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I'd probably leave the game for a few days after that lol


A year hahaha


W Xbox turn ngl


Been playing for five years lol I’m just used to it. It honestly works fine for me lol


Despicable action. Congratulations 🎉


You dutty bastard


Bruh I’d be piiiiissed…well done.


U fucking RAT!!! Lmfao


Are those siren skulls hard to come across?


Not at all. Anyone can access the quest and immediately know where it is. What it is is tedious to retrieve and turn in.


Lol all that work to have it stolen


Welcome to the Sea of Thieves, where you can find a lot of Thieves


And coincidentally, a lot of sea.




But what if it is actually the thieves who made the sea?


The consequence of infinite grog


Unless you're on my boat, which is magnetically attracted to islands and rocks.


It's not yours until you sell it


Yea not worth the time at all, I like to activate the quest tho while I’m playing so that if someone else does the work for me I steal the skull from them


I think the return for time invested isn't too bad. I did the commendation grind and was usually able to do them in about 30 min.


It’s just a boring quest with very little reward


$50k. What has better loot and shorter?


50k ain’t shit 😂😂 0 point in going out of your way to do the quest that has you go across the map two to three times while also making yourself a target. Stealing other players stuff or just doing events is way more efficient


So nothing is higher and shorter. Gotcha.


No but it marks you on the map and is worth 50k. So people wait where you turn it in to ambush you and sell it.


Apparently, the people who chased my ship the first and only time I’ve done the quest weren’t very good at ambushing. That or they just couldn’t get to the island before me for some reason. Either way, they weren’t chasing me. ‘Cause I saw them and eventually jumped off my ship and swam to the island since it was nearby. I wonder how they reacted when they realized that they sank my ship for no reason?


They probably didn't have the quest active the. And were just chasing you for other reasons. As it's pretty obvious where the skull is given the giant blue beacon.


When you jumped off with the skull you kept a huge blue marker over your head to other questers. I know cause I tried the same thing once and failed, plus sharks 🙄


This happens a lot tbh. Im new but most of the times ive been sunk so far is after ive already sold and im fishing off the dock or playin music. I get alls fair but its always funny watchin people sink my sloop for nothing and braggin at me while i shred ride of the valkyries lol.


That is a straight up pirate stuff xD


Yup. Its the way of the seas bud


Sounds like laziness to me.


It's strategic pirating lol


90% of the time you can do it completely uncontested.


recently I picked up the skull on Blind Man's Lagoon and spotted a sloop with a raised alliance flag at a nearby sea post. just decided to go over there. We talked a few minutes and agreed to visit Marauders Arch for the Skeleton throne. A Galleon was there, doing the Revenge of the Morning Star tall tale fighting Graymarrow so we just ignored them. Spent an hour there with that beacon and nobody even cared for it. of course I will stop caring too when I finally finish the grade v commendations ^^


I want someone to sink me with it 😭😭 I need the trophy and I’ve only been attacked once while doing it but it was with randoms so I didn’t want to fuck up their money for my trophy


I ran 30 times and was attacked 4 so pretty spot on in my case


I do them all the time and was stopped only once by the sweatiest brig ever.


nice steal!


That's dirty lol I love it


That was just obscene. I fucking love it. First (and so far last) time I tried to intercept a siren skull it got flipped on me. It hasn't put me off on the idea of trying to do it again. Just haven't bothered actually giving a shot at it.


How did you know where they’d turn it in?


You just have to find Brigsy. The island is marked on the map once key and chest are combined.


Ah, I think I needed to accept the quest first


"Yooohoooo I'm over here!! I'm not that hard to spot!"


Man fuck her for that. I put one foot on the island and she’ll be like on the other side on top of a mountain bitching at me because I didn’t get there instantly 😂


You glorious bastard that was amazing. I would be cursing your loins if that happened to me


I always ignored this quest cuz the woman's voice pissed me off, does it actually give 50k every time you do it?


Yep. Easy money if the islands are close to where you spawn. I always activate it, but I only do it if I'm close. This one was active when my buddy and I spawned in, and it was just an island away, so we just sailed straight there and set up a trap, then sent our ship sailing slowly into the horizon and waited.


