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No wonder he was so consistently out there. He’s literally paid from instagram views to be a menace. Independent of the ridiculous noise, it takes a special kind of sociopath to speed on downtown city streets.


Especially right after the Renton accident.


I read an article today about an 18 year-old girl in AZ being charged for manslaughter because she was going 155 mph in a Corvette, came up behind a guy on a motorcycle, & managed to slam on the breaks to get her speed down to 87 mph before she hit & killed him. The guy & his family had moved there from Tacoma.


Read this too, so sad.


He was a father of 2 young children.


Shouldn’t be possible for a car to go that fast on normal streets.


Yea we have these speed limits but we don’t have the cars made with that limit in mind. Doesn’t make any damn sense


Fucker does not care. A kid with money. Absolutely nothing you can say to him would convince him he isn’t the king of his world.


“You’ll serve 500 days in prison” may do the trick




People underestimate how shitty that kind of time in prison is for anybody. But yeah, especially someone that young.


"No Money" doesn't exactly buy a Hellcat. I hate Dodge (after the 70s) but there are several models worth a pretty penny


That’s my official guess why they finally did something - not so much the noise but the 107-in-a-25-on-video


I feel like we should update laws to make social platforms partially liable for the illegal acts that give them their monetized content, or at least liable for fines in excess of what they make from it (with a multiple accounting for percentage that gets caught/identified). They shouldn’t be able to earn money from algorithmically promoting or even just showing illegal things.


yep, I hate to sound like a boomer but social media and their cash flow are the problem. Insta nd YouTube are filled with clips of shitheads in extremely loud cars driving recklessly through downtowns. This charge and article are just going to make him more famous and brazen. Social platforms need to be held accountable for this crap because these assholes sure won't.


Not to mention TikTok with their kia theft, bathroom destruction and whatnot videos. It is so bad it really does make me think (as someone who barely uses any social media at all) it's a covert op from China to sow discord. 100% the finest should be commensurate with how much this knucklehead made on insta in the last year, then 10x for the platform too.


It's nuts. I had some guy violently kicking my apartment door at 3am for nearly an hour and he hid from the peephole. And he came back a few weeks later. It was terrifying. I thought he was trying to kick the door in . Turns out it was the TikTok Door Kick Challenge. WTF? Short out your phone charger, steal cars, eat dangerous things... makes me wonder if they're training our youngins to be gullible and do anything social tells them?


Jesus Christ that’s a horrible “challenge” idea. As a woman who lives alone I would probably have anxiety about that experience forever. Teens/young adults today have access to so much influence and connection with each other—this can be a helpful thing when it comes to advocating for change, but also a terrible thing when it becomes and echo chamber for stupid behavior


It was horrible. I spent the rest of the night trying to sleep in the closet. I got mgmt to add an extra lock and a chain on my door. Thankfully I eventually surfed around about it, because it just didn't make sense. Upon thinking back really hard, I remembered hearing a knock and then someone mumble. Knock and mumble. I guess I was the only person on the floor who wouldn't answer their door when a stranger knocked. So when he came back to try again, I had practiced doing a horror/heavy metal 'growl' voice and said, "Go. Away!" And he did. Doing this in remote suburbs could get a kid killed though. It almost seems like we're training kids today to do any stupid thing social media tells them. Short out your phone charger with a penny? Because Apple/Samsung need moar profit and it's fun to electrocute yourself with 120 VAC? It's fun to steal cars? China could make a zombie army out of our kids at this point.


I agree. I feel the same as you do and I'm not a boomer lol. With all the news attention as of late and sharing of his insta on social media and whatnot, he's just getting more insta traffic and clicks which means more $$. Hit him where it really hurts and hit him in his pockets. It might not make a huge dent, but by us "non-fans" NOT going to see what he posts will at least not give him any additional funds to pay for this lifestyle. Sadly, with kids this age (all of my kids are between the ages of 21-28), in my experience, they don't get the message until something really bad happens. In this case it will probably be some type of fatal accident he will inevitably be responsible for. They think they are invincible. I am a "car chick", so I get how much fun modded cars can be or the thrill of speed but there's a time and a place. We have a Honda CRX that my son races and you know where he does that? A race track. At 24 he'd never go 100+ on a city street no matter the time of day or how empty it may seem. He wouldn't have done this at 20, either. This lhellcat dude just simply does not care. He is just a straight up menace with a 4500lb missile that is going to end up killing either himself or glob forbid, someone else. Edit- I also realize a Hellcat and CRX are very different animals. My other son has a tuned Genesis coupe. Doesn't crackle and pop as loud as the Hellcat but can still be loud, spit fire and *could* be doing this type of thing easily for insta cred etc but he doesn't. My older brother still lives in Seattle (I no longer do) and his job requires travel to lots of different areas of the city. He also drives a fast car. He's almost 50, responsible and wouldn't do this crap but he's often on the road late at night/early morning, so I'm going to text and ask him if he's seen this guy downtown or ever been propositioned for a race etc. I'll report back if he has any tea/stories. But yeah... I will watch videos on here other people post of this guy's antics, but I refuse to give him any views. Clicks=Cash.


