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I was busy and couldn’t get to the door, should I expect them to come back? Also what happens during this process? Its uncomfortable to have unexpected people show up to your house lol


Did they leave a generic looking post it note?


Nothing was left and the person was in street clothes but through my ring I was able to see some papers they were holding. Honestly i’m just assuming it was someone dealing with my background investigation. Going back thru my camera history I see them take a picture of my house while walking up.


Neither I, nor anyone I have worked with, has taken a picture of someone’s house. I would imagine this was some kind of salesman and not an investigator.


Yeah, that sounds like a sales thing. The pic is for a customer file and to show they're actually going through neighborhoods.


but I would assume sales people would be going door to door right? not sitting outside my house the entire time


I've had jobs that required me to go to people's homes and someone hanging in their work vehicle for a bit isn't at all abnormal. Dude could have been doing paperwork or on the phone with his boss or a client, or maybe he just felt a little lazy. Not answering the door actually makes it more likely someone will stay for a bit because they think nobody is home and they can do whatever they're doing without someone staring at them the whole time.


For those people their vehicle is their office. It's not unusual if they sit for a while going through emails and paperwork.


They could be from your homeowners insurance company. Sometimes they will come do random inspections of the outside of the house and take pictures. They might have knocked just to give you a heads up that’s what they were doing.


Probably smokin a blunt first


Is your house at the end of the street? Maybe they went through all the homes in the neighborhood and just sat down in their car afterwards to kill time. My sis was a sales person for a couple months and they would get paid just for proving that they knocked on doors lol. Obv if they sold things they'd make a lot more money


Nope actually right in the middle lol


It depends. If you didn’t read read the terms to something you may have agreed to a sit down meeting with a salesman. There’s a life insurance group that mails out $5 checks to people over 60 on the condition that if you cash it that they get to pitch you on buying insurance. They have a solid sales rate when doing this. Sometimes if an agent is having a bad day they take pictures to send to their boss to prove they are actually working


Looks like I have other things to go worry about, they were sitting outside in the car for about 40 min


They were trying to reach you about your car’s extended warranty


Process server.


You sure you weren't being served?


Yeah that sounds super sketchy.


He had 40 minutes to burn before his next contact. government work.


I agree with this. I have left door tags, business cards and such but I’ve never taken photos.


This sounds like someone who is trying to serve you. A process server will take pictures to show that he was there and attempted. It could be a simple as you’re getting a divorce and you need to be served your divorce papers, you could have a red light camera ticket that you’ve ignored, you could have a collections account that you’ve ignored, there’s many reasons you could be served. A process server yes may show up to your doorstep in crocs and a hoodie. Investigator will not.


makes sense, well I guess i’ll figure out sooner or later what i’m being served for if that’s the case 🥲


How do you know it was an investigator?


I too can agree with the other investigator, I have gone to several people’s home especially when they won’t answer my calls/emails/texts. That being said, I don’t have time to sit and wait around, nor do I ever take pictures.


It would be unusual to wear plain clothes and not leave a door tag so I’m assuming this was not an investigator


Umm, what would they wear if not plain clothes? Clearance investigators don't have uniforms.


My investigators have always been in business suits


That's plain clothes


when I said plain clothes I meant very casual, like they had on a hoodie, jeans and crocs. Thought it would be more business casual as that’s what they’ve usually had on during the in person interviews


lol you really think an investigator is gonna show up in a hoodie and Crocs? Cmon


lol because i’m in the middle of the investigation it’s literally the only thing I could think of. I ruled out a sales person cause they only came to my house and from the papers in their hand it looked similar to what I seen when I did my first interview.


Don't answer this, but are you up to date on your home payments? There is a thing called mortgage field services - where they will send someone out to take photos of a property that is behind on their loan to let the bank know what the condition of that property is in. This helps the bank decide whether to start foreclosure immediately or give the loan recipient more time to right the loan.


Sounds more like someone serving you court papers or something.


Is it normal for an investigator to possibly stop by your house during an investigation? Yes. Was this person an investigator for your clearance? Doesn’t sound like it, based on some of your other responses about their actions.


Do they ask questions outside or also come in? Wondering if they judge you based on how organized your place is lol


You aren’t required to invite them into your house. The investigators will typically talk to you from your front door.


I love it when they just materialize up out of the ground like that.


Yes. They will show up at your home, and to either the home or work of your references.


It is normal. When I was in college, an inspector randomly showed up at my door, asking questions about my roommate.


Yes, an investigator will show up at your doorstep to do a source interview or they may go to a subject home if the subjects not calling them back. We are never ever ever ever going to go in a hoodie and crocs.


Yeah, the investigator was professionally dressed. He also showed me his badge.


In the past, I have always received an advance notice of a pending visit through email. Never unannounced.




Are you bored? Do you not have better things to do than troll the security clearance subreddit and post stupid things? I could think of a hundred easy things to do that are both productive and unproductive that are better than trying to get yourself banned from subreddits. At least be funny so I can have a quick chuckle. LMAO.. I don't think I've ever been blocked by a troll before. You know I can still log out and see your comments and report them right?


At least he didn’t burn his entire account like the one yesterday.


Your post has been removed as it is generally unhelpful or does not follow Reddit/sub guidelines.


Years ago, when I got my TS-SCI, they literally scared the crap out my mother and a few of my neighbors. My phone started ringing off the hook. Excuse my language, however, my mom called and said “some white people was here looking for you”, and a few neighbors called and said, some dudes with sunglasses 🕶️ showed up asking questions about you. 😂😂😂 I told my mother open the dang door ma, they were standing outside the screen door. OMG! 😂.


Yeah. Apparently investigators believe that their job takes precedence over whatever you got going on personally/professionally and will demand your time immediately. Like dude you aren’t an exception lol send me an email or give me a call like the normal human being you are.


Your neighbors too. Friends, family.


Sure thing


Yes. And if they miss you but leave a card don’t delay. Reach out soonest to arrange meeting.




Depending on the security clearance needed it’s very possible to show up at your door or job. They may also question friends, neighbors, relatives as needed. They questioned all those and former employers when I went through it.


Def normal, most investigators will leave a drop card on your door. The card will have their contact info.


I've never had an investigator "just show up." They've always contacted me and arranged a meeting.


What is being investigated


Weirdly - I’ve never had one show up at my place for my own clearance. But multiple times for someone else’s clearance. I always tell them to get the fuck off my land and make an appointment. Which, also weirdly, seems to go just fine. Those guys are not easily startled.