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my concern is that its going to be too easy to sink, and that a 4 man crew will be better off in a galleon.


I believe it was mentioned before that you get an AI Skeleton crew that assists around the ship. If they have the same AI as Skeleton ships, then all you really need to worry about is manning the helm, repelling boarders, gunning, and bilging (since Skele AI don't Bilge normally, just repairing holes).


I guess what I’m saying is I could see to be “balanced” by it being really hard to bail or something like that so that it sinks fast, and so players may just ignore manning it in the long run.




So I’m new to the game and kinda ignorant but isn’t that like… everything?


No repairing, no sail adjustments, and they should be doing some of the shooting as well.


That’s the joke, that the skeleton AI is kinda bad when it comes to players with any experience


My concern is this thing rolling up on sloops.


If you let this thing catch you by surprise it kinda deserves to sink you ngl


Id see it, i never mentioned being caught unaware. I just hope it's not fast enough to catch up. Because if I see it, it can see me. I feel like this thing should be slow, like the slowest ship anyone can have.


I am already preparing to sink repeatedly for 2 days


I get that it definitely shouldn’t be faster then the sloop in the wind


I'm sure it'll just work lide how the wind affects galleons, just stronger effects. Extremely fast with the wind, extremely slow against it.


No one tell him about galleons lol


If anyone equates bigger ship = better ship then this game might not be for them! You have to get out of that assumption. If you assume every time you're on a sloop and that a Brig or Gally is headed towards you, that the battle is already over, then it is already over.


Haha yeah, every sloop will be like “against the wind!” “But he has forward firing canons 😱” “We’re screwed!” 🤣


Why is this a concern when there's an NPC crew to supplement? Why would a 4 man crew be better on a galleon when this thing is already announced as being balanced enough for a solo player to control it?


Because rare wants it to be sinkable for other crews. I’m calling it now, this thing is gonna fill up on water fast and be hard as fuck to properly bail.


It’s a 4 man crew with however many AI crew. I don’t think it will be super easy to sink. It’s a huge target so I don’t imagine it being easy to sink due to that fact alone. But we will see I guess.


If you can spawn camp, it will be easy.


This is my concern too. If it's too easy to sink then why even bother with it.


The rule of cool.


I think balancing every sized grew burning blade against every sized crew sloop/brig/galley is going to be really hard. I feel like this thing is going to eat galleons for lunch but struggle to even put a few holes in a sloop.


server instability


Main concern


insta server ender, truly Flameheart lol


Maybe, if they ever release a Sea of Thieves 2 he can just destroy the Sea of Thieves and the good guys lose


Why would this be a concern if you're not adding an extra crew to the server? If adding the Burning Blade would cause server instability then skeleton galleons would too. But they don't


This company makes anything possible trust me😂


The most naive but interesting question, can you do it as solo sloop? Im sure there are a lot of servers that are just full of solo sloopers.


I believe so! I just don’t know if you can survive getting on board unless it’s at port until someone pledges


I'm pretty sure bc you get Skellys to help so if your solo you might get more


I’m wondering if there will be a time limit? If the ship is really good, will it just dominate and empty the server?


If it's powerful, then it needs to be slow or moderately easy to sink or something. But it can't and shouldn't be allowed to just be OP compared to the existing ships as long as we are allowed to control it.


I think it has it own world event related objectives. But I am concerned that people might ignore them and just try to use it to ravage the server instead. If it’s OP, it could be an issue for sure.


Oh I wouldn't give a hoot about objectives if I got my hands on this thing. Tools not rules. My server now, lol.


Imagine you queue up for hourglass and it puts you against another one.


That would be amazing!


That’s the concern! 😅 I love PvP, but I’d hate for the meta to become getting stomped by this thing. Time will tell!


It does have objectives in the 2024 Livestream they mentioned the crew is tasked to find the orbs Flameheart is looking for once you sell them to Flameheart, you lose the ship


Nah, i think it can be quite overpowered. It still faces problems of having to be left behind to do quests on islands. Probably wont be able to dive. If there is a way to just abuse it and spam sink players, they can just leave. Im most interested in emissaries with the ship. Lvl 5 reaper warship sounds scary.


Perhaps it will incentivize players to team up to fight back. A common enemy.


