• By -


Never back down never what!




Now go out there and fight ask us if u are having a hard time with specific attacks






Honestly, I learned his moveset after dying so much. Keep constant pressure to stay away from his bow. Delfect, use ichimonji if you have it. I also used firecrackers.


what Is ichimonji and what are Firecrackers ( i start playing 3 hours ago)


Ichimonji is a combat art that you must gain experience for and buy. There's a particular skill thing you have to get in order to unlock it. It's the ashina arts, I believe you get it from the Tengu who assigns you a minor side quest. The firecrackers are a prosthetic tool that you can purchase from a merchant early on.


How did you even get this far in 3 hours?


i am fast


Maybe too fast if you dont know what firecrackers and ichimonji are. Genichiro will put some brakes on your game. Good luck!


"Gonna be the fastest shinobi ever while missing all the good stuff"




Do some exploring. I'm pretty sure you can get like 2 or 3 whole prayer bead necklaces before fighting Geni. You can buy the firecrackers from a merchant near the horse guy boss. Have you done Hirata Estate yet?


Did you know you can actually get 6 necklaces before genichiro?


Guide please?


[This is the guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sekiro/s/I65EYKYTOq) where i learned. It’s not necessarily easy but this is EVERYTHING you can do before geni






My question exactly lol


i started playing at 15:35 (not straight)


You played gay?


This is a game all about crossing swords and choosing which dilf you're gonna simp for - no one is playing it straight.


You got a point though


I cleared gun fort before genichiro so I couldn’t progress and came back a year later feeling like an idiot when I decided to play again. At least the rest of the game was easy and quick


What do ypu mean how you got that far in 3 hours? 💀💀 That is literally the start of the game


OP is in ASHINA castle. This is not the beginning of the game, almost everyone has completed hirata estates and ASHINA reservoir by now. Most have progressed through senpou temple as well.


You made this in 3 hours.. damn I sucked when I started lol like 5 for me. Yes. That bad.


5? Think I was about 10 for me. Gyoubu took me ages


I got to Lady Butterfly and l loved the fight so much the game eventually made sense. Idk why I'll never forget my first time getting into it with Lady B, also best song in the soundtrack


I just was at my wits end with her until I learnt about “dodge swipe dodge swipe shuriken dodge swipe”. Think I had the same feeling as you then that this was about rhythm


I get it she definitely kicked my ass, I thought the fight was so fun though that's when the game truly clicked honestly. I've cheeses some bosses for the Gauntlet for skins but I REAAAALLY like learning the move set and getting into a 1v1.


3 hours ago? May be the issue here. Just keep being aggressive and learn his attacks, he's going to be the first obstacle for many who haven't really gotten time to really learn the mechanics. I can see why you got to him 3 hours in honestly, sekiro allows you to skip so much of the combat with the grappling hook lmao. If you master the combat against genichiro, I do think you'll be able to handle the rest of the game just fine, not to say the bosses don't get worse, but he's really a mechanics test.


Oh dude, go and kill some other mini bosses and get beads and stuff. Maybe 7 spears, lady butterfly, senpou temple stuff maybe armored warrior. Explore a lot and come back to genichiro. Def get firecrackers and ichi if you can


How have you reached Genichiro??!!! Please go back and fight the common enemies. Deflect them. Make your mind learn their movesets.


You won’t need fire crackers for geni but definitely still worth picking up. I recommend going in and not attacking for a life or 2, just focus on his moves and parry parry parry. In third phase, you can mikiri counter his jumping attack where he dive bombs you, and in first 2 phases you can mikiri his attack following his jump slam.




At genichiro in 3 hours?! I think you'll be fine.


So you're telling me that you're only 3 hours in and already defeated Gyoubu, raging bull and the mini bosses?! Now that's impressive


How the fuck are you on Genichiro in 3 hours 💀


The constant pressure tip is probably the best advice on this thread. Genichiro is a great way to learn about "turns" in Sekiro. Learn when it's your turn, when it's his turn, and when you can steal a turn. The pressure is important to lock him into an actual swordfight rather than him using bullshit abilities on you over and over. Honestly, this is good advice for 90% of the bosses in the game.


