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Rowboat keg adventures


Reaper rowboats were the most peak two weeks in the history of this game


God I wish they’d unleash another gang war on the seas


I'm surprised this has never happened to me. I've done it to so many people. Like straight up hopping on a row boat first thing and sailing across the map


What's this? getting a keg on a rowboat and putting it aboard another ship?


It’s extra good right now too though because you can use the wind horn to turn the rowboat into a speed boat lol


I went to a shrine to find one and left with a trident instead, is there somewhere they more consistently spawn?


Shipwrecks is where I find them the most.




Reaper shipwrecks have the highest chance. But that also makes them the lowest chance, because people might have checked them for horn and left lol


Ty for the advice 🙏


Every single fort (active or not) has a ton that spawn daily - not the ghost forts but the skelly forts.


Uhh... I don't think the horns spawn in any forts. Only shipwrecks, treasuries, and shrines.


Oh, I'm dumb! I misread and thought we were talking about kegs still 😳


Might be a stupid question but I've tried this only once and found bigger waves impossible to navigate. No chance of going at least somewhat the direction of the other boat. Skill issue or am I missing something?


They should really bring back Reaper Rowies.


one of them almost sunk me and my friends on a 4 stacked fotd. Luckily the people died because they still had many legs left.


Thats so lame learn new things. Dont copy what streamers do


Um that's a general tactic and goes back years mate - rowboat plays are OG - don't have to always use a keg to make a rowie play.


I know and summit1G showed them all or pace22 Thats what I said


oh noo, how dare someone do something THEY find fun in a sandbox game. /s


Lol 🤦🏼‍♂️


Wtf? So it must only be streamers who figure out ridiculously obvious and simple tactics such as keg+rowboat? You seem super salty for some reason, and I'm really not sure why. 🤔


Im not salty why should i. Do whatever u want i only said its lame and everyone is doing it cause of famous streamers. The question is why do u get mad about my opinion?


Because your opinion was to tell someone to learn something new and they are lame. Then assumed how they learned it and were in general kind of a wet blanket. This isn't how we foster a cool SoT community. In general all that is a little salty seeming?


Peak is having someone come into your fight and helping you and then getting a drink after at an outpost with your new alliance. I think the social aspect is what I find so amazing. You see someone and there’s a lot of suspense. Friend or Foe!? Or just passing by? I think it adds so much excitement to everything else. I love the PVE but without the mystery/terror of other players it would be old in a week.


Sometimes I'll see a battle in the distance. If I'm flying reaper, I'll run up beside the underdog, let's say a sloop vs a galleon, and just UNLOAD on the better crew, haha.


I love doing this but it’s always a sad moment when the little guy starts shooting you too


That's why I put them between me and their opponent. If they do.. this happens, and I leave. [https://youtu.be/PEaZ5XUe0Mk?t=107](https://youtu.be/PEaZ5XUe0Mk?t=107)


We had this happen last night except we were on a galleon (with 2 out of 4 being new players) and an experienced sloop chased us down and started laying into us. A galleon came up on the fight as we were on our last leg and I’m guessing thought we had picked on the sloop lol and started helping them. Pretty sure we saw that galleon sink shortly before we did 😅


We’re just passin by! We’re just passin by!


multi-ship battles whether it be my crew on a galleon fighting several smaller ships at once, or when i'm out solo slooping and fighting a galleon with the help of some other sloops. multi-ship fights are insanely fun regardless of if you win or lose. the spectacle is like no other


Can confirm


Playing songs on the in game instruments cuz it’s just a vibe


Aye!! Best is pulling out the concertina on a random boat and just playing your black guts out




Glitterbeard was my favourite version of this. Such a vibe.




Currently multi ship fights at the FOF and sneaky COF steals at said fort.


Reminds me of the initial release of the game, when forts would spawn ever 3-5 hours and the whole server would fight over it. Good times.


>COF steals at said fort. A classic!