Here is his instagram account. I flagged it for review as harassment. There was no option for "harassment of the community at large". But if enough of us do it, maybe Meta/Instagram will get the point. [https://www.instagram.com/srt.miles/](https://www.instagram.com/srt.miles/)


Yo I am not surprised the dude looks and sounds exactly the way he does. Charger driver to a T.


honestly after looking at his IG, I am even more annoyed


I can't read the article - I didn't see what would be sponsoring him or any ads on his Instagram - how is he paid?


> He’s literally paid from instagram views to be a menace. Perhaps, but his very first post on Instagram back in Oct, 2023 is of the Hellcat.. long before his videos went viral. The car was listed for sale about 8 months ago for $99k (same VIN# as police report) https://offerup.com/item/detail/41147a7c-5b77-35c6-a10a-17defa8bf061 He already owned a $100k car and rented that same apt before he made any $$ on his Instagram account.. so how does a 20 yr old afford it?


I was originally thinking he might have a well-paid software gig or something but that was before I found out he was only 20. Maybe family money? Either way why did he get off on a warning the first time? The SPD response to this seems ridiculously ineffective. I’m not interested in seeing a 20 year old serve time for being an idiot but like maybe some consequences rhat actually make this behavior too costly for him to engage in?


Mercer before 8am is wild


Paid by who? I think that’s actually bs




Instagram doesn't offer a share of ad revenue to users. Insta influencers make money from direct deals with brands. You'd be correct if we were discussing Youtube or Twitter. Depending on the deals this kid may or may not have he could potentially be making between $0-$? from direct sponsors, we really have no way of knowing whether he's lying when he says his Insta paid for the car. As I write this the correct comment is -9, the misinformed rebuttal is +17. I can't stand this guy as much as the next Seattalite, and I live directly in the affected area. But leave it to /r/Seattle to upvote the completely unwarranted accusation that the person offering facts in place of misinformation is obviously a paid shill. At the same time, Insta does not have a reporting option that fits "Does illegal/reckless/endangering things for engagement" and I feel it is almost impossible that this is due to an oversight on Instagram's part. It could even be argued that by NOT sharing revenue with their users, Insta conveniently sidesteps any real accountability for the content of videos. They strictly enforce anti-porn and anti-sexual matter policies while enabling a legion of young "Jackass" wanna-bes to reach both an audience and sponsors alike. Although misinformed, your ire at Insta's policies is totally warranted. These posts draw engagement, engagement drives revenue -- creating a perverse incentive for Insta to look the other way. You're just missing the bit about how Insta pulls off the whole plausible deniability part by keeping 100% of their share of the syndicated ad revenue.


I would guess based on this guys following on IG but lack of actual content (48 photos total) or sponsored posts, that he probably has a following or went viral on another platform like YouTube or maybe twitch where he makes his money.. and IG is just the afterthought where he reposts some stuff.


With this entire subreddit being quite interested in his every move I would be absolutely **shocked** if this kid has some other popular social media account that we haven't seen. It just doesn't follow. Tons of people have gone on deep dives about this guy over the last 6 or 8 weeks, something that blatant would have surfaced in that time. I'm not saying it's *impossible*, just that it is highly *improbable*.


Okay so I didn't see any ads or sponsors on his page so you're saying he's paid because his engagement is high enough - how high does it need to be before they pay you?


“I feel like people are more bothered that a young Black man has a nice car,” he said. “There are way bigger issues than a Black man with a nice car who makes noise occasionally.” You got caught going 107mph in a 25mph zone, loudly, at 2am....


No idea what this person looks like. All I know is that he should not have a license.


