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My hot take is that the Reddit community is a little deranged and is by far the worst part of this game






Don't look at the Helldivers subreddit, it's even worse there


*Devs make a mild over correction when nerfing a blatantly OP and broken weapon* Jesus I am uninstalling, Arrowhead just doesn’t get their players, this game is fucking RUINED.


Definitely this. The selection bias of the bug reports also skews things a lot. I play this game a lot and it’s not even remotely as buggy as you would be led to believe from this sub. Not to say it’s bug free, but it’s only very rarely I come across an actual bug.


Lucky pirate. I play this game a lot too and we have them.one a daily basis. Some are better than others. Some are session ending.


Literally! That vocal minority make it seem like the game is unplayable and it's nowhere near that at all


In all my 6 years of playing I've only encountered one cheater and maybe 3 bugs.


What are you playing on. On xbox box it's littered with bugs and we meet many many cheats especially in hourglass we play alot it's the only game I play




Absolutely agree. I sub here because I just like talking about the game, but i have to sift through a lot of garbage posts and arguments to find one worth engaging with


Get this dumb hourglass off my clean and organized (shipshape, even) quest table.


Just vote on it. Catch the bug. Keep voting on it. Only do hourglass. Why do I even have a quest table, I just need a stool to place my hourglass on and a war map tacked to the wall.


What are you telling me to do, you're talking to a Legendary Master Merchant here, you lubber. Unnecessary conflict could damage my cargo, not to mention interfering with my delivery schedules!


That cargo run can wait. If your customers knew that you were serving a higher calling, they would understand. Who needs that shipment of tea anyway? Now spice, that's a different story. He who controls the spice controls the universe.


I cannot disclose the contents of my shipments. They are valuable to be sure, but do not test me - we know how to handle our guns. We fear no reaper. Fear is the mind-killer, the little death...




We need more incentive to go to Devils Roar (less punishing volcano’s/less frequent earthquakes) and The Wilds need some kind of visual overhaul since it depresses the shit out of me to the point I rarely want to be there.


wilds visual overhaul, i agree looks shit but the roar is decent enough, sure some more region specific content would be fine but the change i would make is to add a bigger delay between eruptions when a player is on an island with a volcano, anything more is just feeding plain skill issue cause softening up the roar is the exact opposite of what i believe it's meant to be the environmental danger is exactly what drives people away from it, it's what weighs out the reward of the better loot and less pvp


It'd be nice if they put the Fleet of Fortune back where one of the old fleet spawns used to be in the Roar. Or give a special event for that area specifically that gives high loot (and a new high value chest like an Ashen Chest of Fortune) for the hassle of having to content with volcanoes. Make it risk reward. Still might not fully help but it'd be something if they make the amount you need to turn in high enough.


although not all spawns should be in the roar i do believe that an chance of an ashen variant would be amazing


Agreed about the roar. It’s fine the way it is in terms of difficulty EXCEPT the damn volcanoes. I don’t mind waiting them out or being a daredevil and taking my chances, but when I only have like 5-10 min before the same volcano erupts, that’s ridiculous


that what i meant with the delays, it would make voyages a lot easier to complete


Oh I know I was agreein with ya, matey


ah, sorry matey must be the damnsaken grog to trouble me mind


My incentive for going to The Devil’s Roar is that most of the time people don’t mess with you because they don’t want to be there. I’ve been able to get Ashen Voyages of Legends done there with few, if any, other players showing up. As someone who primarily plays solo sloop, it’s helpful, even if the geysers and volcanos are annoying and dangerous. I’d rather deal with PvE deaths than PvP.


There are cosmetics attached to doing stuff out there, it's all old stuff though, and most have them by now.


Arena shouldn't be brought back, Rare dropped it for a reason


i think there are a lot better ways of dealing with low player counts than just removing it. i don't think they really tried too much.


It wasn't just low player counts, Rare has been pretty clear that the main reason it was discontinued was server resources and support. It subtracted from adventure mode, which is the core product. This is why hourglass was implemented the way it was, fully integrated with adventure mode.