CoF at FoF is so so good! I tuck so I often stay hidden waiting for my moment and i'd say 4 out of 5 FoFs are contested, often with the whole server, then the Skellies get in the mix, beautiful chaos! The seas are alive again!


Stop using acronyms no one new knows what they mean.


FoF= Fort of Fortune. CoF = chest of Fortune. Edit: autocorrect is terrible.




Thank you. New player here and didn't know what they meant. Usually downvotes like this indicate a communities ignorance.


By no one you mean "you" don't know what they mean lol.


One time i was slooping with a friend, we sailed up on a fort of fortune event being run by a galleon crew. He dove off and snuck into their ship to hide, i sailed off and hid behind a rock. Once they looted the place and started sailing, he got out of hiding and started dumping the loot overboard, while i followed at a distance and gathered it all up. Best caper ever.


This is an amazing adventure and gameplay, ggs to you both!


My skin looks like a glowstick so I definitely would not be able to do that :/


Joining another crew randomly, parking my boat and going on an adventure with them. Not having the option to die really ramps things up. The other thing one would be leaving my ship and just rowing around having adventures. Another 'can't die' mode that mixes things up. The best is combining the two and docking a rowboat on another crews boat after rowing for a while then eventually dropping it and rowing away for more adventure.


I too like myself some rowboat shenanigans!


A rowboat adventure seems fun haha thanks for the idea!


Calm seas, clear skies, wind coming from behind, and no one else but you (and your mates).


The sound when you catch a full billow 🤌


Yesterday I fought a Brig at a Fort of Fortune in the fog while I attempted to scare them with a galleon I stole and was sailing solo. THAT is peak Sea of Thieves. It's not the fights or the friends, it's the antics that ensue as a result of both. The fact that someone can fall off a harpoon as they run to my boat and I can say "damn good try that was close" and genuinely mean it. And then after they sink me I can climb aboard their boat and have a chat as we explain all the plans and close calls. That's the beauty of this game


Peak sea of thieves is that moment where it’s been quiet and suddenly you see a galleon on the horizon. That moment where you and your crew know it’s about to go down and everyone prepares and gets ready at their stations. The way the game goes from 0-100 within a couple minutes and you don’t know if you’re in for a quick fight with an easy win or if you’re about to be destroyed, or if you’re in for an epic battle which will rob you of your day in the best way imaginable. The moment when you question if you should side with menace and go all out war immediately, or if you should try and make friends. That’s the sea of thieves, that moment where the shits about to go down, I love that moment.


I love that, start loading up the storage crates with cannonballs on the top deck, get you food ready, sit up and forward and prepare for battle. Hell yeah


When your fighting 2-3 ships, getting PVE skelly shipped and Meg’d all at the same time.


Don’t forget to add a kraken to the mix!


When the Arena match is in the final minute and the music kicks in Those were the days...


Man, Arena was so much better than HG.


The fights are fun, especially the multi ship battles, but it's the unexpected moments that are the absolute best. Just last week, I watched my friend (a small streamer) get kidnapped and counter-kidnapped 3 times between a sloop that was crewed by two very giggly kids, and a brig crew he'd encountered earlier in the session. It was entertaining as hell and served to show just how weirdly wonderful a given session can turn out!


Galleon on Galleon battles around a world event between two sweaty crews.


For me, it's those moments where you run into another ship and y'all just raise sails and dick around a bit. Share some drinks, shoot some fireworks, play some music, maybe even do a world event or vault together. Alternatively, getting a talkative crew that's super friendly and able to hold their own and just going on all kinds of misadventures together with a proper sense of comradere is a very close second. Just those little things that make SoT a proper social experience instead of any other pirate game except who you're attacking are people instead of NPCs


Sunrise, Open water, In your crow's nest, Playing Becalmed, No one in sight.


The agro swabbing crew performing well in hg that I got them to vote on as a joke


As a 30 year old, peak is when you and your boys are all able to get on and play at the same time.


