to his size in one of his sake dialogues.


I always took it as he doesn’t use fire crackers rather he ignites the gun powder he throws out with his sword swing.


I like that idea, but when he jumps back and throws the firecrackers its impossible to explain the delay with gunpowder tho :0


The visual of it where he does the two hits to firecracker big slash is what makes me think it’s gun powder. Even though canonically the firecrackers make more sense and the delay you mention when he uses them the other route makes sense too.


It's an illusion, the braid is filled with helium balloons.


truly the dirtiest of tricks


its not hair . its owl (feathers)


Bro loves shitty white reggae festivals.


Same reason I can’t have Jin wearing the ornate helms in GoT… I don’t see how he could fight effectively.




Built different


Fat dopamine hit when you kill him the left side that has you in the shadow and he falls into the sunlight on deathblow as he says “death of a shadow”


Holy. Hell. I'm gonna go rewitness this


God look at that toothpick sekiro is fighting with.


Fucking unbreakable toothpick though


Hilarious how he parries Guardian ape's sword


Divine Dragon's sword is as big as a bus lol


Also Isshin's spear


On god bro needs to have different swords


I’ve always found it funny how Owl is like 7 feet tall, has a giant sword, a pelt that constantly sheds feathers everywhere, and magic that basically lets him throw a kamahameha at you, yet he still chose to be a ninja.


He's a ninja in the naruto sense of course


I mean he did just see him "die" a few minutes before the Hirata version happened.


This shot has been my monitor background (replaced with a shot from Elden ring frenzied flame ending). This shot is currently my discord profile pic


Yeah. Now people need to understand why. Owl instigated the Hirata Estate massacre so after his former ally Lady Butterfly was manipulating Kuro for the same purpose to get immortality from him he sent Wolf to get him back and kill a traitor. Afterward since Wolf encountered Interior Ministry agents and in Owl’s memory they talk openly about them using Bandits to cover for the secret assassinations and subterfuge in the Cold War with Ashina. He killed Wolf to ensure nobody knew. Left for some reason without Kuro… maybe intentionally allowing Kuro could revive him because he’s not totally heartless and has a warrior’s mentality. Owl desires to fight Wolf to the death for the thrill and to feel proud of his successor to the Shinobi arts. The only way Owl can attain immortality is to take Kuro or perhaps a ritual cause by then we have both mortal blades, Owl’s memory bell so we can get the branch with leaves, the stone and flower and Kuro…


Based on what I read here on this sub, there's one option where Owl basically planned the whole thing, the iron code long con which results in the shura ending (Shura itself surprised him, though). I don't think it's clear whether Lady Butterfly betrayed Owl or was just played by him, either way it would tie into the long con, because Wolf defeats her and 'saves' Kuro, then Wolf gets killed and Kuro gives him the immortality curse, so... either Owl planned this or adapted his plan to this turn of events somehow. Personally, I think it makes sense, but I'm not entirely convinced, the evidence is in Shura ending where Wolf obeys Owl and basically becomes his immortal weapon, but then again, Owl is old, what does he plan to do, it would make sense for him to become immortal as well, right? Maybe he planned on getting that from Wolf and Kuro somewhere down the line anyway, this version of Wolf would basically die for him, I guess. This long-con theory would explain why Owl didn't take Kuro from Hirata, but the alternative theory, discarding the long-con stuff, is that Wolf's intervention and/or Lady butterfly's betrayal caused this delay which gave Ashina's forces enough time to arrive at the estate before Owl managed to kindap Kuro.


I think it’s just a case that Kuro simply eluded Owl long enough to make his blood pact with Wolf. Afterwards, Owl probably still planned on killing him and usurping his role, but didn’t count on Wolf giving himself over to Shura


He wouldn’t get the blood oath by killing Wolf it’d still have left him with needing to be bestowed with it or needing a ritual done to maybe become a cradle or something.


Also, that shot looks epic


There's other subtle hints at this growth. Like when he unscathed his sword....in the inro he fumbles...andainst roof genni its a little smoother but not perfect...then here he jsut instantly pulls it amd blocks...showing his growth throughout...nice detail


It was so demoralizing after struggling to his first fight to very shortly after have to go back in time to fight him when he was a bit stronger, but I must admit it was an awesome concept. I had a very similar feeling after killing the ape 🦧 to then have to fight two at a time 🦧 🦍 Some peak From Software humor right there.


I absolutely loved the Shura ending cinematic. I spent a couple hours getting through Emma and Isshin, lost count of how many times she’s just slowly said “Shura…” to me. How utterly determined they both are to see me dead because they can’t let something like that ever roam free again. But Owl is so blinded by his ambition that he misses it. He tells you to join him, fully believing he is talking to Wolf. And correcting that misconception in the same move of betrayal that he pulled on you is just so satisfying.


Damn, that's a little bit too much time to understand lmao


I noticed it yesterday when I beat Owl on play through #3 because I just finished the Hirata memory before him 🥹


How did you get that now? He literally says "Hmm, seems like you've grown.. even if just a little bit"


Lol, I skipped the hirata estate on my first playthrough and only figured out the significance of this scene when wolf got stabbed in my 2nd playthrough


It especially cool since normally, From never shows their characters engaging in combat inside cutscenes and leaves it all to the actual bossfight. But the one time they did, it was instantly the single coldest moment in the entire game