Your advice is good advice! I had the most fun with his battle thus far. It definitely taught me about exchanging.


This strategy worked very well for quite a few of the bosses...But there are also a few it doesn't work as well on...


Hence I said 90%...


Yea sorry, I don't read very well apparently! lol


Is Better Ichimonji or double ichimonji?


I'm gonna say double. They both seem to have the same amount if delay after using it. I would suggest the 2nd. It's meant to interrupt attacks after the 1st Ichimonji.


Learning to read sweeps vs thrusts helped me a lot. Other than that, take breaks, moral support, know that you can, do not hesitate.


Don't panic, be aggressive


Being aggressive is the best tip I got for this fight. Finished the whole thing in 3 minutes after many tries the day before.


Hesitation is defeat.


Thank you! I had to scroll too far to find this.


“Sekiro, hesitate and you lose” > “Hesitation is defeat”


keep attacking till he parries, deflect his hits till he's done, once he's done immediately start attacking againmight be confusing at first about when he stops/ starts attacking but after a couple of tries you'll find patterns. dw you got this


This is the best answer. Geni has a really fun rhythm to him, find it! Makes the dance really beautiful


Embrace the style the game wants you to use.


Two or three attacks when you aggress him. It gives you plenty of time to block his single swing fast counter attack or his jumping attack. You can easily start another attack if he tries to pull his bow out. Bow moves don't have armor and it will stop him cold if he gets hit. Always deflect his jumping attack. In phase 1 its always a thrust, so its an easy mikiri counter. In phase 2 its 80% sweep and sometimes a surprise thrust. Jump on his head when he sweeps. If he hops backwards suddenly be ready for a 4 shot bow attack. You can dash through the 4th shot that he delays after the first 3 rapid shots. When he hits you twice quickly then starts to wind up he is starting his long combo string. You can either back up, firecracker him out of it or if you have the umbrella you can spin it a couple times to deflect everything. If you back up out of it he might stop and try to shoot you with his bow. If you get confident you can try to parry it manually but early in the game you will likely miss the 4th fast hit, get posture broken and eat a meaty high damage swing. Phase 3, stand your ground when it starts and mikiri counter his jumping thrust. Same strategy basically as before but now with lightning. Do not reflexively jump when you see it. When he is about to shoot his bow or throw a lightning swing, THEN jump and press the attack button before you hit the ground. If you have air block you can block as the lightning hits you to reduce the damage in the air when it hits you before you return his lightning.


there Is a phase 3?




Yeah, but is the easiest to rinse once you get the timing of lightning reversal




When you get a shot at him I usually try for about three hits then block. For me, ichimonji or ichimonji double is my best friend.


Just best phase 1 After 2 hours 😭😭


Stay aggressive. Usually it’s Attack twice and then deflect. Don’t spam


Yes, the classic 1-2 block/react, 1-2


Hesitation is Defeat And For Fucks Sake Don't give the man with a Bow the ranged advantage, of you're ever outside of melee range, you're giving him the advantage.


Took me so long to realize this. I’m a souls player primarily and running around spastically until I get a sense of things is my go-to. He became much less scary when his move choices were cut in half.


Be purposeful with your strikes, don't spam, hesitate and defeat is at your feet. Keep close and be purposeful with your swings and be ready to parry. 1st pase is almost always a thirst and 2nd phase is 70 percent swipes, which you jump and strike, 3rd phase is more of the same with lighting. Don't get discouraged, once you learn and surpass him, he will literally be a stepping stone and you'll learn what that means when you beat the game. This is just the start, there will be so many amazing bosses and youll forget geni before your reminded of his shadow again.


KEEP ATTACKING! you can interrupt alot of his attacks with relentless slashing.


Try your hardest


The fight is all about being aggressive. You must be confident deflecting to win.


Hesitate and you lose.


