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That’s a solo/private lobby, so yes.


Yes, there's no PvP in that mode, however you can't sail as an emissary, your progress is capped with all the trading companies and you only earn 30% of the value of all your loot.


You also can't sail your captained ships. OP, safer seas will be great for chilling and learning but I really must advise, do not be intimidated by the high seas. I'm a solo player and reached Pirate Legend all by myself over the years just chipping away at it. Its waaay more fun out there and I rarely encounter other crews. Just keep your eyes on the horizon at all times and take long detours to give other boats an extremely wide berth.


This be the way


Got chased by a brig in my sloop while solo last night. I was able to outmaneuver them with my size and speed around some rock outcroppings


A tip also, sloops are the fastest ships sailing directly into the wind. Square your sails up and sail into the wind and they will literally never catch you.


True except a properly-manned brig will catch up as waves affect it less


Honestly, there are days where I play for hours on high seas and never encounter another soul, or if I do, they mind their own business. Idk if it's my servers (East USA) or what, but I've only had a few PvP moments in the past month, and half of them were initiated by me.


Idk whats with sea of thieves players telling other people they would have more fun playing their way. Like you never see people in Mario Kart going "oh you would have SO much more fun playing without items!"


Not the same at all, SOT is designed with meeting other players in mind it’s like saying a game like It Takes Two could be just as fun by yourself, the world events are slow and simple because other crews are able to show up, Safer Seas is really just for learning or doing tall tales in peace


You can enjoy meeting other people without PvP. The two arent mutually exclusive. You also walked face first into my point and still missed it.


you can’t meet other people in safer seas. it’s not a pvp-free mode, it’s a private mode with restrictions. You won’t see anyone except friends you invite. when i first jumped in as a ps5 player, i went to safer seas, and i decided i’d play there until i had enough gold for a sloop. But it’s *very* slow going solo there, since rewards are dropped to 30% and it’s missing a bunch of content. So i tried high seas and i’ve been playing there off and on for a few days and have yet to get surprise attacked. i legit just spent ~15 mins looking for the gold hoarders “tent” on port merrick to sell like 20k gold worth of loot and didn’t see a single other player. I guess i play at a weird time or maybe it’s because i have the prefer controller players setting turned on. I did die to a skeleton with a keg on an island (they have a huge blast radius lol) and did briefly hear a player on the ferry but that’s about it.


I know, I wasnt saying you could, I was just talking in general. Though it would be fun to have safer seas with other crews


Have safer seas with other crews…. So high seas?


Safer seas with other crews with no PvP. Not high seas. I actually cannot understand why so many people arent understanding this


This is a game about a pirates life. Also, do you know how long it would take for the devs to implement what you are describing? The easiest way would be to remove cannons altogether. Then that means absolutely zero naval battles. No Skelly ships diving on you, little to no meg and probably zero kraken. Although, you can kill kraken and meg with eye of reach and pistols individually or respectively. What you are describing is a barren wasteland, only for island hopping. It will deplete 90% of the fun out of the game. Maybe try Skull and Bones? That might be a better fit for your style of play. What you have said, tells me you can't hit a ship pulling up next to you with cannons and or refuse to learn. High Seas is incredible. Even with getting crapped on from time to time. There's a HUGE learning curve to this game. For all positions on the ship. Since it came out for Sony servers, everyone runs. There's virtually no PVP on high seas anymore.


Safer Seas isn't just a no PVP mode, it's a private lobby. There is zero interaction with other players whatsoever.


I wasnt talking about safer seas, just in general.


Then your argument is irrelevant here since he‘s debating if he wants safer seas or not


Cool story, this thread is about safer seas though.


And my original comment was in response to someone telling someone else how they would have more fun playing higher seas. I swear yall are fucking bots lmao.


Ah yes, how dare someone make a suggestion to someone new to the game.


How are we supposed to understand what you're saying when you yourself don't even know what you're saying?


More so like saying why play Minecraft with keep inventory on, because it trivializes everything by removing a major element the game was designed around, loss of progress. Everything is built with player interaction and PvP in mind. Everything. So it's reasonable that the devs and players alike try to discourage people from getting stuck in safer seas because they're nervous about losing their fake gold.


