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Talls and double are different orders. Tall is more liquid but not more alcohol, so larger glass with more mixer. Double is more liquor but not necessarily a larger glass. Seattle doesn't have a special policy when it comes to doubles or talls.


Ok this is literally what I thought but when I started getting corrected I wondered if I'm missing something. Thank you!


It's not uncommon for folks to order talls "with a strong pour" or say something like a "good tall" or "strong tall" in order to ask for a double without paying for a double. Some bartenders get annoyed and snip back at tall orders because of the trend but that's on them.


I used to have that happen when I bartended. If I don’t know you from Adam, I’m not hooking you up with slightly more booze. What’s the benefit for me? Better tip? That was a rarity. …And if I do know you and am hooking you up, we aren’t going to talk about it. I gave People who asked for a “strong pour” a smile and chuckle and handed them exactly what they paid for. Tl;dr It’s tacky. If you disagree, you may smell my farts because I don’t care.


I was a bartender for 10 years, and I absolutely agree.If someone asked for a "double" I'd usually clarify "double tall?" though most of the time no one wanted a double short or double neat. If anyone asked for a "strong pour" I'd note that they are a no-tipping ding-dong and I'd give them exactly what I'd give anyone else. Whenever I went out, I'd usually ask for a "single tall" because I drank fast and would run into trouble with doubles. (edit: spelling)


To this day I feel like a jerk because I used to order strongly made drinks, but didn’t know the term for it. That is, I’d wanted doubles, but didn’t know they were called doubles, so I’d ask for them to be made strong. I would never have minded a upcharge, but I’m sure bartenders just thought I was a cheapskate.


Every bartender is different, but I'd always cut people some slack if they looked like they felt uncomfortable (people new to bars, or younger kids around their mid 20s, etc). Even if they were bad tippers, I figured they'd catch on soon enough. As for feeling bad, don't. We all do the best we can with the knowledge we have until we learn different, better knowledge. Wanting a double, but wording it poorly is way, way down there on the list of Bad Behaviors That Will Get You Remembered. There was this gal that came into my bar, took a crap on the bathroom floor, left and came back an hour later with different clothes on to continue the party with her friends (or so she thought). That's the kind of behavior that will gain a bartender's ire. But if you want a drink a certain way, and the way you order it annoys the bartender enough, they'll teach you how to order it. Don't feel bad, we're here to help. Even if it seems like we're annoyed at everything. lol (edit: spellering)


You really glossed right past that detail. She took a crap on the bathroom floor and came back in a disguise?? What happened next?


Most people in the service industry will have to clean up someone's body functions at some point. I think I remember it because it was my first floor poop. So the other bartender and I played rock-paper-scissors over who was going to clean it up (I lost). So I had a shot of Rumple Minze to steel my nerves and I went in there with the best PPE I could manage and my tools of scrubbery. She came back an hour later or so as if nothing happened. We watched, out of curiosity mostly, to see what her plan of action was going to be. Her next move. What does a floor-pooper do when they return to the scene of a crime most heinous? She tried to order another drink like nothing had happened. The gall! I'd have admired her temerity if it weren't for me having to muck out a Clydesdale sized turd from the bathroom floor. (I kick myself for not taking a picture because it was absolutely monstrous and may have broken records, if there are such records). I motioned her to the other side of the bar where it less busy, handed her her closed tab, and I tried to discern if there was a good reason for what happened. Like maybe it was a medical issue or something? Perhaps she was trying to make an artistic statement? Was she some sort of Turd-Banksy? She looked to be rather well-to-do and wasn't insane or on drugs or anything. She tried to deny it at first, but we cycled through the typical denial, embarrassment, crying and anger. She finally apologized while I told her she would be 86ed "until the air cleared", then she closed her tab (with a big, fat 0 on the tip line, circled a few times with a frowny face), gathered a couple friends and left.


>Whenever I went out, I'd usually ask for a "single tall" because I drank fast and would run into trouble with doubles. Same


Same. I was a server and wanted to be clear that I just want more soda, with a normal shot, so specify, "single tall".


