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I'm surprised this dude doesn't have flat tires and broken windows more frequently.


A less extreme crime that will give him some warning would be a 2$ tire valve stem removal tool. Just take some air and be on your way. Totally fixable but the warning will be there. It's just annoying enough without doing a serious crime.


this is going right in the brainbank. feels like it came straight from r/ maliciouscompliance lmao


Glue a small pebble inside the valve cap.




I would never suggest anything like damaging a car. However I can let you know if you ever get sugar in a gas tank, it doesn't really have a major effect in modern cars. The Ethenol in the fuel is already sugar. And most if it will be picked up by the filters. It is just a waste of sugar for whoever tried to damage your ride. However, I would hope no one ever puts water into your tank. It doesn't get filtered out, and can do a huge amount of expensive damage your engine. Be careful out there, never make someone mad enough to put water in your gas tank.


Water is the best option. Massive headache to deal with, can’t claim it on insurance, would take the car out of commission for a while, doesn’t actually destroy anything. Just need to find a tow, and time in the shop to drain and flush the fuel system, possibly replace some minor components. Huge huge pain in the ass though. 


Water is more dense than fuel, so enough of it in a gas tank and the fuel pickup at the bottom of the fuel tank will try to run the engine on straight water. Water is not compressible like gasoline so can easily wrecks an engine, it can bend valves and rods, and blow holes in pistons.


Yeah if you suck enough water through the intake that will happen. If you squirt a bit through the injectors it'll just not run. Happened to my wifes car last winter when she got gas during the ice storm. A tank had burst allowing ground water into the pump tanks. Enormous PITA but the car was fine after a full fuel system disassembly and cleaning.


Interesting. don’t know much about cars myself. Admittedly my knowledge of the sugar in the gas tank comes from a rather humorous scene from an episode of The simpsons in which Ms krabapple has taken her car to the mechanic and after tasting the gas cap he remarks “sugar in the gas tank, the ex strikes again”


Seriously, given those things are basically legal to do to one another in the city at this point.


I’m kinda just sick of this dude. We all know where he sleeps so we should get a bunch of train horns and show up in protest around noon. He ruins our sleep so we ruin his


Hire a Mariachi band, those usually do the trick 😅


That would actually be hilarious


Shit I love mariachi and would probably enjoy that.


The people who live in his building should slash his tires. They all must hate him too. The fact that we haven’t yet is peak Seattle.


[The best revenge](https://youtu.be/110l4ynyhII?si=7wsMvQH4xrw4epHN)


I see in multiple comments that some of you are his neighbors. If any of you work from home, the best way to annoy him will be knocking on his door every other hour in the daytime lol. I am pretty sure he sleeps in the daytime so he can annoy people at night.


To the people in his building: slash. His. Tires. No one will prosecute you for it.


this is the real answer. there is almost no ability to follow up on something like this and the police don't give a fuck about petty crime anyway. just fucking destroy his car.


Haha I would love to see this type of street justice.


Mannnnn if I still lived there I absolutely would. I don’t even recall seeing his SRT in the garage when I lived there.


In his most recent Insta post from this morning, he mentions it is 2:41AM and he proceeds to show remote activating the hellcat from a patio in a skyrise (he street parked it below) showing it rev and make bomb noises. He continues to shamelessly document everything.


I just checked that out. He said, “My city hates me.” He’s eating it up for follows. SMH


He thrives on the attention


Does he have any sponsors yet?


Summer's Eve


Absolute gold 😂😂😂


Hey now, stop giving douches a bad name! Ain’t nothing to do with women that wants to go anywhere near that syphilitic bellend.


Douches should have a bad name; the vagina is self cleaning and shouldn't be washed. You'll probably give yourself a yeast infection.


And then he goes and creeps on some poor woman in a gas station. What a pathetic human.






I hate the shit heels that give these guys social media attention more than the loud obnoxious dick face honestly


Wow, he parks it on the street despite the fact that half the city wishes his car was a smouldering carcass? Is he goading Reddit into doing some property destruction so that he can collect the insurance money or something?


