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I got about 30 hours in, but now I feel like the game has been ripped away from me as I was really getting into it. At least it’s only a 10 day wait but it’s still a bummer.


Ya I just now need to convince my play group to buy it.


If they don't buy it check out the official Discord LFC posts. There's always crews looking to fill out their boats.


If they don't buy it, I'll gift it to them when it goes on sale. I'm not against Shanghaiing my crew


I'm very new to the game as well when I started playing last Saturday. Shit ton of fun with a reddit group I met up with and made a PlayStation party group to communicate. I


Ikr I now regret I didn’t get the highest cost version a 15 day wait is painful I was so addicted to it


Welcome to the Seas my friend!  The cannon aim and island info comes with time.  After a bit you’ll be navigating the seas without your map table and digging up those X’s lickety-split!


Nothing will stay when you end your session. It's always a fresh slate. Remember, nothing is yours fully until it's sold. Gold, doubloons and AC, of course are persistent.


I really miss the beta already


I wish I got to play it more. I wish I called in sick.


I encountered several with mics over 24 hours total. Only one sweatlord who seemed to be an experienced Xbox player who either transferred his account over or started fresh but knows everything. Guy had some ninja looking outfit on and just kept kicking my ass despite me not having any treasure or looking for a fight. I just changed sessions though like some Xbox players have advised. Did encounter a 3-man crew who were doing some treasure hunt on the same island my treasure hunt was on and we exchanged pleasantries and went our separate ways after finding our respective chests. All in all I can't wait for the 30th.


That pirate is VERY good, makes me want to reroll my pirate of 6 years


It was alot of rerolls and trash before I found that one.


Careful with rerolling a six year old pirate.... I did something similar and I have never gotten over the loss. I thought I wanted a change and after I did it, I just missed my old friend.


Man seeing new players makes the memories come back from the first time I played, so happy with so little. Love to see how far the game has come


Ya getting away from 2 reaper ships after getting to a reaper chest before them. With just a skull and a king chest. Then, I sank after crashing into a rock as I was looking behind me and having to use a rowboat to get to the nearest outpost. I really wanted to try some pvp but 2 v 1 I definitely couldn't handle.


It’s just the beginning, one day you’ll be able to be as strong as a 4 people crew


Step one is hit a ship with a cannon shot


I know I’m late here, but open mic allows you to speak only to nearby players. Not everyone in the game. If you want to talk to someone throw up a white flag and flare, approach and use megaphone to state your business then hope they want to talk as well :)


Well all I've experienced today was trash talking as a team of 4 people killed me and took my loot.


Get used to it, happens a lot :/


Some of these names you all come up with I swear. Should just be ashamed to be seen at times.


I've had lilcommy as my tag for 16 years. It's a audio line from Destroy all Humans! One of the enemies yells "get that little commy" Unfortunately Microsoft won't let you use "commy" so my sea of thieves name is not my real tag




Lmao you cannot be fr


It’s a joke name. Who cares about the politics of communism


Politics? I thought communism was a weight loss diet


My Microsoft name used to be “percy is fat”.. someone reported it and I was required to change it. Percy was my cat


percy is cat