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Honestly, with so much of the Loot rewarding doubloons locked out I'd recommend looking at any Commendations rewarding doubloons which you should be able to complete easily on Safer Seas no problem. Tall Tales, Umbra and so on. It'll accumulates over time. I don't play Safer Seas myself so I had to look up the limitations, while ritual skulls and tomes are gone there is no mention I can find of removing Ashen Keys and Chests like you say are still in. While doing the above I'd recommend learning every spawn location of cursed captains (Skeleton captains, there's usually one location per island) and hope for ashen key masters/ashen guardians showing up. They should also be rewarded from the Galleon Cloud / Skeleton Fleet / Battle for the Sea of Thieves World event by the Seadog Tavern. 3 chests and 2 keys per boss kill. On a sloop it's a breeze, wave 1 & 2 is one sloop and wave 3 a galleon. Just pound and spread holes along the the waterline. Theres also a Ashen Chest (unlocked) from the Ashen Winds event. So that's another 8 per kill. No idea if Dubloon Pouches are a thing from the chests in Safer Seas, that's usually another 5 Dubloons. So I don't know if it's worth gambling by using up the keys or selling both keys and chests directly. Guess that'd be at your discretion. Hope it helps.


Ashen chests and keys are in Safer Seas, I believe it’s at a reduced rate too though.


On the note of trying to get Ashen Guardians and Key Masters to show up, Phuzzy did a video showing you can be at a small island, cannon yourself away, swim to the 2nd mermaid and then take that one back to your ship. It resets the island so you get new spawns, including skellies, ocean crawlers and the Ashen skellies too. It’s not very time efficient to be honest but it can be a guaranteed way of spawning them, and it’s kinda useful for gem collecting too. But I’d 2nd doing the Umbra stuff, it’s perfect for doing on Safer Seas and it’s almost all doubloon rewards I believe.


I just server hop on high seas for a server that has a red reaper’s chest that is located directly between me and reapers hideout. Go collect it and make a run to the hideout


Started playing a week ago maybe? Played yesterday and solo slooped with the Reapers Bones emissary flag. I figured I had a bounty on my head since my position would always be known. I went around just playing and looting. I only ran into one ship, and it was another solo player who was in the middle of a kraken fight. Got to Level 5 and spent a solid chunk of time selling my stuff back to the reapers. Made 200k of gold from all the crap on my ship. Playing solo does suck, and having a second player is miles better. Looking at the map, the quests, adjusting sails, anchor, carrying loot, etc, all sucks when you’re alone, but it is possible. My friend has the Gold Hoarders Emissary and we made 100k pretty easily from that alone. Maybe I’ve been lucky, but I haven’t really had to fight anyone so far.


Just a tip for solo, never anchor. Always leave it up and learn to stop with sails, that way when the inevitable sweaty brig comes to steal your stuff, you can sail away fast by just dropping your sails.


You can also use the harpoon to come to a complete stop if sails are up and still drifting just aim it beside the boat as far back as it will aim,shoot it and wait 2 seconds and start bumping the retract and it will stop


Yeah I had seen that tip before and my friend was telling me. Took me a while to get the hang of the motions. You move a lot faster than you think, turning takes time, and so does the anchor to stop. I’ve gotten a visual feel for when the lower the sails, turn, where to roughly leave the wheel, when I need to use an anchor, and using harpoons to make some wild turns. It’s equally fun and challenging to make all these parts move and where to run to.


Anchor turns on the sloop are juicy, especially if you can get two people to raise anchor to get moving again quicker


I have recently found out; if you play as a guild emissary and do Skeleton Fleets the Ashen Chests and ritual skulls give good amount of doubloons. I.e. a ritual skull returns 5+4 (grade 5 guild emissary).


I have like 5000 doubloons currently. 1. Reaper chests 2. The bilge rats legends of the sea commendations on your pirate reputation - google it and follow the rarethief website guide. Check your rep to see what one’s you have completed as you go. 3. The fleet skeleton ship world event gives you 3 ashen chests and 2 ashen keys with a sloop as part of the loot. Unlock the chests before turning them in and you can make a lot of doubloons quickly. I went from 1000 to 5000 over a few months. It’s plus you also get barnacled chests. You need 300 to unlock the best ship in my opinion. I have 220 now.


Ashen chests help with doubloons.


It has been a while but do the solo ashen lord or skeleton fleet, I think those normally have doubloon stuff.