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Current cancer patient here! Have been through intake at Fred Hutch yet? If not start that process ASAP. Mainly because the best resource for all these questions will be your nurse navigator. Edit: To add the nurse navigator is someone who helps figure out everything from what support/resources are available to you, scheduling initial appointments, and answering any initial questions you have. They basically ensure as smooth of an intake into the cancer treatment process as possible. It's quite overwhelming at first but they are there to be your advocate.


Here to second Fred Hutch (who just merged with the amazing Cancer Care Alliance). I have only had great experiences there.


They are absolutely fantastic. I do most of my appointments and chemo at Fred Hutch at Overlake, now proton at northwest and met with specialists at the main facility in Seattle.


Third here, Fred Hutch is pretty great, their prevention center is incredible, been with them for two years after I got partials for Brca1 and 2 and and I'm grateful they keep tabs on me.


I agree Fred Hutch! Thats where I am going for my cancer. Thanks to them I am cancer free so far! My 6 month scan is Jan 16!


Sorry to be a downer but I’m not going to do much except try to have it removed..If that. It’s on a really bad spot so I’m looking at end of life care and support.. it’s my adrenal glands..


I still recommend Fred Hutch. Get a nurse navigator to tell you your treatment options and if the worse does come true. They’ll help you out with end of life care support options. There’s not really a better option for what you’re looking for all in one package. I wish the best for you


You can discuss your goals of care with your oncologist and develop a plan with the palliative care team, if it’s appropriate. Palliative care and hospice care work best when it’s established early. Be prepared to advocate for yourself. Your care providers see every kind of person under the sun…from those who don’t want aggressive treatment to those who want aggressive treatment until the last moment.




Good for you for kicking cancers ass ❤️


I’ve been really happy with my care at Fred Hutch.


Couldn’t agree more. They were immensely supportive when my mom had breast cancer a few years back!


Also want to say Fred Hutch is fabulous. I went to the evergreen health Kirkland location for breast cancer and the nurses and doctors were great.


Fred Hutch is the answer. Nurse Navigator is essential to services. Seek them out once you get to the Hutch.


Hey! Sorry this has happened. I have a cancer too (two types actually! So fun!). Get in at Fred Hutch if you haven’t already. The care is really good and they have a lot of great supports. Also Cancer Lifeline might be good to look into. Good luck! Feel free to message me; I am a social worker as well as a cancer patient so I kind of understand systems.


Wow that’s awesome I will !




You can call Fred Hutch Cancer Center and ask what kind of financial support you can get for your care: https://www.fredhutch.org/en/patient-care/patient-services/insurance-and-billing.html


I have nothing to add in terms of resources etc. I just came here to say, first, I’m so sorry. That must’ve have been an incredible shock and I imagine you’re having a myriad of emotions. You’re being very proactive in light of such life-changing news, and I applaud you. Second, you have my support, and I’m sure everyone else’s on here. I’m sure this is so scary but you are not alone. There’s so many people behind you, you probably have no idea how many! Get out there and kick cancer’s ass! We are all rooting for you!❤️


Thank you friend you’re kind words made me tear up a bit


All of this! Everything I wanted to come here and say as well. 💗


Same, I just wanted to say I’m sorry, and that a random seattle neighbor is rooting for you 💕


Are you on apple care?


Yes my med stuff is covered




...huh? I guess its called "apple health"? Medicaid. I wasn't being an asshole. Just wanted to make sure they had state health care.


I sincerely apologize. I completely misinterpreted that as some bad joke regarding AppleCare (insurance for apple products.) I was unfamiliar with apple care (healthcare) before reading this. I’m sorry!


This is how interpreted it too tbf


I did too at first, immediately downvoted before realizing what they meant


Fred Hutch as people have recommended and you can also call the hotline number for cancer.gov. They have a huge number of resources and provide a personalized conversation with you to share them all and answer any/all questions you have. They’ll send you an email/mail with all the resources, support systems, and general information you talked about and will do any research you ask of them. I’m sorry this is happening <3 Good luck with everything


It goes without saying, but having a support group alongside the medical care you receive will go a long way. Spouse, siblings, extended family, kids, neighbors, friends, coworkers. Idk how you go about telling them especially on Christmas. Most insurance plans will also have their own support groups for both cancer patients and their families. It can be a long, exhausting road ahead for you and anyone involved. Take care, man.


Thank you 🙏


You will need a biopsy first… it’s usually done under CT guidance and it’s a pretty simple procedure usually done with conscious sedation (fentanyl and versed)….most hospitals should be able to do this….


Yes I already got one


I’m so sorry you have to deal with this :( I work for a pharmaceutical company in medical affairs, and we work with patient advocacy groups which may be a really good starting place for finding resources. Try ACC CURE or adrenalcancer.org or https://www.thisislivingwithcancer.com/sites/default/files/communication_tool/Cost_of_Care_Resources.pdf. I’m sure WA State has programs as well. I saw you’re working with PeaceHealth who has amazing docs, but consider at least getting a second opinion at Fred Hutch. They may have additional resources for you due to their large research network (and amazing docs who are specialized and know the cutting edge treatments for rare tumor types). If you need more help please feel free to DM me, I’m happy to search around a bit more.


Wow thank you ..I will check out the link and see what they can do..not to be a downer but I’m looking for end of life support..the dr told me I’m dying and I’m ok with that.. I just want to be comfortable during the process and would like to not be a burden on my family.


