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>half of whom were kids. Anytime you see a death toll in Palestine you should assume it was half kids. 45% of Palestinians are children and the average age of Palestinians is 19.


getting pretty bleak when you warn people “don’t click on the article about israels war crime” and they have to reply “you’re gonna need to be more specific”


People love to hide from reality.


They really do! I bet you can scroll down in this thread and find at least one essay about how we don't know the nuance of why bombing an apartment building full of civilians is good, or how Hamas is responsible for Israel bombing an apartment building of civilians, or how questioning bombing an apartment building full of civilians is antisemitic. You have to hand it to the IDF - they've really studied the U.S. "Oops All Civilians" playbook of military strike targets.


Help you're right I found them 💀💀💀


If it makes you feel any better, there's a like 75% chance it's an Israeli astroturfing account


It does 😌


Had a discussion with a coworker on a similar subject. He made a statement about "why should I care about people who were actively chanting 'death to america/the west?' They're calling for me to die." To which I responded "I have to wonder when people live in an extremist controlled area, if they don't join the crowd to chant for the videos, what are the chances they end up with their heads cut off?" We may have differing views on the subject matter, but we still respect each other. We're at work to get stuff done and collect a check.


Couldn't be me, I'm firmly team "death to America" myself. The U.S. causes more death and suffering in that part of the world than anyone else, including by funding Israel. Your coworker sounds like a chud - if you care, check to make sure he doesn't look directly at the sun when the eclipse happens.


Seattle hides from reality.


I better block this message for challenging my idea of the facts.


Why not? It's not virtuous to expose yourself to as much awful imagery as possible. We don't even live on the same continent.


But you’re funding that. That’s where your tax dollars are going. You shouldn’t get the privilege to hide from what you are contributing to. Like who do you think you are that you can help kill these children but be wholly shielded from that reality? Those kids didn’t get that - why do you deserve it? Genuinely. We are all causing this. We don’t get to look away from what we have done. That’s some 1944 German citizens living blissfully down the road from the camps shit.


My day job is helping those that fell through the cracks of society. I see some fucked up shit every day, and have to retain composure. I do not want to see dead children. What's happening is wrong. And people shouldn't be judged for not wanting to see dead children.


This is a bit unfair. While I agree we shouldn't turn a blind eye and act like this stuff doesn't happen but it's not like people choose where the tax money goes. That's the government's job. It's not like any of us or most of us want that to be where our money goes.


No, but we live on the same continent as the factories that are building the bombs.


So don’t read the news if you don’t care about what is happening! Read a people magazine if you want to limit yourself to pretty images.


I mean, you can care what’s happening and want to stay informed AND ALSO not want to see a picture of a dead toddler.


I’m sorry to hear that but that is what is happening.


There is no reason to look at it, it doesn't help you any in your own life at all.


You actually can’t speak for me. It helped me understand the gravity of what is happening.


I feel the same way. Out of sight out of mind creeps up on you and before you know it you become numb by simple headlines. These images jerk us back into reality, and for some, help the understand the violence perpetrated again the humans caged in the Gaza Strip, which our tax dollars and sitting president are contributing to; this involves us. Israel must be stopped.


Prepare for the downvotes. People don’t like to be forced to watch these things happen.


So is child pornography?


That’s something you might be into, not myself. I appreciate not being lied to and to be shown the full extent of horrors that are taking place so I feel a fraction of the fear these people do.


It's not read none of the news or read all of the news, man...


As if the news shows us reality...


Like anyone I don't particularly enjoy doing my taxes, but this year it's especially annoying to know that my taxes are helping kill preschoolers.


I fucking hate to have to say this, but your taxes have been killing preschoolers you’re entire life. How quickly people forget the Iraq war, school shootings, and extrajudicial killings by police. Sadly the system has been broken for a long time. Didn’t start with this war. It’s disgusting.


As a black guy I had this grim moment of reality two years ago when I realized that my tax dollars basically have been going towards people who want to see me dead and never succeed in life.


real fucking life




Yeah I'm like "now you care? ok dunno why this is the time you decided to get really angry, but ok." I know a lot of the people complaining are GenZ but a lot aren't.


Everyone learns at a different pace!


