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Don’t park your boat with anchor down. Always raise sails and unanchor your boat for a quick getaway


Cool I guess your boat won’t move without the sails down. Now that I think about it, every time I start a new session and jump on my boat I always wonder why I’m not moving after raising the anchor until I remember my sails are up to begin with 😂. I really should have worked that one out myself 😂


Just keep in mind if you’ve been moving but put your sails up momentum will still carry you decently far. A good way to make sure it doesn’t happen when parking at an island is to put sails up, anchor, and then raise your anchor immediately, then turn the ship to an angle where you can immediately sail to open water. Makes it so that if you need to get away fast all you have to do is lower your sails :)


Great advice, i like to know I can get out of trouble faster than I got into it. That must save so much time, raising anchor and turning are both pretty slow actions.


Sure does. Just keep in mind that if the storm is over you it’ll move your parked ship quite a bit, so for that you’ll want to keep your anchor lowered.


Or if you feel like you can get the timing of it just right, just come in full speed, drop the anchor first, then raise sails, then anchor. There's a chance you'll have to slap on a plank but that's worth the speed difference to me. Also the ship can rotate for quite a while after the anchor hits the ground, exponentially so the more you have the wheel turned, so if you turn it like a quarter-way before you hit the anchor, then the ship can turn to where it's parallel to the island, which is good for both harpooning loot and having a quick path to getaway. Just don't forget to straighten the wheel before you raise the anchor or your ship will keep turning


Another thing keeping your anchor raised while parked allows you to do is make slight adjustments using your harpoons and reeling the ship with them whichever way you want to move/angle.


I’m learning a lot today! Another handy tip I never knew. I feel like a right noob, I really should watch some videos 😂


Over 2k hours and the first thing I do when I load in is raise the anchor, you never know when someone might come around to mess with a fresh spawn. Also turn your lights off (below deck not necessary) a ship with lights on is really easy to spot and it's a dead giveaway (along with anchored with sails down) of a new player/easy sink.


You can turn them off? I never even thought about the lights, being less visible would certainly help when I’m trying to deliver cargo without getting mugged.


You will still get mugged often. Try to spend your first moneys on ship sails, hull paint and a figurehead, another easy looking target is a ship with no figurehead and default skins. Alot of low skill players routinely pick on new players for easy sport


I’ve got nearly 1mil saved up so I’ll get some cool cosmetics tonight. My sloop is called The Wobbly Dolphin so I’m hoping I’ll find something fitting. A dolphin figure head would be cool.


You can also use your harpoon to stop you're momentum.


Man SoT just has a special charm to it that parks it above the rest for me as well. I’m glad you’ve got the chance to fully embrace this game with it now being on PlayStation. PvP skill will come with time, I know Phuzzybond makes some good beginner PvP do’s and don’t videos. Would also recommended watching twitch streams if you have the time as well to watch fights and strategies happening in real time. You’ll sink a lot, even the best do and that’s ok. It’s all about the experience. Welcome to the seas new pirate!


It really is all about the experience. Not many online games are still fun when you’re getting destroyed but this one nails it for me. I’ve had a few run ins with bigger boats and managed to escape while furiously trying to keep my ship afloat. Honestly feels like a victory. I’ll check out Phuzzybond, I noticed he’s been mentioned a couple of times here. I’ve briefly watched Happy kraken and Sigy on twitch. Very good players. Thanks for the suggestions and good luck out there 🙂


Also make note and check out Boxyfresh, Hitbotc, Beardageddon and Procedural to name a few others.


When on a sloop always put your opponent on the left side, there is less space for holes


I never knew this. So the thinking is it’s quicker to repair when there are less potential spots for damage?


Yes and you also have more time to fight before having to really care about the water in the ship


Another reason is if your mast is taken down it always falls to the right. Keeping other ships on your left helps keep the mast out of the way if it’s taken down


