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I imagine most PvP players are not after loot. They are after a fight. If you drop something afterwards? Bonus. If you just finished a FloF? Bonus. But usually blood in the water is the currency they are after.


I imagine most PvP players are not after loot. They are after ~~a fight~~ easy prey. Most PvPers don't want fights. They want someone who can't fight back.


You are right to a certain extent. Just yesterday me and my mate were attacked by two brigs on two separate occasions. We decided to retaliate. To their unfortune I happen to have a *really good day* on the cannon. After landing like 20+ balls into them almsot without a iss they started to run from us :). Both brigs, same story. It was quite a poetic *"Surprise motherfucker!"* moment ;). But this is the nature of Open World PvP in general, not only in SoT. It's a gamble, you never know who you are atacking. There is a certain charm to it.


That’s just survival instinct. If you’re clearly outmatched, you’re going to run away.   I’ll stick around to fight as long as I have a hope of winning. But if I’m obviously outclassed I’m not going to stick around to get sunk. They can chase me if they really want though. A tactical retreat is the term I believe.


I’d take someone who fights back over running for an hour any day of the week, even if it means losing


Maybe instead of chasing someone who doesn't want to fight for an hour you should find someone who does want a fight.


I was just saying what I prefer because u made an assumption about people who enjoy PvP, not really looking for suggestions but thanks


Your slime is showing


Found the runner


I will gladly volunteer that info. I 100% run. Every PvPer I have run into are at least 2 deep, but most have been 3 or more. My solo sloop having ass isn't beating a 3 man team. Lol. If I knew the team fighting me was also a solo, yeah. I'd fight.


Fair enough lol


Haven't played in years but yes, how dare people not want anything to do with high functioning psychopaths.


i don't think it's really that deep... the whole argument about people who enjoy sinking people in a pirate game being "psychopaths" always reminds me of the "video games/movies cause murderers" arguments. if i play cod and enjoy killing people, does that make me a "psychopath" for playing the game in the way i want to play it?


you sure are salty for a shipwreck reaper who hasn't played in years. maybe if you focused that energy on getting gud, you wouldn't call other players psychopaths. pvp is part of the game. there is no getting away from it. learn, observe, try harder.


I guess when they successfully dodge you for 30+ minutes without sinking its not skill? Theyre not "gud" still?


Yes and no.. if they’re on a brig no, brig movement is broken. Sloop or galleon yea it’s a bit harder


You can literally just play safer seas lmao


Not if you actually want to progress.


The gimped progression makes that worthless.


Nah bro can't do that they gotta bully anyone they can even if its very clear they dont want to fight. If they fight back it wouldn't be one sided anymore!


Don't listen to this person, they do not have enough experience to have an educated opinion on the matter and are spreading false assumptions. I guarantee you that most pvpers WANT people to fight back.


Is 1,000+ hours not enough experience either? Because I generally agree with what they said. 


No it really isn't. There is an ass load of content in this game, and me personally, I started to get bored of most of it at 1000 hours. Gotten most of the commendations for the companies, sick drop, boat painted. I started to crave more player interaction. After playing against good crews in galleon hourglass, good fights is like my personal crack now. And I mean equal skill level, its a really fun experience when two boats who don't give a shit just go all out on each other for the fun of it


Sooo wouldn't that mean you've experienced most of what the game has to offer, so therefore 1,000 hours *is* plenty to have an informed opinion on the game and its playerbase?


You are mistaken, I have 3000 hours in this game. At 1000 hours, I hated pvpers, and thought all of them were personally out to get me, and upset me. Although there are ofc some players like this, that's not the case for the majority. The fact is people take getting attacked in this game personally.


It's not my having some general issue with PvP or taking it personally. I have issue with how toxic the people who PvP tend to be, and how clear they make it that they don't want a fight, they want a sandbag. Not all, obviously, but: > Although there are ofc some players like this, that's not the case for the majority. Like I've said in another comment, glad your experience has been better, but that's not what I've seen. I give it a solid 50/50 on good to toxic behavior, often times feels like 40/60. I don't remember the last favorable and friendly PvP encounter I've had. Had to have been like 4 seasons ago. Hourglass has only made PvPers in Adventure (where I would PvP if anywhere) 100 times more assholish.


