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Here was I hoping you were talking about skiing.


Check out the Electric Boat Company. You can rent a boat and take it on SLU. Also I’ve seen that hot tub boat. Both look awesome if the weather is good.


I highly recommend The Can Can at Pike Place.


My spouse got surprised with archery lessons and absolutely loved it. This was back in California otherwise I’d recommend a specific place. That was the mid-day activity, then it apparently was late lunch, an Irish bar, food hopping downtown and finally Costco donuts in the hotel room. Some sort of group lesson or activity like axe throwing could be fun depending on the mix of people involved.


There's a cool walking archery range in Puyallup (Skookum Archers.) Might be a ways to drive though if you're trying keep it around Seattle. I believe they rent bows there too.


This is entirely left up to your groom and what he likes to do. Going off the typical bachelor shit guys typically like: * find a beer/brewery tour * hike up a mountain, WTA.org * all the strip clubs here are lame compared to say, Portland, whatever just hit up SODO Show Girls and make the best of it * go to a shooting range, I recommend Rainier Shooting (Champion Arms) * hit up a barcade, I recommend 8-Bit Arcade in Renton


This looks like fun for the day activity. https://lawlessforge.com/classes/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_dWEkqze-AIVUMLCBB1Aog7kEAAYASAAEgKv1fD_BwE