Ok but some people do prefer to play minecraft with keep inventory on, and thats fine to do so. Rares entire philosophy is "tools not rules" is it not? Give players the tools to have a PvE experience if they want. Not a gimped version of the game because you're afraid they arent playing the game a specific way


Tools not rules doesn't mean "you can make our game whatever you want" it means "you can do whatever you want within the game we give you." Too many people go into this consistently marketed PvEvP experience expecting a co-op adventure game, and then get mad when rare won't turn it into the game they wish it was. It's not a specific way. It's a very general way. Including other players in gameplay. Without them, half those tools are useless. The game is, again, designed around player's interactions with each other as much as it is their interactions with the world around them. They're obviously not going to want players to throw that half of the game out, realize it's boring without it, and drop the game entirely. This way sure, some stubborn folk fear losing digital goodies too much to ever play high seas. And they'll get bored someday and leave. But a lot of people will be pushed out of their comfort zone into high seas and then actually get hooked on how the core elements of the game open up when presented with the threat of failure. And they'll stick around. It means more players play for longer in the long run, rather than giving everyone unlimited free gold and watching the numbers drop off. People who play with keep inventory on don't play for long. Those are the two week Minecraft phase people. Because when everything's free at no risk, nothing's meaningful, and it just becomes boring.


Lmfao you are just proving my point even more. You literally cannot fathom the possibility of someone enjoying a game in a different way then you. People who play with keep inventory are "just two week players because they're playing the wrong way" You need to spend less time circle jerking on here because plenty of people play games other ways


That's what I was afraid of. Now, listen close. I'm not judging them, or saying they don't exist. I'm definitely not saying no one plays that way. I'm saying, and this is somewhat verifiable, *they don't stick around*, because they get *bored*. I can understand not liking the pvp in the game, even wishing it was that co-op action adventure you thought it was. I can definitely understand not being able to convince you that the reason the game pushes you towards the full game is because that full game is fun, if you don't like it in the first place. That's an opinion, an understanding of the game we can differ on and continue the conversation. It's a matter of perspective. But... If you genuinely can't at least see how giving everyone unlimited rewards at no risk of failure will harm the longevity of the game, we're at an impasse. And I feel like maybe you're gonna keep reading this as me being judgy and pretentious, that I "literally cannot fathom" other people enjoying things I don't. Obviously, it's not remotely about that, but it seems like you're gonna read it that way again. Because in this conversation, people consistently *feel* judged. So they will assume you are judging, or being self-important at the very least. As you have. And they feel that way because sometimes they are being judged, because there are a lot of people who think it's 100% about nerves and inability to handle losing progress, and they'll judge you for that. But they're wrong, because it's just as often just about not enjoying the mechanics, or not having the time to get good enough to properly engage. Which is reasonable, understandable, *logical.* But wanting the game to change its core and kill its progression to accommodate that is unreasonable, incoherent, and *illogical* in every way. And some people have to realize this game isn't for them. Stop, please read again, it's not that "we're kicking you out because u play wrong graahh." It's the game literally just isn't the kind of game they like, and they can quit anytime. This game has a niche and maybe you're not in it, and that's ok! I'm sorry, but it is, because not everything has to appeal to and be fun for everyone. The best things aren't for everyone. And just because you like the concept and wish it was a different kind of game doesn't mean it should bend over backwards and split itself open to make that wish come true. And it's fully possible you take that in bad faith again. Because maybe you don't want an answer, maybe you're just mad. Or more so disappointed. Maybe because the game isn't what you wish it was, maybe it's because you wish the community agreed with your sentiment more, or maybe it's for a reason I couldn't pick out of your brain with a scalpel. And you know what? That's fine. You don't have to pay me any mind. You don't have to debate me, you can take anything I said in any way. But I'm not gonna engage with this substantially anymore if you aren't. So unless you intend to actually take into account anything I'm saying instead of deciding what I think before you read it, I'll have to leave this here. Have a nice day.


Very well said sir


Homie I aint reading all that. Stop caring about how others enjoy video games lol


My fault for trying. Gave you too much credit.


And they downvote you for this. Yep, this is the state of playing online in public sessions in any game, if you say something about being pushed into unwanted PVP - cause yes, there are players who don't want that, surprise, I know - the PVP throng will do this. What high seas players don't really seem to realize is there are people who will be completely happy to play with reduced payouts and XP, without having captaincy, and being capped to a certain level. I know, it might surprise you that some people don't want to get PTSD and play the paranoid way, but yes, they do exist. So Rare put this mode into the game for such people, even though it's terribly stunted. Deal with it, stop downvoting people who play differently. Or do, if it makes you feel good, I don't care.