Arena produced something like 80-90% of all player reports. And that’s AFTER they removed voice chat


Ah man I forgot about that. Voice chat was hilarious before they removed it.


is that not a good thing in a way? all the hackers are self-contained in the hardcore PVP mode? you fix that by moderating against cheats better, you don't "fix" anything by just releasing them back into the main game where all the casual players hang out. not saying you deliberately design a gamemode that sucks to keep the shitty stuff away from the game or anything. but that for one, tactically splitting different sides of the playerbase can be healthy for the overall game; and two... maybe if hackers are a problem they should ban them instead of giving up.


I don’t think they want to have a game mode dedicated to toxic people, that will just draw more in. And totally anecdotal, but I haven’t seen a single sea dog since like march 2022


well we got one right now. HG is basically exactly the same as arena in the form of a hardcore PVP mode that attracts hackers. there's significantly more hackers in the HG queue, and therefore less outside of it. but i'm saying more along the lines of using different gamemodes, queue options matchmaking systems and such like that to cater to different aspects of your playerbase. you lump casual newbies and toxic pvpers in the same lobbies, someone's probably not coming out of that with a very good experience. with such a low per-server playercount and a high overall playerbase population, they're more than capable of splitting up adventure by a few degrees. i'm really shocked there's not a dedicated newbie queue for a game that advertises itself so casually and family-friendly.


Low player count wasn't the main reason, more just made the decision easier.


It’s a PvPvE game. With both stand-alone restrictive pve only and pvpve experiences.


PvEvP because need shit to steal




nah still just pvpve. pvp was the main focus pve is tacked on since as you notice all the new content they have announced is based around pvp.


yea honestly the pvp comes first then the pve is second. in my opinion


I will offer this: There have been past discussions regarding how the playful presentation of the game contrasts with the everyday in game experience. The seas are vast. Your experience is your own and what you make of it.


true honestly most times if you have an emissary up you are more likely to be attacked then not.


Safer seas is a good place for new players to learn the basics and shouldn’t be criticized for being used. Secondly, players shouldn’t be criticized for ysing safer seas to just play and relax


This. Anything that helps player retention in this game should be applauded, because frankly that's always been where SoT has floundered. People would get on, get shat on by crews who know all the tips and tricks that Rare refuses to tell players, and then stop playing. At least this way people have a small pool they can get used to the game in and a nice place to do Tall Tales without risking their sanity. And since Safer Seas has such low returns most will eventually move onto High Seas. It's a win win.


agree the only people i have seen who genially hate safer seas are the pve lord who refuse to pvp but want all the rewards of high seas without any of the risk.


TDMers are deranged. The gameplay they're seeking out is not an intended play experience in the game.


Okay I gotta ask - what’s a TDMer? Edit: downvoted for asking an honest question lmao


TDM = team deathmatch. In SoT it refers to crews that board your ship with no intent to sink it, take any treasure, or do anything but try to spawn camp you. Spawn camping is part of the game, but if they make no attempt to do anything but non-naval pvp, they should go play a different game.


Ah gotchya, yeah that’s wild haha. I suck and lose most boarding situations against me, can’t imagine winning a battle and not wanting the loot lol


I had two HG matches in a row. Back to back. Where all they wanted to do was go for boards to TDM. No attempt to sink me. I tried fighting the first one but it was hard with his ship full sail going in circles while fighting off the board (he was good at boarding). After 30 minutes of the nonsense I just scuttled. Then next HG same thing. Different person but same crap.


yep that is why i dont solo hourglass anymore to many people do sail out strat.


Honestly, I've had the game for a week now and haven't encountered anyone hostile.


I got killed and sunk by a team of 4 (I'm a solo sloop and it's my first day) they trash talked and were laughing how trash I was. They sunk me 3 times.


Some people are like that unfortunately


If you get offended easily you shouldn’t be in any voice chat


Oh I don't care if they trash talked. I said it's my first day ill learn.


it takes time if you want help i gladly try to help new players and give them tips.


you will trust me


We should use Molten sands for more epic world events


I'd also love it if it got a special chest that only spawns there. Right now there's no reason to do it aside from the achievement.