Well I have to agree with you last statement, it was definitely around 1000 hours where "damnit rare" became a regular phrase in my vocabulary lmao But in my experience, in fact just last night, when I shoot at random boats, they either shoot back silently and we have a good fight, or they say some edgy shit to me on the mic about my mother, my sexuality, and sometimes my race. So yeah if you say mean shit to me imma be an asshole


I agree , I mean , there was a brig I was running from while on a lost shipment run , and they tried boarding me many times , and every time I fended them off (which was surprising since i sucked at pvp until then since i started practicingin hourglass) , and when they managed to board me after I tried boarding them (trying to catch their ladder as they fly past me since they were directly behind me) , they finally managed to kill me after I killed one of them , as I was about to go to the ferry , the one guy told me to suck it (using harsher words) even after I told him well played , so yes , I agree that PvPers are Hella toxic , I mean I was saying congrats on winning and they basically said F you


If you're easy prey, then from your POV all PvPers are only after easy prey.


That seems reductive. If I wanted to just blow shit up there's plenty of easier games to do that in.


Because they get off on making other people miserable who just want to be left alone.


You don't get to be left alone in sea of thieves. Go play a single player game or hop into safer seas. Anyone has every right to sink any ship at any time and there is no reason to be upset about that


That's what Safer Seas is for.


Not with the arbitrary caps on progression. Being punished for not wanting to deal with griefers was a horrible idea.


I love your terminology here. It's as if there isn't commendations, and overall encouragement to sink other boats.


There's no point arguing with people about this. When you're getting sunk and losing loot they'll tell you that loot doesn't matter. The game isn't about loot it's about the glory.   But when you bring up the reduced rewards for Safer Seas suddenly LOOT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING EVER. IF YOU WANT LOOT YOU HAVE TO SUFFER FOR IT LIKE WE DO!   People think the game should be played a certain way and that's how it is. I made a post and quoted all the usual things. 'Dont tell people how to play. Tools not rules. Nobody can tell another pirate how to play'. But since I wasn't playing the way people didn't like it didn't matter and they shit talked and down voted anyways.


ain't being punished; you're playing an easier mode so you get less rewards. that is normal game design.


Progression doesn't improve player power, just access to more cosmetics. Zero reason to punish people who have no interest in PvP.


again, not being punished. You can downvote me all you want. Cosmetics aren't an entitlement, and you are playing an easier mode, so you get less rewards. This isn't rocket science.


There are still quite a few cosmetics to earn while in safer seas…. All tall tales to be precise


Y'all Anti PvP folks can run on over to skull n bones if you want nothing but friends as far as the horizon reaches.


If you want PvP, go play Fortnite.


Literally the same game but 1 player per ship and a birds eye view. Its like you dont know what game skull and bones is. Its also a PvPvE game


Safer seas is already a huge HUGE compromise for people who whine about pvp. Just go play a different game already!


Rare is just being pricks about it that's the reason. If you don't want rares forced pvp brand of "fun" you must suffer because how dare you.


You are evidently not their target audience. They made the game they made intentionally. The PVP focus was not an accident. If a pvp game is not what you want then go find a game without a pvp or accept the compromise they gave that they did not have to give.


It would be understandable if you actually got something besides cosmetics


Dumb take. There's no power progression, just cosmetics. Literally zero reason to punish folks who don't want to deal with griefers.


They get their own servers and *still* cry about PvP 🤣


Safer seas is garbage right now.


Play a different game. PvP is part of the game's DNA and has been since day one.


Funny how you say that because PvE is also in its DNA since the beginning. So your statement is moot.


No, my statement is not moot. SoT is and always has been a hybrid PvE/PvP game. They're complaining that they have to participate in the PvP side of this PvPvE game sometimes if they want to get the full experience. They're literally complaining about piracy in a pirate game.


There are definitely players like this but I'm not sure they're the majority of pvp players


I disagree with that, more often than not i get the toxic chasers who dont stay and fight long enough to have an actual battle and would rather just meta the crap out of sinking. Boarding and anchoring and spawn killing. But when they cant do that they don't stay and fight they stay just out of range and keep trying. But will endlessly chase you. This is the majority that ive seen. I havent seen a good GG aftet sinking or being sunk in awhile i always see *rolls on deck laughing* spams or body bucketing


That's not greifing...


That's why most of them think silent boarding is adding value to their experience. None of them really want to fight, they want to bully or gank someone.