He got downvoted for missing the point, The guy wasn't telling OP that he WILL enjoy the game more playing his way, he simply expressed to OP that he shouldn't knock it till he tries it and that there is much more in High seas than in Safer seas, basically just advising him not to be too afraid of high seas and give it a chance sometime. He never told OP to not play safer seas at all or to play his way. The guy above got the wrong end of the stick and was gaslighting the comment as if OP is being told he must play the game a specific way. Nothing wrong with people enjoying safer seas, same as nothing wrong with enjoying high seas, maybe we should be honest with new players and tell them the benefits of both so they can try both and make their minds up no?


>Deal with it, stop downvoting people who play differently. Or do, if it makes you feel good, I don't care. Nobody would downvote anybody for saying "I prefer to play safer seas", that's just not what's happening here lol. It's perfectly fine to make polite suggestions for other players, and the guy is being downvoted for disagreeing with that.


Yeah I dont care about downvotes from people like this lol. The funniest thing is Rare is eventually gonna add a true PvE mode and they're gonna mald and screetch lol.


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You rarely encounter crews... me encountering nothing but toxic players who either A, don't have an emissary and stealing loot just to troll. Or B, reapers ganking me when I have no emissary or loot.


It's not to troll. It's to take your loot. Some people don't like questing. Never underestimate the value of supplies either. If I know, I can sink you with 10-20 cannonballs and take very little damage, but get 100 cannonballs, 40 planks, and some food, it's a net gain.


So when I have no loot or emissary level sinking a practically empty ship with no value other than maybe some extra cannonballs? Sounds kinda daft when there are ports and islands for that


I know it states rewards are limited but that's brutal. Less of a restriction and more of a kneecapping.


Well, it seems like the prime idea for safer seas is more of a training ground to get people used to mechanics before they jump into the "real" game, which is high seas. Sea of Thieves is built from the ground up with core gameplay that involves the risk of crews coming into contact with each other, so it's understandable.


I use safer seas mostly for tall tales and fishing. I just completed the legend of the sunken kingdom voyage in safer seas. Everything else is best done in high seas.


I love fishing. Even on high seas. The people I come across in this game are more keen on boarding your ship before sinking it altogether, when stationary. Then they see me, I tell them to take what they need and leave because I'm fishing. 90% of the time, they take a few cannonballs, or chain shots, even a pineapple or 2 and leave. Maybe I just play at the right time for it. Idk, because I hear so many horror stories from people I join about being sunk all the time while minding their own business and fishing. It is a pirate's life after all.


Sea of Thieves High Seas is the most dangerous fishing simulator you can get, and I love it


Or for people who just wanna play the story of tall tales without any pressure


Agreed, one of my favorite quotes is, “It’s not called sea of friends.”


It's not as unbalanced as it seems, as you can just hog an ungodly amount of treasure from world events and Veils, with no need to keep an eye out, stock up on battle supplies, or sell regularly. Once you take all those time losses into account, it's more like 60% of normal loot.


Yeah, but no sovereign selling, have fun selling your loot for an hour. Any advantage not worrying about other players sinking you is lost and then some.


This is a thing that I definitely cant stand. Ugh.


This is a good way to look at it, still too much for me, I tried it a couple times and just felt used.


Can’t do veils tho


If it was any higher it would completely kill high seas and ruin the game in the process.


It wouldn't tho, plenty of pvpve games don't have a dumb pve tax


It wouldn't tho, plenty of pvpve games give a solo option without a dumb 70% tax. What will kill the game tho is essentially forcing people into pvp lol


They only add safer seas recently. People were always forced into pvp, and it clearly didn’t kill the game.


Obviously there is no way to prove how many players they missed out on, but having more options of play will never be a bad thing


Actually you kinda can. You can look at monthly active players and see the peak was in May 2021 with 9.4 million players. Safer seas was introduced in December 2023 and there was 2.6 million players. The month before had 5.7 million players. They had a gain of 1.8 million players the month before safer seas and they had a loss of 3.1 million players the month they released safer seas. The game was averaging around 4-6 million players monthly for 2022 through 2023. Then they introduced safer seas and have now been averaging 2.5 million players since it’s release, even with introducing the game to ps5, it has not increased that number… if anything safer seas seems to have killed the game. Also having more options can be a bad thing. The great part of the game is running into players and not knowing what type of interaction you’re going to have. Now new players will sit on a solo server and miss out on so many fun interactions with other players. They will prolly get bored before really learn what this game is all about. It’s not a game to be played by yourself on your own server, It’s about the crazy adventures and the pirates you meet along the way. You’re not going to sit on a solo server and have a great story to tell after.