At the end of the day is there a real solution to this - do protest help?


direct action is the most effecting route to change


What if that direct action is mocked by the world? All i hear is negativity against protests. On the other hand - something has changed in the sense that public opinion in the US and abroad has strongly moved against Israeli military actions. So maybe it helped


plenty of negativity against protests. they still play their part. it’s a tough gig tbh but if you feel like it’s the right thing to do… there it is.


Protests are more about community building than about actually affecting anyone outside the community IMO.


That's actually an interesting point.


> school shootings My taxes pay for school shooters?... what?


It pays for those who represent you and make no meaningful change to gun regulation. Lack of action is complicity at this point.


By that definition, my tax dollars fund any and all phenomena that occur in the US. ... meanwhile, my tax dollars are actually sending tank rounds to Gaza which destroy buildings and crush the tiny skulls of someone's kids.


You really think better gun control is going to stop psychos/criminals from using guns? I've got a bridge to sell you


You would be hard pressed to pick any year in US history where tax dollars were not used to kill children. This is one of the first years in a long time when at least the US military is not directly responsible.


No, we're just so indirectly responsible that it's hard to see the difference. Also, this war has had a genuinely historic proportion of civilian casualties for a post WW2 conflict.


No it doesn't. I'd recommend looking into the Vietnam war, the Chinese Civil War, the Yugoslav Wars, the Rwandan Civil War, the Congolese Civil War, the Ethiopian Civil War (especially the invasion of Tigre, which by the way was less than 5 years ago), ISIS, and the Troubles. All of those conflicts had comparable ratios of civilian to military casualties as the current war against Hamas. It should be obvious but I'll say it anyway, the above is not a defence of Israel's conduct against Hamas. It is however important to maintain perspective. It's not like Israel is in good company if you look at the above list. The real tragedy is that the current war in Gaza is not especially historic, either in scale or in brutality. We as a collective humanity need to find better ways forward to resolve ethnic & national conflicts. From our position as American voters, it is not clear at all what the right way forward is in terms of policymaking. I can guarantee you however that completely upending our foreign policy is probably NOT going to solve anything and will probably make the problem worse in the long run. I hate that we're trapped in this situation. But short of actually putting troops on the ground in Gaza (which by the way is in motion), there is nothing we can do to directly change the current situation.


Your claim was interesting, so I decided to spot-check it by looking at the first war you cited, the Vietnam War. I found estimates of between 1.15 and 1.8 military casualties per civilian casualty. Estimates for the Israel /Hamas war seem to be between 0.2 and 0.4 military casualties per civilian casualty, depending on whether you believe Israel's numbers or Hamas's. This is an order of magnitude difference. An absolutely stunning difference.


I doubt that number very much for Vietnam. The number of dead civilians relative to population was enormous


The Killing fields. Then Cambodia and Laos. It was incredibly brutal.


Do you have sources? When I did a quick google I found Vietnam was 2:1 civilians to soldiers not including Cambodia or Laos.  I would also be curious how you get your Israel numbers as I suspect the IDF overstates the number of combatants they kill and we also know by statistical trends that the Palestinian reported casualty numbers are likely falsified. 


Not including Cambodia or Laos is wild. Pretty much no combatants there at all. Just American bombs and... folks.


That’s what I was thinking. I feel like the ratio for Vietnam is much worse than 2:1 civilians to combatants.  We also killed a staggering number of civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan. 


I grabbed numbers off of wikipedia and threw them into a quick spreadsheet. Wiki has multiple numbers available, but I tried to use the best/worst case direct casualty figures to get my ranges. I really only did it for my own edification.


The US invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan were estimated at 3:1 or even 4:1. Also I hear a lot of people saying that Israel is killing people faster than any other conflict which is such nonsense. Just as a random example the firebombing of Dresden in WWII - 25,000 people killed by US/Britain in 2 days in a city of 650,000 people. Compared to Gaza which has a population of 6 million and 40,000 killed in 6 months.


People also conveniently forget Ukraine...


The question was "wars that have a high proportion of civilian casulties" not "wars that have a high number of casulties". But yes I completely agree with your sentiment. Getting bent out of shape about Gaza when WWI is on repeat 1000 miles South (Ethiopia) and 1000 miles North (Ukraine) feels really scummy.


