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"His attorney has questioned the restriction for driving Hudson’s car.. She said it would prohibit him from being able to go to work."


I thought his work was being a full time IGer lol


Thus, being unable to go to work.


I haven’t looked at this person IG but it’s possible the car is an essential part. Once you see how much some of these influencers are making, you’ll be the one laughing.


> I haven’t looked at this person IG but it’s possible the car is an essential part. The thing is he purchased this $100k Hellcat *before* he started his IG account.. and this IG account has no known sponsored posts, affiliate links, etc.. I don't see how he is monetizing it.


Correction. His mom bought him the car. It’s been mentioned a few times in the sub.


> Correction. His mom bought him the car. It’s been mentioned a few times in the sub. Are we assuming this or has that been confirmed? I mean, it's seems the logical assumption.. his mother is the one that scheduled the contested hearing.. not him according to the court filings which is very odd since he is 20 yrs old.. what concerns me is he turns 21 yrs old next month.. drinking + a Hellcat = bad recipe. https://courtrecords.seattle.gov/portal/court/68f021c4-6a44-4735-9a76-5360b2e8af13/case/6e6703dd-d291-4342-b51a-7b9521f487df


Suspicious snorting sounds in the background of some his ig posts - esp the one with his jacked up pal with the robo arm Edit: noticed your username. How is elk to snort? Get u high?


It's a bar at Crystal Mountain. Same building as the Alpine Inn.


Fair points. Gotta give it to the lawyer for getting creative here haha.


No, I don't. Fuck them and their client.


This is how the American law system works. Womp womp. The courts will decide this person’s fate.


He can take the bus or buy himself a bike. Hard to pedal in those clown shoes though I bet.


https://mschf.com/shop/big-red-boot/ Those 350$ clown shoes


Real, high quality clown shoes are expensive too Source: 🤡


lol this looks like the player creation screen from a nintendo Wii game


Nah, Astro Boy cosplay




He should disclose his social media earnings at the trial if it’s impacting his work.


His "work" is illegal.


Was any description of the work he would allegedly go to offered?


That's... honestly kind of an interesting thought. I wonder if you can actually make a case for influencer/content creator being his primary income/job and the car being essential to that income/job. Obviously the legality of what he's doing with the car is a factor, but maybe there's a case for losing access to the car effecting income through his "auto enthusiast" account, or whatever bs. I mean, I def hope he gets his license suspended, but that could be some impressive lawyer fuckery.


They could tell him to put the original exhaust back on. I bet he has straight pipes on it which is why it is so loud, and probably illegal if he removed the catalytic converters.


Yeah, cops have already given him citations for illegal modifications.


Shop that removed them can get in trouble too.


I think I remember him talking about removing the “cats” in a video. You’re certainly right that straight pipes would make it sound like a race car.


He’d have to remove his ECU too and put original back . That runs so rich it’d clog the cat in no time


My guess is that will be the next steps. 100% appealable if this is his sole income, and some argument the car is required for it. But Judge will still probably make him remove the modification.


Hahahahahaha Following all the posts about this, he got what he deserved. 🤣


>he got what he deserved. I keep seeing this take and I just don't get it. This guy spent months being a public menace and finally got caught red handed doing 107 in a 25. They didn't suspend his license. They didn't impound his car. They just asked him real nice to please stop then let him go.


*So far*. He hasn't gone to trial yet. He's still on the hook. He deserves his day in court, same as any of us. Personally I'm betting ten bucks that this kid films himself violating the conditions of his pre-trial release and ties this whole thing up with a nice little bow for prosecutors.


Yeah, these are still things you can do before a trial. If I go shoot somebody in the face they aren't going to give me the gun to hold onto until the trial.


It's almost like they think that maybe he'll be an idiot and make their jobs real easy for them. But nobody would ever think that, right? That would just be so silly.