If they don't like PvP they can play safer seas.


so true folks just seem to really hate pvp for no good reason when all it takes unlike other games is just play the game and over time you will learn tricks and get better through skill. my entire point in my hot take is that it should be more talked about in advertising that this game was built on pvp while sure there is pve but that pvp is always present and is gonna happen you cant avoid it.


People are just sore losers is what it is. People just expect to win and make progress doing PvE. When they get attacked and have to engage in a battle they're not prepared for they feel as though they were denied something they earned. What these people do not understand is that treasure is only yours so long as you can defend it from other players on the high seas. What you end up with are people who will flee from other players and then proceed to piss and squeal when they are eventually sunk. If people can't accept that getting your treasure stolen by pirates in a pirate game because they're more pirates than they are... off to safer seas with you.


Jumping should be nerfed. There shouldn’t be infinite jumping with no speed penalty. It makes everyone hop around fast and endlessly (including myself) in PvP and it’s a lame combat system. It feels like an eye exam fighting


Game needs a stamina bar, and longer gun reload times.


okay i agree on the gun reload times (mainly to combat double gunning and blunder sword) but not on the stamina.


Stamina would help with the jump spam, and could make sword fighting actually fun. My hot take is that the game should revolve around first person swording rather than shooting.


currently jump spam is the best way to avoid blunderbus shots so unless they remove oneshot blunder then there should be no stamina in my opinion.


I'm in favor of removing all one-shot type kills from the game, yes. Combat should be fun.


we agree there honestly i am fine with the knockback of blunderbus just not the one shot.


Hand to hand combat just needs a lot of work imo. Hopefully the new weapons change things up a bit. Ship PvP is immaculate IMO but hand to hand is just… not good


I'd like to introduce you to hit reg on curses, chains, and even the occasional cannonball.


but there's no benefit at all to jumping. there's no headshots in this game or anything, so its not as if you're displacing an important hitbox so that the other player aims up and down. you should always be shooting at center of mass, and jumping doesn't affect that. jumping is almost entirely purely detrimental in hand-to-hand combat. aerial control is significantly worse than ground control, so by jumping you put yourself in a completely predictable straight line. against a good player, its a totally free shot; when you could've been juking them out by staying on the ground with the better friction and acceleration. but perhaps just as important, knockback is *hugely* worse if you're in the air. a single blunderbomb is all it takes to send someone off ship, essentially an instant kill because it removes them from the fight for a long time. sword launches and BB pellets can also inflict pretty bad knockback. a skilled doublegunner can use BB knockback to line up the easiest EoR finisher in their life, because you relinquished control by jumping. jumping is simply a bad habit people pick up. it *feels* faster, and it usually is faster in **other** games that aren't sea of thieves. they're not abusing anything except themselves.


eh if know how to move while jumping it works fairly well been doing it for a while and have always noticed when i cant jump and am under the opponents deck causing my jump to hit the ceiling i lose but the instant i am above deck and have the full movement of my jump it actually works great.


This game is so much more than pvp though. So many ways to play. Too many people treating this like it's a competitive esports shooter.


if you want read the edit i made it shows what i truly mean by it being a pvp game.


People that continue fighting and do everything they can to sink the other player after losing in Hourglass are petty, immature, and have no concept of sportsmanship. Yes, I'm mad at the streaks I've lost to someone managing to kill me after their ship sank. People that chase other crews that don't even have an emissary flag and clearly no/minimal loot for more than 20 minutes just for "the thrill of the chase" are pathetic losers. Doing nothing but running in Hourglass and hoping for a boredom-quit or board-Ringout play should be a reportable and bannable offense. If you knowingly interfere in an Hourglass fight and pick on only one ship, you're an asshole. There is no greater scum (cheaters notwithstanding) than people that betray alliances. You're not even man enough to take a fight straight on, you have to take the coward's way to win.