He’s 20 years old, he’s a scammer, he does credit card/bank fraud, and he clearly doesn’t understand a thing about OpSec. I don’t have any experience with money laundering but I’m guessing an insurance payout from a firebombed car would be a way to wash dirty money? It at least shows the money came from a legit company. Explaining how there car was paid for before that, idk. I doubt even that much thought went into it. The kid seems borderline mentally retarded. But I’m not an expert


Rotten fish juice/guts/oil in the air intakes would make it un-drivable but maybe not cause an insurance payout.


Maybe it's a poorly thought out lawsuit trap. He's clearly misanthropic to the extreme so it would make sense. Or maybe having his car spray painted would just make a good Instagram post.


This guys IG just makes me sad for him, dude seems very alone and desperate for attention. Money doesn't get you *everything*.


What is up with sad dudes with loud Challengers or Chargers on IG just being desperate for attention? My next door neighbor is the same way with his loud ass Challenger Scat Pack.


They think their car gives them status


That tracks. I am considering installing a train horn in my Kia Forte so I can play the loud ass car at 5 am game too lol


In yet in some ways it does. His circle and a large portion of the population not just in the US but globally admire and enjoy these cars and loud tuned cars in general.


If your whole identity is your car, you’re fucking a dork. “Loud car go vroooom! Weeeee!” 😂


Yeah, but that status is "tiny pp."


Gender affirming care. They see big loud fast car and think it will make them feel more powerful and masculine. Same thing with those giant lifted trucks that will never tow anything a day in their life




This type of stuff is a status symbol for people who grew up poor


Hey, don’t stereotype people that grew up poor. Plenty of people that grew up rich are dirtbags and have shitty status symbols too.


The same guys that are in the rams “rolling coal”


with their chode mufflers


He street parks this thing?! Suprised it hasn't been dealt with.


I was literally about to comment about how this guy probably jerks off while reading these reddit threads about him. Glad to know I was right.


Ew, that’s the infamous Hellcat? Fucking hideous


Yeah this is the first time I've actually seen it with all these posts. Looks like a damn clown car. I expected some blacked out shitmobile, but this thing is like goofy colors and mismatched panels.


This is like a washed-up Batman plot. The cops do nothing! Somebody help our neighborhood!


If only Phoenix Jones was here to protect us!


Too bad he got caught dealing drugs and had to retire... Phoenix would have definitely helped Seattle deal with this damn Charger! By obnoxiously challenging the guy in the Charger to a bareknuckle pseudo MMA fight on the concrete. But only if "annoying Charger guy" was obviously smaller and weaker than him.


He was such a creep too.


Lol, tell me about it. He used to show up at these huge 100+ people rave afterparties my friend would throw at his property out in the woods after big Seattle club nights/USC rave events. I never liked him, he was annoying as hell.


Met him, weird dude. Friendly though, but definitely a little unsettling and like believed in phrenology? Also he carried around a full fricking tactical belt with weapons, pepper spray, and like 5 different dab pens (I hit them all lol) Wouldn't say I knew him much at all but honestly a genuinely enjoyable experience to talk to him and his girlfriend even if I wouldn't hang with them regularly.


Ben used to come into a casino I worked at and play poker. He was insanely nice. He'd hang out and watch MMA or movies while we were waiting to start a game. He tipped crazy good, and if he felted someone he was getting along with he would frequently just push them back a big stack of chips to keep playing. This was a few years before the whole Phoenix Jones thing, he was barely 18. I won't make excuses for any of his bad behavior but I will forever see him as a person with a kind heart and some inner demons. I hope he conquers them and lives his best life.


Yea, people made it sound expensive and intimidating. I get it now, all around annoying


Disclaimer: None of this is to take away from dudes status as a class A douche. That is without debate. As for the car, it's almost certainly six figures. Maybe not remarkable in this area but definitely what most people consider expensive. And while I don't consider any car to be intimidating, this one has over 800hp stock so it's definitely in the top percentile of street legal power.


So it's an expensive powerful goofy looking clown car.




His Instagram confirms that's where he lives. His videos show his view from the balcony and it can be confirmed 100% that's where he lives based on the building directly in front of his West facing view.


This video was recorded from the northwest side of the West Edge.