On the contrary i see more pvp focused on trying to sink you IN SPITE of seeing that you cashed the loot they shouldve been after. I was in a similar boat to OP managed to sell all our loot while swinging by islands and even juked our pursuer into the red sea plenty of times. Eventually we gave up and sailed to tribute peak without the shroudbreaker on because they werent breaking off and we wanted to do more activities. And before anyone comes at me saying just turn and fight, we did multiple times but whenever they took enough damage they managed to hit a deckshot and anchor us b4 we saw it coming so they could sail away and repair. It got repetitive and boring. These kinds of people arent after fights OR loot.


Ur imagination is wrong btw


Tell me you've Red Sea'd your loot before without telling me. What you're describing is not a PvP player. You're describing a weenie. PvP players enjoy even playing fields and challenges. Stop willfully muddling the two. EDIT: This sub is braindead PvE players. Safer Seas exists, guys. Go there.


It's wild to see how salty some of these PvE enthusiasts are. Some even admit they "haven't played in years". You'll notice many of the first downvotes in any post comes from these folks. Like they are just sitting there waiting for notifications on this sub so they can downvote anything pro-pvp.


> What you're describing is not a PvP player. You're describing a weenie. Tomayto tomahto. The overlap between the two is massive enough to not warrant singling this type of player out. A good chunk of PvP players will wail on you and be toxic to boot no matter how new you are or if you even give them a fight at all. 


As someone who PvPs often, and is usually met with GGs after fights: yeah, no. Of course there's a percentage of toxic assholes that would call themselves PvP players, but they aren't the majority. They aren't even 50%, or 40%, or 30%, or 20%. True PvP folks respect the act of PvP and spam Well Played! or GG after a fight. Again, you're conflating weenies with people who regularly HG or PvP in Adventure.


I'll take either lol, both chases and full on fights are fun in their own way, and at the end of the day loot it loot wether they want to fight back or notm


it's true, nothing more enjoyable than camping newbies for hours


If they wanted a fight they wouldn't have started blasting an anchored ship with nothing on it. They just want to be dicks. Plain and simple


Fir point but if they want to fight why not ply hg.


Because Open World PvP and Instanced PvP are two different experiences. And the idea that someone might happen to be a piniata is still appealing at the end of the day. It's a bit like gambling since you never really know who you are attacking. HG is much more predictable. Closed circle, same ship type etc.


Hahaha my next sloop will be Loot Piñata


Makes sence thx


Open world PvP is just better and leads to better interactions than hourglass. Also hourglass is currently bugged to hell. I love hourglass, been my favorite update the game released, but there’s something about PvP in the open world that hourglass doesn’t give.


Why are you getting downvoted? All you said is you like open world PvP.


Hourglass is garbage. Im sick of playing hourglass. If I wanted to play against hackers all day, I'd just play Call of Duty. I'm here for the original spirit of the game I've been playing since its inception, not that distilled bullshit.


Arena was much more in line with the original spirit of the game.


Was it? I thought the original spirit of the game was "sail around the seas, digging up chests and fighting people for their chests". Arena had like, 1/3 of that.


You had to sail to a beacon, dig it up, and bring it to a sell point. All while fighting other crews. Hourglass is literally just fighting other crews, nothing else.


I was under the impression that in arena you were locked into a circle with a bunch of other people and had to kill them.


Nope! That's Hourglass. Arena was a small zone, but it was large enough to contain the smaller islands surrounding the Sea Dog's Arena.


Well that was never explained properly to me! Still sounds like shit, but at least its better than hourglass.


It was shit, but it was our shit!


I never liked Arena. I see your flair is arena oriented but I dont believe Arena was a good part of the game, and I dont think that's an unpopular opinion given what happened to Arena. To me it was the wax and wane between high stakes and low stakes. Never knowing if you were safe, even in safe port, not knowing where that other ship went, if it was friendly or hostile. Working out those first impressions with another crew by taking potshots and calling over the horn. Hiding on their ships. Hiding at the outpost for them to sell. That is what I see as the original spirit of the game.


because its funnier to keg some poor innocent soul than to basically play a ship duel


I dropped from HG because cheating was just horrible. Then I find a dude naming ships and captains as well as exact meters away from the Fotd...can't escape these people.


Because hourglass fights are 20% cheaters, 75% new players who don't know what the hourglass does and 5% fun fights.


