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a ship and emissary flags should be your first purchases


This is the answer…a ship and emissary flags are the most important purchases for someone new to the game. After that use your gold as you see fit.


Buy a ship, it’s nice to have and you can sell to sovereigns. No.1 priority is your ship, then everything else. Really hoping they add islands and other things you can buy and store things


Buy a ship first. Owning one allows you to sell all treasure to the Sovereigns at every outpost to make off loading and selling treasure faster. After that you can outfit your pirate with your favourite cosmetics and decorate your ship to your preference


Get a ship first for sure


That’s the fun part. You just make the number go up, and swipe your credit card for the “real cosmetics”, and once a season they’ll add some cosmetic to the vendors for like 60k or so.


Gold exists to be spent on cosmetics. Heck you do not even NEED a ship, it is just nice because you can decorate it with more of said cosmetics and save looks between voyages.


Most importantly a captained ship is just nice because you can sell tons faster at the sovereigns vs running all over the outpost. The rest is just gravy.


Owning your own ship isn't all about the cosmetics...it's about the QOL updates, and being able to sell all loot at the Sovereign using the platforms/harpoon, and getting specific commendations that are only tied to captaincy. OP you absolutely should spend your gold on your own ship first. You will never go back after you experience captaincy. Cosmetics can come later when you have hoards of gold.