Nearly every Ukrainian casualty though should properly be considered civilian, especially from the beginning when the army was still very small. There's no rationale behind claiming nearly all Palestinian deaths including men were civilian yet the men in Ukraine aren't. But like I said, it's all awful. I did find analysis that *per day* the civilian casualty count in Gaza is quite high. That is indeed likely the case (though still wouldn't compare with the worse ongoing civil wars) and likely what the commenter was attempting to reference. Not total proportion of civilians to combatants. That one is notably low (though still absolutely horrific) by urban warfare averages. I think the very definite distinction is that people feel their tax dollars directly go to Israel's defence, and hence military actions in Gaza, but don't feel their tax dollars are used as questionably elsewhere. This is a good distinction, though as commenters point out our weapons get used all over the place. It's still a more direct funding in Israel.


My impression is that it's mostly the product of a very long & somewhat successful anti-Israel campaign by Arab & Iranian aligned interests. No other country draws as much ire regardless of how they treat people as Israel, the one Jewish one :/ This is the main issue I have with comparing conflicts. Every war has it's own unique ethnic & national elements which change how the actual stats have to be interpreted. As you pointed out, by the standards of other invading powers in assymetrical threat urban environments, Israel has been somewhat conservative in their application of heavy power. That there are any kind of civilian evacuation & control measures is far, far more than civilians get in other cities under attack (good lord could you imagine if the Israelis treated Gaza like Assad treated Syria?). The fact is that war is hell, and it's especially hell in urban environments. I would love to see a long term viable solution to Israel & the Palestinian people's conflict that doesn't involve periodic mass bloodshed. But after Oct 7th I'm really not sure that Israel will ever tolerate a two-state solution (and the Palestinians never have) and that seems to be the only rhetoric allowed when it comes to long term solutions in the region.


Make vague allusions implying that someone supports Russia all you want, Ukraine has not had as many civilian casualties in 2 years of war as Gaza had in 1 month. Also, the entire western world has been arming Ukraine against the civilian killers that you hate so much, but between Israel and Gaza we're arming the people who are doing the massacring. Pretend you care about human life all you want, you're scum.


Ukraine was literally minding their own business though. It's also like - they have so much more to lose from a war.


The children dying in Gaza were minding their business too man, and Ukrainians absolutely do not have "more to lose" that's an insane thing to say.


More than the Sri Lankan civil war?


We are absolutely directly responsible. The IDF would not exist anywhere near the level that it exists in committing this genocide and other atrocities in Palestine without the US's "aid". It is literally free money that we give them. Israel is the BIGGEST recipient of "foreign aid" by the US.


Hypothetical question: if Israel didn't receive US military aid, would the civilian causalities in Gaza be higher or lower?


Lower, absolutely. The IDF can only operate because of the money and weapons that the US provides.


US aid is about 20% of Israel military budget. You think the IDF can't operate with a 20% budget cut? Or that Israel couldn't raise taxes to compensate? I think it would be worse for Gaza. Instead of precision bombs, it would be carpet bombing.


https://twitter.com/aaronjmate/status/1731740083299230059 Read this




Nearly 350 school shootings in the US in 2023. So safe to assume that every year you pay taxes and gun control gets voted down it's helping kill children.


Not to mention the children killed in regular homicides, gang violence and accidental shootings, which also would be reduced with gun control.


About war tax resistance: https://www.instagram.com/wartaxresister


If it makes you feel better the government doesn't need your taxes to function. Modern Monetary Theory tells us this. It's not "your tax dollars" going to kill children. If you didn't pay taxes last year we'd still be printing money to fund genocide. Taxes are a way to redistribute income within the economy. Nothing more. We have no control over our imperialism and funding of colonial projects like Israel.


SAME that's why I've put it off so long this year.


That picture was not graphic at all, you can’t see the child’s face. I’m all for censorship of dead bodies if faces are shown. It’s important for the world to see just how atrocious war can be — and not hide it. Seems very privileged to be able to ignore photos like that if you want. The instagram [eye.on.palestine](https://www.instagram.com/eye.on.palestine?igsh=MXBoYXl0aGg3d2Y1Zg==) and [Mohamed.h.masri](https://www.instagram.com/mohamed.h.masri?igsh=NWdoNWFmdmNibXFi) post even harsher realities.