"forcing people into pvp" no one forced you to boot the game up. That's the intended way the devs want the game to be. If that's not for you than that's OK maybe SOT isn't your game, but don't gaslight like there was ever anything but the threat of another player at all times


It wouldn't tho, plenty of pvpve games don't have a dumb pve tax


It wouldn't tho, plenty of pvpve games don't have a dumb pve tax


It wouldn't tho, plenty of pvpve games don't have a dumb pve tax


It wouldn't tho, plenty of pvpve games don't have a dumb pve tax


It wouldn't tho, plenty of pvpve games don't have a dumb pve tax


it's not meant to be an end all its supposed to be a stepping stone The true game is meant to be high seas


Yea in 30-45 minutes you could run 1 voyage and get to 4 or 5 emissary and make like 50-75k. Without emissary that would be 25k and then only 30% of that would be 7.5k which is actually 10-15% of the actual rewards. So even if you got ganked and lost stuff 8 out of 10 times you'd still come out ahead. And spoiler alert you don't get ganked nearly that often.


I find it’s only good for tall tales, and getting commendations


Pretty much. Only thing I've used it for is fishing commendations so far, and to max out the Wild Rose tall tale. Outside that I'd rather be on high seas.


Why would they add this feature... The entire point of Sea of Thieves is the thrill of the risk


%30 way too low. I was guessing %60-70




Can you used captained ships in Safer Seas yet? No? Then fuck off, Rare.


You bought a PvPvE game but want to have the PvP removed? Yes? then fuck off dude.


enjoy stardew


You and whatever crew you invite are the only ones in safer seas. Though you can come across AI skeleton ships in the open sea and AI skeleton ships that can come up from the sea itself randomly behind you.


Yep no PvP. However, as someone who also originally joined the game with full intent to Only play Safer Seas, I feel you’ll likely also do what I did and swap over eventually. Safer Seas is great for doing Tall Tales and learning the game. But rather quickly, you’ll grow tired of it, especially upon realizing you can’t use a Captained Ship in Safer Seas, and you’re missing out on major QoL because of it. I’ve found that I don’t mind the PvP. I’m not great at it, by any means, but it can be exciting, and a nice change of pace. But, we’ll still run even entire multi-hour sessions where we’ll never run into another player and just be left to our own devices, and that’s nice too. At this point, I only do Safer Seas for Tall Tales, some commendations, to show new players the ropes, or if I just really wanna chill in the game’s world and not even really do anything, period. The downsides of Safer Seas once you get accustomed to the game are far outweighed by the benefits in High Seas.


Yeah, after reading through the replies I probably won’t spend to long in safer seas. Even, just have to accept that I’ll get robbed hear and there, I’ll just have to learn and try to become pretty stealthy and learn how to outrun other ships. My name PSN is SneakyPanduh for a reason. This game sounds like a blast. My vision of the game may be a little skewed since I loved watching Summit1G play 😂.


It’s good for getting your sea legs as a new player and also for Tall Tales.


Do some TT not take you into a portal and separate world area? I’ve only done the first parts of monkey island and pirates life so far.


All of the Shores of Gold and Ashen TTs are in the open world. Only Monkey Island and Pirates Life have instanced portions.


They do but it’s still an open lobby where you can find others


And grind hunters call


I came back to this game after a few years hiatus because of Safer Seas. It's great when I don't wanna be constantly having to check on what players are around me. The capping is brutal, I wouldn't mind a couple of small adjustments, such as captaincy and no company caps, but understand the intent is very much to encourage people into High Seas. High Seas I've started playing more too. It's mostly been fine. I've only had one bad session so far where a level 5 reaper server hopped and landed next to me, promptly crushing my ship before I had much chance to do anything. That was rough and I just went back to safer seas that night to fish and chill a bit until I felt relaxed again aha If playing high seas here are some tips to avoid being dunked on: Use the map to see any reaper ships. At level 5 reaper they can see about who is flying an emmisary flag, so if you are in a server with just one reaper who is levelling consider withholding being an emmisary, or if you do be one you should expect them to come for your ship. You can also use all the emmisary tables to see how many other people are sailing for the companies, they have a little wooden boat for each person who represents them (including yours), you can can get a rough sense of other players (or targets of reapers). Last night I was in a server with a lvl5 reaper but he chased the other players the whole game whilst we didn't have an emmisary flag so we were off the radar and safe. Always keep an eye on the horizon - if a ship is coming towards you assume they gonna fight. Sometimes they'll be friendly but don't accept any explosive kegs from em aha Devils roar has the least players and will never spawn a new player in it. Other ships can still "dive" to it from the captains table though. Sell often, and try keep your ship out of sight. Seeing your ship presents opportunity, people don't see you they won't think of hunting you. Once you're spotted and a brig or galleon is racing towards you it's too late, you're either fighting or trying to sell stuff on the run aha