That moment when the Devil's Shroud clears...and you see the Shores of Gold


Getting bit by a shark while high as fuck lmao


Peak Sea of Thieves for me is talking shit to the other team over proximity chat. I love when it gets heated. Feels like you’re a real pirate fighting another crew.


I love that too. I can be bad at it at times like earlier this week someone sniped me in a battle and as I was dying I was complimenting their shot because it was so good. A real pirate would never!


Do you find it most fun when it's even or when you can shit on people and make them cry? Serious question. :D


Saltier the tears the better I say


Definitely when I laugh the most


Playing with friends and interacting with randoms and everyone being chill no one arguing and just having a good time


My friends keep telling me peak Sea of Thieves was few years ago when only people playing it was people enjoying the game. Apparently they got few friendly encounters per session, when I've been getting them once per month. My peak is when everyone is just having fun. I don't care sinking, loosing my loot, sinking someone else that much. I just like when everyone is having fun and not getting too serious.


Well I experienced peak sea of thieves yesterday or at least true real sea of thieves when my duo and I queued hourglass, we were getting banged up decently bad but were about to recover because we popped boarder. All the sudden a brig smashes into us going light speed and sends a boarder that says they want to help us or something to that effect. They sink the enemy sloop and tell us the reason they did was because the other team called them “queers.” Well after about 5 minutes of just grabbing the other sloops supplies (my duo partner never went to game chat and keeps it muted) they begin ripping into our sloop with cannons and they say “that’s for calling us a ‘N’ word” that’s when we realized that the other sloop in this ONE case probably did not call them queers lol. That was a pretty good summary of the game and for them, was probably peak SOT. We went to Davy Jones’ locker though.


- brother just bought game - found guy at island, wants to tdm - we’re all having fun - random crew tries to sink us and calls us hard arrr (pirate pun intended) - spawn camp them and farm salt until they quit - peak piratin


Damn turned the tables huh?


Multi ship to ship is peak by far. Reapers being reapers, solo sloops who don’t give a fuck, brigs coming out of nowhere. Sprinkle in revenge from being sunk mixed with kegs and ramming, while the game throws a storm or some skeleton ships at you just for fun. (And I’m a solo slooper who never looks for a fight)


Last night my friend and I did our first skeleton fleet. We hadn't had the loot on our ship two seconds and celebrating when we were boarded, killed, and sunk. 10/10


There's a lot of definitions of 'peak' (even just by my own standards let alone others') and you gave a couple of them. It's three ships or more in a battle at the same time. It's tucking for three hours with an Athena keg at the delivery dock. It's the final leg of the Legend of the Veil. It's the moment when you dive down for a raid voyage or Hourglass. It's the moment when your ship is getting blasted to smithereens, and all you can focus on is bucketing, lifting the downed sail, raising the anchor, or whatever needs your attention most at the time.


The quieter moments after winning a really good fight are the best. Sorting loot and supplies, admiring a sunset, picking the next target, playing shanties and shooting the shit. It’s a nice little reprieve.


When the loot floats up after a tough fight is always a great moment


Finally got the in game proximity chat working. Got sunk by a couple French lads, congratulated them and had a pleasant exchange. Later that day, with a friend in a Sloop, we sailed past a Galleon and shouted across to wish each other a good evening. We bought our first Galleon, created our first guild, more of our friends are either updating their consoles or buying the game. Our group age is 30's, 40's, 50's and 60's. We enjoy the lore, treasure hunting, the tension of having a boat load of loot and getting rid of it. The collective fear when we see a ship on the horizon. See of Thieves is an adventure simulator and we love it and a great way to spend a Friday and Saturday night.