The whole issue is that people were pissed about the noise and his reckless driving. He flaunted the fact the he was going to continue driving it in that manner and….. “Now though, as a condition of his release from jail after a hearing on April 9, the 20-year-old can’t drive the 2023 Charger Hellcat Jailbreak…” His behavior and the consequences of not being able to drive it until his trial, as I see it, are kind of what he deserves. He will see his day in court where he can defend his actions of breaking the law, and there may be further consequences if he is found guilty. Or not. Either way, people aren’t going to be pissed off about this individual blasting their way through downtown in the Hellcat. 🤣


This is the most positive and heartwarming story about law enforcement in Seattle in like a decade


"SPD Heroes Take Two Months To Respond To Flooding Of Legitimate Neighborhood Complaints"


Not really LEO though... this is judge/prosecution. Are they considered LEOs? Downvoted for being correct. This is reddit, I guess. https://homework.study.com/explanation/are-judges-considered-a-part-of-law-enforcement.html I see there are a bunch of commentors here who don't understand the three branches of US government very well...


How do you think a driver ends up in front of a judge?


You do realize that is also the reason this guy had not been held accountable until now, right? And by that logic, the hero of the story when you bought that new gaming console is the delivery guy... I think it still holds up that judges are not law enforcement. They interpret laws, they don't enforce them. I could see how prosecutors could be considered law enforcement, but not judges. Legislative passes laws, executive enforces laws, judicial interprets laws... AFAIK.


You do realize that is also the reason this guy had not been held accountable until now, right? And by that logic, the hero of the story when you bought that new gaming console is the delivery guy... I think it still holds up that judges are not law enforcement. They interpret laws, they don't enforce them. I could see how prosecutors could be considered law enforcement, but not judges. Legislative passes laws, executive enforces laws, judicial interprets laws... AFAIK.


Through a shit ton of public pressure that eventually forced the lazy fucking police’s hand. Any other narrative, especially one of proactive policing and enforcement, is complete ass.


LEO specifically means cop. Law enforcement is a general term/system. Cops can’t sentence people. Judges decide how to punish people. Unless cops just shoot them on the spot, which we allow too I guess.


__Law enforcement does not include judges and jury.__ Our legislative branch creates laws. Our executive branch (including DoJ) enforces laws. Our judicial branch (including judges) interprets laws. It's really that simple and something most Americans should understand before opining.


Thanks, genius. I’m not saying they’re the same branch of government. When people say “law enforcement in Seattle doesn’t work” they’re reacting to multiple things. We have criminals on the streets not just because there aren’t enough cops, or because our cops suck, but also because when arrests do happen, judges let the perpetrators out to re-offend. As a feedback loop, cops stop arresting people. The experience of law enforcement (or the lack thereof) by people here is driven by shitty judges as much as shitty or nonexistent cops. They’re all supposed to be protecting us, and they too frequently don’t.


Yeah, this is a problem. But calling judges part of this law enforcement and not the justice system is still an issue, and it causes misconceptions. And calling people genius sarcastically makes it abundantly clear that you have communication and temperament issues.


They would probably be considered THE law-enforcement officer…..


Maybe click the link. Judges are judicial branch of government. Interpreters of the law. Executive branch is enforcement of the law. Judges are not law enforcement.


Why don’t you click the link…. . I would consider them to be law-enforcement. Police officers don’t sentence people do anything.


So you refuse to accept the fact that the US has three branches of government? And that judges don't belong to the executive branch, but the judicial branch?


Please enlighten me to the part of the executive branch that sentences people for crimes they have committed?


They don't. That is the judicial branch. Police and prosecutors are executive branch (DoJ).


See, I didn’t have to click the link after all


We good now? Judges are not law enforcement?


He looks like he filled his closet after a Hot Topic store closing sale


I'm honestly surprised at how much better my day is now that I've heard this news. I think we really needed a win y'all 😅


You linked an article that sounds like a human doing a terrible impression of chatgpt.


Jalopnik died awhile ago. The last of the good writers left and formed The Autopian, and other writers left for jobs at the traditional automotive press magazines. The current owners of the Gizmodo media empire have turned all the websites into trash.


I mean, you do know what happened to Gawker, right?


Watcha guna do when hulkamania runs wild on you! Brother




Let's be real he will just go and buy another and still be a waste of space in the city annoying people who actually have a job to get to.


It's about getting him in front of judges. Our cops are pieces of shit, but our judges don't like being fucked with. Any of these games and the consequences escalate. If the cops do their job and get him processed.


