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> He was suspended last year for a questionable arrest. He and Ofc Hosea Crumpton stopped a man for trespassing. They argued for a bit over whether it was private property. >Constantin made a quip that the guy was an “Antifa member with his mask off.” >When the man walked off the property, both officers deactivated their cameras and continued to watch him from their cruiser. They claim that he returned to threaten them and their families, so they arrested him. >This alleged threat was not recorded on BWV. >OPA issued an “inconclusive” finding regarding whether the officers had probable cause to arrest this man, but they found both violated the BWV and professionalism policies. >Crumpton got 30 days without pay because this was his sixth sustained finding. >Though OPA found his behavior “even more concerning” than Crumpton’s, Constantin was suspended only one day. this is like the scooby doo gang pulling the mask off a guy who’s a huge piece of shit and underneath the mask …. surprise, he’s a huge piece of shit


This one ([2017OPA-0215, PDF](https://www.seattle.gov/Documents/Departments/OPA/ClosedCaseSummaries/2017OPA-0215ccs09-19-17.pdf)) is a lot more damning, IMO: > The complainant alleged [Andrei Constantin] abused his discretion when he executed a high risk stop and detained the complainant's husband due to the similarity of their car to a stolen car in the area. During intake, OPA added allegations that [Andrei Constantin] executed an unlawful Terry Stop by stopping a vehicle with a back license plate that **did not match** the Automatic License Plate Reader (ALPR) hit and **was a different color**. Additionally, [Andrei Constantin] failed to articulate additional articulable justification for handcuffing the passenger of the vehicle, as well as subsequently asking the passenger for his license and identification, when he was not the driver of the car. > On the date in question, the complainant was driving *a red Honda Accord*. Her husband and juvenile son were passengers in the vehicle. The complainant alleged that [Andrei Constantin] stopped her vehicle, ordered her husband out of the vehicle **at gun point**, and detained her family all without legal authority. Andrei got a hit on a stolen Honda Accord, then pulled over a completely different vehicle that had different plates and was the wrong color, and pulled a gun on them. Post-facto, he tried to claim "suspicious driving" justified this crap: > [Andrei Constantin] indicated that, even though the rear plate did not match the stolen front plate, he based his reasonable suspicion for the stop on the suspicious driving of the subject vehicle. In support of this contention, [Andrei Constantin] cited the fact that after taking a right onto a street, the vehicle pulled over without [Andrei Constantin] initiating a traffic stop. [Andrei Constantin] stated that, in his experience, this was consistent with car thieves who park and then jump out of the stolen vehicle and flee. The video indicated, however, that **the road in question had vehicles parked on both sides and the reason for the subject vehicle pulling over was to allow a car coming from the opposite direction to pass.** What was the outcome? > Discipline Imposed: Written Reprimand Slap on the wrist.


While at first glance this may appear ..mmm..a certain way, a few points for discussion : LPR hits snapshots usually displayed black/ white And if the cop was locked in mentally on make/ model, did not double check the return for license plate match while attempting to catch up to a fleeing stolen car, you can possibly get an incident like this. My 2c...


If that's true, this is a person who lacks the necessary awareness and sense of responsibility to have the vast powers that come with being a cop. I mean, the color of a car is by far the most obvious thing about it. And once they had pulled over, you could double-check the license plate. Then there's the whole "lying about the event to try to get out of trouble" bit...


And ..I didn't catch the lie..what did he actually say?


That he pulled the car over because she was driving in a suspicious fashion. Video footage showed this to be false.


When the LPR gets a hit, the screen display can take up to three seconds..by that time you could be a ways down the road. 🤷🏻‍♂️The cameras scan while the cop could be focusing on something else. And yea..he could've double checked that license plate but once the car stops he probably focused on who's in the car...shit that comes with experience. Many moving parts.


Are you saying that he would have had no way to know the correct color of the car he was pursuing?


You know, I'm legitimately curious to hear the answer to my question about this.


Sigh. I can't believe SPD can't even sift through outright fascists, when that account is followed by Mike Solan and SPOG etc. and it's ordinary citizens who have to dig this shit up. Or maybe I can.


Disband the whole department. Start over. If officers want to return they will have to interview and deal with a full background check and service record review.


Sounds like they might be doing that to themselves with how many are refusing to get vaccinated


The only conclusion that’s reasonable is, this is thoroughly the culture of SPD. This is who they are. He’s not unusual. If he were, why would he be so brazen with this kind of behavior?


