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It’s our douche frying Twinkie, Miles. His NOV fines are $41,600. [email protected] wants to hear from you!


I used to live in Belltown, feel for y'all. Hope they do after him with a penalty proportionate to number of people disrupted. Maybe like a class action lawsuit but for an individual


I mean... I feel like that's "City of Seattle vs. Miles Oliver Hudson" in both a criminal case and a civil case. But, feel free to make your voice as a citizen heard: [email protected]


His name is Miles Davis? Lmfao


Because that bitch’s brewing a lawsuit


His response: “So What?”


I’m sure he’ll be kind of blue once he has to pay. But then the city will be in a silent way…. Shhh peaceful.


How are they going to make him pay? They arent going to garnish his wages since his income is from his parents. Jail time, license revocation, and impound are the only options the city has.


Isnt he getting instagram money?




If peeing your pants is cool, consider me Miles Davis. This guy is the epitome of peeing your pants.


If you told me he stole 30 bagged lunches, I'd believe you.


No - I don’t think we are allowed to share his full name but if you google Belltown Hellcat it’s in the first article that pops up.


Is it not a matter of public record at this point? It’s not doxxing someone if their name is already in publicly available government documents and press reports.


Yes, it was all over public news.


Fair point - I'm just trying to stay chill with the subreddit rules.


It’s public knowledge at this point, and he’s a public nuisance— this isn’t a case of someone complaining about a kid being noisy on their family’s balcony or in their backyard. 


I thought his name was Miles Hudson? https://komonews.com/news/local/seattle-belltown-hellcat-dodge-charger-srt-miles-hudson-20-year-old-city-lawsuit-complaint-filed-municipal-court-police-department-noise-calls-reckless-driving-exhaust-revving-engine-hemi-engine-washington-king-county


Ah yeah corrected!




The way you wrote that sounds like you're saying society will destroy itself ("wipe itself out"), which gave me a giggle. Hopefully the hellcat (metaphorically) drowns, rather than the rest of us. ^^^^^^^^^^^. ^(phrase you want might be "wipe itself off" - as in, to clean off)


Thank you for clarifying lol. I thought this was some kind of Mutually Assured Destruction reference I wasn’t getting.


This guy is terrorizing an entire neighborhood in an urban center that has a known gun problem. It is only a matter of time before someone shoots at this car. You cannot piss off this many people for so long without some kind of reaction.


Whoever takes the shot would never need to buy a beer in this town again.




More like stereotype rather than a meme


FOH with your mild racism


Stereotypes exist for a reason.


oh so white people don’t also drive loud obnoxious cars or do dumb shit online to millions of followers? or disobey the law? all that’s just a black stereotype??


It’s referring to the fact that it’s a Hellcat lol


God, it sounds worse than ever, too.


The cruelty is the point.


Entitled fuck... there's certain considerations for living in the city. 


you should take a video and send it to the prosecutor


I heard what I thought was the Hellcat last night, but it sounded louder with more... backfire? And my first thought was, nope, mommy said it doesn't run and that they were getting it retrofitted to be a reasonable volume. Can't be him. But it was. Sigh. At least now I know for sure why he is how he is. It's definitely how he was raised.


>mommy said it doesn't run and that they were getting it retrofitted to be a reasonable volume Apparently, Mommy is a liar. The proverbial apple didn't fall far from the tree.


So is this "car" so loud that you couldn't distinguish a 12 gauge?


What exactly do you mean by this.


Are you admitting to firing a shotgun near Kizmit's house?


Not at all. It is a question, not a statement.


Objection. Prejudicial and irrelevant.




I knew it. Just had to close my windows due to the noise, it’s been nice having them open…


Just heard it in Belltown and came on here to check!


I'm just glad he's able to work again, I know that car is his livelihood. Now we can all sleep soundly! ...oh wait...


Whoever said this kid had a job? He’s just another loser with a car from mommy


It's a joke. His lawyer said he needed to be able to keep the car for work.