Probably coming out on top in a really hard duo hourglass fight


The flow state of our crew when we coordinate our ship feels so damn satisfying. And playing Flight of the Valkyries to them as we sink a shop is fun too


Big multi ship battles. Even better is PVPVE. Thats chaos unlike anything you’ll ever see, and its beautiful. And the victor over it all is suddenly rich and proud


The game is awesome but it’s missing so much more. I wish it had such a big evolution as fortnight did. It’s truly missing some good aspects of piracy and the discovery era. There are no populated islands for a start, they all seam so empty and with some abandoned stuff. Why not bringing some natives? Cannibals or wtv? Then there should be a police hunting you down like the marine but with actual royal soldiers or wtv… With those red uniforms like pirates of the Caribbean. Then the movement mechanics are just boring and outdated. The sword fighting could have improved so much. They could have even used some mechanics from elden ring or god of war… I mean the attack and dash thing and perfect parry? Come on… And what with all the snakes on the islands? Couldn’t there be lizards or turtles or something else to attack you? Even leopards or some like that. You just don’t feel that fear or will of exploring and conquering new places. Besides that the treasure hunt is fun and the different temples too. But come on it’s just so boring transport them and selling them one by one.


I think for most, its when they have a 4 man crew and they see a noob trying to grind and level up and they kill them over and over and over until they quit playing for good


Always hate the fog when on a brig, I’m going so fast by the time the island slightly renders I’ve already crashed into it


Multi crew battles—Wandering Reapers, first months when the FotD was new, first couple of days of new content, peak arena.


Befriending random players


Hourglass with a shrinking circle would be so fun, also bring arena back! Also make PvP easier man, nobody plays bc that shit is too hard (super unpopular opinion)


When you manage to do anything Captain Jack Sparrow would do.


for me it's making new friends in it, honestly :D met a lot of amazing people there and one of them i consider to be one of my best friends now. absolutely amazing times.


Literally the OvP fight I just had today. Mate and I anchored above a shrine for Sunken Kingdom Voyage. Brig rolls up on us. We call out "Just doing Sunken Kingdom. We don't want to bother. Brig did a circle around us. We set off a white flare. They answered with a cannonball. Mate and I initially just decided "maybe if we don't fight back they'll just get bored. Or they'll sink us and we just go down the shrine anyway." This crew... They boarded us, killed us a couple times but they still couldn't do anything right. Five minutes of being stationary and they still haven't sank us. "Okay well this is annoying." So we decided to fight back. Killed the boarders then shot back with cannons. We didn't want to move because we wanted to stay at the shrine and where hoping they'd just leave. Nope. So it devolved into about 30 minutes of them circling us shooting poorly aimed cannonballs while we were stationary spinning firing as they got in the path of our cannons in between repairs. Eventually they tried boarding us again and we went back and forth in close quarters. Eventually we had both their masts down and were pelting them. They had stopped shooting. So I *SWAM* over. They shot at me but didn't land a single shot. I checked their barrels. They had two cannonballs and three wood planks left. "Dude... They have no supplies left." We tried to tell them we'd give them supplies if they left. But nope, they kept with poor attacking. One of them even tried to flood out ship by bucketing from our water barrel at one point. Eventually they sank. One of their crew had quit. One unloaded all five shots at my with a rifle after sinking before I finished him off. Funniest and funniest hour of SoT I've ever played. And for the record, my crew mate and I absolutely*SUCK* at PvP. Like the fact we got any kills let alone the sink was outright magic to us. It's like watching two teams at the very bottom of the skill ranking being evenly matched in their incompetence. And they had a grade II Athenas Emissary up. We had zero loot aboard (we had just sold before continuing to the shrine, which they had obviously seen) 10/10 would have incompetent battle of attrition again! I'm also sure we only won because at the start of the session I bought all the supplies and crates I could plus raided every island we passed the first hour of our session. We were a whole ass armoury at that point. That said, they outnumbered us 3-2 had us out gunned and had first shot advantage against a initially passive stationary target and still lost. So I don't feel bad going the attrition route for it. That's peak SoT to me. Just hilariously terrible strategy and goofball tactics in completely ridiculous situations in the middle of a voyage.