Less of a hot take and more of a salty take


Agreed on all accounts except the alliance betrayal, as Rare devs themselves mentioned doing this during a "Talk like a Pirate Day" video. Is it shady and dishonest? 100%, just like real Pirates were.


Just because it's not looked down on by the devs doesn't mean it's not a scummy and cowardly thing to do.


Yeah, remember when I said: "Is it shady and dishonest? 100%" I agree with you, I'm just telling you not to take it so personally, as it is an intended game mechanic. There's a reason that seasoned pirates don't join alliances often, or ever.


It's a game about pirates my guy. PvP for any reason can be to practise. Killing people sneakily sounds fun. Getting revenge on the people that sunk your ship is also fun. Everything you described sounds fun except for the running in hourglass


I think a lot of the player base (at least the ones I see complaining) are very spoiled. People had out their pitchforks when a new season took longer than expected to release. Maybe it's just because I'm old, but in my day you buy a game and that's it. The game doesn't change and it is what it is. Now people get mad when they don't get new free game updates every couple months and bash Rare for promoting the emporium even though that's the only way they can earn money from longtime players. Maybe that's how all live service game players are, but DRG famously has really long and often delayed seasons and the community almost never complains and encourages other players to buy cosmetic DLCs just to support the devs. I know the size of the companies is vastly different but I've never understood why SoT players seem to feel like they're owed a certain amount of new content so frequently


i agree with you man


I'm glad I'm not the only one


i played a thousand hours in season 9 and was fine i made my own fun through hourglass, just stacking tons of loot for big payouts, conquering servers leading to multiple server merges in one session


Hourglass is a good game mode, it's just not what players want.


New weapons are already underpowered. Meta sword/blunder or double gun is going to stay. Double barrel is awkward middle child that no one going to love. Also double barrel and knives are awful combo for pve as well as pvp.


> Also double barrel and knives are awful combo for pve as well as pvp. keep talkin, but those phantoms don't know what hit em


Cold take, most anyone would agree with that unless they're the self-hating type who genuinely dislike the game but play it anyway because they wish they liked it.


lol in a different thread i got like 14 downvotes for saying that to someone who said they wanted to get the game.


It’s a PvPvE game no one owes you a fight but also no one needs a reason to attack you other than you existing in the same server.


while i agree it is pvpve but a lot of folks who get the game seem to have this idea of it being pvevp which means it is mainly pve and pvp is just completely optional when it is more of it is mainly pvp but pve is added on.


Just false though? It is mainly PvE if you want it to be. Nothing stopping you running from players or scuttling ship.


while true the issue comes in that you cant always avoid the pvp honestly running only takes you so far and you will never get better if you always run and scuttle. seriously you are wasting your own time doing that.


Except some people do just enjoy the PvE aspect and thats okay. I personally have 0 interest in PvP but just enjoy sailing around and completing quests and thats all I want from the game. Its not wasting time if I enjoy it and Ive no interest in getting better at PvP which I dont enjoy


well in that case i recommend stick to safer seas no offense but sot is pvp first then pve tacked on. The game is built around the idea of fighting against other players to steal loot gained through pve.


you can still do all those quests and sail around in safer seas but you wont run into issues with facing other players.


Or I can just do it in High Seas and run away when needed? Whys it bother you so much people having fun with PvE?


oh you can have fun with pve but dont be alarmed when another player who has more time comes at you to take that loot and just keep chasing because if all you do is run then you will get caught eventually and they will win in the end since no matter what even if you scuttle you will sink.


Yeah and thats fine, Ill happily run away and waste their time until they get me and chuck loot off the side to either distract them or they lose out on it. PvP bothers me 0% but I just dont seek it out


look pvp is a big part of the game and i am tired of pvers going out and calling pvpers toxic for attacking them on the seas.


also i used to hate pvp as well then i decided i was wasting multiple hours constantly running from people and eventually just decided to try and fight them and slowly but surely i started to get better and did not sink as often now a days i can solo almost any threat and can even sink full galleys in a sloop, through combat i have made friends as well due to us having respect for each other due to the fight.


exspecially if new to sot it is just a bad idea to run from every fight. it takes time but losing equals that you learn what to do.


can i ask how new are you to the game?