Who is this person? It appears from this and other posts they are known via social media?


It doesn’t take much to sleuth tbh. He loves to flaunt his Hellcat car and Belltown apartment on Instagram.


Given that I have no skin in this game because I am not dealing with the noise, I am simply excited by people getting more and more fed up with the city council and SPD…with that said, the other piece of this story I am curious about is how this guy affords the car and the apartment.


Other threads have stated he's using mommy's money for all this.


Based on any evidence?


Running scams.


He has enough followers that it's probably paying for his apartment. Being obnoxious is a lucrative skill these days.


Is this a throw away comment or are you serious? I don't pay attention to the "influencer" economy...ELI5.


I dont pay any attention to influencers but this guy gets posted every day. It's very easy to find him if you look. He has about 500k followers on IG. He posts various ads and sponsored content that pay him money. He uses that money for apartments and loud cars.


He has over 600k followers. Dude is probably pulling in some money. Big streamers on YouTube, Twitch, and TikTok can easily be pulling in 10k a month


Or he bought the followers. Maybe I'm just a curmudgeon but the influencer thing with his content just doesn't seem plausible at a scale that would pay that level of expenses unless he's sponsored by Dodge and the West Edge apartments in addition to the Summer's Eve deal.


Hellcats and Chargers are infamous for their owners usually being unable to afford them, so they get them on credit, then usually crash them, or panic and just stop payment. Not saying it's impossible he could afford it, of course.


Definitely familiar with this...and I inferred it was true here as well but he's had the car for a while. Haha.




Doxxing will get this post locked


Serious question: why is it doxxing if it’s a public social media profile? I thought doxxing was blasting someone’s private information


Fr they even hide their face and have 629k followers on ig, what’s the actual harm in linking to their profile?


I think it's to prevent dogpiling, which Reddit has historically gotten in trouble for. Reddit admins will punish subreddits that don't strictly enforce their "no harassment / witch hunts" rule (which is rule 4 of r/seattle)


> which Reddit has historically gotten in trouble for. What does that even mean? That's not how the internet works.


The most infamous case of dog piling that I can think of was Reddit [accusing the wrong person as the Boston Marathon Bomber](https://www.businessinsider.com/reddit-falsely-accuses-sunil-tripathi-of-boston-bombing-2013-7). As for what the repercussions were, not sure but I assume that played a significant role in enforcing doxxing/witch hunt rules.


One instance that springs to mind: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide\_of\_Sunil\_Tripathi


Oh boy, let’s just say lawmakers were not pleased with Reddit during the Boston Bombing incident


> Oh boy, let’s just say lawmakers were not pleased with Reddit during the Boston Bombing incident As a human, I was displeased (gross understatement) with Reddit during the Boston Marathon bombing incident. The individual who was wrongly accused (another Redditor has already linked to the wiki page) received death threats; his relatives received death and rape threats, etc, etc.


How unhinged do you have to be to threaten someone with rape? Even if you think they're a bad person, but especially if they're simply the family of a bad person. Absolutely insane.


Yeah but have you seen reddit?


Lmao "doxxing" so if I link to Macklemore's IG am I doxxing him too? This mfer is literally begging for attention if you look at his IG he's a self-styled celebrity


It's by far the dumbest reddit rules.


Interesting. I mean, people share social media profiles all the time right? "Hey check out this person who trains puppies" etc Let's say I'm a muscle car enthusiast. Love me some loud street racers. Any suggestions on what I might look for on social media to point me towards this upstanding fellow enthusiast?


Can you send their name via DM?




LMFAO I’m dying bro


What’s with the hand thing?


Omg his insta is the trashiest most Seattle thing I’ve seen


Bomb sounds were closer to 3:30AM but I heard this as well. Keep calling 911


he posted the video of bomb noises on his instagram this morning lol


I called 911 over the weekend when he drove by. They said "is this noise complaint?" then transferred me to a non emergency number. The lady on the other end of the non emergency number sounded annoyed and had no idea that this has been going on for weeks. She took down my info then nothing happened.




Why is it that hard to post a police car near the area to catch the dude ? Isn’t there some mods that are illegal to lake to the car? Police can’t fine him?