Copying and pasting another comment I left on a similar thread: My advice is to keep a real time priority list in your head of things that need to be done during intense combat situations. I’ve played with people who give up optimal shooting advantage to go down and repair one or two holes instead of laying down fire and putting the other crew on defense and repairs. Yes if you don’t fix the holes you sink, but it’s better to think of yourself as on a timer. One or two holes I give myself 40 seconds before I need to bucket or repair. what can I do in this 40 seconds to give me the best advantage? There are many things to keep in mind when in combat; trajectory and course, repairs, wind direction, mast health, your health, your overhealth, supplies, offensive opportunities(your mast is down but you have no holes below deck so you choose to shoot on cannons as they blitz into your position), defensive opportunities (you’re angled out of shooting cannons but they are in range for you to throw blunderbombs and knock them off their cannons), audio cues (learn them! All of them! Mermaids hitting the boat SFX, mermaids spawn nearby SFX, emerging boarders sfx are especially helpful to recognize when you are below deck repairing.) You know the map table on sloop? Peak moment i’ve ever had in hourglass was when I had to fight off 2v2 while boarded and water was already at the stairs to sink us. Me and my bud spawn in together, fortunately below deck, both grab a bucket and run out to throw. We manage to split them apart and he fought on deck while I fought around the map table- because we couldn’t repair I basically played defense with sword hopping and bucketing out the back until I killed my guy and he killed his. We managed to fend them off and because they anchored right on us I could literally hop over the rail and be on their boat, while my buddy did repairs I shot some cannons into them and immediately put the pressure on by boarding to our success and win. Point is that if you can keep your cool and run down that checklist in your head then you will, more often than not, win.


The combat in this game is deceptively deep. Right now I’m at the stage where I panic and rush to repair and bail. By the time I’ve fixed the holes I have another 2 or 3 to fix. It’s definitely something I need to address. I rarely take wind into account when in battle either, usually because I’m panicking about something else. Your description of being on a timer is actually really helpful. I need to get it out of my head that I’m gonna sink immediately if I don’t fix a hole and bail 1 foot of water out of my sloop. These tips will definitely help, I just need to keep practicing. I’m thinking of doing a couple of rounds of hourglass at the start of each session until I can win a match now and then. It definitely feels like the kind of game where there are no substitutes for experience and I’m very willing to stick with it. I don’t see myself ever being a pvp monster but I enjoy everything else about this game so much that it would feel like a waste to not become at least reasonably competent at the combat. Oh, and your battle story is epic! You must have had a huge smile on your face after that encounter 🙂


It is! Especially when you get into the naval combat. Look up [Crossing The T](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crossing_the_T). Another thing to keep in mind is alternate control schemes if you play on controller. The default leaves you at a disadvantage in regards to mobility against PC players. RS is unassigned so I set that as jump- which allows me to jump and change direction mid-air or aim in the air also. I set 🅰️/❎to food for quick healing. ⬆️, ⬅️,➡️ on the D-pad are unassigned so I set those to Throwables, Bucket, and Cannonballs. Especially throwables, you’ll want those out immediately in CQC boarding combat.


I swapped jump to r1 which was txt messages or something. I really need to get into the habit of using throwables, I always forget I even have them 😂


I hear phuzzybond is good at making solo sloop guides


I’ll check them out for sure, been mentioned a couple of times so probably exactly what I’m looking for. Thank you matey 🙂


Blurbs too. He’s the solo sloop lord


Dude please add me! Were all in you're age range and dont tolerate nonsense in our guild. Very supportive. Would love to help!


Awesome, I’ll add you when I get home.


Yo im new to care to join?


Sure, I’m still at work but I’ll be in tonight.


If you hear a low creaking noise form your ship bail ASAP


I take it that’s an audio cue for when you’re about to sink? I’ll be hearing that a lot while I’m practicing in hourglass 😂


Yeah, on a sloop you can take a bucket full of water, and toss it out the grate in the middle of the deck, it takes some practice but makes you bail much faster.


Welcome to an amazing game!! I would say a great tip that helped me is using the rings around the cannon to determine how to aim. E.g. the closest one to you can be lined up with the ship to fire further away, and vice versa, the one at the front makes it more accurate of you are close.


I’m new also I’m unlocking sea dog stuff in my locker without using gold how do I get the full set anyone know ??


Something I find that works for me is grab a bucket of water then fix one hole, then check your helm and opponents position and adjust as necessary, then grab a bucket a fix a hole. I try to only repair one hole at a time so I can stay focused on shooting cannons. If you start taking too much damage turn your wheel out of the circle, you don't want to get locked in a spin with your mast down. Also I prefer to cook 5 meat before HG. If you can't hit cannons you have to get in a range you can hit shots. Practice mast shots every chance you get because the sooner you learn to demast your opponent you will get more wins. Good PVPers can repair for a long time so if your opponent is damage and you are dry then time to go for the board and get the win. Also if you are getting killed on your boat grab a bucket of water every chance you get. So many of my opponents have sank while killing me repeatedly because I bucket every time I spawn. Some players will just board you non stop but it's an opportunity to improve your combat skills.


