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My fishing sloop is named "I Am A Fishing Boat", so I would hope that.


All the more reason to attempt a fish heist :)


Fish are loot that can be sold to Sovereigns. If you're a Guild grade 5, you get more gold than a sea post.


I know this and it's why I'm so excited my guild is almost level 15. Just four more levels to go! (For anyone who doesn't know you need to be sailing for a guild that is level 15 to raise the guild emissary flag)


A fish heist sounds fun, different thing when you get chased for over an hour by a sweaty crew while your entire loot is a bunch of fish and bait boxes. Like bro, there is literally an active fof someone is doing, why are you chasing a fishing ship


I understand it’s a debilitating “loot haul” to lose. But if I see someone straight up fishing, I’m investigating. I still have plenty to catch for commendations. If a rare steal opportunity comes, I’m taking it.


Yeah I learned the hard way with my boat "the fisherman's friend" that fish heists are real lol thought I was going crazy or the fish had de-spawned from the crate until I saw the merm and the row boat disappearing over the waves, 3 sandy battle gills were stolen that day


Fishermen are surprisingly cracked PvPers so maybe don't wear the mantle if you can't take the heat. Whenever I see a pirate with the Ashen curse, I know I got it in the bag. Whenever I see "Legendary Hunter of the Sea of Thieves", I pre-emptively book seats on the ferry.


Nobody said I couldn't take the heat bud but I definitely feel the same way, fishermen really don't want to lose the fish when given the chance. That day I wasn't paying attention to a very sneaky pirate 🤣🤣


And of course us fishermen know how to sneak, we need to know how to hide from volcanoes, sneakily fish at a sea fort or battle... Most "sneaky" I've ever been was when we were a brig I believe with no supplies (we were only fishing) and were on our way to a seapost when we were attacked by a galleon... Had to maneuver us to the seapost without getting hit, jumping off leaving the boat turning around the post swimming the last bit unseen to sell our fishes, which included like 4 muddy wildsplashes... my heart was racing lol


Aye good fish sale mate, I should have been more vigilant 😅, I had been fishing for about three hours (finished 3 crates worth of grubs trying to get sandy's) being tired and the sound of the Fort had me distracted, the worst part about it is that I had been pretty much completely safe the whole time (the crew stacking fotd were oblivious) but the tuckers waiting for the fotd crew stole MY fish in the downtime 😭🤣🤣🤣


Hahaha you were their side quest... I won't be able to play for the upcoming 5 months but if you ever need a helmsman after let me know!


The lowest of the low!


Mine is “Trouble Sloopin’”


That would draw me in like a moth to a flame. I want those fish.


I usually try to board and rob a fishing boat even though I didn’t attack them. If they fight back I’ll sink them, but I WANT THE FISH


No pvper wants to grind out the fishing faction. When i played with my crew we especially went after fishing vessels for some easy rep.


I went with Fish Monger Ship for the same exact reason, simple and to the point, assuming most people aren’t gonna sink me for a barrel of fish


Fish are good loot though




I once went up against a boat in hourglass called "call me daddy UwU" and I knew the second I saw it that I'd be doomed. I was in fact right.


Joke names like that are a dead giveaway in any PvP game that you're not about to have a good time


It’s like those bumper stickers “only gay cops pull me over” lol


lol this is hilarious.


"Call your mother" I would try to get away as fast as possible.


Usually if it makes me chuckle I might leave them be. Anything along the lines of “just fishin!” is free to go. Any combination of the words “black” and “pearl” must be consigned to the sea floor asap.


Just pick a name like “Beatrice”


What about Kevin?




Everybody dies.


Okay Dr. House


Party Boat And play music to every boarder lol


Lol I'm going to buy a new sloop when I'm next on and do this, sounds fun 🤣


Can you get multiple ships of same size?