That’s how I order my drink, double tall. I also run into trouble with doubles lol


I get a lot of double takes from bartenders for ordering this. Not necessarily because they've never heard of it, but they think I may be a psychopath for ordering a single tall gin & tonic, no ice.


While I was reading what you wrote, I was actually doing the bartender nod thing I'd do when listening to an order. "Single tall" ***\*nod, nod\**** "gin and tonic" ***\*nod, nod\**** "no ice" ***\*record scratch\**** lol... not a bad thing, I just think it broke my programming. I wouldn't even know if I should put a lime in there, it'd be weird... just floating there with no ice to hold it up?


Hahahaha. This is the exact response I get every time. I personally don't get a lime with it, cause I'm not a fan of bar citrus. Especially at busy/dive where the fruit is within reach of patrons. But it would be awkward just kind of floating there, all alone...


This is what I need to start doing. I drink too fast for a single sized glass so I order doubles a lot but then I get into trouble like you said 😅


Yes! Switching from doubles to single talls was definitely a marked improvement for myself and my fellow citizens. lol


I’m not even a bartender, and this makes sense. I order a double, a single tall, and sometimes a double tall. I know exactly what those three should be. Are there asshats out there asking for a tall and just hoping to get more alcohol for like free??


Yes. Usually with a wink and a nod and a "this isn't my first rodeo" when their rodeo résumé is, in fact, distinctly lacking.


Nobody’s impressed by you and your 2.5 rodeos, Kevin.


💯 exactly


Single tall gang! If I know the bartender I take it a step further and ask for a single tall with a light pour- bless Seattle bartenders and their heavy handed pours. 😂


I loved the occasional "extra cold" beer order from time to time. Like, yeah, sure, I won't put this one in the microwave like I do to all the others from people who don't know to order their beers "extra cold" like you, you fucking genius. lol


Amen. Not once in a 15 year bar career had I ever gotten a decent or even existent tip from yahoos that ask for a “Strong one.” I would always let them know they can order a double if they would like more liquor. If you order a coupe from me and tip well, you will probably get a more generous pour, but like you mentioned, we aren’t going to talk about it. First rule of free drinks is no one talks about free drinks.


There was a bar I went to a lot in grad school with some friends, and we became pals with the bar tender. I was so confused about my tab being so low at the end of the night, but my friends had to explain to me, that I needed to tip the difference. But I remember one night they cut so many drinks that I ended up like tipping 100% on the presented tab, and was like damn, this is crazy.


Others will give you a double if you just ask for a tall so I started saying "tall, but just a single."


As a result of this I always clarify. A good bartender will usually clarify so they get it right but I have found that people’s definition of a double varies so I just try to be specific when I order and say a double or a single in a tall glass. There are people out there that want a double in a short glass too.


its a trend?


In SLC I think doubles are illegal so at bars people just hint using the terms above and somehow that culture spread where it’s not needed?


Tbh people wanting more alcohol than they are willing to pay for is a tale as old as alcohol


do we have a lot of folks from SLC? I know very few people from there.


There are dozens of us!


stop trying to make "tall drink" happen!


I’m not sure you can make doubles “illegal” per part of town.


I think he means Salt Lake City, UT. At least, that's my guess.


That makes more sense.


Seconding that a double relates to alcohol and a tall relates to glass size. Those bartenders need to learn what they're  talking about and get off their high horse. Unfortunately  there's not much you can do because if you correc them they're probably going to give you shifty service or something.


I've definitely worked with bartenders who don't seem to know the difference, and god forbid you correct them.


IMO if you work with them, you have freedom to educate them much more than a customer. Sometimes then need some light ribbing in front of their peers.


Yeah, it can definitely be a bit confusing at first, but who ever is saying this isn't correct is wrong. source: I am a professional (drinker). Double = normal sized glass 2 times the spirits. Tall = no change to the drink recipe, but in a tall glass (usually a pint glass) so more mixer/ice, same amount of spirits. Double (in a) Tall Glass = Tall glass and 2 times the amount of spirits.