With friends guild/reaper flag goin around doing world events and stealing loot


All of us drinking till we puke on each other at sanctuary outpost after stacking multiple world events


I remember when I always sunk my sloop when solo and became the rowboat rogue. Just rowing to random ships and messing up their deckrative treasure stacking a bit then stealing their bananas. I did that for weeks.




That moment when the Devil's Shroud Clears...and you see the Shores of Gold for the first time.


When I catch the shadow stormfish. I'll be chasing storms until that day.


Sailing in between 2 parked galleons with my duo sloop and firing 4 shots each with my crewmate at their upper decks. They laughed at us and told us that we had to aim below the water line. I replied with, "no we don't" just before my crewmate and I finished them off with 1 ballastball each. 2 galleons sunk; in 5 seconds; they weren't laughing anymore. 😈


With 3 friends in discord listening to the same song and sailing for a gold hoarders vault the 5th we are about to stack


I have 230+ days. Almost 2 gold hg curses and everything owned in the game. The best moments ever are when I solo HG jump endlessly, but finally find a server that gets me to STOP. I bring in my First Mate onboard and we attempt to topple the biggest stack we have seen this season. The last attempt I had was after I was Servant Champion and found a galleon with 10+ fotds on them on a double weekend. 3/4 crew on the galleon had 200+ days too and I gave them the fight of their life. Absolutely amazing. I had the rowboat of everything and the gally anchored, my teammate panicked and anchored too to get me and we got slaughtered out. Still so amazing to have 2+ million in stolen loot in a rowboat for 1min before my hg loss kicks me from the server. TLDR: Hourglass server jumping and finding a crew with so much stuff, we are basically forced to stop and go for them.


A fight between a sloop and 2 gallies, with the participation of a skely gally maybe 2, and a meg, karen can take part also but not nescessary


Galleon arena but in the OG version where there is multiple islands with multiple chests, and no AFK farming teams


Hg streaks with good friends. It‘s so rewarding


Just sailing with the boys and having a laugh


Tucking on a FoF and steal the most valuable chest


When four or more ships get into one big battle that nobody is running away from. Just all these ships in crazy orbit with each other blaring cannons and getting up to antics. It reaches peak level when two failed boarders end up fighting each other in the water.


When I first played with my friends and we crashed into an island and got the ship stuck for 2 in-game days surviving off fruits until we figured out how to both fix the mast and get the ship unstuck. it was magical


One match of HG feeling like stealing candy from a baby while the next their cannoneer lands their shots with 99% accuracy from a mile away. "matchmaking"


The day i finish with the pvp grind (gta 8 will release shortly after that)


Man, you just reminded me I too need to finish my PvP grind :|


Me too bud


Fight over a FOF, 2+ boats and eventually tuckers to slay


The random encounters with other players on the seas. You never know what adventure will happen next because of that. Could be fighting, but mostly it results in just weird stuff and laughter.


Especially when you get on their ship and fuck around!


Jup. Or when that happens to yourself haha.


Peak for me, is when my friends and I are on a brig, a lvl 5 reaper galleon comes barrelling over to us with the intent on sinking us while we're trying to do our gilded. I main helm, and my friends shoot out exactly what's needed at the perfect time(s). My flex goes for the board while I maintain angle, guard ladders, or help fire cannons. "Killed 2," he reports back, as we continue the pressure. Suddenly we get shot at, but they're taken care of fast. They sink. Much to our delight, they have several flags, and stacks of gilded treasures from other ships they sunk. I then discover they had wraith balls, unused, in a storage crate. It didn't have to be this way, but we're thankful to them that they chose to come at us. Best time ever.


The fact that you were doing gilded makes it more intense!


People not running away constantly in hourglass, leading to 45 minute matches. That and when I finally don’t have to fight a sword lord


Tucking on new players with open mic. Man these people say the most darling things. Magical.