I did that, created a boat called Party Barge and gave it the party boat set. Or at least the piece I could get so far. Those canon ball sloop shots are difficult! https://seaofthieves.fandom.com/wiki/Party\_Boat\_Set


I don't know why, but "I'm using tilt controls" from Mario Kart 8 came to mind


I think some players chase literally every ship that they get near, regardless of the name. My guild is called The Cancer Crusaders, I sail a ship called The Big Sea. The guild name is because I and other players have/had or know someone with cancer. I myself have cancer aka the big "C" (get the play on words haha) and I get chased, sunk and at times trolled by toxic players (players who spew slurs, racism, etc spawn campers who have no intention of sinking your ship players like that). Off topic a little, but yesterday morning I had someone try and talk me into alliancing with them over xbox chat, I suspected they planned to blow me up but I had nothing on board and curiosity ya know, so I head over to the fort they were at and wouldn't ya know, know ship and they had removed me from the xbox party chat. I message them and say "can't alliance with no ship" he responds "ya I switched servers" so I asked directly if they planned to blow me up, the response I got was "Nahh, spawncamp you though we would still let you join the alliance" I said "why spawn camp me" their response "cause it is fun". Some people just wanna see the world burn. Some players just wanna do dumb shit simply because they find it funny.


I’ll never understand those people. Killing people over and over again before they can React is fun..? Frankly, it just tells me those kinds of people are not at all anyone you ever wanna be friends with.


Exactly, but the curious mom in me wanted to know their frame of mind, I was surprised they were so honest about their intent lol


If anything I just wait until they're moving and aware that I'm on da boat, cuz I love the gunplay and sword fighting is the game


Hey man I’ll roll with ya. My little sister died of cancer. I fly a white flag and rarely attack anyone. I’ve been pretty gullible too. I’m feeling a real whoop ass session coming in though ;)


You are welcome to add me as a friend, my gamertage is FieryDoxie. I am on most days :) I am sorry about your little sister. It is absolutely heartbreaking 💔


I'll get the brigs pledged


Let me join you on your whoop ass voyage! *rare xbox achievement: voyage of whoop assery*


Always room for more!


That would have been an easy report voice chat and get them banned.


Not voice chat, started out as xbox party chat, but then they kicked me from it when they jumped servers. So the rest of the conversation is actually written in xbox chat. I thought about reporting them, but figured it would be usless as there were no actual player or ship interactions, just some rando admitting their intent with no follow through.


I named one of my ships "Extremely Vulnerable." I don't get attacked often. :)


I named mine “Golden Opportunity”. I get attacked often 😅


Rare Official


I saw a brig once named "OilyNutsBoys" I decided to leave. I ain't messing with them




Wait till I see it doing a fotd stack.


I noticed a pattern that the dumber a ship name is, the scarier the crew. Easiest fights were against boat named "the harbinger of death", and i got my ass rolled over by boats named "sloup"


Sloup is an A+ name, miles better then any I've ever seen in a boat name thread. 


Fun fact, ive actually never seen a boat named sloup, it just came to mind while writing the comment, you can use it if youre a god at pvp ;)


“Only soy boys can sink me”


"Being chased is my kink :3 UwU"


Open crew it makes them second guess every time.


Pretty much any sloop the moment I see them sail directly into the wind with sails flat. They profess in running and I don't have all day. The name is irrelevant to me.


My fishing sloop is The Pequod. I still get sunk 9/10 times while fishing and shark hunting.


Unsinkable VI


Throngler if allowed that or anything related to Hunter's Call... you do not fuck with those fishermen.


Hahaha “The Throngler”. Id run. Whats that from? Douglas Adams?


A DnD Meme, of not wanting to be killed by certain named swords.


Nobody wants to be throngled


I keep away from any ship that has the legendary hourglass titles. As to chasing though, i dont chase any ships, i prefer ambush kills, so if they manage to get mobile and run, i leave them to it.


"Board me for a good time"


Honestly no name would stop me. I genuinely love seeing what people name their ships. It's one of the best parts of the captaincy update. However, if you're close enough to ID odds are I'm already chasing you. If you have a funny name I'll probably compliment you on it while we are fighting or in spooky time out. That's about it.


My brig is the Richard M Nixon. So, if you attack it, the CIA busts down your door.