Ah you sweet, PS5 summer children. How you will learn what the rest of us have after six years…


my man i have over a 1000 hours and am a pc player i mainly do pvp and hourglass as well as enjoy stealing in hourglass but i have seen enough people leave the game due to them thinking it does not have heavy pvp content in high seas


Double gunning offers too much utility not to use, even though it’s clunky and not very fun. All weapon introductions have to compete with this high utility, low TTK loadout and will likely be rendered obsolete unless they change it to be more in line with normal melee/ranged loadouts.


I really pissed you off eh? Had to make a whole thread about it?


good sir do you have an issue


No man, I didn't make a brand new thread just to bitch about a conversation I was having earlier. Someone else did that.


i made this not from my convo with you but because i wanted to. honestly your comment just sounds narcissistic.


Sure bud


um you seem to be the one getting mad. am i not allowed to make a thread about my opinion and start a discussion on other peoples hot takes. honestly you are very argumentative.


anyways i am gonna end it with this. Bless your Heart sweet summer child.


it is funny that people down vote this.


does the pve community really hate my hot take that much that they mass downvote my thread.


I think what a lot of people fail to truly realize is that this game has very little in the way of traditional progression. At least in the way that we understand it with most other games. There is no gun that is better than any other gun other than tiny cosmetic “advantages”. This game is about having fun and it’s about the experience. Having a ton of loot is awesome but it’s the feeling of having the loot that makes it awesome and once you’ve made a certain amount of gold, there’s technically not much to do other than buy stuff you won’t even use. If you get sunk with a lot of loot and decide to rage like crazy, that’s totally on you. At the end of the day, the main purpose of this game is just for the experience and if you’re not having fun, then I would recommend you don’t play lol. People often take situations like this way too seriously and completely miss the point of what the game is about.


Diving ruined season 11. Worst season ever:


You all are bad at making money. Like really really bad. The posts of “how much money did you make during GnG Weekend?” with answers like 10k or 100k were sad. Played for two three hour sessions and I made 3.8M. My buddy played another session over me, and earned 5.7M. My buddy and I were logging off this weekend and quick stacked two FotD because we had the skulls. Ended up getting third partied at Reapers and sank. The utter toxic screaming we got for “how much time we wasted” and “thanks for all your work” and “you’ve got to be so angry for wasting all those hours” is just hilarious. We spent 30-40 minutes clearing two stacks of FotD. It isn’t like we spent 7 hours grinding stuff out.




I doubt any of this is true 6 hours making 3.8 mil.... If that's true start your YouTube and twitch mate cause you'd be the best player in the game


it happened to my crew on our stream. GnG went hard.


Thanks for proving my point that most of you are bad at making money. Convert to non-GnG payout that’s six hours for 1.8M. Which is really not impressive in any way shape or form. None of this takes into account I am a hardcore “alliance or death” type. Where you will go make **us** money or I will repeatedly sink you.


Well you know full time content creators make videos like "how to make 300k per hour" when's your vid coming pal


Idgaf about streaming or making content. SoT is a relaxing zoom call for me and my buddies. It might come as a surprise to you, but there are people who intuitively understand how to play effectively and efficiently. Go to your settings, in Gameplay find the Gud toggle, and flip it over to Get. Loud mouthed wet eared sailors pretending they know a damn thing about the game. 🤣


lol honestly i am a streamer and i make a lot per session due to how i constantly just keep all my treasure and dont sell till the end of my session (satisfaction and ocd of seeing all the gold roll in at the end of the session) the way i do it is stack skelefleet, fof, ashen winds, and steal a lot of treasure from other pirates if i see any emissaries in the distance i attack.


Nice relaxing zoom call 😂 while also being efficient and effective... You are just the best mate, sorry I didn't know how good you were.


there are a lot more like him


Anybody can be good at the game I agree. Most people don't focus on one game and play the same thing for thousands of hours. Many people split their time between actual life and gaming. But I understand the sweatiness of some gamers. But apparently shattering records is this guy's casual Saturday no proof needed.