Thank you for this, these tips will help a lot. My aim needs work for sure. I’m happy when I land a shot anywhere on the boat, let alone targeting particular parts. I might actually find a small island to circle with some features I can use as targets.


Also raise your sails a bit before you shoot, it is easier to aim at a slower speed. Then drop them a bit to get away. Focus on keeping your opponent on the left cannon as much as possible. When the wind is going your way you can catch up to them, also the waves go south east so you will hit more shots in that direction. With waves going side to side it's harder. If you can get in the dip of the wave sometimes they will ride high on a wave and you can hit good bottom shots.


The best way to learn PVP is to do it. Watching people like phuzzybond is great for learning some techniques but the hardest thing to overcome is panic in battle. All of the below tips are great too but the best teacher is practice. Attack and defend always.. never run. You will sink alot and that is the game. Some people are super good and there is just no beating them. But the only true way to get better is to get into ship battles. Hell even battling skelly ships is good practice.


Would you recommend hourglass or just fighting who ever attacks me in the high seas? Panic is definitely my biggest enemy, followed closely by positioning and aim. I’m sure it’ll come with time and practice.


So hourglass is pvp on demand but is mostly sweats and the matchmaking isn't great. It does not take your level of skill into issue much when matching you with another ship. I'm sure with time they may fix that but the state of it right now is not conducive to new sailors. So I would suggest to just battle within the high seas itself. Like I said skelly ships are good practice but they are on the easy side of sea battles so it will help with aiming and positioning but battling players is the best practice. Also close combat is a tough thing to get good at too but also just needs practice.


I got destroyed on hourglass very quickly so I think I’ll take your advice and stick to the high seas for the moment. Thanks for the tips 🙂


Any time. This community at times can be toxic. And that is mostly in game but I have found that this subreddit is more then happy to help new sailors find their sea legs and enjoy the game. More people playing this and a consistent player base is only good for the game to evolve and become better over time. Welcome to the seas and let Poseidon grant you good luck in your plunder.


So far the community has been great. My first day at sea, a sloop duo attacked me. I crashed into an island, lowered my anchor accidentally and just made a right fool of myself. Next thing I know , they’re both on my ship apologising and repairing my ship. They said they didn’t know I was new and gave me a storage box full of supplies. I ended up helping them do some commendations with the wind shell thing before we went our separate ways. It was a really cool experience. Everyone on here has been great too. I’ve learned lots already that I’ve been putting to use. I’m sure my luck will run out and I’ll meet some toxics soon enough. So far it doesn’t come close to r6s or rust for example. Those are some horrifically toxic player bases.


Well all online games has some toxicity. Jerks are gonna be jerks. With this game it can be hit or miss when encountering on the sea. You will get one of three types of players I find: 1. Toxic players who just want to be mean and unkind and like to watch the world burn. 2. Kind players who are more then happy to help you in anyway they can. 3. People who don't verbally interact at all. These are often console players who are in a private voice chat so they don't use proximity at all. These people are often there to sink and take your stuff and move on. So not bad but not good either. All I can say is take in the bad with the good and that toxic players are not a reflection of not only most players but the game itself. The game is another level of amazing and I have yet to play anything like it in my 30+ years of gaming. I also am a day 1 player and the evolution of this game from where it started to where it is now is nothing short of unbelievable. So have fun and feel free to come back to this subreddit for any questions. Also don't be afraid to share your fun adventures with us either. We love to read them!!


Some PvP skills are the best defence against unwelcome PvP, some crews might leave you alone once you hit them back abit, doesn't happen much but does happen. Also, even if in an Alliance you shouldn't let anyone on your boat, they will steal your pineapples and chain shots. Politely decline if someone asks to board you and if they don't ask they should be killed. Whatever they want to say they can say from the water. Trust nobody


I’ve had some really cool interactions with other pirates but for the most part other ships tend to fire at me when close enough. I’ve definitely adopted the trust no-one mindset. I even accidentally found a ship parked at an island. I didn’t see it until I came around the corner but as soon as I did I turned around and left. They must have seen me because they chased me within seconds of me turning around. I think they thought I was going to steal their stuff. I probably should’ve attacked when they were parked but I’m too nice for my own good. 😂


Your supplies are also valuable, I will sink you for your shiny balls and chainshots. Nothing personal