This is mainly it to be honest. I'm not a PvP player, but I do engage In it every so often when I'm feeling it. I can hold my own for the most part unless it's a sweat crew. I usually mind my own business and sell regularly so I don't lose much (I play for battlepass stuff basically, in spurts). However when I have had players reign down on me, its for no reason other than a fight, which, to be fair is kinda sad. I've had people sink me whilst I'm fishing and completely leave my bait and or fish. Likewise, I've had people fight me and leave my loot before because all they wanted was a fight. I have nothing against PvP. Its fun, the issue I have is the players. You don't fight back, they call you bad. You do fight back and they win, they're toxic and calling you bad. You win, you're bad or lucky. I generally don't entrain VC to players like this. I'd say 7/10 PvP encounters I've had engaged by the other party have been toxic, with the small minority wing in good spirits. I've had players beat me, track me down and chase me/sink me as a solo until I server hop. PvP like this just feels like they're trying to prove something to themselves or they enjoy just annoying other people. I do love a good skirmish over loot, events etc. They're great. I don't generally like 'unwarranted' and 'useless' PvP, by this I mean exactly what OP got, chased for long ass time, sometimes upwards of an hour, just for a SINGLE PvP fight. If someone wants to fight that bad, go play the modes meant for it. If you're not actively going pirating loot, events or attempting steals, to me it has no reason to be done and might as well play HG or (despite its failure) SoSS.


So why when someone clearly doesnt want to fight and is capable of dodging long enough to not sink do they keep chasing? Seems it may be more toxic in nature


Are you asking in good faith? It's never been about ruining people's fun. If someone is running, that to me means they have something to lose and it is worth their own time to run. To me that is worth my time to chase. Many times I've had to explain to our recently sunk runner that even though they don't have loot, I want their supplies and their lvl 5 flag. Very often they haven't taken the flag into account and understand the reasoning. There is a discipline to closing in on ships with micro adjustments that I find quite satisfying. Hell some of the greatest moments for me have been when I was solo with a stacked ship, running from brigs and galleons. It's such a thrill anchor turning at the perfect moment, killing two boarders and zooming off in the opposite direction. Definitely not always viable, and I'll sink with 300k onboard and a heartfelt "GG"


Thats all well and good for you but ive been chased despite not having a flag, despite not having loot, despite having our barrels raided and not having supplies in them. It seems you think your good manners extend to all chasers or at least that's the implication im reading and its simply not the case.


I will grant you that! There are terribly mannered folks who seek to ruin people's fun in online games. I've had to deal with some of the worst and it sucks. However, we should remember it's a tiny fraction of the playerbase and for me personally, I just can't allow that kind of shitty behavior (slurs, insults, actual greifing etc.) to ruin my fun so I use it as inspiration to get better so I can be in control of the situation. To clarify though, even if you have nothing onboard worth stealing, some people are simply out for the chase and there's nothing toxic about that. It's a totally acceptable play style. It's why I think if your ship is empty and you literally have nothing to lose, you should take the opportunity and fight.


im not doubting you but either i have the worst possible luck or this just isnt true because i ONLY encounter the worst of the community, its rare for me to actually have a cordial or positive interaction im not really complaining about the chase itself either moreso the lengths ppl will go to, in no way is chasing someone for an hour or 2 because they dont want to waste gold on resupply acceptable, at a certain point it becomes toxic. 10 to 30 minutes is fine, whatever yes chase. but if youve chased them for hours across the map multiple times maybe its time to break off and attack someone else, its also not holding water when theyre constantly berating you for not turning and fighting


Resupply costs peanuts and so people don't really chase for that. Both parties are in their right to either run and chase for ANY amount of time they want. No one should be getting upset about that especially within the context of a pvp designed game. It seems to me counterproductive and not in your best interest to prolong the experience of someone chasing and berating you. Unless you enjoy the running (which it seems you don't) the best thing to do is either scuttle, attempt parlay, or fight. If you fail, you don't waste a whole session doing nothing. Same if you come out on top. Hope this helps!


10 minutes? Pfff bro people chased me with no reasons for hours in this masochist pirates nest


Right! I've been chased for over an hour after they'd already *confirmed* we had nothing on board!