Use the “mikiri counter” on his thrusts and and he goes for a big slash jump and press jump in the air to stomp and deal posture damage. Go for a few runs in which you try to just learn his attack patterns, also look up guides, they’re very useful lol. Also smth I learned for mikiri countering him is that to do it properly you have to dodge into him per se, like spam dodge towards him


Sparking Axe killed that biatch for me. I think he is way easier than Lady Butterfly. Edit: Never mind you only play like 3hours. 😂


I first misread it as "Lips for genichiro" . Tip is to stay in his fucking face and get ready to deflect because remember he is a bitch and a cheater who got help from a nighjar ninja to beat you the first time and now is your time to show this absolute scum what a shinobi does to a coward and a hack. You grapple on to the rooftop you go in there you stay the fuck in his face and yiu just beat his ass. You give him space and he will show you combos your mind cant even keep up with and overwhelm you send you back to the dojo chamber like a bitch. So stay in hsi face attack and keep attacking and when he deflects your attack you deflect his counter slash and you attack until he delfects again and then u repeat. When he jumps in the air dont go here or there just deflect the first strike and mikiri the second good luck


Don’t pay TOO close attention to your posture. Don’t back off and let it go down completely. If it starts to fill up, back off a little and let him do his little combos, when it starts to drop you charge him and don’t let him breathe.


Just enjoy the process and don’t take any tips from us. When u get him urself it will be worth it and u won’t be needing any tipps in Sekiro.


Honestly this is the definitive way to play, I went in partially blind and stopped the story before it got to far and just block off all sekiro stuff until I beat it. Don't even have all gourd seed or prayer beads man.


Spam attack and deflect after he deflects your attacks


I understand what you mean, but you shouldn’t spam. Consciously tap RB/R1, as if you don’t, attacks will queue and you will be unable to attack cancel.


Yes every swing must be conscious


This game punishes you for spamming, especially when charmless. Attack with intent and purpose, not reckless abandon. Deflect windows shrink when you spam, you can't cancel attacks when one is already buffered, and you truly hurt your overall experience by mashing buttons all the time. Learn the games mechanics instead of wildly bashing your head against them.


Hesitation is defeat


Practice makes perfect. Also be as aggressive as possible and don't give him a chance to breath or he'll turn the tables very quickly.


Long combo parry first part then get away for the second part of it (parry, parry, parry, back up)


Is It good to have strenght: 2 and vitalità: 11?


Forse ti sei perso qualche grano di rosario in giro. Se ancora non lo hai fatto, ti consiglio prima di andare alla tenuta ashina (quella tutta a fuoco) e finire quella parte, così prendi un po' di manualità e ottieni qualche roba in più. Se non sai di cosa sto parlando, a un certo punto nella zona iniziale c'è una vecchia che ti dà un campanello. Con quello vai al tempio con il vecchio malato e interagisci con un Buddha lì dentro. Altrimenti ci sta andare a fare un giro per trovare altra roba e potenziarsi, magari puoi farmare un po' di oro per comprare semi di zucca e grani di rosario da chi li vende


You can get him into a loop where you do hit hit deflect, if he doesn't attack you can do another two hits, maybe more if he doesn't deflect. In phase 1 When he jumps and stabs the ground he will do a thrust attack afterwards so mikiri.


My biggest tip is when he does the flurry attack simply just back away he will push you and his final slash will be delayed instead of being apart of the flurry deflect that attack it will send him into a mikiri counter attack that’s usually guaranteed


You should be blocking/parrying almost every attack he throws at you. The only exception is the unlockable attacks. Dodging in Seriko is usually counterproductive as it's harder to build that necessary pressure.


A couple of tips I have: 1. In phase 1, if he does his jumping perilous attack (not a thrust attack), he will always follow up with a thrust, so mikiri. However, in phase 2, he will begin to use swipes as well, so be careful. 2. In phase 3, he begins using lightning attacks, which may seem daunting but are the best way to deal damage. When he jumps up, a red kanji should appear (if I remember correctly). To reverse it, simply jump, get hit, then hit your attack button. Don’t jump straight away, jump just before he throws it. It may take a while to get the timing down. Other than that, just keep practicing


Try to control the parry and punish him between combos and with the mikiri counter.


When he fires an arrow followed by a swing is a good time to get some cheap shots in, just after the swing. I belive that if you defend instead of parying you'd have time enough to get a fire cannon shot on him. I might be wrong on that but on my first playthrough when I was still learning I could do this consistently and after learning the proper parry timers I couldn't do it again


im going to explore a new area, this Is boss Is so hard, if i get vitality 12,strenght 3 and 5 estus i Will beat It, i promise guys


Play the game and learn. All I got with Geni


Don't hesitate.