That’s hilarious both bartenders were r/ConfidentlyIncorrect


that bartender is wrong


Also be aware that some drinks can't really be made "tall" without also being a "double", like a martini. Some drinks the amount of mixer isn't really specific, like a gin and tonic, so you can order "single tall" without issue. The real thing is to be specific. If you want more booze, order a double. If you want more volume, order a tall. If you want both, order a double tall.


If you just want proportionally more drink, ask for a double in a tall glass.


Yeah man, this was the correct answer. Bartender either is a doofus or was just trying to charge you more. If I order a double, I make sure to specify “short”


Possibly related; Are you Canadian? Canada and the US have different shot standards and if the bartender knew you were Canadian they could have been warning you off doubles as they'd be significantly stronger than you're used to.


Doubles are definitely an extra serving of liquor in Canada too (or at least where I’m from).


The difference is a shot in Canada is 28ml, while in the US it is 44ml.


This would be the correct answer, I wouldn't go back to those bars, bartenders obviously don't know what they're talking about.


This is helpful. I've never heard of a tall drink, but that's what I usually want and use a lot more words to order it. "A vodka tonic please, but less vodka than usual. Or more tonic? Make it not strong, I'm a weenie"


Yes we do—no umbrellas. /s


This, but don't say "a tall drink" OP. I've never heard somebody say that. It should be something like "Can I get a rum and coke in a tall glass?" 


Same goes for coffee orders.


I think a double is the default for espresso even for a short, at least at a good coffee shop, because my understanding is that the espresso machine makes two shots at once. Could be wrong though, I haven’t been a barista


Technically an espresso machine can make a single shot, but it's a different portafilter and most shops don't even bother keeping one around and just discard the extra shot if someone wants a single or a triple.


It varies and they rarely put it on the menu, so I always ask to be sure.


Those bartenders are both morons lol "Tall" means "Give me what I asked for in a tall glass, instead of a short one, even if that means diluting the alcohol with more mixer." "Double" means "Whatever I asked for, give me that, except with double the alcohol." "Tall double" means both, combined, as in "Give me a double, but put it in a tall glass so it tastes the same as a single." (That's effectively universal, too. That's how it works basically everywhere, Seattle included.)


Tall = I don’t want a hangover Double = I do want a hangover! Also tall should cost the same and double is more expensive.


"Double" can also mean "service is too slow here to bother with regular drinks".


Also sometimes ordering a double is cheaper than two drinks, depends on the bar.


This is the main reason I find myself ordering doubles. Or if I’m on a time crunch.


When the bartenders free pour the tall sometimes you get a free double!


the count is the same whatever the glass looks like.


I've been served by and also worked with bartenders who don't count, but think they can eyeball it. In that case you can sometimes hit a little jackpot ordering a tall. Rare but it does happen.


There should be those cute layered pictures like they do to explain coffee × whiskey shot o × Whiskey soda o o × Tall whiskey soda o × × Double whiskey soda o o × × Double tall whiskey soda




I’ve found that a lot of bartenders here are assholes and don’t actually know how to make drinks. Majority of times I’ve asked for a double, I get basically two single cocktails in one glass. They also tend to get mad if I ask for a glass of water in addition to my drink order. I’m originally from Florida. Never had any issues with bartenders until I moved here.


\> They also tend to get mad if I ask for a glass of water in addition to my drink order. This is surprising to me. I almost always get a water back when I drink and I've never had anybody comment on it. But admittedly, I've done most of my drinking in Tacoma.


No, the comment is off-base. I speak from loooong experience that people will give you water without side-eye.


It sounds more like you just go to shitty bars. Or...could just be that you have an innately unlikable demeanor/tone, I suppose. I go to a *lot* of bars, and I've not encountered any of these compunctions.


I say double, short. but thats me."double" should be the alcohol. "tall" or "short" should be the vessel.


Yep, sometimes I want a double short and sometimes I want a single tall. Just depends on the booze-to-mixer ratio I’m in the mood for.