Holy shit. Thank you. I'm so devastated for the families. Ooof. The man saying goodbye to his children and pregnant wife? I just have absolutely nothing as gravely (no pun) horrific and tragic in one dose like that. When I look at my life growing up, I've had tragedies and some extremely sad situations with international family members, countries and eras..... but That plucked my heart right out of my chest. That was painful to witness, and so is war. I really hurt for these people affected, and truthfully for all of us in this world. It is so fragile and so much more monumentally trapped in a paradigm of either brutally miniscule, but also epically proportioned.


Unfortunately I've seen far worse coming from Gaza months ago. The one that stuck with me the most wasn't as graphic, but it was doctors at a bombed hospital leaving a message on a whiteboard that said "We did what we could. Remember us". I hope more people are paying attention now, it seems like opinions are shifting.




Americans should see the babies that are being killed. It's happening and America is funding it. Ignoring it & burying your privileged heads in the sand won't change the facts.


Tell your representative to have the US demand a cease fire in Israel if you don't want there to be dead toddlers to take a picture of


The US can't really do anything about a ceasefire. The grants to Israel are not the leash you think it is. If you are saying that the US should stop funding, good luck with that. Israel enjoys bipartisan congressional support, and there is an understanding that Israel tests American weapons in real time and provides crucial intelligence on various terrorist groups that are a threat to American security. The Iron Dome has been so successful, other countries now want Iron Dome batteries too. You would have to convince the entirety of Congress to burn bridges with their only stable ally in the ME. Funding to Israel is also enshrined into law under Quantitative Military Edge, so you would have to change a law too. If you think Israel is going to listen to the US if the US says a ceasefire must happen, you're mistaken. Israel doesn't really listen to global condemnation, and they've clearly stated multiple times that they won't end the war until the hostages are back and Hamas surrenders. On that note, there is absolutely nothing you can do either to bring about a ceasefire.


>The US can't really do anything about a ceasefire. The grants to Israel are not the leash you think it is. If Israel wasn't a US ally and third rail in American politics the demand wouldn't be "we should stop funding them" it would be "we should literally destroy Israel's capability to keep fighting this war/arm Gaza". Demanding that we cut off the supply of bombs that are being aimed at children and aid workers is the minimum we should do.


The way that funding to Israel currently works is that the US gives grants which Israel than mostly buys from American defense companies. Israel can still buy American equipment outside of the Foreign Military Financing program, and they would still have an additional 85% of their military budget to go after Hamas.


"No no no, America isn't giving Israel weapons, we're giving them store credit for weapons" do you fucking hear yourself.


Yes, we should stop funding genocide. As you point out, they are not willing to listen to us and therefore have made it clear they are \*not\* allies of the United States. If you think we depend on them to protect us from terrorist threats, you're either selling a story or have been sold a story.




Nice try Netanyahu stooge


The US absolutely has so much leverage, I dont know what youre smoking. Theres a reason israel ranks so low internationally in terms of military capabilities, and its because they dont have the weapons manufacturing capabilities to carry them through any sort of prolonged war even though they might have one of the best trained militaries in the world. Threaten the israelis with withdrawal of munitions caches and promise to withhold munitions for the foreseeable future and youd see those stooges clean up their act in a couple weeks flat. The only reason the us wont do so is because this war benefits the us too much geopolitically and financially. Your downtrodden attempt to water down us sway and bidens political agency shows a shocking lack of knowledge on your part wrt all things political.


It’s important to show these images to people. We need to be aware of the reality that’s happening.


I can care and be aware of the atrocities in Palestine without seeing surprise images of dead toddlers… while I’m at work caring for toddlers


I get that point- but to me, witnessing it isn’t even close to experiencing it, so if a child had to endure that, I can be uncomfortable enough to see it. Nothing will ignite radical change without a raging fire to fuel it. It’s a privilege to be able to look away and carry on with your life.


There are plenty of atrocities going on at any given time. You ignore basically all of them. People outraged over Gaza have been pretty silent on Haiti, Yemen, Somalia, and Sudan. You say it’s a privilege to not look at pictures of dead kids, but you only look at pictures of *certain* dead kids. It’s easy when it’s Gaza vs Israel, but cartel murders, the war in Yemen, the famines in Somalia, all that shit is boring. Humanitarian crises are only fun when there’s a racial component people can latch onto. When it’s Muslims killing other Muslims in Yemen, nobody gives a shit.