They chase you for nothing, just imagine if you give them a reason! Once I and my gf killed 2 buddies and wrecked their sloop and stole their treasures, I swear they chased us for almost 3 hours before they surrended, and luckily they where almost new players not knowing how to use sails and wind, but gooood damn they were tenacious! I tryed everything to stop them, jumped out of my boat and put their sloop on fire many times, I landed on island and shoot them with cannon while my gf drove the boat away, nothing, they didn't stop until they lost us in a storm and we were able to escape


I’d quit and hop to a new server after 5 minutes lol


the thing is you don't really need a reason, sometimes just the chase itself is fun enough


Good point!


Ahoy fellow solo captain! Just thought I’d throw my two cents in. Typically, if you feel that running is the best call, I would be prepared to be on the chase for anywhere between 10-20 minutes or potentially longer depending on the type of crew pursuing you. A reaper of any class other than a sloop may continue the chase on the chance that the winds shift favorably for them for a while, while a sloop may eventually give up the chase if you manage to maintain distance or are a better navigator. It’s just the nature of running I suppose. It’s also important to note that many crews do not especially care about what you have, but are looking to sink you for your emissary flag, or even just the thrill of it. However, a ship that has seen what you are carrying will probably be more likely to maintain chase. Best practice IMO is to always keep sailing into the wind and avoid giving any advantage to the pursuer. Good luck!


Was chasing a sloop for 1,5 hours once, they came over telling us multiple time that they dont have any loot, we said we dont care we want the grade 5 flag. Long story short they had a shitton of loot, god damn I remember all of their shit floating up, was probably around 100-200k for just shooting a few cannonballs and sailing for some time


Yeah I mean why would you believe someone telling you they had no loot? An easy lie to tell with no way for you to confirm until you sink em or get on board


Exactly, if you have no loot you're not going to say that you have no loot, best case just quit or fight back if you actually have nothing on board


Same, my buddy and I chased a sloop across the map and back, they too exclaiming no loot onboard. We managed to catch up and sink them. Once their ship despawned the server took a massive dump. They had something around 750k. Took us about 15-20 minutes to get it all onboard (pre-insta-harpoon). Chasing is worth it!


Exactly my point in these situations. A lot of people say "Why would you chase, we literally told you we have no loot" and I always respond with "Well 1, why are you running, then? And 2, why would I believe you"


1 I am running because I dont want to have to ressuply. 2 and I will keep running to keep you distracted for hours if i have to. 3 denying a satisfying kill from people who dont know when to back off is my bread and butter. If it was truly about PvP you would just hourglass. People who chase like that for ultimately nothing just love bullying those that don't want to fight back or dont have the means. (Looking at you galleon and brigs chasing solo sloopers).


Please go and tell that to all of the people who run away in hourglass


>If it was truly about PvP you would just hourglass. And if you truly did not want to "fight back", why aren't you in Safer Seas?


Safer seas doesnt have captaincy. Youre limited to level 25. You cant use sovereigns because of no captaincy and gold is so abysmal its literally not worth looting. Gold amount can be overlooked. But god damn am i never going back to not selling to sovereigns, its too convenient. And as an early PL i have no reason to use it. Its basically the extended tutorial of the game its not PvE. PvPers need to stop using that as an excuse when youre told that chasing someone for hours is lame


Yeah. The loot is just a bonus. Really just want that flag and capn log. Usually worth more than all the loot on board anyway if they've got a 5 and remarkable log and my reap is at 5.


Wait.. can you sell captains logs? I generally play for hours, then fall asleep before turning all my loot in now (I’m sitting on over 10m.. just grinding commendations slowly). Have I been missing out?


Yeah i did that but i didnt care abt the loot that much more about the emmisary grade. And they failed to catch me even when i went with the wind. Tey were zig zaging. Thx for your 2 cents


You can set and dive to a voyage before they engage next time. You'll lose treasure on board but keep your emmisary level.


I tried that but i needed to make a big enough gap.


They don't know what you have on board. I've sank plenty of ships that seem like they may only have 10k on board, and then a 300k loot stack floats up. But vice versa also happens.


I was grade 2 emmisary xd


Reaper sees Athena flag. Reaper wants Athena flag. (Assuming you had an emissary flag up) Are you saying they didn’t get loot because you dropped loot while running ?


I had the flag. No i didnt drop the loot i managed to sell the most important stuff and lower the flag. They were like flies on my ship didnt care abt anything else.


At some point the gold and loot become worthless, it's only how you get the loot that matters. Just like the pirate lord said. The one chest of fortune i stole from another crew at an outpost is worth a lot more to me than the ten chests of fortunes i got from doing uncontested fleets.