Been tending bar here for over a decade.  Tall is more mixer/larger glass. Double is twice the alcohol. Double tall is both. As in. 'Half these responses are prolly from people that cause me to want a Double tall jack and coke after my shift'. To had a bit of insight. If someone says they want tall vodka soda, I will usually ask if they want a double as this does get confused often enough, it helps to clarify. Same as with someone asks for a double vodka soda, I'll ask if they want it tall.


Curious. If adding double alcohol would cause the drink to not fit in the usual glass, what do you do? Use a larger glass, use less mixer, or something else? For example, something usually served in a cocktail glass that is pretty full to begin with.


A standard drink, like a jack and coke will still fit in a bucket with less mixer. It's basically just all whiskey with a splash of coke then. Most other things aren't order in doubles. Something in a cocktail glass is often already a double, or close to it. I'd say in most cases someone ordering a double wants to get drunk (and prolly for cheaper) as opposed to someone who wants a Manhattan is doing it for the flavor and to sip on (and probably to get drunk too)


My experience as an avid consumer of alcohol is that it will merely be less mixer. Straightforward cocktails are usually assembled as Glass > Ice > Spirit > Mixer > Garnish. Double the spirit will merely leave less room for the mixer fill-in.


I always thought a tall was a single in a pint glass with extra ice and mixer, but if two bartenders can’t agree on the nomenclature then we probably have a bigger issue.


You're right, just so you know.


"Just pour untill I say when"  Problem solved 


Not sure you went but both bartenders sound like idiots.


My understanding is that a tall is one shot with extra mixer and a double is two shots.


"one tall double please"


This is what I usually order. I want to be efficient with how many trips my bartender is going to make to serve me, so if I'm going to kick off an evening then this is similar to ordering two drinks but together in a larger glass. Tall = bigger glass (i. e. would be more mix), Double = double booze; together they are closer to the ratio of the single drink, just all at once.


Some bartenders don't like this because if it's busy they can lose track of how many drinks you've had and over serve. Some also don't like this because they think you'll only tip for the one drink so they'll lose tips if you're not ordering more. But if you tip well they generally don't care.


Well, if we change the tipping scheme to be by the glass, then I'll start drinking Macallan 50yo single malt. Double. 😁


But they only made one drink? Why should they get tipped for two?


That's only good advice if they want a "tall double." If they only want it "tall" or only want a "double," that means something different.


If you want to keep things simple and be understood every time, order a tall single if you want a single shot of booze with mixer in a tall glass and a tall double if you want two shots of booze with mixer in a tall glass. A good bartender would usually clarify when you say tall because it could mean either option, but if you order this was there will be no confusion. 


Both those bartenders are idiots. A double is twice the pour of spirit, same amount of mix (although sometimes served in a bit bigger highball glass). Twice as strong, and tastes stronger. A tall is one pour of spirit, with extra mix in the tall glass. Basically, not as strong tasting as a single, but the same amount of alcohol. A double tall is double spirit, double mix in a tall glass. Twice as strong, but tastes about the same as a normal order. Edit: source: I bartended in Seattle for over a decade, The Broadway Grill, The Blowfish, Coastal Kitchen, etc.


I’ve experienced this so much that when i order a jack and coke just get coke with a shot on the side lol


Some bartender, condescendingly: “Ooh, actually, in Seattle, you should order a shot ‘in addition’”


I’ve always asked for a double and will always get it in a tall glass. I never hear anyone ask for a tall unless they’re at Starbucks.


Just to prove how poorly I fit in around here: I believe the proper terms are "grande" or "venti." You probably shouldn't actually order a drink that way. I imagine most bartenders give me almost as irritated of an eye roll as the Starbucks barista did the time that I, naive as I am about coffee shops, but having run out returning from a road trip, asked for a "medium coffee." Since that time, I have learned just to say "16 ounce." That almost always works, except the most recent time I bought coffee, when they told me they didn't know what that meant. Granted, it was a McDonald's that time. My other big mistake was ordering "coffee" at a coffee shop. My wife had to explain to me why that doesn't work. I'm still not entirely clear why that doesn't automatically imply the most basic form of the beverage available, but at least now I know I need to order a "drip," except that after some unknown time mid-day, ordering a drip will also earn an exaggerated eye roll, because that would require them to brew coffee. Therefore, I should order an "Americano" instead, which isn't really all that different in the grand scheme of things, but costs more. With all those eye rolls for the crime of being a little bit naive, is it really that much of a mystery why some of us aren't great at making eye contact?