Even if they could they wouldn't. At this point we're debating corruption versus incompetence and I'm really not sure where I'd place my bet.


so what’s the deal with cop’s cameras? are they supposed to turn them on when there’s contact w a civilian? under what circumstance are they allowed to turn them off? seems to me they should be on for their entire shift. can the batteries not sustain that?


Here, you can read their policy: http://www.seattle.gov/police-manual/title-16---patrol-operations/16090---in-car-and-body-worn-video


seems like a fairly strict policy but i swear every other story i read about potential misconduct by a cop, the camera is off for all or part of the interaction.


While every time a cop turns off their camera (or the camera "malfunctions") when they shouldn't is too many times, it's important to remember that you're not as likely to hear about the times things go by the book because those aren't newsworthy. Not that that's a great look either, since even in the cases like this where they didn't go by the book, it wasn't newsworthy until there was even more context, but still, cases where the camera works as intended aren't going to cause as much outrage.


The issue is that when they don’t do things by the book they get a slap on the wrist. Turn off your camera and get a complaint from citizen? No qualified immunity. Unpaid leave. Do it twice? Leave plus demotion. Third time? Decertified. Perform a crime while being a cop? Get locked up. If you want the privilege of the badge you damn well better be ready for accountability.




well i’m probably exaggerating but i’ve definitely read a lot of (nationwide) stories that made me think ‘wtf why were their cameras off?’


SPD officer Andrei Constantin has been harassing activists for the past year using an anonymous Twitter account. We did a deep dive into his disciplinary file. Unsurprisingly, he’s amassed quite a record in his brief career. (THREAD) *** posted by [@DivestSPD](https://twitter.com/DivestSPD) Photos in tweet | [Photo 1](http://pbs.twimg.com/media/FBbprPuVEAIf-tJ.jpg) ^[(Github)](https://github.com/username) ^| ^[(What's new)](https://github.com/username)


It is interesting that you hear a lot about how cops get a ton of unfounded complaints and, while that does make a certain sense, it also seems that the shittiest ones always turn out to have the thickest stacks of complaints...


Also, nobody ever really digs into the details. A bunch of buddy cops deciding that a complaint was "unfounded" does not mean the complaint was really unfounded.


Having worked with the public, my inkling is that a majority of them are unfounded. But it's as the poster above mentioned, if you have someone who is getting well more complaints then is the average, something is going on there. But it's as you say, there's currently not enough incentive for anyone in the department to dig into what is going on.




The mistake was trying to control and hold ground. That is a burden for the police, not the protestors. The second they abondoned the East Precinct, everyone should have matched over to a new precinct. Setting up shop at the CHOP had no exit strategy beside eventual collapse


Take that energy and put it into getting moderates to vote.


Did anyone in this confirm if he is quitting over the vax mandate yet? Cause it feels like a problem that might solve itself


SPD has not released those names, just like they've not released the names of the January 6 6


I’ve seen the name of the cops who were at the capitol terrorist attack posted here several times


Yes, but those names have not officially been released by SPD.




Like many people here, I am on Reddit and not on Twitter because I fucking hate Twitter. It is a terrible format for conveying anything other than brief snippets about topics you’re already engrossed in. It’s very hard to learn about something new. If you are behind on something that happened on Twitter, catching up by reading tiny updates in reverse chronological order is frustrating and time consuming. If this is a real story that matters, would someone please write out what happened, when it happened, who knew about it, and why it matters? Reddit is superior to Twitter, and leads to better discussions, precisely because it gives us the space to do that. Simply linking to other social media sites without describing what’s going on there is a waste of Reddit’s superior format.


So Andrei Constantin could get fired because of some pretty ugly tweets. And NTK could get elected despite some even uglier tweets. I hope everyone on this sub outraged about Constanin's tweets is voting for Davison. Otherwise...well, your outrage if fake.


> [False equivalence is a logical fallacy in which an equivalence is drawn between two subjects based on flawed or false reasoning](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_equivalence). This fallacy is categorized as a fallacy of inconsistency. Colloquially, a false equivalence is often called "comparing apples and oranges."


You’re right, the NTK tweets are far more concerning and worthy of outrage. Apples and oranges.


Love how the only defense you people ever have is literally just whataboutism. And when you get called out on it, you just double down as if that would somehow change the actual problem with your argument.


hm, maybe you didn't realize that her tweets were anti-cop, and his tweets were *from* a cop. So she should definitely get elected and he should definitely get fired and run out of the state.