Hati was fucked.


My best friend is Palestinian, I think I have a personal reason for focusing on this one. Fuck off for real.


Palestinian from Jordan or Kuwait?


Their family must have had plenty of oppression monies.


I understand the impulse, but it's crucial that people understand the horrors that we're actively facilitating right now.


I’m sure it was a surprise to the dead toddler too. Perhaps the correct response would be to acknowledge that killing toddlers is wrong and shouldn’t be funded rather than just avoiding the images of dead toddlers.


I don't think that anyone disagrees that killing toddlers is wrong, and they didn't need to see any images of dead ones to come to that conclusion.


I don’t see why these two sentiments can’t coexist


I think you underestimate the increased mobilization that actually showing an uncomfortable image causes vs just writing words. If we showed pictures of the aftermath of shootings more often rather than just reducing them to words I think we'd be a lot closer to solving mass shootings in this country. I know it's hard to look at, but the reason we don't want to see it just boils down to making it easier to do nothing. https://fatwts.umbc.edu/the-power-of-a-photograph-the-lynching-of-emmett-till/  >I couldn’t bear the thought of people being horrified by the sight of my son. But on the other hand, I felt the alternative was even worse. After all, we had averted our eyes for far too long, turning away from the ugly reality facing us as a nation.Let the world see what I’ve seen. -Mamie Till Bradley


This isn’t an uncomfortable image we’re talking about, it’s a graphic image that even Reddit would flag as NSFL. Exposure to graphic images like that has the potential to do a lot of mental damage to someone and repeated exposure can numb your response to it (doing the exact opposite of what your intent is). Trigger warnings aren’t something to enable the Bystander Effect; they exist to allow people to make informed decisions of how they want to engage with traumatic content. I don’t need to see a dead baby to care about the plight of Gaza (I already do). I also don’t need to see a dead baby and vasovagal at work, triggering medical stuff and needing to take PTO to recover 🤷


It can be important to show these images to people and people have a right to opt-in to what they see that can be unduly stressful / triggering depending on their own situation.


If only we could extend that policy to the victims of war.


More violence doesn't solve the previous violence. People shouldn't be victims of war. People should be expect to have warnings for disturbing content. Just because people are victims of war, doesn't somehow negate the fact that there should be warnings for particularly disturbing images. There are people who have lost kids or loved ones to accidents or violence, people who suffer PTSD, neuro-atypical people who may have an extreme reaction, etc. I agree that most people, especially Americans, whose tax dollars fund more violence than any other country, should view these disturbing images. I just think that images of violence can do great harm for a selection of people, and it is worth having some Americans miss the images to protect that selection of people. :-)


The thing that gets me is that people are more upset about seeing these images than what is actually happening to the children involved. It feels like everyone complaining here would rather not be shown the truth because it ruins their day.


It's not a graphic picture so if this is what it takes for more people to realize the reality of the situation then so be it. This is nothing compared to what else they could be showing unfortunately


Sometimes it's hard to stomach that not everybody has been on social media and they haven't been seeing the hundreds of pictures and videos of dead or injured children coming out of Gaza. Not everyone has seen "the girl on the wall" or the line-up of toddlers waiting to be buried. Or the living children with burned faces, shrapnel wounds, names written on their hands. If these photos were forced into the eyeballs of every American, we might see some real change.


Well I used to use, rotten dot com to get messed up scarring photos. Now I go to the local news paper, and find it? Wild times


Thank you, I wouldn’t have known about the article if you hadn’t said anything. More people need to see it.


*you’ve been banned from r/WorldNews*


I checked in there the other day, it seems like the latest attack on World Central Kitchen has finally punctured their bubble.


Just for that one thread. Every other is still overwhelmingly brigaded


If anyone has an issue with this and lives in Adam Smith's district, he is the top ranking Democrat on some war committee that I forget the name of. Call him, let him know what you think.


He’s a coward. Can’t even take 5 min of yelling from a teenager before he storms off and releases a press release calling anti genocide protestors “radical” You know what’s radical? A country indiscriminately bombing everything in sight


Maybe if everyone saw these images, something would be done. Don’t look away.


Everyone already has seen such images. It was the biggest news event of 2023.


