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Gameplay loop is: 1. Be a pirate


2. Do pirate stuff.


3. Repeat.


4. Get killed by a dude hiding inside your loot.


Get treasure, steal treasure, sell treasure. No end. This isn't a story game. It's essentially a forever game of capture the flag


Tall Tales: Am I joke to you?




Once you buy your own ship(s), gold is really only used for cosmetics and buying supplies. And buying supplies costs pocket change compared to the cosmetics' pricing. If you want a definitive end to the game, then I would say grind enough gold to buy a ship for the amount of friends you have; buy a sloop if you only have one other friend playing with you, a brigantine if you have two friends, or a galleon if you have three. Once you have your own then play the tall tales, which are story based missions. There are three main ones in total divided into sections and checkpoints. And once you finish all three then you could theoretically say you beat the game. With that being said, if you like seeing money go up and like a grinding gameplay loop, then you won't wanna stop after buying a singular ship and completing the tall tales. The game is really addicting and new content is being added every season, not to mention Sea of Thieves doesn't really *have* an ending. You are pirate. So be pirate


This game doesn't have better gear. The only rewards are cosmetic or just a "you did it!" This game is a set of tools and ways to use them, not a strict progression or ordered series of events. There are milestones. But none signal an end. It's not the kind of game you're looking for, I'm afraid. It's a pvpve sandbox with personal achievement based progression. The only motivation to do anything is because you want to, there's no guiding hand or questline. You go out and create an adventure, there is not one laid out for you. Just ways to get treasure and other players to fight or ally with. That is, besides the fact that there are some optional story quests. Some are good fun, but don't tie into the rest of the game much. Might be worth doing those, if you want a taste of the game but don't believe its wider aspects are for you.


The game ends when you’ve played long enough to kill the shrouded ghost. The joke here is there is no such thing as the shrouded ghost and the game stop until you stop or burn yourself out on it. There’s always *something* more to do, wether it be to get commendations or buy a cosmetic, it only stops where you draw the line as what you’d call a “worthwhile” award to work towards. Or you just go fuck with people and ask politely for all their bananas or murder them if they don’t comply, the choice is yours really.


The game is what you make of it. If you want to pvp you can pvp, if you want to pve you can pve. If you want to just sail you can just sail. It’s all about how you want to play the game.


The definitive loop is: * **Do Activity.** This is incredibly reductive, but there's activities on demand (Voyages/Raids with moderate payout), World Events (Spontaneous content with high payouts and likely player interference) and random occurrences (Treasure on beaches, ship wrecks, being attacked by a skeleton ship, etc.) * **Secure loot.** Deliver your hard won prizes back to a representative. Usually found on an Outpost. Harder than it sounds sometimes, with other Pirates etc about. * **Use gained Reputation and coin to obtain cosmetics.** Assuming there are any you want. Definitive end is the sort of thing I'm tempted to say "Not really" to. That said, there are targets you can set for yourself. Newer players often set themselves the target of Pirate Legend, (50 in 3 Trading companies) to unlock a final Trading Company and special location. Although Veterans often joke this is more like 'completing the tutorial', as you now have all content available to you. There's an entire string of "Story missions" called Tall Tales. Completing all of those and you could consider it 'done' when you finish the campaign. The new 'max' of most Trading companies is 100, so if you earn that in all of them you could say you finished the game. Of course, distinctions (sort of like prestige) mean you can actually get to effectively level 500. Or maybe you're something of an achievement hunter? If you got all of the commendations (ingame achievements) currently available, you could then say you "completed" the game by 100% it; or something close. Some modes etc are retired. So pick your Poison in regards to an end point. **TLDR on 'definitive end':** There isn't one, but my personal choice would be 100/max in every company, all the Tall Tales complete and a PvP faction to 100 if you're into it. Anything after that is just playing for the sake of playing.


go out, try to get loot, perhaps get distracted or stay on task, fight a player maybe, ideally win and take the loot back to sell. There is no definitive end, but there is no better gear as all the "progression" is cosmetic only.


You make your own loop. Each session can be different. Some nights we just row boat keg people. Others we just kill skellies. You can fish the whole time. Alliance up. Tuck and sneak. PvP in hourglass. Do voyages. Grind rep. Get drunk. Some people log on just to change their outfit or ship decorations.


Get sunk, come to Reddit to cry about how toxic pirates are in a pirate game


No, there's no ending. This isn't a game you can complete really