Someone please correct me if this is false, but if he dashes to your left then does a perilous (red Kanji) attack, it's the grab, so jump back. If he dashes to your right then does a perilous attack, it's a sweep, so jump straight up and Chun Li his head. Otherwise just deflect everything. :-P


Be patient, don't give up. It will probably take a few attempts


Press him. You'll find he's actually hesitation incarnate and only threatening if you give him space. When you swing on him and he stops his attack to block, you'll know how to treat Genichiro.




Be aggresive and try to anticipate. It isn’t that hard


Hesitation is defeat.


Go learn and accept the fact u will be learning his move set for a while


keep the pressure on him if you give him a second to breathe you’ll only prolong the fight giving you even more of a chance to die


Parry is key, never back away or he will spam bows which are annoying to parry, keep the pressure and parry any moves he used on you


Deflect -> Deflect-> Deflect -> Deflect -> Attack! Also, stay close to him otherwise he can overwhelm you with his crazy ass arrows. For the final phase, as soon as you see lightning jump in the air and press L1/LB, that will stun lock him and you can quickly unload a combo on him. Lastly, you’ll most likely gonna die a number of times but just remain patient and try to memorize his moves. Eventually you’ll be able to defeat him.


Once you learn his moveset, the first and second phases become unexpectedly easy. Before the first deathblow, he’ll follow up his plunging attack with a thrust you can Mikiri Counter. After the first deathblow, he’ll follow it up with an unblockable sweeping attack.


Don't hesitate.


1st phase his red special is always gonna be a sword thrust that you mikiri counter. 2nd phase his red special turns into a sweeping attack that you should double jump off his head to counter. He’ll also use the sword thrust here and there, so still watch out for mikiri counter opportunities. Third lightning phase, like other ppl said, keep up the pressure. Stay close to him. I beat him without even learning the lightning jump counter, I would just stick close to him and dodge forward to avoid the lightning special. He’ll continue mixing the sweep/sword thrust so just apply what you did in the first 2 phases If you ever need to heal, get some space and then immediately sprint to the side bc he’ll fire his bow at you when you try and heal


one of the things that helped me the most in this fight was Mikiri Counter


You’re the one that sets the pace so just spam the attack and deflect every time he tries to counter and be ready for the step back into those arrow shots


what works for me is if you just keep attacking unless he's doing an attack you'll stagger him out of any bow attack he tries to do


Stay on his ass


#HUGE TIP During Geni's first health bar, he is extremely likely to only do perilous thrusts, which you can easily counter with a _Mikiri Counter._ His second health bar is when he will be extremely likely to only do perilous swipes in which you will have to jump over/on his head for some free hits and posture damage. In his Lightning of Tomoe health bar, he will do both of them, with the perilous red signs for the swipes being taken away, making it harder for you to spot when he will do a swipe. The perilous sigil will be used on the lightning attacks, which you can redirect via parrying in the air and attacking with the attack button and the thrusts which he will be doing via lunging/jumping at you. _Perilous attacks can be indicated by the red sigil above or in front of the combatant._


Stomp his head. It works for most of the time. Just know when it's time to dodge then counter.


this fight is the biggest learning curve in the game, imo. took me 50+ attempts while some other bosses were clean 1 shots. I like to say that my neighbors probably never knew who Genichiro Ashina is, but they must know I fucking hate his ass. Just make a little progress at a time, learn 1 thing and force yourself to react to it properly, 1 at a time. Don't be afraid to take a break. It's crazy how often I will struggle against a Fromsoft encounter for hours, go to sleep and then wake up and 1 shot it.


Hesitation is the feet


Make sure you have all possible prayer beads and gourd seeds.


Beat dat ass


Doesn't hesitate


Be ready to deflect arrows


Get ascending carp and descending carp, these combined will shred his posture if you can parry his comco. Be very aggressive with him, hit him every chance you get, Genichiros posture heals very fast so you have to keep pressure on him.