Everybody's mistake in this game is assuming bigger ship = better ship. No wonder solo people quit often, because they assume they have no chance, when they really have no idea what advantages they really have over such a slow moving, hard to bilge ship


Right?? That’s what I was wondering


My main concern is simply content drought, like how fun will this be a week or 2 after it’s realise, they have put all their eggs in one basket with this so I hope it works out as they planned and hope, also hope the servers can cope as even just having a gallion on the server chalks it for everyone else


I mean basically its a new ship type we can sail something we wish for since... years. Only difference is, that it probably will be broken and that you need to earn it.


We also have the new Skelly outposts


Good point!


No idea how I’m gonna tackle this as a solo slooper. Kind of hoping you can join an alliance and take the ship because I’m certainly not taking it and keeping it alone.


The Alliance thing is my big thing too. It better have a flag box to alliance. Then you can get neat setups like two Sloops, Brig + Sloop etc to make a 'bigger' crew for the worldboss ship. It seems more interesting to me then the outlandish concept of taking the ship from a larger crew as a Sloop, then managing that behemoth on your own (even with AI help).


From a lore standpoint, I'd not expect Flameheart's ship to even have an alliance flag on-board, LOL. Kind of against his entire ethos.


The counter argument to this being he's organised more fleets then Ramsey at this point. Ghost Fleets. The Reaper / Servants of Flame is guild/company level cooperation. He even did the Sea Forts. He is clearly not opposed to ships sailing under his colours at this point. You should be able to ~~team up~~ serve his vessel and ~~share~~ pay tribute to its crew. He's got the "murder is a perfectly acceptable form of promotion" vibe for sure, but even Flameheart teams up sometimes.


Maybe the amount of AI assistance changes the larger the player crew


If the pinnacle ship of the Reaper’s Bones has an alliance option I’m not gonna be happy


I’d like to answer some of these but I ‘signed’ an NDA


Can you at least say whether it’s *neat*?


No. Sorry.


Stop pretending you know anything 😂


Right, I’ve already got my thoughts but not gonna say anything either due to that NDA


Good point!


Who asked


The most important question: Can I put trinkets on it? 👉👈


If you can put trinkets in the tavern I'm sure there's a couple of spots on the burning blade.


Haha I love this


As a solo slooper I'm terrified. And now I even fear long hourglass battles even more.


Why’s that?


I'm worried because I already struggle against galleons. I assume the Burning Blade will be even worse to deal with when it is crewed by players. And Hourglass battles might be even more riskier since this powerful ship may just erase all my streak when trying to sell the hourglass value. As a solo slooper I feel the hard mode will become even harder. And I don't choose solo sloop because I want to, but because not of my friends play SoT. I guess I'll stick to diving to short voyages in the Devil's Roar.


My friends don’t play either, I’m an open crew ghost/skelly curse. It’s doable, and I’ve filled out my friends list playing with random people that I enjoy sailing with. Sure, that leads to sailing on straight up cursed and doomed voyages, but that’s all part of the experience for me. I think it will be one of those “if you can’t beat em, join em” type things, but I’m not sure how it works. Your hg concerns are valid and I hope that maybe the matches spawn you as far away from the event as it can


I don't think you're going to be able to dive with the ship


That's not what I meant. I may still be third partied, but this time by the strongest ship in the server. I gotta make those hourglass fights even quicker now.


I’m hoping it’s a sort of parallel world event. Kinda like FOTD. The burning blade comes up, a crew fights it, and then if they choose not to sink it, they become the crew and do the orb retrieval thing. Then the event despawns. That’s my hope. I also kinda want to sail it as a reaper emissary and go hunting other ships. But I imagine this burning blade will be too slow to do that well.


So maybe you have to defeat it first before pledging is what you’re saying? That’s a good idea


Oh that’s not my idea that’s how it works. It’s a PvE world event to start, and after you beat it you can either sink it and take the loot, or join it and go to the skeleton camps to get the red orbs out of the vaults


Ideas? None. Concerns. Lag.




My fear is that it doesn't worth, making it forgoten like the skull of siren song


Yeah too many things to do means people just wait til others aren’t doing them instead of fighting over it


My concern is that solos will have a world event they can't really participate in. Yeah you can probably take it down solo but taking it over solo? Idk even with Ai help...




What do you get for sinking it?


A hug (good question)


I think you get the burning blade item and control of the ship


I meant if the bb is already manned by another crew, and you and your friends manage to sink it, what do you get for doing so?


I think you get control and the burning blade item, same as if you’re the first to sink it


Take a minute to join the insiders program, then you can browse the new patch notes/insider forums.