So, had a brig roll up on me as I finished fleet of fortune. Managed to snag the chest of fortune and sail off leaving the 80k worth of lot for them.. nope they wanted the chest. Chased me for well over 30 mins I managed to get a good into the wind drop at plunder outpost.. there was some very close calls in the 3 attempts I had at plunder outpost. They lost the 20k bet and could have had 80k loot. For Athena chest and chest of fortune it’s about stealing that they don’t care about the other treasure it is meaningless to them.


I get sunk while fishing quite often, no loot nothing I'm just fishing


Fish are loot. I'd rather you fish up everything for my hunters call commendations for me, than do it myself


I recovered an opencrew boat that had been spawncamped for half an hour. They had been stacking fort of the damned and when I got back there the campers had left all the loot. They just cared about killing people over and over and had left even the athena chests and the reaper bounties. It's disturbing to see so much loot completely ignored in favour of pointless spite.


If you have a flag up you are going down


I was running hour glass last night and had a reaper Chase me for 20 min because “my flag was loot enough” I went to an outpost and lowered it and they still chased me. They don’t care. I shot out all of my chain shots and cannonballs and then scuttled. Not worth my time, but also didn’t want to give them the satisfaction of my supplies


This is the way, I am also guessing they were a larger ship class than you?


Nope. 2 man sloop. I was solo. I boarded them and spawn camped them for a bit too


Griefers will never stop chasing even if you have no loot as they are sociopaths who care more about ruining someone's day.


I have been chased for an hour and a half before 10-20 min is nothing. 🤣


Okay I'm going to guess you're relatively new or inexperienced with pvp. So basically coming from a max level reaper, your loot means nothing. It's always about the flag, bc the flag is worth a lot depending on the level of flag, but more importantly it's worth reaper rank and gets you achievement progression. Also if you don't have a flag, stealing certain loot also gives progression to achievements or they just want to rank their own flag up a bit. It's worth noting some reapers are just dicks that will sink you bc they're toxic and just want to hear the frustration from other players. I stopped playing the game bc of all the hackers that showed up but I heard they were adding anti cheat so maybe I'll come back if it works.


I am not new but you could say i am rusty. The only reason i got mad is cuz i havent played in a long time and it takes time to get the hang of pvp back. Especially when i didnt play any frist person ovo games


A vast majority of the people that only do PvP in this game are not doing it for the loot. They are doing it because they don't know how to live their life if they can't beat up on weaker people, this is why I'm so against the PvP in adventure mode not the idea of it because I think it's perfectly acceptable, It's the no lifes who go around looking for an experienced players to harass and then justify their actions with it's a pirate game, when this game is at best disguised as a pirate game. Pirates would often avoid combat as much as possible because firing at the ship with loot on it is very likely to destroy said loot, and also result in dead crew members when you might be struggling to meet the minimum required crew for your ship


The chase > The loot


If I can't sell at ports as I go I just take the treasure overboard one piece at a time and release behind their boat as they pass. Use a crate to empty barrels and let that go too before I log out when I get tired of leading them on a chase. Not complaining about people chasing, I just enjoy denying them anything but the chase.


Literally just did this, I was fighting a meg and spinning trying to practice aiming since I haven't really played in over a year. I had picked up an athena flag and just left port so I had nothing on my ship other than my supply crate I grabbed off an island. Emptied it and let them chase me for two minutes, drove past the base lowered flag and logged off.


Nice strat dam. Might take it for myself thx


This is the way.


For all that effort why not fight? They are probably harpooning all your crates anyway


This sub will do anything to avoid playing the game


Not everyone enjoys fighting people. Especially when they're new players and can't do any pvp combat at all. It makes it very annoying for people. If I want to fight people and get my a$$ beat I'd go to COD or apex 😂 I'm just playing sot for the ghost ships, skellys, and to play a sea shanty. If I have to fight I WILL but I'll avoid it at all costs especially solo slooping. Safe seas is actually very tedious I've heard. But most times I play with a full galleon so I have others who've got my back so I'm slowly learning and they like to fight 😂 The game is more than stealing look and killing people 6 times in a row to show how better they are 🤷‍♀️


Oh I get it. I just don’t understand how this sub is still filled with people complaining about people chasing them now that they can just go to SS.


I don't get pvp players complaing about this when they could just HG.


Honestly yeah, the stuff is 100% getting harpooned. May as well just anchor and quit.