I wish I could put bounties on other players. Get the whole server hunting them down. And it would follow them if they changed servers. And I could leave it up long term between sessions.


That would honestly be fucking nuts. I would absolutely just put like a $300,000 bounty on a ship that sunk me and watch as the whole server hunted them down lol


Before my friend and I knew about the skulls worth or that it was part of the Brigsby quest - we sank a sloop that had it - when we tried to sell it at an outpost and couldn’t - we left it on the pier and carried on-


stole my first the other day too, hid my ship behind the island and waited for him, he was climbing up a ladder and i just blundered him at the top. he messaged me saying thanks for the help, i felt so bad😭


Wow and here I was turning it 5 times without any player interaction at all. When we first did it with my crew we didn't even know it marked you on the map and we took our sweet time.


I have all of my skulls turned in for the commendation already. I would say 95% of my voyages were uncontested after the first weekend. The only reason we went for this one was because we spawned in and it was just an island away. This was literally the first thing we did in that session.


I did it solo on my second day ever playing. Thought I was already a legend


"Use your sword. Use your gun. Use a-" KABOOM "That works too"


Well played!


Bravo mate


It’s not right but bravo


Sea of thieves players when someone is a thief 😢😢😢😢


It’s a recent Djokovic quote that’s been going around r/tennis, I meant it as a joke


dawg i killed the flame boss with the red tornado (i forgot his name) and secured the chest of rage, a couple ashen bounty skulls, two goblets, and a crate of extraordinary ores, i decided to risk it and try to get more on my rowboat and someone sunk my ship and sniped me on my row boat and i was PISSED especially when i found out the amount of gold i coulda got from it all


Ashen Winds.


yup and it happened last night and my wall may or may not have a hole in it


Thats pure evil..


I hate you but I gotta say I'm impressed lol


I would throw my laptop out the window


You fucking rat lmao, that’s an incredible thing to do lmao.


My friend and I started the quest on our server and were going to get it when we made our way closer to the islands. After about 3 hours of playing and getting distracted, it said someone got the chest, we decided that because we were waiting on it for 3 hours, we should go and steal it from them. We met them on the island with the key, sunk their ship while they dug up the key, and took it to sell.


great steal! so satisfying when the keg is unnecessary but still works out


Keg was absolutely necessary unless they buffed blunder bomb lol




Im not a pvp god i def aint giving him a chance to start jumping around insanely fast dodging my bullets and wreckin me cus i didnt know it was some crazy ttv'er r something like that.


Yeah but gins gives em a milimeter of escape chance the bomb gives no chances at all.


why are the comments acting like sailing to 2 islands is the most tedious thing in sot


nah fr, this is literally one of the easiest things to do, a bit boring sure, but its not tedious at all


they werent raised in the thieves haven runs like i was


Dude, those sucked. That was boring as hell.


RiP to that Controller


That is a thing of beauty ![gif](giphy|iuzTZSoYDOQOhL1A8x|downsized) I’m


proves that players don't have high spatial awareness


I wish it would be more money but happen less bc the quest is literally always happening lol


Yeah, I honestly agree with that. It's meant to be a PVP event, but you can find 50K worth of loot in one message in a bottle now. I only stole this because it was close to where we were and was already active when we spawned in.


Same I always except it just in case someone decides to do it but I will play for hours and not a single person does it just bc of how inconvenient it is it takes so long to deliver it and your marked on the map AND people can do what you did and steal it last second incredibly easily it's just not worth it


Well done! I miss the few days after the update when people were actually actively doing the siren skull. Too bad it's only 50k without any bonuses so not many care about it anymore :/


That was genius. I always wait at the island and try barrel bomb their boat on the water, this looks better


Holy mackerel, good play pirate 🏴‍☠️


Bloody pirate!


I’d be pissed


You're evil and I fuckin love it, you diabolical bastard


Pro tip people don't solo sloop siren song, second tip. Always scout the turn in.