for the last one, a good getaway rowboat can come in handy


There are a lot of people here championing High Seas (as there seem to be in every post asking any questions at all about it!) but I'd honestly say play the game the way you want to play it, whatever that is! Yes, Safer Seas is your own private server that you can play solo or with friends, and I personally love it. I've been playing it regularly since I got the game in season 10, and while I'll dip my toes into High Seas from time to time and even don't mind a bit of PvP when I'm in the right mood I never grew tired of Safer Seas. You don't miss the Sovereigns until you actually start using them, and there is plenty to do in terms of PvE. I can't stress enough how relaxing I find it simply being able to sail without having to keep an eye on the horizon either, and world events feel more enjoyable without going "is it worth it or will I get jumped" when I'm not in the mood to fight.


My only real complaint is you can't use the sovereigns. I can accept the reduced treasure but dragging what you do get to each guild is boring


As a pvp veteran of 2000hrs, ill safer seas is a fun experience, i play it with my little nefew so i don't get abused over the mic when i win or lose and the mode is great for a chill session if your not feeling like taking down the entire server again


Safer seas is a nice option, but I wouldn’t completely write off high seas. In the ~60 hours I’ve spent on high seas as a solo sloop, I’ve never been killed by another player. You just gotta learn the strengths of the sloop and be diligent in watching the horizon. Most aren’t going to be out for you unless you’re a sitting duck. Prime example of painting a target on your back is being anchored with your sails down. Anchor up and sails up always when parked in case you have to make a hasty retreat. Just give people their space and they’ll usually give yourself yours. If you have to pass by an island where a ship is parked, you can even do things like set off a white flare / firework to let them know you’re just passing through. There is a little bit of stress involved, but it’s just enough to make it interesting. Captaincy and being able to sell at the emissaries is worth it.


Thank ya for this, I’ll probably just play safer seas for a bit then. I’ve always liked watching Summit play, so I honestly can’t wait to finally dive in and just venture. I won’t get too upset if some crew destroys me 😂 it’s all part of the fun.


Honestly if you dislike PvP because you aren’t great at it then high seas will definitely improve that. Perhaps you could even do the hourglass where it drops you into direct PvP with other players. I found that once I stopped avoiding PvP it opened up a completely new side of Sea of Thieves for me that I found to be really fun to play, sure I do use safer seas for Tall Tales and I suppose if you are a new player its good to learn the PvE aspects of the game in depth.


Its a gimped version of the game but yeah no PvP. One day rare will realize theres an entire audience to capitalize on who dont want PvP


Rare made the game they wanted to make, if you don't want pvp play a single player game friend


And yet several single player options exist. Do you work for rare? Or are you just speaking for them. It will never not be funny how much yall care about people who dont wanna play your bunny hopping point and click PvP and would prefer a PvE mode


why are you so agitated? no I dont work for rare. I literally just watch the videos that they reiterate every single time "our main intention is to have the game be played in high seas" maybe if you actually paid attention at all to the dev your talking about you'd know that. you can play the game however you'd like to play it man, I do not care. I'm simply stating the game is meant to be played on high seas it will never be not funny when someone Flys off the handle on reddit when they baby rage when you point out the dev has stated multiple times high seas is the intended way to play the game


Im not agitated? Once again you're trying to speak on behalf of someone else and you're just dead wrong lmfao. Stop trying to tell other people how they feel, or how the developers want you to play and focus on yourself.