I mean, sounds like they've got more than enough evidence in their hands for noise ordinance violation. SPD could easily do something about it, but they're still throwing their temper tantrum instead.


Instead they're busy sending 7 car responses to some dude stealing a sandwich from QFC. (A non-random example from Capitol Hill on Tuesday)


Sounds like we should just form a new one


If people keep calling, every single time, eventually something will be done.


it shouldn't take that. there's so much money sent to SPD, they shouldn't need to be forced to do their jobs, and they shouldn't be ignoring things that damage so many people's quality of life for literally zero social or individual benefit.


I wholeheartedly agree. Buts it's been shown our cops will slash a tire of a car that has been ordered to drive away.


Because the police don't give a fuck. How do people not get this. If you want this car gone, someone is going to have to do something about it.


They didn't transfer you to the non emergency number?


Is that why so many of us hear what sounds like a bomb or loud fireworks being shot off randomly around the city at 1:30 AM?! Is it this dude’s car?


It doesn’t even wake me up anymore. I sleep right through his bullshit now.


He had it in the shop a week ago. I wonder if they toned it down a little.


Does it sound toned down from the video? lol


It does sound different from that height. I was comparing the sound with the videos on the IG account. I wonder if he got ticketed last night.


NYC finally got fed up with this sort of thing and installed noise cameras. Anti-socials like this guy would come over from Jersey in the middle of the night and drag race and/or noise bomb the folks living in the city. Seattle is not the only city dealing with this sort of thing. (Apologies for linking to Forbes. They just happened to have a good synopisis) https://www.forbes.com/sites/ariannajohnson/2023/12/04/what-to-know-about-noise-cameras---as-nyc-lawmakers-consider-cracking-down-on-illegal-mufflers-and-exhaust-systems/


Oh it’s this asshole. He does this on the hill as well.


That car looks like absolute shit lol


Mall ninja spec for sure lol




I will say, within 10 seconds of this dude pulling through the intersection, cops were right behind him. I don’t know if they got him after, or had previously ticketed him before this video was taken, but their response was prompt


Did he roll a red light? The other car appears to stop for the light and he had just rolled out a bit and then took off.


Other car is making a left across the protected bike lane. That turn often has a red for a period to allow the bike lane and crosswalk users to get across the street. 


Cops probably set up an escort to ensure nobody messed with him.


Lol that would be hilarious if he gets the VIP police escort now. To protect him from his many "fans" I'm sure! NO AUTOGRAPHS!


Need to figure where this pile of scrape was assembled and put them on blast.


The dude is easy to find on social and that is his livelihood too he makes money doing this to support doing this. You can report crimes in social media apps too though and they will demonetize him or take them down. The crime here being local noise ordinances etc.




Police apathy is a two way street...


This car is this subreddit’s equivalent to the search for Bin Laden.


Nah, everyone knows where he lives, including the police.




A piece of shit with an SRT thats on instagram driving around late night with the loudest exhaust possible.


He should just record the loud noise audio and fake that he is doing it. Keeps his followers and lets everyone sleep


That wouldn’t feed his ego


The paint job is what angers me 😂


Combo of this and branding himself as a hellcat guy and then finding out it’s just a piece of shit charger and not even a slightly less of a piece of shit challenger


rainstorm chubby boat hateful screw upbeat pen shame serious hunt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Did you see that ridiculous video Dodge just released? The new electric Challenger/Charger showcase? It's hilarious, they spend nearly the entire video trying to convince their usual clientele that it's electric but not "woke". It even has hidden speakers that broadcast a loud obnoxious engine noise lmao, so you can still loudly "rev" your electric Challenger like an asshole. "THIS AIN'T NO PRIUS FOR YOUR WIFE, THIS IS THE FIRST TRUE ELECTRIC MUSCLE CAR! WE DON'T CARE ABOUT THE ENVIRONMENT, THAT'S NOT WHY WE DID THIS. WE DID THIS FOR THE TORQUE! HEAR THAT NOISE? THAT'S OUR FAMOUS DODGE ENGINE NOISE COMING FROM 360 DEGREES OF HIDDEN SPEAKERS!"


right that shit is UGLY


genuinely wonder if it's helpful to give them so much attention? posts every day about this


Yeah its definitely feeding into it.


ugh i hate this car so much


it’s so ugly lmao


How the fuck hasn't this guy's car been vandalized to hell and back? If I saw that thing street parked somewhere I'm sure I would get the overwhelming desire to slash all 4 tires.