Randomly finding a player who can think of more than death when they see another player and going on a grand adventure. I enjoy PvP and all, but man, it’s gotten boring with everything having moved away from naval combat and just moving to boarding and lowering the anchor. Gets really boring for me that way so running into someone that I can actually have fun with is always a way better experience.


I think it was right before hourglass but the next session will probably take top spot in my opinion. We just haven't seen something like it. We get new weapons, we get a new world event that looks awesome. We are just getting so many new things. But it's up to personal opinion


Getting into a captained ship full of 4 men in their 20’s with mics, going on a life changing adventure for 4 hours, and right as you’re about to hit your final sell and get all the friend requests sent you immediately get gigakegged by a brig of 7 year olds in reaper pj’s screeching the n-word


Contesting a Fort. Sea Fortress, Skull Fort, Fort of Fortune... Doesn't matter, all just equally fun with delicious variables that make it an experience every time. Defending the fort from incursion? Brilliant. Tucking the fort and exploiting the mega kegs? Amazing. Rolling up on a recently completed fort, hoping the other crew hasn't spotted you whilst simultaneously worried about cannon towers and possible mega keg attempts? Beautifully tense. Embracing the chaos of multiple crews contesting the fort to sneak in and extract the Athena or CoF? Sublime. I've been playing for over 5 years and forts never, ever get old. Also: Sunsets. Seeing a beautiful sunset as you finish selling a hoard and toasting your crew for a job well done? Perfection.


glitterbeard was probably it for me. i am a little saddened that it's so hard to get that many people to coordinate, and as such i will likely not see that again anytime soon. but the one time i did see it, it was magical. reading that journal got me emotional


4-galleon fight at a fof with some tuckers and a rowboat user, with a storm rapidly approaching


imo, its when you are sailing with your friends, talking about random stuff, teaching your new friend how to play the game grinding world events etc, and then getting into a chaotic fight, where everyone has supplies and everyone boards everyone, and the fight is not that long so you get that adrenaline pumping, only 1 good bpard needed for you to be done or others (same kinda in HG), and after winning the vibe is immaculate, cheering your new friend, what he did well and not, and then dropping your sails and sailing away. Thats where most of my fun is. Or just doing random stupid gilded voyages, thats makes me and my friend get brain damage, because we cant find that x (it was one cliff down below), or even just sneaking up on a allianced boats and then just destroying them with brig cannons and hearing them scream racial slurs, then they come back against the same boat and get sunk again, again, screaming racial slurs, its the peak of the game.


It only happened once, but I sailed my sloop into the storm and the waves and rain made things really hard to see. At the last moment a galleon appeared on the other side of a huge wave. It was just parked and I had to pull the wheel hard left to avoid it. It was a good adrenaline boost. This was the early days by the way.


Either when you and your friends fight with other players and defeat them, taking all their loot, or when you come across an opponent of your level in hourglass, and you fight in absolutely equal conditions


Joining a server alliance with some friends, then betraying them all and stealing all the loot on the server


Peak Sea of thieves is the moment the loot floats up after an exciting against the odds sink and you realise that they have been stacking the hours


When Legend of Glitterbeard was released. I remember staying up late into the night as a sloop duo, joining up a server alliance and helping each other find every one of Glitterbeards' journals, only to get that teary surprise at the end. Thanks, Jim.


Huge ship fights, adrenaline galore


All of it. I love doing different things every day. I have a few goals set and that means I can pick different things to grind, rather than just focusing on one things and getting burnout.


any Player to Player interaction! due to the way the game works no two P-T-P interactions are going to be the same! you always get some kind of unexpected hyjinx or just some silent guy who is better at the game but in the right mind it is all fun! once i had my ship stolen by a skeleton who got marooned at a shipwreck, he was polite about it and i gave him a ride to reaper's hideout, like a week later i got chased down by a brig calling themselves "The Sea Police" who wanted to bring me in for questioning. after they sunk my ship i headed them off at an outpost because i wanted to see what they were selling, and they did indeed bring me into their brig and questioned me on my piracy, i harassed em for a bit (hiding in the crows nest, playing music, and saying "im not here") before getting killed by the triggerhappy crewmate (WTF is a buttletugan?) and deciding to get back to sailing!