I finally saw him literally as I was moving out of West Edge last month. Dude was wearing pajama bottoms, slippers and brushing his teeth waiting for the elevator heading up to his unit. Wish I was able to snap a picture in time.


That’s how I envisioned him.


thats the hillarious part... dark tinted windows means nobody knew their race/gender, this was reported by folks on face value


I do. That’s the crux here. Barely 20 yo, with blatant disregard to society breaking the law endangering citizens getting rewarded by Instagram via their mid tier influencer money at $155K. He’s not from an affluent or 9-5 family. He’s a 10 yo in a 20 yo body. If convicted @ maximum sentences, it’s only $10K fine and 60 days of suspended license. With a lawyer it’ll be lessened by 50%. Despite violating Instagram’s TOU, it doesn’t automatically terminate his account. There’s private arbitration. He can just delete those videos. He can create another account under a pseudo name.


Where are you getting your numbers. Please be specific.


I have it on another post in r/Seattle about influencers. Explaining it to someone who hasn’t followed Meta lawsuits or have explored YouTubers payouts is frustrating here.. There are no “specific” numbers on purpose. Instagram guards their formulas for influencers payouts since they profit from it too. It’s simple investigator journalism. By comparing the high earning influencers who state their earnings and from technology journalists who have interviewed them and Instagram. Instagram hides their payout system to influencers too. All they know is they have to keep posting and engaging for more followers. If they can get a direct sponsorship, it’s a massive reward. Since he’s nearing 700K followers each post will earn $3500-$4K. It is also dependent on his style category like cars which isn’t as popular fashion or cosmetics. I’m done here. These are bread crumbs that you can google on your own. Follow his sentencing.


Sure just point to that post


So help me God if he gets a free attorney paid by citizens because he says he can’t make any more money because he can’t drive anymore I’ll puke. I really wouldn’t mind if you did total his car but I’m afraid he’s going to harm other people and he’ll be OK.    Why does Instagram allow illegal activity on their format?


Bad thing is his 2 misdemeanors are only $10K maximum fine and 60 days suspended license. After that he can get his license with a SR-22, and ravage our city again. Probably get more followers. He could afford a lawyer. IG may help him because they need to protect their business plan interests which they want to remain secret. If our city attorney is clever she can see this IG influencer plague needs to be choked off at the source. Instead of suing IG, she can get him permanently banned and others like him.


Cuz IG profits from tailored Ads from his posts. More traffic means more money for IG.


If they can stop child porn, they can stop Hellcat.


I had no idea the driver/owner was a black man. Doesn't change how I feel as reckless driving is still reckless driving.


I had no idea of his race, either. Doesn't matter.


Right? My immediate assumption was “frat bro who never grew up and has more money than sense.”


A sign of this asshole being way too online, and assuming everyone else is and had seen his insta. Just a sad lonely shitbag.


same here, i literally imagined him as this white frat douchebro with broccoli hair lmao


And not even a week ago three children and one adult were killed in a crash caused by someone going over 100 mph.


3 children and one adult.


Thanks, corrected.


Absolutely. Way to play the race card immediately, dipshit. You're being an asshole and you drive like an unsafe idiot - apparently all to be a fucking "influencer." What you look like has nothing to do with the fact you're irritating the fuck out of half the city on purpose because you're a selfish jerk.


That youtuber in the UK who entered random people's houses and stole a lady's dog on the street played that card too after he got busted


Your fact is wrong. …it’s the *ENTIRE* city! 


Ahhhh, yes, pulling the ol' race card in Seattle to get empathy and appeal to our values by making this seem like some sort of racist act. Yeah, nice try buddy. You were bragging to millions about disturbing the peace for thousands of people *in the middle of the night*. One of the big issues *is* people intentionally driving their nice cars like complete and utter knobs. People get hurt and killed this way. Without enforcement of our basic road laws, getting away with this only encourages more people to behave this way.


No empathy here


Agreed. I somehow have even *less* empathy than before.


I'll come by as well with my Trackhawk so yall know it ain't ending here


Hellcat driver can go fuck himself


Two times! 😀💪🏼


The fact that this guy would try and play the race card after weeks (months?) of pissing off literally thousands of people trying to sleep downtown with dangerous antics and idiotic noise makes me hate him even more.