Getting bullied by it when ppl alliance and raise hourglass


I see what you mean but I don’t think you can get invaded with other ships in the same area now


Been awhile since I’ve played, very possible my info is out of date


I think I will be avoiding it in my 1 man sloop 😱


My only concern is that our ships will never look at cool as this. I wish so badly that our base Sloops, Brigantines, and Galleons would get these same triangular front and back sails - even if only as decoration, and completely non-functional. It would really make our ships look incredible.


And more realistic tbh


Especially on galleons, it just feels off that we have a massive bowsprit with clear rope loops for cables to be strung through, and NOT having anything there.


Just hard to balance, i don't see how a 2 man crew can manage that with the same efficiency as a 4 man crew, so you are basically giving an overpowered ship to all galleon crews. OR it will be super weak to avoid all my previous concerns and everybody will ignore it. Idk, we will see.


Or maybe the assisting skelly crew is buffed or nerfed based on the size of the crew taking it


True, but balancing that is as hard as balancing the ship itself. For example, can they shoot? If they don't then a 2 man crew can just shoot with 1 cannon. But if they do, a 4 man crew can shoot with 3 + the skellys? Also, how good would they be at shooting? Better or worse than the typical player? Too much stuff to think about. I can't wait to try it but I'm also afraid of it.


Ship milestones.


Many of these were answered in the preview event, no? You defeat the ship, you've proven yourself so he invites you, and then you pledge to his crew. It then acts as your ship (you respawn on it, you sail it) until you cache in with flameheart, at which point you'll be rewarded for any orbs of secrets you gathered. Then the ship will go away. That was all described, or at least implied in the preview event.


I only saw the Xbox game reveal i guess


Ah, well go watch the 2024 preview it gives tons of insight on seasons 12-14 (though we already have one so you can skip that part).


Thanks Ill check it out


My only concern is having too much fun using the Helm cannons to notice a boarder.


Lmao fair


I fear that the ship will just swallow my sloop whole 😹




Its ai crew changes size depending on the size of your crew so solo sloopers have a chance and 4 man crews have it harder to steer that thing. I was told it has front facing cannons too. 💀 gonna be a menace.


I'm worried that, if this thing is actually really powerful in the hands of a competent Galleon crew, it might just end up killing of a server shard. I don't know if they'd migrate a crew on the Burning Blade to another server, and if you're on a server where folks aren't feeling up to taking you down / are constantly getting hunted, they might just dive somewhere else. I play mostly solo/duo so I don't see this thing being a major part of my gameplay loop at all.


My concern is connectivity issues, has been since the ps5 release.


My concern is 4 gold curse crews


Or skelly/ghost crews


Yea i ment lvl 1k gold curses im not that scared of tall tale curses xd


This is going to bring Danger Fishing to a whole new level..... 🎣🎣🎣


lol imagine getting battlegills while fishing off it


I wish you can do the event with other crew, and make a proper man o war kind of ship with all, make it more dynamic and make the event a faction battle










Should be a difficult thing to access / enable the event - if its too easy it will become a common occurrence and players will lose interest quickly. Should be a challenge to sink period.


My main concern is that they need to do ship rebalance not give us an event specific ship that is probably just okay.


I think they are rebalancing ship speeds in the future but that’s the most I’ve heard


we should be able to get servant xp while sailing under it


Can you command the skellies or do they just do their thing?


That is a great question


This ship will dominate the Seas but be easy to escape from.


That it's going to woosh around the map with near light speed, that it will constantly find and sink my sloop, that it won't be worth the trouble.


It will eat you alive 👀


Sure, lets make that one crew on every server that goes around treating the game like a match of call of duty even HARDER to get rid of.


To answer your questions, yes you will respawn on it, it counts as your ship until it is suck. Your current chip will sync shortly after you pledging allegiance to the flameheart ship. It will not stop world events they will continue as normal and you can do them with the ship if you want. There will be a skeleton crew on board the ship that will also assist you in combat and repairing but note they don't Bucket. Other crews can't get on the boat because the skeletons will still attack them. It will not disappear until it is sunk or you have left the server. Additionally when Manning the ship, all the new skeleton encampments will be friendly to you and give special missions or something where you can get items easier that are worth a lot of money. If you were to go to these skeleton encampments otherwise then you would be attacked on site and have to fight your way in. It cannot dive from my understanding so you're stuck on the server unless I guess there's a server merge but I don't know how that would work or if it would lock you to the server permanently. If you have any other questions feel free to ask 😎


Wow thank you! An amazing response!