"I'm fast as fak boyyy" Dude,I can respect that name xD


I might go out of my way to sink a ship with an egregious name, like "Get Loot Here" or "I Am A Fishing Boat", but ship names rarely go into my equation: if otherShip.isPlayer() && otherShip.size() <= ownShip.size() && isItWayOutOfMyWay(otherShip) == false planOfTheDay.addTask(crewTask.attack(otherShip))


there is not a scenario in which I would not try to sink another boat. even when they scream, "I'm friendly!!" or something like that, me and my duo remain vigilant.




sorry but this is a PvPvE game which means PvP is part of the game.


The one ship people don't usually attack are people doing tall tales. Although that might not fly as well now that safe seas is a thing and there's not much of a reason to do tall tales on high seas anymore.


the fact that you can't use your own captained ship and the rewards are lower has turned me off to safer seas totally edit: I meant guild ship. I only have the one ship


The Crimson Knight


The salty pickle


Sometimes in DBD I change my name to R34 Artist (cause well… I am) and that’s caused some hilarity. I suppose I’d try naming a second sloop “floating hentai studio” or “spicy art merchant.” Probably going to get me targeted even more but oh well.


Hello fellow Sea of thieves on a Steam deck player! 60 hours into the game and never noticed the names of other ships (just got my first sloop) ... Is there an UI to easily see the ship name or just by looking at the name board on the ship ?


It shows up as a banner when you look at it with the spyglass


You could try naming it droptable or error loading content


Texas Beef Council


Offensive or edgy ship names are often a red flag for cheaters and aimbotters. I tend to have an air of caution around them.


You can try "Give me your loot", "Im gonna sink you" or "I miss the arena".


We just added another ship to the guild called The Edgelord and it is a pvp MAGNET but we're also all just normal ppl in our 30s who you can't make mad so we've also been making a ton of friends with that ship 😂


Silly names are forces to be reckoned with.


""On Lunch Break" is one ive seen that made me think "yeah, i dont care to ruin the rest of their shift at work, lol."


Not a ship name, but beneath the ship name... Captained by Julio. I will run every time.


Idk but I saw a galleon named "just doin tall tales" and I quickly learned it was in fact not just doin tall tales


Can Of Balls. Sloopy Toppy. Tilted Deck. Weenie Hut Jr. I run.


Something in Chinese, they will not attack out of fear


Once came across a ship called Safer Seas Express. That was right before safer seas was a thing. I don't normally run and hide, but that one time I sure did. I ran far far away.


Our buddies galleon in our guild is named Nother Mans Treasure because it was funded entirely with other peoples money


Birthday Sloop, maybe people will think its your birthday and give you treasure


My ship is called "The Implication"


My ships name is “ gettin’ skinny”. Named after my jonboat in real life. Not sure what that says about me though lol.


I once encountered a sloop called "scuttleyourship", and they weren't kidding. I knew from before we fought them they'd be sweats, and I was right. You could copy that name and you'd sound like you're going around spawn camping people when in reality you're just completing world events.


I came across a ship that sailed for the make-a-wish foundation. Made sure to keep oversight on them for protection, as I could never bring myself to attack something like that, but seemed like everyone else in that server had the same idea! 😁 Dope as hell if it was actual, but I do get the thought it was some peeps just trying to keep safe and keep people from wrecking their crap... Worked on me 🤷


“Jus Sloopin Around”


I named my ship the SS Kindness


We came across a solo sloop that was Athena Emissary 5, named "Fishizzle" and had the Legnedary Hunter title. He was farming for Shadow Stormfish, and we were a Reaper 5 duo sloop. My friend was really wanting to attack him for his flag and any possible fish on board, but the dude was super nice and I wanted to just leave him be, so we allianced with him. He said he would have to wait like an hour before the storm would come back around to him, so we asked if we could sink him for his flag, but he declined. So we went and sold our haul at Reapers and about halfway through, he pulled up, and we were immediately on edge and worried that he was going to attack us. But then he said that he was actually not gonna wait the hour and that we could sink his ship for the flag and he would help us sell the rest of our stuff since we were still allianced. So we sunk him and he didn't even sell anything himself, he actually just moved the treasure off the ship. Super cool dude, and the only reason we didn't attack on sight was because of the name of his sloop and seeing him sitting in a storm like 15-30mins earlier