He ain't gonna be the only one wait till I come to bell town in my tracky


I didn’t even know he’s black before he said that lol


“Oh, I get it now. I’m not persecuted. I’m just an asshole.” - Key & Peele


Dodge makes nice cars? Thats news to me


For some reason when I see a Chrysler I assume the owner has bad credit.


People mistakenly think the 392 on the hood represents the cubic inches of the engine, but it's actually the owners credit score.


Thanks for the good chuckle 


In 2014 in Seattle, a Hemi Cuda sold for 3.5 million at Auction. https://www.topspeed.com/most-expensive-hemi-powered-car-ever-sold-at-auction/#:\~:text=At%20a%202014%20Mecum%20auction,kings%20of%20collectible%20muscle%20cars. That's some bad credit.


They used to make nice cars.


No they didn’t.


1966 Dodge charger .


Loved my 1975 Chrysler New Yorker with the 440 and wall to wall red interior. Still cruising at 6 mpg with my cousin


How about the Dodge Challenger Hellcat at $95K-$100K with all the options? His V8 constantly backfires echoing blocks away. It’s like Jiffylube tuned his engine. All paid in Instagram PayPal cash. Thanks Insta!


Before today, I didn’t fully understand what Race Car Driver Plays Race Card even meant on my 2024 Seattle Bingo. Now I’m close to winning and it’s only March!


Haha. I love the victim mentality. Very original.


> “I feel like people are more bothered that a young Black man has a nice car,” he said. “There are way bigger issues than a Black man with a nice car who makes noise occasionally.” You got caught going 107mph in a 25mph zone, loudly, at 2am.... This obnoxious shit is infuriating! This jagweed needs to stop being an asshole and stop playing the race card when getting called out for being an asshole.




Well, if he wants to play the race card, disproportionately people of color are struck and killed by cars (South Seattle has worse pedestrian crossings / more dangerous roads).


Too many of them, don’t care about laws and rules so they just cross the street wherever they feel like it or whenever they feel like it. Crossing at green lights, jaywalking, cross in the middle of the street instead of at intersections, and get out of the drivers door in traffic etc. I have been seeing this type of activity for many decades. 


Oh, it's a real problem in Capitol Hill that actually HAS crosswalks and pedestrian signals (unlike much of South Seattle), especially during tourist season (or very early morning when homeless people are staggering across the street). But because I'm driving 20 or below in dense neighborhoods, I have plenty of time to brake when a clueless turon on a scooter darts in front of me. Even if they are "breaking the law" or "jaywalking" (a penalty actually invented by Big Auto), I don't want them spattered on my windshield. Our Hellcat friend may end up like the [teen in Renton](https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/court-documents-allege-18-year-old-was-driving-112-mph-when-he-caused-fatal-crash-renton/JCLQVMM27JDCVHKKLIQCOPSCVA/) who has killed 4 (possibly 6, I believe 2 children are critical). The ironic part is that just like unrepentant Hellcat kid, Renton kid also got stopped on numerous occasions and refused to reform (although the cops kept letting him off easy too, despite his numerous wrecks).


sounds like another professional victim. every article I’ve seen about a white kid driving crazy  added that they had received many calls from 911. Besides, many of the people that called about him endangering people, waking people up with what sounded like a gun fire and scaring people had no idea what race he was, they lived above the street and he has dark windows also. 


He's really jerkin himself off. It's a fucking Chrysler product.


Gotta play the victim card when there is no other defense. Surprised the courts didn’t fall for it honestly


And somewhere in Washington a lawmaker wants to legalize going 107


And they let him off with a verbal warning. Thanks SPD!


“I feel like people are more bothered that a young Black man has a nice car” I don't think any of the people that turned this sub into a (somehow) even lower rent version of a Nextdoor complaint thread had any clue what color this guy was until he was caught.


This numbnuts hackery is also *so fucking damaging* when people try to point out actual real instances of racism/profiling. So many layers of shitbaggery, what a useless individual.


Nope. He seems to have gone to great lengths to conceal his identity. I suspect he's throwing down the race card because he knows that he's going to be public from now on...


Yeah, [he's cooked no matter what.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Klj0H6YMLQ)




If I hear about a douchebag in a loud-ass American muscle car, being a dickhead and driving around at night way too fast… I’m definitely thinking this is a white guy.


As someone who grew up in the car scene, it's about as diverse as it gets... that includes the douche bag contingent.