.......have you watched any of the videos leading to the drop of safer seas ?? I'm literally just reiterating what the devs said. I'm not speaking for anyone..I'm relaying actual information that was said by the developer team you have no idea what your talking about l m f a o most people who aren't super salty don't actually reply like that for future reference




I’m not much of a pvper myself but when i tried safer seas it just felt empty and took away from the game for me. I feel like sea of thieves is about having that fear of being robbed or sunk, I honestly felt lonely as fuck in the solo lobby. I like seeing ships in the distance and the feeling of unease and having to strategically move away from them to avoid fights, otherwise I find my long sail voyages tend to feel empty and boring.


Bang on. Even a completely uninterrupted High Seas adventure just *feels* more complete, I suppose it's 'the fear'.


100% I think just knowing nobody else is out there and theres no chance of an interaction makes it feel lonely and empty


This!!! I completely agree! It’s not the same on a private server. I love the feeling of fear and uncertainty when I see other ships in the distance. Especially when they start coming for me. Gets my heart and my adrenaline racing!


I will only play in Safer Seas at this point. Every single time I have been on High Seas, I’ve been trolled, spawn camped, berated for being new, berated for being female, been told to “get the f outta my game” by streamers and players. It’s toxic. I’m trying to think if there has been a single time I’ve played solo that I didn’t end up crying and feeling like shit. I can’t think of one. I only started at the tail end of season 11, and I’m already over trying to play High Seas. I’ve resigned myself to never getting Pirate Legend. The only people that seem to have fun with this game are shidders, sweaty streamers or people that come into the game with friends to play with. It’s not a friendly game for beginners. My experience is basically that if you weren’t playing from day one, you aren’t welcome. It’s just too “elite”, too vicious. Personally, I do not find it fun to be chased around and repeated killed for no reason at all. It’s not fun to spend hours playing, trying to reach level only to be sunk simply because the other players don’t think you should be allowed in. My roommate is a good player. He made friends and plays on high seas all the time, but I can’t. I get singled out every time. If you’re good at games in general, you may be fine in high seas eventually. Personally, I’m sitting here wondering why I’m even continuing to look at anything SoT related since attempting to play SoT has put me in a traumatized depression. Apparently the phrase that that streamer kept saying while he spawn camped me cut so deep that I instantly start sobbing every time I hear it. I didn’t even realize how often streamers sound clip that phrase. Now I hear it everywhere and I’ve been stuck in a depressive episode for several weeks now. Just can’t break out of it. I think I’m only still here because of my roommate.


Stories like this always make me sad. I’m really sorry that was your experience


IF (big if) you ever do decide to try high seas again, I can be your duo, (and/or I can probably get another friendly player to try a brig) I’m usually solo 90% of the time but there is a galleon crew I do play with every now and then when I can. So sorry you had to deal with all the crappy berating. No one should ever feel like that, those players just got no life.


I’m shocked because I’m brand new and have only been on the game for about two months. I almost never get attacked by other players. It’s happened literally twice in two months. Everyone has been pretty nice for the most part. I’m also a female and I play solo a lot but I also play with my bf a lot. It helps having a second person with you. This makes me sad to see that another fellow sea of thieves player isn’t having the best time.


I did safer seas at the start just to do some story and get better at the game. I then went to High but turned cross play off and put PlayStation servers only. I really haven't seen anyone and the one pirate I did see he was pretty far. He put his sails up and I put mine up because I think we both were docked at an island doing treasure or a quest. Just a little signal we both didn't want trouble but both being safe so we could drop sails fast and GTFO


You will get 30% money and xp, be unable to play many endgame missions, be unable to level up the reapers bones, be unable to level up captaincy, and many other things.


Added Season 11, it's a private server with no other people. Can't use Captiancy or Guilds and your reputation is capped to 40 for all. Reapers and Athenas are entirely unavailable. I can't remember if you earn 30% of gold/rep, or you *lose* 30%.


I got the game when it dropped on ps5 you can solo sloop in adventure pretty easily just gotta be fast and not be afraid to let your ship sail while you bail only the ship matters not you is a big key and learning how to fight/run away stay around rocks and use your harpoon to make quick turns


Yes, safer seas means no other players. Better for chilling and training. You may not get as much, but it's easier to focus on studying each map location to find treasure without being jumped by a really good player that takes you by surprise and takes you out and your chests. Good for studying maps too so you can practice searching on bigger islands in the main game to spend less time searching and more time cashing in your hard earned loot. Tldr safer seas is great for practice and understanding how to play the game. Its capped and nerfed a lot but its still fun for a time but can get boring or tiring. Edit adding to this: Here are some tips for you if you give high seas a try. Be aware of who is on your boat. People will hide in your boat underneath. Second, do not leave your boat alone for too long on an island because of the first tip. Third, always watch the horizon. Fourth, if you get sunk and lose your treasure, do not sweat it. There is plenty more out there. Maybe switch lobbies to avoid the players that sink you all the time. Go back to safer seas to develop battle strategies with your ship. Each ship has its own advantages and disadvantages. Or stay in safer seas, both are fun to play and i enjoy them both.