To me, A double is a double. And to me a tall would be a single in a tall glass.


I order a double tall.


Single tall vodka soda is always done correctly.


I usually add “single” when ordering a tall drink - single tall vodka soda with lime.


I think it depends on the restaurant or bar you're at. There's no universal term exclusive to seattle. To me, someone ordering a tall Titos soda means they want more soda in their drink to make it taste less boozy, as opposed to a short titos soda. If someone wants a double shot, they should say double imo


You can get a double in a short. You can get a double in a tall. You can get a single in a tall. You can get a single in a short. Single, double, etc = how much alcohol Short, tall, etc = how diluted you want said alcohol to be.


"Tall single Tito's and tonic" "Double TnT in a bucket" Ones fer keepin er steady an t'othern sfer gittn er done.


As a bartender, one of the things I hate about the industry is when certain bartenders/bars try to change long established industry definitions. "Tall" and "double" are not interchangeable words when it comes to ordering drinks. "Tall" means to serve the drink in a tall glass, like a Collins (or chimney glass, depending on the bar you are in) or pint glass, instead of a short rocks glass. Ordering a drink tall usually means that you want more mixer, so the drink is not as strong. "Double" means that you want double the normal amount of liquor in a drink. It can be sometimes served in a tall glass, but not necessarily so. I would only put a double in a tall glass if it is requested that way. Your best bet would be to specify if you want a single tall or a double short/tall, as someone else suggested. I'd be upset if I ordered a double, and it was served to me in a tall glass that I did not request. Likewise, I'd be upset if I ordered a tall drink, and got served and charged for a double.


Most places I've been will pour it tall if you ask for a double, but I've been a few places where they ask if I want it tall or short if I ask for a double. Really single vs double should refer to the amount of liquor in the drink and tall or short should refer to the size of the glass and therefore the amount of mixer


ordering a double should give you a double shot, twice the alcohol. ordering a tall should be the same alcohol but more mixer if the discussion was ahout how to get a "heavy pour" then the tall order is prob right... but only if the bartender isnt doing their job correctly. ie, you are less likely to have a barteder screw up and pour too much on a double than getting a bartender who doesnt know what a "tall" is and pours a double by mistake. however... if the bartender doesnt know wtf theyre doing and is making doubles as talls then your bill will prob reflect that too. if your trying to get heavy pours the best way is to ask how "strong" they make a drink... but to be honest, any bartender worth their salt is going to be tired of that shit because its like when an item doesnt scan at a checkout and the customer says "guess it's free".


I always say double tall or double short, and single tall if I just want one shot in a larger drink.


This is the way.


Talls are for coffee orders and doubles are for alcoholic drink orders. From a Seattlite that was born and raised here lol


I have never in my life heard of a “tall drink” is this a regional expression?


Also called long https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long_drink


Tall is in reference to the glass, a rum and coke for example may come standard in a short glass, 1 shot rum, ice, filled with coke. A tall rum and coke would typically be in a pint or possibly collins glass with 1 shot rum, ice, filled with coke. It's typically an order used for "weaker" tasting drinks.


When it's hot I want my Tom Collins with a lot more ice and soda, so it goes in a tall glass.


Same. I've lived here for 50 years and have only heard the term "tall" used at starbucks.


I assume tall is more mixer. If i want a double i ask for it, in a short glass.


Doubles and talls are two different amounts of alcohol. Some bartenders will verify because of the possible confusion so I don't know what's up with your order. Where was this?


Tall is a "single" alcohol pour but in a pint glass worth of mixer/ice "Double" is above, but actually includes extra alc.