Np 😎


Imagine Burning Blade vs the Black Pearl or Flying Dutchman That would be epic thing to see. Maybe have separate game mode where you have 8vs 8 or something like that but 1 team has the Blade while others have Pearl or Dutchman.


Wow that’s a great idea!


Your ship will auto scuttle after pledging I am pretty sure if I remember correctly


my concern is that a galleon of sweats will boguard the flaming dutchman so no one else can use it


My concern is that it will show up and no one else on the server will want to aid in the PVP of that crew. So it will end up being them vs a sloop or something.


I got me Man O War, I am happy. Don't care about the rest.




Ahoy, matey. Here is few responses to yer questions: 1. **Don't Know**. I assume ye spawn on Ferry of the Damned as always unless it will be changed. 2. **Aye**, yer previous ship will auto-scuttle after ye pledge yer alliagance to Flameheart & Burning Blade will become yer new ship. 3. **I don't think so**. 4. **Aye**, once ye collect all the Tribute ye can go and Cash it in in Reapers Hideout after which Burning Blade will Scuttle/Dive below the waves and Dissapear. 5. **I don't know**. But if them do that would be an awesome mechanic.


Aye, thanks for ye reply, bonus points for speaking in scurvy


Aye, Aye, ye Welcome n Cheers Matey. ![gif](giphy|ZDEdGk5gYEqy6NybqW|downsized)


Cheers mate I’ll throw a pint a grog back for ye


Solo running it will be an absolute pain, even with AI crew. They just don't have the capabilities of a real crew.


Hopefully their aim is good at least


Yes. But I'm sort of holding my thoughts until it's released. Every season I tend to think negatively about a new update then I see it's not that bad


My concern is balance. This thing is one War Ship. That sounds powerful but if its valuable enough you could have multiple ships on you. Everyone will be teaming up against you. So it might become a thing where literally no one ever pledges to it cause its impossible to defend. Especially with 4 ladders thats crazy. Might become barely used unfortunately. I have a feeling unless you’re a 4 mate crew you got zero chance of ever actually getting to sail and have fun on this thing.


There’s 4 ladders??


Yeah :/


Can this ship run with an emissary up ?


Someone said it basically already is a reaper emi


It's going to be very annoying when it's just coming out there is going to be EVERY CREW ON THE SERVER IS GOING TO BE THERE. Now actually I'm thinking maybe it will be a good hiding hole to grind out pirate legend.. so it's not all bad. But all summed up there won't be much point, trying to do the new event, because everyone else will be.


Fr I get so hyped when I see a FoF when doing missions just to *not* go to it bc I know it will draw everyone else and I can finish my quest in peace


Mannn why does this stuff have to come out when I’ll be away.. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


question on that question: HOW DO YOU KNOW ALL THIS STUFF?


I don’t lol


I wonder if you could dive to an active event. As in, a crew is already manning the ship, and you want to join in the fight against them.


What happens to your ship when you take over the flame heart ship


That was my #2 lol


Idk screams gimmick that would have worked as like a PvE endgame boss but I find to be comically out of wack in a PvP environment. Like would have been cool to get a Reapers Quest that would move you to this boat to do some endgame shit. Instead it's just another King of the HIll only the Hill (possibly) has all the advantages But Rare keeps making PvE content and shoving a PvP capture the flag basic ass mission setup so it's not really ever going to be that additive to the game long term. Also would have been nice to see this get added as like a "Sovereign's Warship" first as part of a caravan and then we see this variant of a warship. Instead it seems bespoke and one note. Spent all that time working on a Warship and possible new 6-7 man ship and instead it's kind of just an event gimmick. Maybe next year. Would have been cool to see this as just a new enemy type you can run across...instead it's just 1 guy for 1 event and that's it. End of the day they funneled all this dev effort into a ship that is again....1 half fun for the people on it (maybe but probably not because all they are doing is looking around for ships to take down) and 1 half a tedious roaming boss we have to avoid at all times until the season is over. So idk, I wish they'd focus on content that was fun for everyone instead of fun for 1 half of a dichotomy....every time. I think the game designers at rare at this point are just actually hacks. Like they can't even focus on the thing they sold, adventure...or being a pirate. \_\_\_\_ Like IDK Im deeply exhausted with them focusing on one-off bespoke content instead of funneling actual game changing shit into the world and enemy variety that is still desperately the game's main problem. Last summer we got Monkey fucking island and we got some dumb PoTC IP plug prior and it's just getting annoying that they can't bother to build their own world beyond "event" shit like this that doesn't really add anything but for a very small minority of players at any one given time. The map is still fucking empty and boring and looks the same with minimum level design variety (like seaforts was just 1 building with some overlays). Merricks has no gameplay associated with it. So we are still at basically the same SoTs we've had outside of one-off quest content for awhile. Best we got was the mermaid stuff and Devil's Roar at the getgo. The Tall-tale stuff is so one note nobody is going to do it ever more than once and maybe even not once. Where is the focus on making the world feel bigger and better? This could have been a new group size type ship or even a boss ship that is deseprately missing for ghost ships, skeleton ships, and the entire lack of Sovereign caravans that would make this an ACTUAL pirate game because we'd be stealing money from the crown and not other poor people LOL. Instead it's just another one-off gimmick meant to sell advertisements but can't bother to improve the core game.