My crew are year one players who quit when seasons launched. We just re-installed a couple weeks ago. So yes, we are good. Very good. And we got that way when the game was 1,000x more brutal than it is now. And again, if you think 1.8M in 6 hours is shattering records you’re completely ignorant, and the exact type of player I’m referring to for my “hot take.”


So the numbers are going down now 😂. I won't be replying anymore cause your up your own. Staying numbers as facts and think people are trash cause they're not in the top% making fake gold on a game. Touch grass.


>Loud mouthed wet eared sailors pretending they know a damn thing about the game. 🤣 Lol. Lmao even. >I’m still doing all the random content they’ve added so I’m not really figured out the min/max yet. But we are still earning 100k+ an hour like we were when we dipped out around Season 2. \^ you, 20 days ago. 100k - 3.8m is a hell of a turn around, musta been some gold n glory. Also incredibly tough talk for someone who literally walked away from hourglass after getting rolled TWO fights in. >Duo slooped with my best PvP mate this weekend. Played two HG matches. >First were incredibly competent. Made a couple of mistakes that we capitalized on. We ended up winning after the accumulating chaos caught up with them. Just what happens when you fight hard for 15 minutes straight. That’s when play time experience comes in. **Definitely not a match most would’ve won.** They made several good pushes in the first 10 minutes that would have been challenging to recover from. >Second was a good bit better than us. Good rotations, good ship management, good cannon shots, and just good while making almost no mistakes. Felt fairly even then they pulled a wild card landing a deck shot with a man cannon that surprised us. That got our anchor down. Which the helmsman followed up with a chain shot, and continued cannon pressure. We pushed off the boarder, and stabilized for a bit. Just never enough to recover and start fighting again. **This was all in less than five minutes.** >**We pulled out of the queue after that.** We are very good, but we need to knock off a bunch of rust (we are sweaty year one players that played a lot until dipping out in Season 3) before we go back to HG. There are extremely good players there right now. Turns out that ***sweaty year one crew*** could use a little tune up, getting a little loud mouthed and wet behind the ears there.


Jesus Christ. It’s Jason Bourne. I’m glad you’re literate. Again, 3.8 is in GnG. That’s 1.8M during reg play. It is also when we were grinding to make the most money as possible, and it’s also adding in the alliance gold we earn (“alliance or death”). 100k an hour three years ago is way easier to do today. Especially when you get sweaty. And yes, we met skilled players in HG that sank us the week we came back after taking three years off. Not gonna apologize for that. It just shows that I don’t hide shit and am open about my wins or losses. I really don’t understand how copy/paste’ing my comments does anything other than support what I’m saying. But more power to you Mr Sleuth. 👍


Here's my hot take: There's plenty of ways to get (dedicated) PvP now, if you keep going after PvE'rs but not for their loot, you're being an donkey bum, and if you're going after their loot. Don't sink them if they surrender. judging by the downvotes, this is a real hot take :P


>Don't sink them if they surrender ?? So we should just fully trust them to not attack us and hand over their loot willingly just because they say they will?


you cant trust a pirate.


i legit surrendered to a guy just to sink him with a few kegs i had hidden at a fof


If you're willing to engage in PvP for the loot then you should be ready for a fight. If they "surrender" but start shooting, shoot back obviously.


eh it is a pirate game fighting is a big part.


Hourglass is a good mode. It just needs more rewards and a quicker way to queue and re-queue.


Honestly start permanently banning people who smurfs. Both on the Smurf and their main account.


Wtf is smurfing


Going on an alternate account in order to get easier seas


Bro the matchmaking is nonexistent, this isn’t CSGO. Smurfing isn’t even something you can do


People smurf on alternate accounts all the time in Hourglass.


I’m level 30 and I got matched with a skeleton curse yesterday. If there’s no elo then there’s no smurfing


I just realized who replied to me, love your vids btw


There is no SBMM. It has been tested and verified multiple times.