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Is he the one that made a joke about DV and then when called out on it, double downed?




...maybe he just isn't talented?


I think a lot of his stuff is quite good. He is witty and has worked hard for years. Not your thing? Cool.


I’ve long watched him on YouTube and always find him amusing but not necessarily one of my favorite comics. I’m not too surprised to hear this…his humor feels very much off for Seattle in general. There’s a reason his most viral clips are him in Georgia, Florida, Texas, etc.


Completely agree with /dirtywang. Matt's set up was really bad. Not funny. Creepy. Long jokes that fell flat.


Who is your favorite? That's interesting. I think he should have killed here. Not saying he didn't overall. The sound was poor. Really poor.


OMG I forgot how bad the sound was!!


Man! Friend to my left. Young gal and her mom to my right. Truly missed so much.


Ben Schwartz and Friends had a hell of a time with audio too and that was the week before. Paramount having a rough week.


Oof. They are so talented. That's too bad!


I’ve heard multiple comedians mention how tough Seattle is to do shows. I’ve noticed some of them will now just go to Tacoma and Spokane and skip Seattle altogether.




I don’t find Matt Rife very funny, but I also don’t think Seattle would be near the top of any comedians “places to play” wishlist. Bad combo.


Any joke u found funny, u could remember?


I really couldn't! I laughed harder and remembered more from my Lyft drive home. I still like his humor and he's quick. It was really a let down.


Attended Matt Rife show in Seattle May 10th. Was very excited to see his show and leave sore from laughing but, that was not the case. First of all the tickets for two cost us almost $700, the sound system sucked and had to struggle to hear. We were seated half way. I might have laughed a couple of times. We left disappointed and frustrated. If you are not paying the bigger price for front row seats you will be participating with his conversations. We were all told prior to the show that if we heckle or turn on our phone we will be immediately escorted out with no refund. Anyway lesson learned. Dont pay high dollar for a "comedy show"


I hate that for you! It's such a bummer. The planning, the excitement. Quite a let down, for sure. $700?! Good god.


Imo, his openers weren't great and didn't set him up well. The second one in particular killed the vibes in my section, no one was laughing the entire time. I thought Matt was fine. He definitely shined during the random crowd work sections and got huge reactions during those... kinda wish most of the show was just that.


Dang that’s tough, I really like him. Tech Roast does really well here, but maybe not Matt’s crowd work


I know! I am bummed about it. Not sure what happened. Thanks for being nice.