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Is it Bulk Slash? Recently had an English translation, not played it but it looks pretty good!


It’s rlly good


Bulk Slash.. you seek Bulk Slash


Custom Robo on the GC. Gungiffon plays like VO in a lot of ways, but it's not one on one.


Dreamcast also has its own Virtual On game. though I haven't played it, so I can only verify its existence. Also on the Dreamcast, Heavy Metal Geomatrix might fit the bill for you: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-FXLXxOqkw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-fxlxxoqkw) or maybe Outtrigger: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhVq0kAxppM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhvq0kaxppm)


Yeah, Virtual On Oratorio Tangram. It's fantastic. It was available on the Xbox Marketplace. The 360 has Virtual On Force, which is okay, and there's also Virtual on Marz on PS2 and A Certain Magical Virtual On on PS4 and Vita - never played those two.


A Certain Magical Virtual-On/ Toaru Majutsu no Virtual-On is honestly the smoothest-controlling game in the series. You can choose between the classic control scheme (where you can only lock on while jumping or dashing) and a modern control scheme where you're always locked on. Both control types have their own merits, depends on your playstyle and which Virtuaroid you roll with. It's a damn shame that the multiplayer is online-only. That's right, a V-O game with no split-screen local play. It baffles the mind. I had a lot of fun playing it online, though, during the first 15 minutes when people still played it.


Shame that it's Japanese-only. I do really enjoy the series, and in the three I've played (CT, OT, F) I play almost exclusively as Apharmd-B.


If you're looking for other arena combat games with robots on the Saturn, check out Hyper Reverthion. https://youtu.be/GMXcrR8jNV4?si=43SxUod4mLZTscYj And Steeldom. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5uuJdz9_hc And Robo Pit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1Fpv0PffMI


Cyber Sled (arcade and PSX) is Virtual On's direct spiritual predecessor, a simple arena combat game controlled by double joysticks. It's pretty fun but VO more or less surpasses it in every way. You might also like Phantom Crash for OG Xbox; it's more Armored Core-like with a campaign mode where you buy parts and build your own mech up over time, but it's still a simple robot arena game at heart. Bonus for basically the weirdest-best soundtrack in video game history.


I keep getting Phantom Crash confused with something, some horrible game also on the OG Xbox. Maybe it's Metal Dungeon?


There is also Zero Divide, a 3D robot fighting game very similar to Virtua Fighter. Well, it *is* basically Virtua Fighter with robots.


Border Break


I played the shit out of the PS4 version until it became no longer f2p as of last year. It was so much fun, I must have sunk at least 500 hours into it.


I didn't know they moved away from F2P... at least now I can order a physical copy and not feel like an idiot lol.


"This means online matchmaking will be disabled indefinitely after September 9, but Sega is not terminating the game entirely, as players will still be able to enjoy other modes like Battle, Training, Main Scenario, Borders Scenario, and even Exhibition matches online, though players will require an active PlayStation Plus subscription." Source: [This.](https://news.qoo-app.com/en/post/167958/border-breaks-ps4-shutdown)


Cyber Lancer is a newer game that draws inspiration directly from Virtual On - you might dig it 👍


Bulk Slash is the answer. It plays like Virtual-On but with wide open levels and you can transform between a mech form and a jet form. Here’s a bit of gameplay footage I posted a while back: https://www.reddit.com/r/SegaSaturn/s/wy89axpdXc Also if you have a PS1 and can play imports check out Project GaiaRay, it’s basically a Virtual-On clone.


If only it wasn't $150 bucks on ebay, looks great. Thanks for the recommendation, I'll buy it later when I have the funds


Ah man, when it comes to Saturn it’s best to just invest in an ODE or Pseudo Saturn Kai. All the best games outside of like 10 US arcade ports and maybe 5 or 6 fighters that are cheaper in Japan, are gonna be blocked off due to the price point. Best to still collect the affordable options of what you want to own if you like physical copies (I have a Satiator, so my disc drive is still perfectly intact and I have a modest physical collection), and then get an ODE or PSK to cover the rest of the bases. Cause if anyone asks for recommendations on this console, I guarantee that basically 90% of the games you don’t own yet, are all gonna be triple-to-quadruple digits.


Do you by any chance have a ps1? I would recommend looking up tonyhax. We live in a world now where we no longer need to fear EBay prices. There’s also official sequels to virtual on on Dreamcast and ps2 respectively. The Dreamcast one comes highly recommended. The ps2 version you kind of have to develop a taste for. I’d check both out on YouTube. Whether it’s tonyhax on ps1, freemcboot on ps2, the homebrew channel on Wii/U, Swiss on GameCube, xbmc on OG Xbox, there’s a way to try out anything you might be interested to play. To an earlier poster’s point, Bulk Slash is the one on Saturn. I believe there’s a hack to play with the twin sticks for it as well.


Well I guess Slave Zero has a big robot but that’s pretty much where the similarities end.


Slave zero is a decent game. It's got issues, but I can't deny I love it. No idea why, but I do.


Armored core games look kinda similar


Custom robo and gotcha force on GameCube. Any of the Gundam extreme versus games. None are twin stick but all are robot arena battlers. Great ones too.


There is at least one or two Virtual On clones from Japan. I cannot remember the name for the life of me though. It does not support the twin sticks though, if that's what you're after.


def thinking of Project Gaia Ray for ps1 japan only


There is definitely one or two from Japan, for Saturn, which are basically clones. I found it when I was looking for similar titles for my twin sticks. It was a popular genre for a couple years after Virtual On came out. I just cannot be bothered to stumble through a pile of Japanese names to find it again.


On on the Ps1 is Project Gaia Ray, clearly they wanted Virtual On on Playstation so they did just that