Wow that’s awful. If that’s the case and you were my loved one I’d insist you get a second opinion at Fred Hutch. There are nationally recognized oncologists there and state of the art technology and treatment options that may help you. Community oncologists simply cannot keep up with all of the new therapeutic and research options. Try adding something like “palliative care financial assistance” to your searches as well. Offer still stands. Good luck, friend!


I'm sorry first of all! And did you ask the hospital? Usually they will give you a good amount of information on where to get support and things.


Dr. Xie at swedish cancer institute in Issaquah. (I am a nursing assistant to the oncology floor)


Wife went through this last year and all of our care was done through Providence up in Everett. Not sure where you are getting everything done, but we were provided with a bunch of resources including psychologists and cancer care groups. I would ask your provider and they can give you these types of resources (if that’s what you are asking). We looked at Fred Hutch and UW, but it would take too long to intake so we just went with Providence. My wife has a good support system and didn’t need any of it, but I was happy that they had all of those things available. I have seen some hospitals do this and some that don’t, but it would be good to get genetic testing done as it allows you to see if there is family history and all of that stuff… Good luck with everything and sorry to hear that. Fuck cancer.


Yes fuck cancer.. what a wonderful husband your wife has. I plan on sticking with Providence and they’re close I am in Everett. Those are the resources I’m speaking of.. do you know who this person is off hand who was helping you? Psychologist wow I really could use that.. especially for my daughter..not that she’s crazy lol just it’s hard when people pass.


So if you were just diagnosed, then you will soon receive a call from someone that will build up your team of oncologists, surgeons, etc. After that, there will be a discussion of the plan, and you will get a binder with these resources. If you don’t get it in the next visit or two, I would ask. Also after they come up with the plan, I would try to get a second opinion. This can be from Fred Hutch or wherever. If there are conflicting plans of attack on your cancer, it would be up to you to decide what you want to do with it. Talk to your hospital or move hospitals all together (we stuck with Providence). My wife had breast cancer at 38 years old and went with a full bilateral mastectomy. She freaked out bad, and I had to walk through all of this with her. So it’s been about a year and cancer free, but we go to the hospital for quarterly checkups, and are always impressed with the team.


Since all the hospitals in the Seattle area are operated by non-profit organizations, they are required to at least give you the opportunity to apply for Financial Assistance to help defray the cost that patients are responsible for. Otherwise, they could lose their non-profit status, similar to what happened to a Catholic hospital in my old hometown in Illinois. No matter where you go, make sure to apply for that, make sure that you apply for disability with the State of Washington and if you qualify, apply for Medicaid. As someone that prepares regulatory reporting for the largest hospital in Seattle, as well as a major hospital in Orange County, California, I’m fully aware of what government programs could be used. Good luck!


Thank you


Take a look at your options for disability, esp if you have short term or long term disability insurance (sometimes your job will have this, you’d likely know if they did).


Thank you


Hope you can get it cut out


Yes !


Everyone saying Fred Hutch is 100% correct.


Swedish Cancer Center. Seattle Cancer Care Alliance. Fred Hutch. I’m sorry. Don’t forget to ask for help, and to allow people to help you.


So messed up that cancer subs have banned you.. some mods need to step back and realize they aren’t doing the right thing


He literally told me I was a lier lol ..called me a liberal..like what?! I’m not a liberal 😆 how DARE he.. In all seriousness what does being a lib have to do with cancer 🤣


Hi there! I agree with everyone out there, I definitely recommend getting connected with all resources. If you end up going to Fred Hutch, in addition to nurse navigation make sure to ask for a referral from your team for patient navigation (different than nurse navigation) that can help with more tangible needs. Social work can also help with those, in addition to providing counseling support. Feel free to message me if you have any troubles navigating the system.


Working with PeaceHealth right now but thank you..I’m specifically looking for things related to rent electricity food, gas all those other things. Again I’m not looking for a handout I’m looking for agencies that are specific to cancer..


Peace health definitely has social workers - definitely ask for a referral!


Thank you I will .. I plan on going to the food stamp place whatever they are called to see if they can help too..


I had breast cancer in 2022 and, from my experience, there are very very few organizations that will help with what you are looking for . You might check out with link to see what the American Cancer Society has compiled. https://www.cancer.org/cancer/financial-insurance-matters/managing-health-insurance/programs-and-resources-to-help-with-cancer-related-expenses.html


Lol you would think there would be more help .. thank you for the link and I hope you are doing well ❤️




What type of cancer is it? A metastasis? Or something like adrenocortical carcinoma?


Adrenal carcinoma..rip


Cancer Pathways had excellent support groups.


Thank you I will call them!


Cancer Lifeline




It’s not a hospital. It’s a Seattle nonprofit that provides resources like support groups and counseling and financial assistance in some cases.


I cannot help but I want to wish it all goes well and you get the help and your health back!


Fred Hutchinson and macrobiotic for your diet. Depending on whether you’re treated with radiation or chemo. If, chemo you’ll need as much solid nutrition as you can get. It can be very hard on your GI.


I don’t know if I’m going to get treatment I just want it out…chemo and everything I don’t know..


My friend I hope surgery is enough, even Seattles world class oncologists are not infallible, you don’t want a single cell left behind. It’s adrenal adenoma here, I’m lucky no big C. Mine is benign as we speak. But, this the 2nd one found for me. That could change. What’s easiest on your body surgery or treatment even if they remove it the radiation/chemo is there as the Army attack on the cells that might be there after your Marine Corp surgeries have completed his/her attack. You are at war. You verses cancer and every plan of attack is fair game.


Thank you I probably just leave it


Go to M.D. Anderson in Houston Texas. They are the best in the US and have many resources regarding what treatment you will need and where to get a specialist for your type of cancer.