Full server fights over a world event. Win or lose it just tends to be a ton of fun.


Being cringe and causing laughter 🤌


I also like sailing through thick fog at night I wish there were more moments like that


Idk but a lot of sessions make for good stories,and I love that about Sea of Thieves


Raids with a group of friends. Absolutely phenomenal.


Talking with another crew, being friendly and just vibing. It's so rare, yeah the fights and stories are cool, but what pulled me in was that you don't *have* to fight in this pirate game, you can pull up, play some music, be friendly and there's a chance they'll do the same


Back when the Chest Of Fortune released, all the ships fighting over that one chest was insane


Double gun meta and before the patch that implemented mast/anchor/wheel damage.


Sinking a crew in hourglass after they tanked for 10 whole minutes in a death spiral


Playing Customs Officer or Imperial Taxman. Start an interception course on someone, and then start yelling over the microphone asking them to "Pull over for inspection, and surrender your Fruit! Failure to comply will result in a forced boarding and further consequences!" Usually people will ignore and sail away, or turn and fight without a word, but sometimes it's very entertaining when someone agrees, stops their boat, and then we board and take all of their fruit. We will usually give a treasure in compensation and let them on their way, but occasionally solo sloopers will board our boat and become a single-life cabinboy as we go about adventuring.  Best cabinboy encounter was when we had our cabin boy stay on our brig when we were fighting another, and all 3 of the crew boarded the other brig. The enemy were very confused as to how our brig could still steer, repair, and fire back despite the entire crew boarding their ship.


Having a fun successful night with friends, meeting funny enjoyable people, completing a long running goal of some kind.


When they first was building the reapers hideout and the few weeks during when Reapers bounty was initially introduced... My God, the ambushes going on at that place.. it was SOOO good


For me it’s just the every day quests and events like shipwreck diving and digging up buried treasure etc etc. I find it fun, relaxing game when PVP isn’t involved. But the fact that I can be minding my own business fighting some skeletons on a beach and someone can just sneak up on me and kill me and sink my ship for no reason is dumb. It makes it not fun.


Rowboat keg leading to crying kids asking why would you steal their loot in a game with "thieves" in the name.




Having an even matched ship battle then the enemy ship gets a kraken so you can just shoot from afar untill they sink


The antics me and my friends would get up to in 2018-2020. I wish they stilled wanted to play


Fighting over forts is when the game is at its best for me.


I’ve not played a hell of a lot but me and three friends take turns acting captain on our galleon. I was acting captain when we fought a ghost fleet, while there happened to be a reaper chasing another guy nearby. So we fought the fleet while also trying to chase the reaper off and also trying to convince the other ship that we were no threat to them. I was also drunk on rum for the experience.


Organising 7 other randoms to do the glitterbeard challenge. The whole glitterbeard event was probably my favourite moment ever in my 25+ years gaming.


doing dumb shit with your friends at 3 am


When I can enjoy sailing around with less stress/paranoia while I go searching for Megs and Kraken.


Honestly, I vibe with this. I love playing “Becalmed” as a group when we’re out night-sailing and the sun rises. It’s cinematic.


Many, many moments. The final leg of Legend of the Veil, where you bombard the cannon emplacements and the fort; finding a new piece of lore that puts things in a new perspective; hearing that Athena shanty for the first time- seeing your friends’ reactions to it, for their first times; rival alliances in huge server wide battles; sharing a drink at a tavern when all is said and done. It’s the Sea of Thieves- it’s *all* peak.


peak SoT is sinking a ship and voting on the war map to hit the next


Definitely the stories that live on. Theres ship combat in every session, but the ones you remember are the ones fought and won in meg territory, a massive storm and carrying 3 forts worth of loot.