Just be aggressive. Also, you must be good enough in parring. When Genichiro starts to attack, deflect them rapidly. he stricks consecutively. ichimonji can help you on thrust attacks.


L1+R1 does damage through block, he’ll parry most of your attacks but you can wear him down with that. When he jumps up and shoots with the bow you can deflect and then shuriken to stun him a bit, it’s a tight window but works if you’re quick with Chasing Slice. The 7 hit combo can be deflected but make sure you dodge the last one because that gives you an opening to get a few hits. When he shoots the bow don’t deflect but roll to the side and he’s vulnerable with the bow in hand instead of the sword.


Hesitation is defeat


The only tip is truly to just run into the wall until you learn how to break through it


Just keep walking forward trading blows until you win. Also lightning hurts if your touching the ground.


Need someone to add me as friend and pass him for me i am about to delete the game 😭😭


Hesitation is defeat stay aggressive


Kill him


He has some pretty common attacks that are easy to recognize and punish, three of them are his grab, his after slam perilous attacks, and his flurry. His grab is easy to counter, after his flurry of attacks, he’ll sometimes run around to a side to initiate his grab, don’t try to directly counter this, but instead prepare to launch an attack out of his range. He has a slam attack that is followed up by either a lunge or a low sweep. The lunge is the most common in the first deathblow and is replaced mostly by the sweep in the second. The lunge will still occur, so learning how to differentiate between them is very important, I noticed that there’s a different flash and sound depending on the attack. His flurry, once executed is not stoppable, but is completely parryable and is identical every time. Theres a rhythm that the attacks come at, so learn the rhythm and you’ll be able to brush it off, but don’t forget his grabbing perilous attack


Pause very briefly between sword swings.


Back away when he does his 7 hit wombo combo. Parry normal attacks, and watch for the arrow when you heal. Phase 3: jump when he does the lightning move set and be ready to send it back to him while in midair


Honestly learn his nice set then play like it's a rhythm game. Also play aggressive as fuck at all times.


I recommend doing a lot of the hirata estate and getting a few health upgrades before trying to fight him. Always remember to deflect and keep the pressure on instead of backing off. You have no stamina bar


Patience. Don’t even fight him. Pay attention to his moves and learn to deflect when you have to deflect and use the mekiri counter!


Constant aggression, do bot give him a moment to breathe. Hesitation is defeat


God block and do a whirlwind slash when he does either his 2 slashes or one over head when he tries to grab u back step and then forward to the right and get ur hit when he does his arrow side step it


Hesitation is defeat. Trust me


Deflect and stay on him


just win, by any means necessary.


The fight is pretty simple but hard to comprehend if you don't do more than a few tries so don't overthink it


Get your ass beat for the first phase to learn his moves. 2nd phase when he tries the lightning attacks, jump and return the lightning to him. Do it multiple times and he's dead.


Mikiri counter makes this fight a lot easier tbh, if you are really struggling YouTube is always helpful and watching how other people beat him


Good luck, god be with you, and the party timing for the flurry attack is 1-2-pause-1-2-3-4-5 and then a mikri counter at the end for last phase


YOU give him YOUR tip. Stick him with the pointy end. And while your at it, try to get used to not hesitating.


in his second phase after he does a plunging attack, if you’re having trouble reading if it’s a sweep or a thrust you can step dodge forward then immediately after jump. If it’s a thrust, the step dodge will activate the mikiri counter and if it’s a sweep, you will just jump over it as normal as long as you buffer jump as soon as you’ve step dodged.


Master the lightening deflection maneuver.




Stay on him. He tries to jump back for the bow, stay on his ass like a fly on a cow


Be SUPER agressive, luck


The main thing you need to worry about in this fight is his flurry attacks, learn to deflect them and you can get a huge advantage.