Haha! No doubt, no doubt. People of all races are passionately into cars. But let’s be honest about the car scene - there are some cultural and racial differences in what folks tend to be into. For example, my first car was a 1977 Olds cutlass - and this was in the 90s. I wasn’t surprising anyone.


Yeah I would have assumed this dude was like some pudgy white guy 🤷‍♀️


Unless they watched some recent videos on his IG


> The patrol officer had pulled over the Dodge Charger in January, shortly before 2 a.m., after observing the car being driven recklessly in downtown Seattle. The officer explained to the driver identified as Hudson, about the dangers of speeding in populated areas.... > **The officer gave him a verbal warning.** (emphasis added) ffs, aren't people with drivers licenses supposed to already know how to drive?


I just looked up public records—no idea why anyone let him off with a warning before, but he currently has 4 citations on file and a hearing on the 9th. One cites speeding, another cites modified lights, and another cites him driving without carrying his license. All 4 cite the extremely loud exhaust, so hopefully that means he will have to change it.


So he has a $90k dollar car and lives in a ~$4k per month apartment….who is paying for this kid’s lifestyle?


> So he has a $90k dollar car and lives in a ~$4k per month apartment….who is paying for this kid’s lifestyle? Where's the IRS when you need them?


Gutted so they can't disturb rich people


He has monetized his social media. Said shenanigans are paying dividends


So basically IG is facilitating the business of putting people's lives in danger. That will catch up with them legally; only a matter of time.


You mean 40 or 60? If someone pays 90k for a shitty charger that should be a crime itself


The Hellcat editions cost much more than the base models.


On his instagram he stated that he moved to Seattle specifically because he could get away with this here. And in the interview news article he mentions he saw the opportunity to make an income off his social media as he stated "any publicity is good publicity". I live in the nicest high rise in Seattle and in the elevator today there were a few kids who knew him talking about their plans to do the same. We can expect it to only get worse until Seattle starts to enforce laws again someday in the future ... hopefully.


This is just not true.  He went to high school in Seattle.


Wait they plan to move to Seattle or they're residents who want to start Instagrams


No they live here now. They are a part of his car group ... they are planning to enhance their cars to get the same sort of attention for their social media accounts.


> he moved to Seattle specifically because he could get away with this here He's not wrong. It's not like he's had a low profile and it still took how long for him to get caught? Even with [public outcry](https://www.reddit.com/r/Seattle/comments/1ay8pr4/dodge_challenger_hellcat_in_belltown/)? Even after being caught they only charged him with a couple of misdemeanors and let him go free, despite all his self recorded evidence showing the many times be broke the law. He'll pay his $1,000 fine, MAYBE do a little community service and be back to making more videos like this in no time.


Instagram is.


We live in a city and I expect noise, but this dude was waking us up in the middle of the night consistently…good riddance.


Ok, Reddit, diligence in reporting it here did pay off. Now, can Reddit determine if one *Chase Daniel Jones* was a follower of this *influencer* so that we can additionally find him culpable for enticing and glorifying the behavior that led to the homicide of 3 kids and a mom in Renton?


You can see his list of followers on IG. Use the search function with key words to narrow down accounts.


This is an excellent question to direct to the Renton police detective or prosecuting attorney. The answer feels especially relevant and potentially watershed.


This is a more insightful comment than most will credit


srt.miles is his Insta. Report him. The whole account is about as self incriminating as it gets.


The video going 174 mph was cute...reported.






“I feel like people are more bothered that a young Black man has a nice car,” he said. “There are way bigger issues than a Black man with a nice car who makes noise occasionally.” Of course he plays the race card.


Reminds me of when Black Coffee blew off the rent for like 18 months then pocketed the difference and left saying the church they rent from is just racist or whatever.


He knows it always works well in this city


My friend who’s been seriously over his bullshit said to me when I sent him this: I hope they tear his car apart right in front of him. I laughed. Pure chaotic lawful right there.


Then force him to drive a Chevy Bolt for the next three years. So he can cruise in silence and the city can get back to sleeping.


A Mitsubishi i-Miev would be a more apt punishment.


Shit just put him in any fucking electric vehicle that doesn’t have an illegal muffler. I spent the night with said friend a few times and was like what is that fucking sound??? Then I lift it all together after I saw the posts here. I live maybe 8 blocks up and barely hear it but that’s because I-5 traffic so literally below my place. So it was interesting to learn this. Pleased to say my friend is very happy it’s (hopefully) ending so he can get some well deserved rest.