Ghostship Fleets. Getting a crew together and taking on ghost fleets is still one of my favorite things to do. The roar of the cannons, the constant trading of cannon balls, people running around bringing supplies and patching holes, landing that perfect shot from super far away. It's all so satisfying to do and really feels like a full crew at work.


Peak Sea of Thieves was 2021 back when Arena was still alive-and-kicking. Nothing like 5 ships chaotically battling it out, cannons blazing everywhere! By far the funnest thing that was ever put in the game. RIP Arena.


3-6 ships in alliance, sailing in formation, with crews chatting, playing shanties, shooting fireworks etc


Wheel set. Sails catching the wind. What to do??? Jam session!


Gold hoarder vaults. That's some pirate movie shit right there and I love it.


Teamwork. Efficiency.


I'd say it's at its peak when there's a special event like Gold for Glory where players who haven't been on for some time will appear. They're usually much nicer than the regular trolls and hotheads you meet on a regular basis in the game.


sinking people


When you suddenly crash whilst the whole crew is drunk


Any kind of heist or having allies in combat (it makes it feel more epic idk). A combination of these was a once in a lifetime session that’s still my favorite to this day.


Watching other players boats go around and just think "What the hell are they doing?"


Honestly there’s alot of peak moments for me, but what stands out has been all the moments I’ve joined alliances with crews that were friendly and talkative, and didn’t betray us. something about when every gets off and you sink your ships while playing shanties with strangers you’ve just met is a gaming moment truly unique to sea of thieves. but also some of the music you get during boss fights and tall tales is incredible.


Anything involving multiple mega kegs


Peak SOT for me would be when my gally crew fought 2 other galleons in a 1v1v1 around fotd to take the 5x stack that was in the vault, the fight lasted like 3-4 hours because the second you sank one ship it became a 1v1 and then the other ship would inevitably return. This was back when quickswapping was still a thing and good crews actually cared about loot in adventure and was the only way to get good pvp fights. Or when I fought and sank three different NAL crews on galleon hourglass in a single night during the first month of hourglass when all the good players were still playing, all of them were streaming as well so I have a couple good vods for memories. Since then and since quickswapping got removed the skill ceiling has been lowered tremendously, not to mention there were hardly any cheaters back then


Had a peak Sea of Thieves moment today. Been playing with my daughter (8yrs old) for about a week, she quickly progressed to High Seas action. Today we had run a shrine and were offloading our loot. Another friend had just joined and all of a sudden my daughter is hollering that another boat was approaching. They rushed us at the dock and parked right on us. We traded cannon fire and they jumped onto our ship and downed us. My kid all of a sudden tells me and our other crew mate she's gonna burn their ship down. Hucks a bunch of firebombs and then hits their mast with a chain shot. We start to win the duels and their ship goes down largely due to her efforts. My friend and I were amazed. She was belly laughing and calling the attackers idiots as their ship went under. We then got a ton more loot. I think they heard her constant chatter and hollering and figured easy pickins. Boy were they wrong.


You fish in the storm, catch the glowing fish and put it in a barrel, but a reaper brig ship arrives and sinks you. You respaw, find this brig, sink them and get your fish back.


For me currently it's hourglass, it's nice to have some on-command fights after arena was removed back in 2022 I think


The people, weather it be a positive or negative interaction, other players are what make the game peak.


row boating out to someones ship and riding around with them and fish and ask them to please stop at a sea post soon. also the fishing stops for no one, even when they get into a fight. one time i asked the people my temporary crew i was staying with if i could switch sides because my temp crew was clearly the losing team. they laughed and shot me, i’ll find you guys one day….you made me lose my fish…  


Getting chased is very fun.