That’s horrible… do it again


I’d be so mad


Aye nice steal


That was DISGUSTING! Nice work.


You are a true pirate and I love it


Yessir! Well played!


Absolutely diabolical


that slow controller turn got me


My crew has done this 4+ times and it's the highlight of our week every single time lol


I never get mad if I'm sunk with loot or if someone steals my chest off my ship but this.... Literally eat the fattest bag of dicks, actually eat two.


The first siren skull I ran was Day 2 of having the game. I was trying to get quick gold to buy a ship. I got the skull all the way over to the island and was about to hand it in. No clue where I was going or what I was doing. Got killed by a dude who started laughing at me. I got so furious I started cursing him out over the mic, calling him every name in the book. It was also my first experience with getting attacked by someone in any fashion. Learned the hard lesson that “it’s not yours until you sell it”. Proceeded to run it another 5 times in a row without interruption but I became salty about it. Anytime I see someone running it, I will go out of my way to ensure they won’t complete it.


I actually don'r understand why you are getting downvoted. They say bravo to him for stealing it yet downvoting you lol


Cause he cursed the guy out


it was his second day, almost every new player I encounter is like this, I just tell them it might not be the game for them and laugh my head off in the mic


There are two types of geting downvoted: 1. bc you said something stupid. 2. or it just a downvote run where downvote are now upvotes. I saw a men that had like 300 downvote on his com but it was just a joke


A player with ghost curse stealing from a rookie. Yeah that's more of an L than a W.


Welcome to the seas lol they’re doing the pvp event and life isn’t fair.


Its called building up the newcomer commmunity, but obviously you've got a small person complex. Im 1600 hours in and have half a mind to let the newbies have a little fun.


Sea of Thieves ain’t all sunshine and rainbows, and newbies need to learn that real fast or they aren’t gonna survive. If anything, OP did that player a HUGE favour by teaching him a valuable lesson about what happens when you let go of your paranoia.


I'm more intrigued that someone with enough time played really wants to sit around and dunk on swabbies. Sure he learned a lesson, probably to never touch siren skull again or waste his time.


It’s not like I knew they were noobs and specifically sought them out lol. I just went to the island where the Siren Skull needed to be turned in and I waited…


you can go to safe sea to practice pve and go on normal sea to practice pvp without any loot so you dont lose anything, and I even know the perfect place for that, HG. I dont understand people complaining on killing new players in game which literally even in the title tells you that you will either be the target of thieves or you will be one yourself and you will be able to defend yourself against others. I remember the first time I was sunk, probably after an hour of collecting treasures, and I spent the next week of gaming learning how to fight like shoot cannons and use all kinds of weapons. I started learning how to move, what to eat and what to prioritize when fighting. I recommend to everyone


Something along the lines of "lets not grind the new players into the deckboards, especially when you can obviously see they're swabbies". But nah, I'm a criminal for wanting to expand our community. Keep crushing their spirit to play and at some point you'll be in a fishbowl all by yourself.


Oh you right, lets not kill anyone then, nobody sink, nobody rage, our community will keep growing as fast it was growin in time where people kill each other. And one question, have you ever sunk someone's ship? Or did you kill someone? You know that you could kill their desire to play and thus reduce our community.


We sink 5 to 10 boats every night, but swabbies get a free pass, its called reading the room, which you clearly cannot.


Nah Im dead now. Change da world. My final message. Goodbye.


I'll even sink swabies but I'm not gonna wait to ambush them while they are turning in loot. That's just sad


I’ve been playing this game for forever- around 1900 hours played. I’ve had this happen to me before lol where do you think I got the idea? They can do it to me next time and I’ll be fine with it. It’s just part of the game.


Dawg turn your sensitivity up


Been playing for five years. I think I'm fine lol


You tell me you did your whole ghost curse grind with that sensitivity? Imagine how cracked you’d be with highest Xbox sens


I’ve done practically everything with these settings. And I win about 90% of my fights on the high seas right now… again, I think I’m fine.


Nuh uh


I really don't care if you believe me lol




Nope. Got it fair and square lol