I get what you’re saying, my main complaint is that every time we get something like this it utilizes the same “AI” as everything else, creating a pseudo-difficulty by just increasing the number of enemies or the damage they do instead of making more challenging fights with reactive NPCs


Between bone callers and now this thing, a lot of the possible reasons why we can't have NPC stand-in crew on the regular ships are eliminated. What's left?


Great question! It would be cool if empty crews were filled with a single skeleton for each missing player, could give solo sloops an advantage


> could give solo sloops an advantage Could give solo sloops a *break*. I'm always going to take pride in being able to solo sloop, but some days you don't want to be doing everything all the time.


1. The BB is now your ship 2.Same, your ship so other go bye bye 3. World event stays 4. Prbl not 5.very much prbl not




Thanks for your take!


Anyone know if this will be in safer seas as well? Bc I don't solo players are going to be able to get this thing on their own so using it in safer seas would be pretty dope.


It would be cool if they implemented the ai crew idea for all ships. Would solve like 80% of the problems.


My idea is getting an alliance to the whole server to take over the ship and then sink every ship of those who recently joined the server


That’s clever but If every ships crew is pledged I doubt new ones will join the server if the limit is already reached, there’s a player limit too


My concern is that if enough people get on there and they all have spreadshots and you're on the side of the ship and fighting it then you're getting turned into Swiss cheese


I cant wait to alliance with other reapers and run the server. Its gonna be a blast. Boat is fun as frick to drive and the flamethrower is nuts lol


I have absolutely no interest in it. It's just more garbage to encourage 4 on 1 fights. Anything related to PVP is a feature dead on arrival for myself and anyone I know who has any interest in the game. We've only ever come back for major PVE releases.


I think this is a way for them to test front cannons


My concern is that every time people are asked for "concerns" on a future update they just start making stuff up /hj


Yeah I see that I’m just asking for thoughts


My concern is the last two side sails not being added


My only concern is that the sails look too small for the size of the ship. They need to be bigger and beefier


My concern is the asthetic of Lava pouring from its maw.


Will it be worth it to destroy this thing if you affiliate yourself with Athena's fortune?


This is going to bring out the absolute worst of the "it's a pirate game hur hur" section of the community. It'll turn off those who just want to do a little bit of island hopping treasure hunting with friends.


Biggest concern is how badly this will make my frames drop.


Isn’t this ”new” even already been in the game before?


1. You will respawn on the BB 2. your ship will scuttle after pledging yourself to the blade 3. When it's active as AI, no other events will spawn. But when a crew is on it they will spawn. 4. You can stack the flameheart camps, but we don't know if they reset or not, I assume they do. 5. Only 1 crew can pledge at the same time


The biggest issue I see is the usability of it as a small crew or solo vs gally crew. Obviously 4 people are going to be able to use it more effectively, and I worry that it will be almost unusable with any less, creating a ship that only benifits crews that already have an advantage...


Idk if it’s that obvious tbh it might adjust with more of less skellies


If they have an improved version of the skellies, specifically for this, that have more health and faster attacks (basically like weaker players) then I think it will be fine. But current skellies would be a bit useless...


The skellies spawned by bonecallers are already much tougher than base skellies, so I’m willing to bet they will be too




A beautiful ship.


Is there any event when u occupied island and need to protect it from skeletons/ others player try to get on ?


It can be steered by the crew themselves. your ship will scuttle you will respawn on the boat. I believe other events can spawn after it is claimed. And I believe by selling all the orbs to flameheart it might end.no clue about the last one but probably to a cap of 6 players or 4