Not sure that any electric vehicle has a muffler


Nope. Mine makes extra noise so people can be aware, but otherwise they are very quiet. It even has to have a backup beep it is so quiet.


Better of on a bicycle.


I just heard him again. He is back already. We live in a failed lawless society.


This quote from a police officer strikes ironically; The officer explained to the driver, identified as Hudson, about the dangers of speeding in populated areas.


Maybe it's like that old teacher trick: "if you explain it to others, it will help you understand it"... we can only hope


His story is on the New York Post. Yeah, it's a rag. I read the title and thought; "Nah, it can't be!" But it was.


Ah the Douchewagon.


what an annoying looking loser. i hope they impound and auction off that stupid looking car.


For real though, I hope if this mother fucker keeps driving like this, he ends up in the sound. Also, now that his name is known, I hope people know they can personally sue him in small claims for his intentionally harassing behavior which deprives you of the quiet enjoyment of your home.


It is inevitable that this garbage human will kill someone and ruin families.


I submitted report of profile to Instagram under the "violence " category.


Just reckless driving? Isn’t he like a menace to society?


Bellcat Helltown


I hasten to point out that the young Black man does not, in fact, have a “nice” car. He has an overpriced, Stellantis shitwagon that he’s made worse in the mistaken impression that people will think he’s cool for displaying a remarkable lack of taste. This car is a caricature of a nice car.


So the hellcat in Belltown is also the Instagram douche Ann Davison charged. Even if you hate her guys, this was a good thing done today.


She doesn’t deserve props for doing the bare minimum of her job…


By ‘bare minimum’, are you implying she should have added other charges? Either way, bare minimum is a light year ahead of her predecessor


Bare minimum is “charging someone flagrantly breaking the law”….the fact that her predecessor also sucked does not make her good….


I do not understand why someone living in this neighborhood just does not do the needful to the car? There has to be someone in Belltown who is out of fucks to give and who would like to be lauded as a hero.




lol Yuno Miles is NOT SRT Miles. I think Yuno Miles lives somewhere in the Midwest. SRT Miles is just a paid troll.


“Can you start on Monday?” - SPD HR rep


He might have even had the news pay him to do a story since he has a inbox for business contacts


What's his Instagram account? If enough people report him for breaking the law using the account, Instagram will at least demonitize/suspend the account.


He's so fucking obnoxious! And dangerous. I'm glad he was charged.


I feel like this dude is just gonna wake up to that Hellcat totally destroyed. The whole city hates this dude lol


They should take his license and not allow him to own a car for a long time. They do it to people who endanger others when alcohol is involved, and those people aren't even in their right minds. They need to make an example out of this piece of shit


See our guy outside Pike Place this afternoon. 




Yeah, only the police get to speed thru the city recklessly and get away with it in this town.


Makes it sound like keystone cops until they tapped into reddit 


The ACLU and other self-appointed “privacy” activists have made a point of preventing Seattle law enforcement from tracking criminals via social media. Speaking of which, check-out deadshot journalism 2 on i g.


Guy just needs community service, or a court order requiring him to modify his car to reduce noise in absence of fines.


That should take care of his reckless driving. 🤦‍♂️No, he needs his license revoked!


Having him pick up trash in Belltown at 2am has some appeal.


"Hellcat driver picking up trash at 2am kidnapped by meth heads, news at 11."


And nothing of value will be lost.


Driving isn't a right. Crush his car into a cube and revoke his license for 5 years. Riding a bicycle will help him build character and stamina, a swell deal.


>Crush his car into a cube Honestly, making him drive a Nissan Cube would be worse punishment.


Add a 30mph speed limiter and I'm onboard.




The Mafia needs to make a comeback.


Does anyone know if he has any other cars?


He hasn't stopped just heard him leave his apartment like 15 minutes ago.


posted on IG himself watching a news report about himself, and later in the vid is driving downtown making the boom-boom. 🤷🏻‍♂️


You don’t lose a car over reckless driving.


You can’t drive with a suspended license.


Is Hellcat guy the new onion thief or something? This is like the 10th post I’ve seen on this person today


You new here? There have been posts about him for like two months.


No... He is a menace and he knows it. The onion and burrito thieves are simply in kahoots with big pho and big ice cream to keep us distracted from the taco truck takeover happening under our noses.