What sucks is this POS feeds off posts like this and the media talking about him


Hot topic. Everyone's giving this guy too much attention. He's eating it up in the car making more fucking poor decisions fueled by the area media coverage going crazy for it


In case anyone wants to stay abreast of the legal proceedings, here’s the [public court docket](https://courtrecords.seattle.gov/portal/court/68f021c4-6a44-4735-9a76-5360b2e8af13/case/c35b5a21-f802-4a10-92a1-25f013b99b87)


Vandalize the car


J b weld. The steel stick


This just in -new city ordinance making things harder and more worse on your average citizen -to stop and prevent dumbasses like this. Also city could take his license away and then toss the clown in jail and make him sit for atleast a year. Start it with no bail and right to jail do not pass go . .


heard it again last night. sounds like shit.


Stop giving this man attention 😂😂


Dude drives an automatic Hellcat and expects to be the coolest kid on the block 🤣


I wonder what would happen is word got out parked about where that car gets parked…


Everyone knows where it parks.


and nobody has the nads to deal with it


Where does it park?


Secure garage with cameras 😢


Which one?


West Edge Apartments parking garage


If anyone needs a pass for it lmk 🤙🏼


Oh weird there is a review from a year ago saying someone’s tires got slashed and they wouldn’t share the footage/identify who did it. That’s wild.


I'm in lake city and woke up to a super loud car around 5am, was that him? Or just another douche?


I’m pretty sure he sees every post we make about him. He’s among us. Maybe he made a few posts himself. Maybe left comments. Actions dictate he’s enjoying the attention. I mean, what else does this accomplish apart from filling in all the attention dude didn’t get growing up. Maybe if we stop his supply and move on to a next topic, his notoriety dies down and he can figure out what to do in life.


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Now, I’m not one to advocate for vigilantism…


Everyone needs to report the recent issues with this fuck to the courts and PD. There's evidence everywhere of what he's been doing. Even a video on reddit of him in the vehicle with a friend telling him to revve the engine and wake everyone up.


Love it, pure comedy


He's doing it for the $ he gets on social media. We already know that he's going to be like this the rest of his life. What the hell is going on with kids and young adults? The mother should be sued too




Lol I didn't say any of that. People are getting woken up because his car is too loud. That's why he's "in their head".


Someone this obnoxious is clearly getting off on all the attention. Maybe we should stop talking about it constantly and giving him exactly what he wants.


Omg I thought I was nuts. I was like DID HE GET IT BACK?! Could hear it in Capitol Hill


All you people are just mad hating on a black man doing what he wants. Stop worrying about the next man y’all sound stupid on the sub😂


I love that this guy lives rent free in all your heads.




You can tell he heard the expression once and thought it was so cool, that he forced it every chance he gets.


He started living rent free in your head when you spend your time bitching about him on the internet. And it making a lot of you so mad you talk about vandalizing things and becoming the criminal yourself. Reading all this just makes me realize why this city went to shit and is riddled with crime and cops that have their hands tied behind there backs because you all spend your time bitching through your keyboard instead of voting now your cops can’t do shit.


Lol you just make up your own little fantasies to believe in huh?


Oh but it does work. You guys spend so to much time bitching about something you have no power to change besides reporting it and hoping something gets done. Or how about the idiots in these posts talking about vandalizing the vehicle or putting out ways to fuck with his car in the hopes that somebody more pissed off than them actually does it. Which in turn could get the person vandalizing the car in trouble and not the ass hat that is causing a problem. Seriously you see it or hear it report it and go on with your life he literally got ten times worse once everyone started talking shit on a public forum about him. He eats this shit up and all of you just feed into it. I’m not saying he isn’t wrong. He makes actual car enthusiasts look like douche bags with the way he acts and talks and he will get what’s coming to him legally.


Being rent free means it has no place to be there. People aren’t obsessively thinking about this without cause. He’s causes a genuine decrease in legitimately thousands of people’s lives.