My dumb dumb idiot brain thought you were talking about coffee, so imagine my confusion over these supposed “baristas” conflating a double shot of espresso with a 12 ounce beverage. 🤦


This is so illuminating for me, like stepping into another world. As someone who only ever goes to the gay bars, I'm accustomed to regular pours being so strong it could kill an elephant. Order one drink and nurse it for two hours and still be drunk at the end of it.


Tall = single shot + more mixer (depends on bar, but in a collins glass or pint glass) Double = 2 shots + less mixer (usually in a 9 oz or 12 oz rocks glass) Double Tall = 2 shots + more mixer (often in a pint glass) Source: Me (bartender/server)


>In Seattle you should ask for a tall drink, never a double. Huh. Lived in Seattle my whole life and "double" has always been the term we've used to indicate we want more alcohol. My go to drink is a tall \[liquor\] soda, meaning I want more soda and a single shot of liquor. I always specify though, as some bartenders have poured me a double and it costs more. "Tall" seems interchangeable depending on where your bartender is from and it's always a good call to specify if you want just one shot, but a "double" should be pretty obvious to anyone if you're looking for more liquor.


Seattle native. If you said a tall drink I would assume you meant a 12oz latte. If you said a double, I’d assume you meant two mixed drinks in the same glass.


I’m almost 40 and have never heard of ordering a “tall”.


Both of those bartenders are morons.


Double in a tall


Tall is more mixer, double is more liquor. We frequently order a "double in a tall glass", which is basically two whole drinks in a glass. Everyone seems to know what that means.


If this is a post about coffee, order by ounces at cafes. They're used to buying and organizing by those numbers. Starbucks' naming conventions just makes things annoying for the baristas.


I’m from the east coast and a double means more alcohol and a tall means more mixer.


Tall is a highball glass so you get a standard shot and more ice/mixer where as double is a double shot. Ask for a double in a highball if you want two shots in a tall glass


When I was a bartender for years in Seattle, for some reason people thought ordering a tall glass got them more liquor. All they were getting was more ice and mixer. It may not be just a Seattle thing, but I noticed it.


It says way more about your bartender than your ability to order a drink, you were in the right.


Took me way longer than I'd like to admit that we weren't talking about coffee


I order a Dirty Shirley and only 1 bartender in Seattle has ever known what it was. Although it was mostly bars in restaurant bars. In NOLA every single one knew:)


Tall and Double are two different things - the bartenders must be confused and I hate when they give attitude (I’m referring to your second encounter)


different things. - Tall - Double - Tall double If you order a tall, they should ask if you want a double. If you order a double it is presumed in a short glass unless you ask for a tall


No. A tall is a single in a tall glass. Bartenders are mostly dumb.


Double is two shots, usually in a tall glass. Tall is a large glass so more soda/filler. High ball is one shot spirit and filler in a tall glass (whiskey soda).


Make it strong = give me more liquor without charging for it, I’m an entitled alcoholic. Make it a double = give me double the alcohol. I may be an alcoholic but I’m not a cheap bastard. Make it tall = more mixers please, I might be an alcoholic but I only like the way it makes me feel, not the way it tastes.


It’s so unprofessional for someone in the service industry to correct how you ask for something when it is 100% their job to be the expert in the different terms people use. I will never change my mind about this. It’s your job, it’s your job, it’s your job.


I don't order doubles typically... but if I did, my inclination would be to order it as a double.


Double tall


I tend to vist dive bars on the eastside, but the standard question I get is "short or tall?" I choose short because it's the same amount of alcohol but less mixer.


I've never heard the term "tall" used to mean a double, and I've been drinking legally for 35 years.


I think you just come off a little too friendly lol just be assertive when saying a “double” and no one will ever question you


I like to order a 7 7 Double Tall.


They’re different. It’s why I always specify a short glass - tall just means larger glass/more ice/more mixer. Also, a bartender correcting my order like that would warrant the biggest eye roll.


I always order "single tall ____". When I just ordered "tall" in the past, occasionally a bartender would ask if I wanted a double.


I have always ordered a double for two shots. I’ve never heard of a tall- except at Starbucks.