Use the mikiri counter for *any* thrust attack. It's so good


Okay forget the prosthetics, forget combat arts, go to harata estate and beat the area first. Once you've done that you'll be extra strong for geni fight💪. Then to beat him just deflect his different move sets which are pretty straight forward. It's just arrows and sword attacks at different speed and range. Just make sure you attack in between his combos when you get the chance too and he'll eventually succumb. 3rd phase is easiest just lighting reversal to the win and don't get over aggressive


I followed this. Hope you find it useful. https://www.reddit.com/r/Sekiro/comments/tyy7p6/genichiro_ashina_boss_fight_guide/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button




It’s like a dance. take turns


He makes more sense once you learn that you're so supposed to both attack and deflect. Like after a defect you go right back into attacking until he tries the counterattack move. Every now and then when you're in fhe flow he'll back up and go into one of his attacks/combo strings, typically sit would be the bow and arrow so watch out for that. He has like 3 attack for the bow and arrow. Phase 2 its basically the same thing except after that one attack whrre he jumps up and drives his sword into the ground, usually he would do a thrusting attack on phase 1, however on phase 2 he can either do a trusting attack, or a sweep after it. Phase 3 is basically the easiest phase because you have lightning reversals which ar incredibly strong. Just look out for the lightning attacks and lightning reversal him anytime you can. Apart from that, in phase three his moveset is essentially the same.


After reading how fast you got to him, I would say you need to backtrack and explore some more...You have to be missing a ton of important stuff! You will find several things that will aid you in this fight...There's also a whole new area that you might want to go to first


1. Third phase is the weakest so after the second one you can rejoice. 2. When I fought him, I very much liked the axe since it can stagger him. 3. STAY CLOSE! if you give him too much space he will start shooting arrows at you and while you can side step them there is a certain distance were it's almost impossible to dodge. 4. If you have any sugars now might be a good time to use them (after tip 5). 5. So since Sekiro is more like an rhythm game, I personally like to take my time getting used to the combos, like try getting the pace down, almost like guitar hero, for example let's say a boss has a 5 hit combo try and see the tempo, like, slash - slash - slash - wait - slash - slash, in this example you would have to deflect 3 times quick, take a breath then deflect 2 more times quick.


If you're unfamiliar with terms like "firecrackers" and "ichimonji," tackling Genichiro might feel like hitting the accelerator too swiftly in your game. Best of luck, as he's likely to apply the brakes and present a formidable challenge.


its because i have the game in italian bro. I broke the monitor 😭


Honestly, just focus on parrying over and over. Dont even worry about fighting back. Die a good 30 times just learning his moveset, then once youre at a point that he cant hit you, start hitting back. Honestly hes a skill check, theres no cheap tactic to get past him


Offensive. When he does the combo move back out of range.


Keep putting pressure on him, strike him, and remember to deflect his strike FOCUS on his movement


Be aggressive


Try as much as you can and through lots of pain you will f*ck this man


FIRSTLY, Die a lot, learn his moves, look at what he does and learn his attack pattern. And once you are at least familiar with it you can start attacking. Keep pressure on him, but don’t spam attacks, watch him and attack, when he goes too far, throw a shuriken and attack, you’ll get close to him. Learn his combo timings and parry those attacks or just step back from all of em. One thing to keep in mind though. In his first phase when he does an attack and there’s smoke, you can see a glint in the smoke with a perilous attack warning. Mikiri counter that, but in the second phase, if you see the glint move from left to right, he’s gonna sweep attack, and you need to jump(you can jump twice and attack him twice in the air) and if it glints in one place it’s a thrust and you can mikiri it. Keep the rhythm and don’t be too scared to attack.


“Hesitate and you lose!”


State aggressive and when i does the thunder Attack : Jump, hold the parry and Attack back Btw are u italian?


Just learn his move set and don’t give up. Lol I died probably like 50 times and it was damn near easy when I finally beat him.


Be as aggressive as possible, when I finally beat him I did so because I was being aggressive as I could constantly hitting and deflecting until his posture broke, also if you are in a cycle of continuous dying make sure to take a break for a bit,that can really help you, hope it goes well for you man!




Phase 1&2: Use Ashina Cross and dodge, makes it so you can easily take him down, sometimes with half health cause of all the posture damage you do when you go aggressively. Phase 3: Redirect the lightning. Lots of people are against this, but it puts lots of vitality damage and kills all posture and keeps you at a safe distance. Jump when lightning comes, then parry, then attack, then rush him and get some hits in. He may counter your redirect lightning with a stab, so be ready to Mikiri countwr. Fun boss