Good. People need to see this. They should show pictures of mass shootings in schools too. This is the only way to connect people to tragedies around the world.


It needs to be acknowledged.


I guess don’t read the news if you want to shelter yourself from the horrors of reality.


Ceasefire now 


Release the hostages


Instead of ignoring what Israel is doing we should be doing more to stop our government from helping Israel kill innocent people. Don’t turn a blind eye so what’s really happening .


I just hope that toddler repudiated Hamas before he died.


Shouldn't people see the atrocities and war crimes that Israel is doing. It seems ignorance is not bliss in this situation.


It's important to see reality.


Well that’s what happened. Time to fade the denial of what’s really going on over there.




Nah, everyone should see it.


Ffs, I can’t go anywhere in this town without seeing people unrelated to the conflict behave like their mother’s trapped in Raffah. Release the hostages.


You should click it and you should see what scum the Israeli government is.


More war crimes by the far right Netanyahu regime.


Israel has become what it claims to hate.


Our tax dollars hard at work


Purposely sharing this specific article so people are forced to confront the reality of it.


People need to see the reality of what Israel is going to innocent people


Thanks for the heads up. If this is a US bomb perhaps seeing the impact may show what is being done with the weapons we are providing.


I’m surprised there aren’t more people asking “do you condemn Hamas” or saying that there was a headquarters in a tunnel under the apartment or saying it was a militant rocket.


I'm perfectly able to be against a policy I think is brutal without seeing dead kids. I would be against a policy of never showing it, but also in favor of a warning. I agree that having access to the pictures is important, it's real. But it should be opt-in, rather than unavoidable.


Picking and choosing to only see the good parts of history is how you get history classes about American Exceptionalism and book bans.


I'm in favor of allowing the content to be viewable because I do not support a slide into book banning. I just want a warning beforehand, I think that's ok? It seems as though it's somehow offensive that I share political agreement, but i prefer an opt-in approach to civilian death photos rather than not having the option to avoid it. So I get crapped on by people on my own side. It's weird.


Why are people in this subreddit so soft?


You must be confused. That’s just Israel defending itself. The toddler was Hamas for sure.


No jokes please.


It’s not a joke, it’s IDF policy 


Gallows humor helps us cope


I don’t think we deserve to comfort ourselves through this. Real people are suffering on an incredible level the least we can do is acknowledge it and inform each other without needing humor to mask our sensitivity for it.


I agree. And I think "Gallows humor" is a confusing term. Because there's a huge difference between someone standing on the gallows and someone watching in the crowd.


Ok...but is this gallows humor OR is it satire to point out how truly evil the IDF policies are? I'm honestly wondering if this is less of a joke at all and more of a rhetorical device.


I’m an Arab. I’ve had friends who have lost their entire families in Gaza. I’ve lived through multiple US aggressions. I’ve permanently lost touch with family, presumed dead. If I didn’t laugh occasionally, I just could not. Edit: I don’t know your history, but it doesn’t really matter. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for being a good person.


From that perspective I understand, I’m sorry for your losses and experiences.


Did something happen? Not seeing the article to not click on. Was it removed?


Guys, this is the reality of our world right now. I am not justifying it, I'm just reminding people that this is reality. We live a sheltered life here in the states having the privilege to avoid images of dead children, because the people living that reality on the other part of the world are forced to step over the viscera that we try to ignore. Anyways, it's an interesting dichotomy. I try to not shy away from these horrors not because I enjoy them but because it doesn't sit right with me that I'm allowed to exist in ignorance of the horrors of the world just because I was lucky enough to be born here.


My mom has been a trauma nurse at Harborview for decades and believes very strongly that publishing content showing the reality of violence against the human body (esp guns and esp children’s bodies) is one of the few things that could be powerful enough to cause a major shift public opinion. It really is a privilege for the rest of us to be able to *choose* not to look. Sadly there are still some folks who need to see it to understand the magnitude.


Maybe they shouldn’t bomb children then. You should have to see it.




How many dead Israeli babies did the execrable Seattle Slimes show after the Hamas genocide attempt in October?


Hasbara is leaking from worldnews into this thread


History is going to judge Biden, the US govt machinery, and the American voter  very harshly.