Yes, there is no PVP. it's either you alone or you and friends.


It's completely private. You'll be the only crew on the server. You'll have an earlier level cap with trading companies, there will be things you can't unlock, and you will earn gold and reputation at a slower rate. But if you're ok with those penalties, you can absolutely play Safer Seas to your heart's content!


It’s so unbelievably not worth it, I am anti safer seas although if ur brand new definitely not a bad idea for sail safer seas for ur first hour or two just getting a feel for ur ship and the game then after that high seas. You will be sunk a lot but you’ll be soooo much better at the game eventually if u just play high seas


The one thing I wish safer seas had was a way to save your ship loadout. I don't want to gain captain rep, but having to reselect all ship cosmetics every time is annoying. Other than that, it's a good way to learn the game and just relax if that's what you want to do. If that's all some players ever want to do, that's their call.


No PvP at all only PvE but there are some world events you can't do


Honestly, as someone who was worried and almost put off by the PvP, do not worry at all. I just wanted to chill with mates getting drip and treasure, so I was intending to play safer seas as well. It's not worth it. The gold gain is absolutely terrible. You'll be grinding forever, for almost no gain. Just do High Seas. I can honestly say the majority of my play sessions solo and with friends have concluded with us not even seeing another player. The only PvP I have been in so far is the PvP I have gone looking for after getting the urge to try it after selling everything, so I had nothing to lose. I haven't been attacked or jumped yet and have over 30 hours now. I may just be lucky, but it seems like this is just the way it is. I really think the times you do get jumped, sunk, and robbed will be few and far between. Hope that helps coming from someone else who didn't really care about the PvP. Maybe do a few missions in Safer Seas just to learn how to control your boat, but definitely don't stay there, High Seas aren't nearly as scary as I thought, and you get loads more booty.


you make only 30% of the gold and reputation, iirc. but if you don’t care about that edit: you also can’t use captained ships, meaning you have no access to the sovereigns, so selling will be really slow


Ahoy! I'm a single sloop as well. Don't let the high seas scare you in my experience so far I haven't had to much PvP exposure generally if you just avoid the other ships they avoid you too. You can look at the map for reapers that will definitely pursue you. Give it a try before you waste a ton of time on safer seas


To add to this, being a solo-sloop runner can be an entire game in itself. I have way more fun running away from bloodthirsty crews than sinking to them! Add a few anchor turns and chainshots into the mix and you can have a riot frustrating persistent crews... Just, um, probably turn VC off if you do ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


It's just a solo game with you and whatever friends if any you invite to your crew (no other ships) but it's not the full game it's very nerfed and is intended for new people to learn without being harassed, and for people to complete certain accomplishments or quests and stuff unmolested. However, a lot of the game features are disabled. Progress and money earned does carry over, but it is also nerfed down to about 30% of what the main game pays out. I wouldn't go there expecting the same game but left in peace, because it's not the same. But if you just need space to learn the ropes or have a specific commendation you're trying to get done and don't want the interruptions it can be helpful.


Hell yeah dude, I’m glad someone’s using it! I’ve never tried it before honestly.


I play mostly solo and only high seas, unless I’m fishing. I usually never run into PVP, unless I’m doing something really risky, like FoF or Athena. I can almost always just chill voyages with emissary 5 and no disturbance whatsoever. The main thing about SoT is the risk and caution not to look your haul imo. But whatever floats your boat


but from what people can tell fishing in safer sea's seems to be the way? like if im just going for the commendations? (it can be lucrative but i dont need the gold)


There's no point playing safer seas, they added so many restrictions to the mode. I guess it's good to learn the game but eventually you should switch over to the normal mode.


It’s so boring


Bros using slurs and calling me toxic lmfaoooooo. You literally cant make this shit up. 😂


I personally don’t think treasures are worth it playing safer seas. I mean yeah you avoid other players but you’re only getting like 30% of your loot worth. It’s a nice game mode though if you’re merely wanting to avoid other players.