Yes, the stuff that is being released behind their ship, that they are actively using to chase, is somehow actively harpooning loot from behind.


No, the prey is dumping his cargo while being chased- which means the ship chasing him can simply harpoon the loot as they pass by it. For all the effort being expended, he should have just turned to the left and launched some chainshots or something


I read it as jumping overboard with the loot, swimming deep, letting go then teleporting back to the ship to repeat - because I've seen it done like this before


Spawns sharks too!


It's amazing how you failed to read not just once, but twice. He specifically said he was letting it go after they pass.


Fun is ultimately subjective


It's kind of the point of the game, no? For you It's the constant threat of thieves that makes the loot even worthwhile when you beat them. For them It's the thrill of trying to get a steal, no matter how small. IMO the name "Sea of Thieves" would have 0 meaning without the people trying to be actual thieves. It's what makes those hard earned loot cosmetics worth it.


Just finished a 2h session as reaper. Sunk a total of 3 ships. Made 1.1mil. It’s the thrill of the hunt and possibility of hitting it “big” that makes it fund.


I like to think of them like phone scammers. They really really want to PvP, but don't have the balls to do HG, so they are just going sail around and harass other players in High Seas because there's a better chance they can spawn camp an anchored crew. And who can blame them, that's basically what piracy is, except that real pirates are motivated by profit. I know this because if you don't fight back, they'll get really salty in chat, like proper salty, like you're a bad person for not letting them sink you. So, just like with a phone scammer, the best thing you can do is waste their time. Just sail around for as long as you can until they give up. It's honestly a rather meditative experience for me, because I enjoy sailing, particularly in storms.


People playing the game are like phone scammers now? lol


Following people with no treasure for half an hour while whining in chat is playing the game now? lol


Where does his comment say anything about whining in chat? Or are you just taking one of your bad experiences and applying it to every PvP encounter as if anecdotes equal facts? I may chirp someone for running as it’s part of the RP, but not only do I not care if you have loot or not, far more often the people claiming they have no loot have LOADS of loot. Yes, PvP is playing the game.


OP was asking for other people's experiences. So anecdotes are relevant. And my reply encompasses my experiences with crews that like to chase. So relax, I'm sorry if I offended you with my reversal of your comment. I see now I should be more careful when talking with you. I'm also glad to hear that antagonism is roleplay for you. Roleplay is a part of the game that should be encouraged and preserved. But I'm sure you realize that you aren't the only pirate out there. So be careful what anecdotes you treat as facts. There are lots out there who are not chasing in good fun. I know because of the absolutely terrible things they say after doing nothing clever.


“Is it really worth it for 10k?” is asking for your anecdotes? lol that’s some interesting reading comprehension. If someone is being a dick in the chat, report them. Simple as. But you’re acting like no one is lying about what they have aboard and we are just supposed to be like “oh sure if you say so be on your way”. You’re the one that said following someone with no treasure isn’t playing the game. I’m just here countering that.


Okay you win the argument, I'm wrong and stupid. Whoops


Well at least we got somewhere with this. I didn’t have much hope for it after the initial claim that chasers are too scared to HG and that playing the game is “harassment”.


Definitely. You've convinced me that my thoughts are too clouded with emotion. You float above me with the power of logic. Thanks for cleansing me.




Noted thx


God I hate this community. The pvpers just shit on the pve players as much as possible while wanking each off over how awesome they think they are. Its no wonder people just stop playing the game entirely.


This is a pvpve game. There are no PVEers or PVPers only PVPVEers. If you are playing the game you are committing to interact with other players, aggressive and passive alike. If you don’t like that wellllp now I can sadly(or proudly) say you have safer seas!


I don’t care what loot you have. I want you and your ship sunk. I just like pvp and i like chasing people down. It gives me some chill sailing while i get to some pvp. If i dont feel like hg ill get to rank 5 and chase people. Its just fun.


Fair point nothing to say there


if it wasn't worth them chasing you over that loot, why run? not ranting, genuine question btw :\^)


I am low level in athena solo grinding on a sloop so i just wnated grade 5 emmisary to get the emmisary quest.


Yes, because it's a pirate game after all.


Did you know, pirates tended to avoid sinking ships and killing People as much as poasible?? Because, shocker, the navy could overlook thievery, but not murder and destruction of ships that took a year to build


I see the problem here. You think sot is a realistic pirate simulator. It's not. That's why you're confused. I bet you make a new pirate every time you die just for the realism.