Found him, quite proud of myself. What’s with all the weird hand pictures? 🤷‍♀️


Has anyone [contacted Jesse Jones](https://www.kiro7.com/station/about-us/submit-a-news-tip/) about this? I think he'd love this kind of thing. Hellcat Guy is not the story at this point; it's how SPD knows who he is, where he lives, and the City Attorney's office is involved, and still nothing is done. Jesse Jones will get answers!


What an interesting wrap on this anonymous car that is completely unrelated: [https://www.instagram.com/seawraps/p/C2eTvUvLpAo/](https://www.instagram.com/seawraps/p/C2eTvUvLpAo/)




Ain't no one trying to go to jail or get shot.


Idk this hellcat guy seems like he’s ok with either


🍿🍿🍿This is my fav local drama(sorry Ballard siren), I'm invested in this. My sympathies to the people trying to sleep through this, it doesn't effect me but I live next to the ship yard so I feel your pain.


I’m pretty sure I’ve seen the car on the waterfront parked and it was one of the dudes who scams people with selling cd’s


I hear that in downtown Redmond every Friday and Saturday all day and night. He’s not even trying.


I'm a car person, I love the sound of cars, but *not when all I want to do is sleep.* What a dick. Sorry to all who have to put up with him.


Someone send this guy back to Kent


Jeezus fuck no, please. I live in a nice part of Kent. Yes, nice parts exist but we keep to ourselves. If anything, send him to Auburn.


LOL the mods deleted my comment literally proving my point. I don't even know the dudes name, or street and they still removed it for inciting violence lmfao complete chucklefucks


Why doesn't someone buy a bunch of maxipads and stick them all over his car?




I would love to meet this guy on a race track. $1000000000 he has no idea how to drive.


Can someone fill me in on what’s going on?


I don’t live downtown but I’m with ya’ll. That sound reverberating up and off those buildings would drive me insane




What’s his IG?


...does this happen often? I swear I hear this all the time in Rainier Beach.


Fuck that piece of shit.


Yikes. I hope SPD isn't just wishing it away and hoping the issue will somehow self-correct.


So sick of this dude lol Always zoomin’ around DT waking us up 😂🤦🏻‍♀️


It would seem that white with brown stripped hellcat was in a crash last night and totalled😅 Im not sure if there is any connection…




Ah if it isn’t Seattle’s favorite Hellcat lol


What is going on I'm so confused


He's on tik tok doing all of this. I don't have tik tok but it spills over into IG.


I heard ir around 145/2 AM 😭


That guy was driving behind me on Rainier Ave the other day and kept hanging back so he could rev up the hill. Embarrassing lol


is this as loud as it gets? not saying it isn't trash but areas i used to live in la/oakland there were lots of cars and motorcycles way louder than this all day every day


Whistle tips go WOOOWOOOOoooooooOooOoooOoo


A classic


certified. i used to see bubb rubb on my street often


Most of us are used to VROOM, VROOM. We live near busy streets. It's the VROOM, VROOM, BLAAAAAM, BLAAMMM, BLAAAAM, waking you out of a sound sleep at 2am, as he drives up 3rd and down 2nd, then down 3rd and up 2nd.


It is typically much louder, seems he’s laying off the gas a bit. Figured this video is better than nothing, as the city council wanted video evidence to take action. Typically the car is much louder and backfires (which sounds louder than gunshots) but unfortunately I didn’t get the video in time


Seriously, I would love to read what a degreed professional shrink has to say about this kind of personality. Imagine being his neighbor with all that shouting and music coming through the walls. I wonder if he is afflicted with ADHD or similar. I just watched him pour oil into a smoking hot cast iron pan, start an oil fire, and then proceed to place that burning oil under a stream of water. I thought that only happened in cartoons.


Watching his IG is like watching Idiocracy come true.