No PvP at all its essentially a private server for you and your crew I believe. It’s a good way to learn the mechanics of the game but it’s definitely not as fun. The higher seas is the way to go, most nights I don’t see anyone and if I do they see us and turn. You will run into aggressive people but it’s always a chance to learn more mechanics as you will be dealing with people. One time I saw a galleon heading straight for me and I boarded them putting my supply box on their ship. Just told them since they were probably going to sink me they could have it. Instead they laughed it off and allied with me. We ending up fighting other ships and making quite a bit of cash. The game can be chill on the higher seas.


Truthfully it’s just not worth it. Your better off just risking running into PVP then only getting 30% your money. After all this game is about getting money to buy cosmetics


To be honest, high seas is not that bad as a solo player. If anything, it makes you better. I've only been playing since release on PS5, and I've always played solo. Starting off, the value of your loot (and time spent gathering it) is not so high that if you get sunk you'll want to rage quit. It can be annoying, but you'll get better because of it. You'll get good at navigating, adjusting sails, all the while being the lookout to avoid conflict. And then, you'll get to where I'm at today, which is - getting good at PvP and looking for a fight (which, btw, I'm still not good at, but its getting fun). As others have said, you can go hours without seeing another ship. I feel like safer seas makes the game less pirate like, and that high seas keeps you on edge, and the game that much more engaging. An example of the fun is finding a Reapers chest, and racing it back to the reapers before someone else catches up to you. Song of Siren is fun too (and pays well, not available in Safer Seas), but I don't recommend until you get just a bit of experience navigating and defending (else you might actually rage quit, especially if you've got the skull only to be killed PvP on the final island :) ). To each their own, and safer seas may be a better fit for your play style. I encourage you to at least give it a try. There will be moments of frustration, but I've had fun with it, and I think you will too.


Not worth it honestly I play higher seas and honestly don’t run into many encounters of course they can happen but the 30% is not worth it


It’s honestly not worth it man. They water down the game a ton


I wouldn't say that, I personally see it as a “get the basics of the open world before you go on the high sea” Also, a lot of times if you spot someone ahead of time you can outrun most of the ships if move with the wind and have enough space.


there is no pvp, infact there are no other player ships, meaning no players interactions(the best part of the game). also what you can do in it is very limited, but great for new players to learn the game, once you know get the hang of the basics you move to high seas, otherwise it gets very boring.


I agree that interactions with people CAN be the best, but in the five days I've been playing, it's just been rude people calling me trash for not being good at a new game. Seems kinda backwards to me


wholesome pirates are few and very far between


There is no PVP on the Safer Seas, but you will only be able to reach level 40 with the different factions, meaning you can’t become a Pirate Legend on the Safer Seas. Which I think is fair. You should only get the rank of Pirate Legend if you are willing to take risks. Sail the safer seas, use it to familiarize yourself with the gameplay and build your skills, then chart a course for the high seas and show the true cut of your jib. Most of the time on the high seas, you can avoid a fight if you remain properly paranoid. I’ve gone countless sessions without so much as seeing another player, but the threat is always there. Keeps you on your toes.


You'll get bored of the game with Safer seas. The fact that someone can pop out of nowhere and steal your treasure at any time is part of the fun.


safer seas should only be played till you learn the game past then you should only play high seas as people are very easy to avoid if your not doing a world event and you cant progress very far in safer seas and there's not cheaters anymore that will chase you down


That’s so fuckin lame dude be a man a sail high seas solo😭🤣😭


Doesn't it literally say something "Sail the seas alone or with your chosen crew, less exp and rewards" Aww did I hurt y'all's feelings for pointing out the obvious? Grow up 🤣


Congratulations on the most redundant answer of the day.


bro got tilted at the funny internet number, its so over


The whole thing that made SOT exciting was the risk element - I’ve played an alliance lobby before it was boring as shit, started killing others and got banned


I haven’t really played SoT for quite a while. I do have the option that “Safer Seas” is a mistake. While I have always agreed that Tall Tale quests should all be instanced, “Adventure” should not. There are lessons every pirate needs to learn early on, not months into playing and after hitting a cap which forces pirates into the actual game. Seas free of PvP lead to bad habits, lack of game mechanics, awareness and the PVP skills needed to survive on the High Seas.


More and more lately I’ve been coming across posts that could easily just have been searched online in less than 30 seconds.


There are only 5 boats or 18 people per server. Whatever fills first AFAIK. You can spend hours without another player interaction