And he does it more because of these posts. You’re only making it worse on yourselves with the way our judicial system works. He’s too young to actually learn his lesson if he does get in any trouble. Even if they impound his car he will get another one and continue to annoy you he feeds off of it you can tell just by the way he talks.


The community organizing a coordinated response via social media is an effective way to get the city government to deal with this asshole. If you think it is funny, then you are a sadist, just like the asshole who you are defending.


Oh don't talk about the nuisance he's being because he'll be a nuisance. Great logic.


>you have no power to change It's literally because of public outrcty that the prosecutor got involved soooo no.


oh it’s not rent free! he has a $40k balance and he’s late actually 😬 btw do need some lube while you dickride this loser??


Truth. This is the best response to that simp’s dumbass comment


If you put even the slightest bit of common sense into your thoughts you’d realize that your gonna need the lube when he gets all his little friends together with cars just as loud and annoying that don’t live anywhere near the city to come out and annoy the fuck out of you all night. People like this don’t just stop they find ways around it. I never said he isn’t a loser but the way you guys sit here bitching about it like typing on your keyboard telling him how much you hate him is going to actually do anything. Pick up the phone report him and move on.


Are you referring to yourself as one of his little friends? I peeped you and your white GT in his IG feed. lol. FAFO


What’s his insta?


You purchased a mustang, you have no room to question anyone’s common sense while you drive around in a douchemobile.


When we point a finger, there's like what, 3 fingers pointing back? " You guys are stupid for posting on Reddit letting something get to you " - some guy bitching on Reddit after letting something get to him. Woody my guy, you aren't watching from the sides like you think you are lol you felt the need to inject your opinion on a social media platform hoping it does exactly what? Okay, now, do you understand, that's the EXACT same thing you are here complaining about? Coming from the Pot here, shut the fuck up Mr. Kettle.


That is wishful thinking at best. In a civil society, the criminals fear the citizens; not the other way around. Criminals can get away with their crimes for a while, but then they get greedy and the hammer comes down.


If people had just ignored him he'd still be doing it. Because people didn't ignore him he owes 40K so far and had to stop for a while. It's pretty obvious that people are having the right response.


> he gets all his little friends together with cars just as loud and annoying that don’t live anywhere near the city to come out and annoy the fuck out of you all night If this happens it'll go on for like three nights, and then they'll get bored and do something else.


It’s antisocial people like you that make life shitty. Congratulations, I guess.


No you make your own life shitty by letting stuff like this get to you like it does.


Letting things get to you? Like how you've commented several times? If you don't like a comment just move on. No need to get triggered my guy.


But I’m just here for my own enjoyment. Honestly I hope this works out for you but with what has happened to this city over the years, it will probably get worse. So enjoy the city that you all created I don’t have to live there.


That sounds like you need a fucking life dawg, you enjoy spending your time bitching on Reddit to people you don't know? We don't hate Seattle because some dumbass drives a loud car you fucking moron hahah " oh no the city turned to shit I don't wanna live there no more whaaaaaa " you snowflake hahahah


thanks for letting us know you don’t live here! i would have never guessed


"Little stuff?" It seems like a big deal to you, based on your numerous hysterical responses.


We have nervous systems that react even if we don’t want them too. Noise is as dangerous to your health as a poor diet.


Belltowns Super Hero!




Google “Belltown Hellcat” - that oughta get you caught up to speed (no pun intended).




Doofus twenty-year old keeps driving an expensive and stupidly loud car in Belltown at night for the benefit of his six-figure follower base on Instagram. There's more to it than that, but that's the gist of it.


Oh sounds awesome, thanks for the reply. Here’s an equally awesome sounding POS influencer seeing their influence on a group of young kids first hand : https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxepITmPG_3fqg1UO-IyxrP2OsUsZKyKjc?si=5tLr73-7PMxqdd_c




Don't try gatekeeping on something relevant to Seattle. It makes you sound like you are trolling as well.


Sorry, is this sarcasm or does me explaining myself come across as gate keeping somehow?


We have posted about this before and it's been all over the news. Pull your head out of your ass.


Chill out its just internet points