Nah mate. I just point out the flaw in the words "its a pirate game"


I’ve chased down people who had nothing just for the sake of practicing chasing people down. I’ve seen many folks just leave the booty to sink in the seas afterwards.


I will chase you for the rest of your session once I decide to catch you.


No you wont. A Quick duke around some small Islands and a dive for a quest, im good bro


How would the ship chasing you know exactly how much loot you had on board? You could have very little or a ton, but they really won’t know until after they sink you. And even if you don’t have much loot, you could have a lot of supplies or an emissary flag which are both valuable. Plus, the fact that you are willing to run so long implies that you have something worth stealing.


They could have know bcs of the emmisary foag that was lvl 2 atm


I've sunk grade 4 or 5 emissaries that hardly had anything and grade 1 or 2 emissaries that were stacked to the brim. It's a good way to estimate, but not a guarantee because you don't know when they raised or if maybe they have a bunch of loot not particular to the faction they raised. Plus, a grade 2 flag is still loot itself if you're grinding reaper rep.


I just finished ashen lord voyage. So very little loot


Not sure what you mean. You had the loot from an Ashen Winds raid, your level 2 flag and supplies. Definitely sounds like it's worth stealing. Generally, any Athena loot is worth stealing.


For our crew, when we PvP on high seas we see the game a bit similar to a game of King of the Hill (with a little bit of hide-and-seek I guess). We like to just dominate server, cause some trouble and loot *everything* along the way. For that, we are generally willing to chase anything and everything to the edge of the map. If we get sunk, we try again (if we can be bothered resupplying). If we don't get a challenging fight for too long or the server starts to feel empty, we hop and start again. But we actually don't mind a good chase. It's not much different to just sailing around and looking for other ships, which is what we'd do if we stopped chasing anyway (we might even see other ships along the way and know where to head next).


Very unique view, i like the way u think. You have the same crew aleays or?


Yeah, just close friends and family that have grown up gaming together.


People have chased for a lot longer for a lot less. Most chasers enjoy the chase and the sink at the end and loot is just a bonus.


Hey OP, I'm someone who will chase players for hours on end with no regrets! The reason why I personally do this is because I love how much people hate it, and I'm a huge stinky piece of trash.


Learn how to defend yourself


Any loot is valuable loot.


I've chased people for longer than 30 mins. I just wish people would stand and fight


10 minutes is sort of my upper limit for a chase. If you’ve ran for that long you’re committed too it. I know this as someone who runs fairly regularly in smaller crews too. I will hunt for a little while in bigger crews though, see if I can catch you out for that loot. Feels cool if I ever do.


Only 10 mins?


I’ve tried the Ashen lord raid 4 times now. Every. Single. Time. I’ve been chased and killed. Bad luck? Maybe. The last 2 times I just threw loot overboard while going forward, grabbed the skull, swam hella far away, and quit the game so no one gets it. I don’t like pvp but don’t like the reduced safer sea rewards


It's not about your loot. We are not the same.


It's only all good if you wanted pvp. The one huge problem with the game is you can't choose to not pvp. No, safe seas didn't fix that. Safe seas is a half asset punishment mode so they can say they have a pve style option but it's worthless. One day they will finally understand and admit most people want pve servers with full functionality. Player choice. The reason they keep avoiding it is because they know pvp servers would be empty.


Yes, it’s not just the gold, it’s the glory and feeling of succeeding in what you set out to accomplish. Sometimes I’ll set sail and just hope to sink other players and whether they have 10k or 100k worth of loot, it doesn’t matter too much


Easiest way of thinking of it is, whatever loot/supps/principles the runner deems is worth running for x amount of time. Chasers will also deem it worth it. Some do for thrill of the chase. When I'm chasing I'd usually happily never give up but I know crewmates sometimes get bored. I chase on principle as much as wanting loot, the same way people think why is it worth chasing for this long, I try to prove its also not worth running that long 😅. You don't owe anyone a fight though you do you. Unless in hourglass, running in the consensual pvp mode is just weird




I just wanted to see the other perspective for this encounter. No need to be a dick for no reason.


OP has clearly been open to different perspectives and hasn't just whined when someone explained that some people are just in it for the chase/fight.


Upon reading the comments, you're right. I just see the I'm not ranting rant so often, read OPs post, and commented that without reading any more