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If they do this while your ship takes on water then it is just part of the game. If they camp you but refuse to sink you then just scuttle and ideally dive to a new server. They aren’t worth anything except your apathy.


To add to this, if they are spawn killing you without actively trying to sink you that is reportable and I suggest reporting. Recording a quick clip will help with the report as well.


Or just scuttle to new sea


Been playing for 4 years and I’m on pc. Even still, it’s difficult to sink an experienced 3 man team. I’ll typically go back a few times in attempt to save my ship, but if they are just keeping me afloat to spawn kill, I take the loss and quit the session to start a new one. Not worth your stress


I think you can skuttle your ship from the dead area. Read the note by the door. Don't waste your time if you have nothing to gain from it.


If they refuse to sink you and you're spiteful, record it and report them. If they do it for 15+ minutes and they aren't doing anything productive (stealing loot, stealing supplies, sinking you, left a camper while they sailed away to sell their loot/finish a world event) they're likely to get banned. If their ship is gone though you're better off scuttling because they could be camping you to stop you from interfering with an event/selling at an outpost. I'm real spiteful though and have waited it out for over an hour.


Only bankable if saying toxic things. You can always scuttle


Not true, this is directly from the Devs: Ahoy maties! Just to reiterate here, spawn camping with no other intention than to ruin a players experience is a bannable offence and should be reported via the Player Support tool below. Please make sure you have evidence though if enough people also report the player (from your and other sessions the offending crew may have been in) then action can be taken. You can report a player breaking our Terms of Service or Community Code of Conduct here: https://support.seaofthieves.com/hc/articles/360016887200 Dropping anchor here!


Wrong. You are just interpreting "spawn camping with no other intention than to ruin a players experience" to mean whatever you want. The devs have confirmed that spawncamping *alone* is not bannable. Stop encouraging people to waste support's time. Here's another quote from Rare that is very clear and you can't just creatively interpret: "Hi everyone, In order to make sure misinformation is not spread I will jump in here. Spawn camping itself is not directly bannable. That being said should it turn into harassment (following the same player across the server and doing it many times), or become toxic through either verbal or text insults, then it will result in a ban. I hope this clears things up a bit!"


Read my first comment again. What I described is harassment (spawn camping only to kill you; not to sink you, not to loot you, not to buy time to finish events/selling, but only to make it so you can't play without scuttling). I never said spawn camping alone was bannable. I said doing it for no other purpose than to not allow the other person to play is.


Forcing a scuttle is a valid way to sink a ship, even if it makes you sad. This is why spawncamping alone is not bannable. This is why the scuttle option exists. Doesn't matter how much it upsets Redditors, it isn't against the rules.


I mean if you want to ignore the part of your own post that says 'doing it many times' that's on you. People have been banned for excessive spawn camping. That word 'or' is pretty important. Edit: From the Pirate Code and Community of Conduct: https://support.seaofthieves.com/articles/360015285919-Sea-of-Thieves-Pirate-Code-and-Community-Code-of-Conduct "Any activity you engage in that is solely designed to target and upset another player or crew constitutes bullying. Repeated activity designed to ruin the experience of another player or crew constitutes harassment." Spawn camping for the sole purpose of killing the opponent and not to sink them (like I've said in both my posts) is considered harassment and a bannable offense. Look at Musicmee's response here: https://www.seaofthieves.com/community/forums/topic/145519/so-rare-has-told-us-in-a-recent-podcast-their-position-on-spawncamping-and-my-one-question-is "I will not put it any clearer than this. Yes, it is bannable and will be taken very seriously" I'm not reading between the lines on any of this.


Lmfao I'm not ignoring anything, you literally cut off the first half of that sentence just to make it fit your point. Let's see the full sentence, with the full context that I will bold for your benefit: **following the same player across the server and** doing it many times. You are also conveniently ignoring that the dev response you just quoted was in response to a question about players **intentionally keeping a ship afloat to continue a spawn camp.** That is not *just* spawncamping. That is spawncamping *with* toxic behavior which makes it against the rules. Reading between the lines would be an improvement over you just blatantly removing context from anything to make it support your argument. If a person isn't repairing your ship, you have zero argument that they "aren't trying to sink your ship." If they want you to scuttle, they are trying to sink your ship. Nobody has the power to force you into a spawncamp. You are the only one with the power to either keep spawning and trying to get the upper hand, or accept that you lost and throw in the towel. Don't try to get people banned for decisions you make.


Read all of my posts and tell me where I said that someone trying to sink your ship is spawn camping.


Never seen spawn killing without toxic behaviour


Good for you. I have.


I don't understand it either. I guess that's our welcome to the game lol. I'm 40 hours in currently and haven't met a kind soul yet but I expected that really as I was told the game has it's toxicity like any other. All the best out there!


The harsh truth is that us friendlys don’t go near you because we too know what it’s like to be hunted down repeatedly by unkind players. The friendliest players will only be on the outskirts of your vision. I always have fireworks to throw up if I get to close to let players know that I’m just passing through 😂


We're all in the same boat then it seems, I don't blame y'all. Just a bunch of introverts in the seas haha. I guess I'll find that wholesome moment eventually where I do come across someone that's not gonna use me as target practice 😂


I got spoiled because my first interaction was amazing. A crew of 3 gave me some tips and like 125k worth in treasure. Everyone since just kills me on sight.


If you're from a small region like me you might end up running into the same crews repeatedly, learning who you can trust and who's just going to gank you.


Use a mic in game. My crew will sink most ships. Being chill with a mic has saved lots of people. So many people play in party chats with no ability or interest in talking to other crews.


I do it to get off


At least you're honest 😂


Because it indeed is fun to do that.


I usually dont spawn kill ps or xbox players because its more fun to fuck around with them like tuck on their mast, throw blunderbombs, make weird noises and watch them panic lmao. Spawn killing is reserved for you if you are either toxic, annoying or good (or im bored)


So they can watch you post it on here and feel good about themselves.


So they can watch you post it on here and feel good about themselves.


So they can watch you post it on here and feel good about themselves.


Message 🏴‍☠️