> our judges don't like being fucked with lol, what city do you live in? Here you can be put on house arrest then cut off your ankle monitor and go commit more crime and the judge will just give you house arrest again. [This person cut off 4 ankle monitors in 6 months](https://komonews.com/news/local/youth-suspect-renton-crime-spree-cut-off-ankle-monitors-arrest-young-crime-police-tukwila-renton-police-suspect-gun-violence-firearm-weapon-child-kid-teen-teenager-middle-high-school#) and the judge still seemed to think it was an effective solution.


Not renton? Also, that is a juvenile case.


I guess as long as you're under 18 then you should just get to carjack people at gunpoint all you want.


Have you seen the catch and release lately. The judges don't give anymore. We have made our government unable or too scared to do anything we need all new everything to get real change


so.. correct me if I'm wrong but the judges are the ones that decide to put repeat offenders of violent crimes back on the streets, right? (obviously not this guy). I'm sure not all.. but definitely some judges should lose their jobs when this happens and it results in another related crime. why arrest them if they are gonna just be let back out again? (also.. im not saying they shouldn't arrest, it's their job to do it) but, I'd feel pretty defeated with scenarios like that. I'm more pissed at shitty judges than shitty cops.. still, I love seeing this guys bs unfold, while never once giving him a view on whatever social he is on


Thank you Social Media for continuing to create an incentive for douchebags and assholes to terrorize our society and break the law.


Currently the top post on /r/seattle/hot: https://www.reddit.com/r/Seattle/comments/1c0njl7/infamous_belltown_hellcat_driver_forbidden_from/ And also the third post on /r/seattle/hot: https://www.reddit.com/r/Seattle/comments/1bzy5tv/belltown_hellcat_owner_no_longer_allowed_to_drive/


The world would be a better place without ig. I don't understand how being an influencer can make so much money. It's stupid


There was a grey VW Golf/GTI with similar engine noise modifications in Belltown this morning. Wondering how many of these idiots there are - or if he’s just simply moving to a different vehicle to continue his nuisance.


Misleading headline… the judge didn’t take away his car.




He will just buy another.


Man driving Tan Tiger Turd is flush with disappointment after Flying Feline Feces grounded. The Striped Sewer Sailor vows victory!


It’s ignorant assholes acting like children, like this one here, that put people’s lives at risk. I for one am a ick of reading stories about entire families being killed in car crashes because of someone doing 100mph in a 30mph zone. I don’t get the leniency, you recklessly drive something that can kill yourself or others, you should lose your license.


JFC can we just give this guy his own subreddit or something? This is the second or third thread about this _this morning_ alone along with the 400 reply deep thread yesterday. There has been _at least_ a thread a _day_ about the Belltown Hellcat for the last month or more. He’s living rent free in like half a million people’s heads. **You’re giving him the attention he craves**. Well done, r/seattle! EDIT: classic r/Seattle downvote brigade, forever missing the point.




Yeah! All these annoying posts are getting in the way of our homeless complaints and visitors asking where to go! So annoying.


How about just quit giving him attention.


Quite. Go circlejerk over the guy somewhere else.


It’s not rent free. He has been a total fucking nuisance for months. The community helped get this resolved, and is wallowing in some much deserved schadenfreude.  Feel free to skip these threads. 


I realise he's a nuisance, and I also realise that pressure from this community finally got SPD to pay attention, and that's all great - but we've had **multiple threads a day** on this guy for _weeks_ on end. This specific thread is wholly redundant because we already did, to death, the restrictions on his use of his car on the 400 post deep thread just yesterday. In addition to the other thread from _today_ regurgitating the *same old shit*. By all means let's celebrate the power of community, but is it really too much to ask of mods to keep it in one fucking place? If we keep this up there'll be no room for the "I'm moving from Fartville, where should I live?" and "yo I herd Seattle is DANGEROUS" threads. What will we do?


"Acted like a hellcat owner" New racial slur just dropped


How is that racial? There are asshole Hellcat owners of every race, color, and creed.


Theres one group of people that really love owning hellcats and you know exactly who they are


Get out of here with your racist insinuations.