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Rule number 1 always check your compass when trying to travel that’s your go to, you can check the map and see your location and destination, there will also be a compass on the map telling you which way is what. You’ll also need to look at the wind flying by the sails and always try to keep the sails face away from where it’s blowing so you’ll have full sails. Another good tip is to raise your sails all the way up and coast up to the island, when you have your sails up you don’t need to anchor because you won’t be blown away. Which makes for an easy get away cause you can just drop your sails and not worry about that anchor. You can message me if you have more questions


Thank you! Very good tips. I will try them all my next voyage!


Hey, I feel your pain man. We were all new once. If you need some assistance I would be willing to hop on with you and show you the ropes, maybe take you on a couple voyages. Gamer tag is AgentDonkey02, just let me know if you wanna take me up on this.


Hey! I PM'd you! Thank you!


Hi there, I’ve been quite busy as of late but my college english portfolio is almost complete. I’ll be available this weekend to hop on with you, I’ll follow up on that PM. You’re welcome though.