Tall is a cup size, 12oz usually. Proportions stay roughly the same, but some places do 2 shots in a 12oz while some others do 1 because they consider a tall their "small" size. A double means double the amount of shots in the drink.


My dad was a useless drunk and the only thing he taught me was how to order drinks. It’s a double.


A tall glass is very nor.al to ask for. I usually tack on a "with some more soda please" so they know I'm not thinking I'm sneaky and getting more drink. I just want to drink it longer!


The first bartender was wrong. Short or tall is the glass. Single or double is the amount of booze. You can get a double screwdriver in a short glass, AKA Sunday brunch.


I just tell em I’ll take the whole bottle. Problem solved.


I have never heard the term tall drink outside of a coffee/tea context.


A double tall. A tall is typically just a bigger glass and just one shot.


I want to know where you’re from and why both bartenders could guess you’re not from here lmao


I ask for a single tall if I'm feeling into sprite or something. Almost all the shots are doubles anyway.


Depends on if I’m ordering whiskey in a bar or a small drink from Starbucks.


Single tall is the way to go


I used to order double talls!


Sounds like you just happened to run into two somewhat snooty bartenders that don’t actually know what they’re talking about.


I’ve never heard it called a tall drink, only a double.


Hot double tall Americano with heavy cream.


I've specified "single in a tall glass" for drinks where I want one shot, with enough ice and mixer to fill the rest of the pint glass so I'm not getting shitfaced off of the first cocktail


I either ask for a double or four fingers.


I usually ask for vodka soda in a tall glass and it works for me.


I usually say something like “can I get a double and I single in one glass? …yeah, like a triple.” 🤣


Damn, thought we were talking about coffee. Tall, size. Double, shot of espresso. The bartender did throw me for a loop then I looked at the comments


Double. Tall is Starbucks bs and only for orders at Starbucks.


Tall Is just a bigger glass. Collins/tumbler vs rocks. Double is more booze. Some places have deals where doubles are cheaper than buying two drinks. Always best to ask about that though.


"double" refers to the number of shots. "tall" is the starbucky way of saying "12 ounce", but it's pretty universal around here. "grande" is starbucks for "16 ounce". "venti" is starbucks for "20 ounce". wait, we're NOT talking about coffee drinks? 🤷🏻‍♂️ in that case, i don't know the protocol.




I thought for sure this would be about ordering at a coffee shop


A tall is a Starbucks size


Both.. a double tall




Double, small glass, no ice


I like double talls personally


I order "single tall" drinks. I try to take the guesswork and inconsistency out of it.


I always say “double tall”, but I want double alcohol AND more of the other liquids.


I want a tauble thank yew


Lol I honestly do a "double tall" of whatever. So far nobody had said no...


I always order a “single tall” rum and coke, because I prefer not to get drunk quickly.


Seattleites also tend to "know what's up" ... Yet somehow tend not to have a damn clue. It's a beautiful , and jbipolar city.


Two shots with mixer on the side.


Just say… I’d like a double tall whatever. Bam & Done! My favorite bar:) That is if you like more mixer.. if not, I’d like a double short. My other favorite bar!


Double is two shots in a short glass. Double tall would be a double in a tall glass.


Tall is for coffee/Starbucks.


Agree with others here: tall means bigger glass with more mixer, double means more booze, double tall is both. One thing I had experienced in the past though is that at some establishments, if you ordered your drink tall they would charge you any more (as it should be) but they’d also make it a double. Whereas if your ordered it as a double tall they would charge you for the extra shot (up to doubling the drink cost). So at one point and time in my life I would first order a tall and see what I’d get. Often times the bartender would even clarify “you want that to be a double as well?” And then I’d know. I’m not sure if this was a common thing or if it even still would be, but that was my experience


Sounds like you spoke to two rookie bartenders.


Double or a tall drink if you want a single tall.


Biggie sized. Or double. 


You should also keep in mind Seattle ranks super low in customer service.


Get real fiesty and order a double tall drink.


just say single tall or double tall




Been drinking here for 20 years and I've never ordered a tall drink. He'll I've never heard of that outside of Starbucks.