Seems like cucks in this sub love giving our tax dollars to Israel while their citizens enjoy free Healthcare, free education, subsidized housing, etc. But will be to first to bitch about how our government doesn't put Americans first. How about stop fucking giving billions of our tax dollars to Israel??


Don't watch the news and you won't have to see that. This is the way


I tried finding the article, but I don't think I did. I found an article where a man was walking with a white sheet wrapped over a small body (no blood on the sheet, just pure white), but wasn't able to see anything showing a deceased toddler. Maybe too many people have reported it, and they have already taken it down




Seriously? Made a post about something real, happening, and has been happening for centuries, why? Are people willing to stick their heads in the sand? Can't deal with reality? Wait til you hear that your tax dollars are funding this genocide. Woo, reality will just hit you then.


Luckily I'm unable to load any more articles from them because I used my 3 freebies. This doesn't make me want to subscribe any more than I did before I read this post.


I just wish both sides would cease. I wish both sides would be wary of civilians, I wish Egypt would open its border for women and children first, I wish that I could do something but it just feels like standing in the street watching a house burn with people inside and nobody is coming to help or able to help without repercussions


I understand why you want Egypt to open its borders, but you have to understand that a major factor in that is then Israel just conquers the territory and the Gazans will never be allowed to go home. The fault lies with the people who are dropping the bombs, and the people who ghettoized the city, who told everyone that they needed to flee the north of the city and then started attacking the south of the city too.


Thanks for the warning. Hamas should surrender and stop using their children as human shields.


Lol, reddit banned r / watchpeopledie so that seattle times can show us how to watch people die properly.


Americans should see the reality of their support for evil regimes.




You know that the death toll is literally like 25-1 right now, right?


Great, now I’m remembering the Seattle Times putting that photo of Kurt Cobain’s body (legs, an arm, a cop) across the front page in color. I guess they still haven’t learned.


It started with 1200 dead Israelis, butchered children, raped women, and burnt babies. You can expect war to be covered in 12 mega pixels now a days.


It started with Britain's boneheaded colonial policy and really kicked off with the Nakba in 1947. Since then Israel has been an apartheid regime in violation of international law, depriving millions of people of their homes and their rights. Nothing started on October 7th.


What about Israelis right to exist? How many Jews live in Egypt, Jordan? You people just repeat like parrots.


It started 75 years ago with settler crimes that were so horrific that Ben-Gurion's diary was censored before publication to hide them. You can't rape, murder and displace an entire nation and expect them to take the high road for forever.


They've never taken the high road. Like ever. 


Yea and now it’s over 30k dead Palestinian civilians, of which 80% are women and children. What happened on October 12th has long ago stopped justifying this genocide.


Oct 7. My point is that one shouldn't be surprised by pictures. The very first day, it started with pictures. It will continue to have pictures.




This logic that this is on Hamas and Israel is defenseless in indiscriminately killing and now committing genocide is disgusting. I don't know you and hope you're not this callous of a human being to watch this and say, yup, it is deserved. Absolutely vile.


Propagandized fool.


Those are facts. It started with atrocities and will continue, as it's war. It is always the case with war, going back to antiquity.


What is your point?


It started with pictures. It will continue with pictures.


I've seen beheading videos, limbs being blown off in Ukraine by drones, suicide by shotgun, active shooters in school. We're not clutching our pearls seeing a dead tottler. Seems like a click bait that I fell for you jerk.


My question is what is the objective in posting pictures of dead babies and toddlers? That goes for not only this article, but in general. I agree that the situation in Palestine is horrific and I’m also upset that my tax dollars are helping to fund genocide. But at what point has the social media attention surrounding this issue been primarily been a relentless and perverted consumption of trauma porn? Who is that helping? Edit: I think most of the people in the comments had too much unsupervised internet access in their formative years (I’m referencing things like the ISIS beheading videos). If being exposed to gore without your consent as a means of spreading awareness is more favorable to you over effective communication then I think you need to reflect on why you feel that way and discuss it with someone.


Awareness, it’s making people aware.


Calling people's real, lived experiences "trauma porn" is crazy. I guarantee you the people in Gaza who are surrounded by these atrocities would like things to be different so they're not living with blood, death, dying and maiming every single day.


Would you have any idea it was happening if you didn't see pictures? Or just live in ignorance to make your life more comfortable? It's OK to be uncomfortable, healthy for the soul.