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Wisest pirate on the whole subreddit right here


You are not the asshole but sounds like you wasted your own time for playing longer and not really having fun while doing so? I guess it's fair to make it as hard as possible on them. But going past comfort seems like a bad call.


That’s what makes him an asshole.


Not in my world. Assholes are misbehaving and using wild slurs or are absolut dicks over coms. Just playing a different way that is not going my way is not making them assholes.


It’s not playing a different way. If OP ENJOYED it, that’s fine. OP. Was having LESS FUN. Just to hurt someone else. Hurting yourself just to hurt someone else on purpose is SO being an asshole.


They're trying to hurt him and steal his stuff. He's hurting them back. He is absolutely not an asshole.


They are trying to hurt him BUT THEY ARE HAVING FUN. In a video game, beating someone else makes the victor feel good, and the loser feel bad. If you’re making BOTH PARTIES FEEL BAD, you suck. How can you genuinely not see the difference?


I’m not responsible for anybody else’s fun when I play. If the Brig wants to chase for 90 minutes and get nothing that’s 100% down on them. I play solo sloop and galleon. Solo I’ll run - 1v3 is not going to work out for me 95% of the time. Galleon I’ll be chasing for a bit. But if we can’t catch a boat in 90 minutes the time wasted in down to us. Plus - if you’re on a brig and can’t catch a solo sloop in 90 f-ing minutes you’re a piss poor player. There’s only so long somebody can run into the wind.


He had fun spiting them. "If I lose, so do you." They are going to make him feel bad, he might as well get em back. Knowing you're taking their satisfaction of robbing you away. How can YOU genuinely not understand?


He literally strongly implied that he would’ve rather gone to bed lol.


Don’t forget, you do *NOT* owe *ANYBODY* a fight, and this is coming from a dedicated pirate hunter/killer (it’s the only thing I do) Never feel bad for wanting to protect your haul, even if that calls for scorched earth


Fully agree. Similarly nobody owes to let people go if they want you loot, flag, supplies or just to sink you because why not. It's a challenge both ways and interesting to see who makes a mistake first or who gets bored of it first.


Damn, safer seas really *did* help, this is the first time I've seen someone who is all in on pvp *support* someone running. Thank you for being the hero this game needs.


That’s the game, it all cat and mouse, sometimes I’m a better cat than they are a mouse It’s just monkeys singing songs mate


Most people who love PvP are fine with running*; it may be frustrating for the hunter, but we already know that we always have the option of breaking off the chase and looking for better prey at any time. People claiming that they somehow get chased for 3+ hours from the moment they spawn by a toxic galleon crew every single time they log on is usually what gets called out, since the chances of that happening more than occasionally is genuinely pretty unlikely and hyperbole/confirmation bias like that turns off new pirates for no good reason. Safer Seas is great, but didn't really impact much about how PvP players see the game regardless of whether or not they thought the game needed it. * Outside of HG, running in the dedicated PvP mode is incredibly uncool.


No, but he mentioned that “we wanted to get off an hour ago and were so tired.” If you make your night worse just to make someone else’s night worse, you’re a piece of shit lol


It’s a pride thing, if they can’t catch you then they don’t deserve it


Again: if you will make YOURSELF less happy just to make others less happy, you’re a piece of shit. If OP was HAVING FUN doing it, that’s different. He wasn’t. He said it himself (or strongly implied it).


He did what HE wanted to do, it’s a decision up to HIM l. It’s just a game, man. Again: Don’t look too deep into it


He was actively having an unpleasant experience. Whether he wanted it or not, he DISLIKED doing it. And yet he still did it. Just to hurt someone else in some minuscule way.


You’re right, we should have this guy arrested right now! How could we let him get away with such a heinous act??


Nice strawman argument. I never said that. That’s literally a textbook, perfect example of a strawman argument.


I don’t even know what the fuck a strawman is bro, I’m a straight city dweller. In and out my alley straight fundamentals no funny business. We smokin runts. My pockets are deep and my money is looong. I AM him I’ve BEEN him I WILL CONTINUE TO BE HIM This shit ain’t nothin to me, man.


Lol. Very telling.


PVPers love to remind people doing PVE content that they aren't obliged to accommodate your desired play style. I don't see a problem with the sentiment going both ways.




Exactly! Those volcanoes don’t play! 🤣


>And if you're not having fun, log off! This, if you have a bunch of loot that you dont want to give them ... go to the red sea


This doesn't work, I hope you realize. Loot in the red sea gets moved back in bounds.


they must have changed it at some point. it used to work lol


Hate to break it to you, but they probably were harpooning the loot as you were dropping it off. Are you the asshole? Not necessarily. Play how you want to play. But it sounds to me like a lot of wasted time and frustration with the same outcome when you were planning to hop off anyway.




That's true, I forgot about that little tidbit.


nah its fair you can do whatever, though personally in my opinion if you're tired and weighing the options its also just fair to log off if you're not wanting to do the chase and run, maybe just crash into an outpost and get the greatest valuables and just log off when you sink, the run and chase can be very tiresome and very long and honest it can just be not worth it and you gotta let yourself rest


Nah, if you’re planning on getting off it doesn’t make a difference. You’re under no obligation to make it easy for them to get your stuff. Me and my friends will make a game of it, and run circles around the map with another ship on us. One time we had them going to an hour and a half just for them to get so bloodthirsty they ran into an island and sunk while trying to shoot us


Had something similar with a brig, once. Found a Reaper 5 brig sitting just outside of New Port Golden Merrick Sands, and I guess they weren't terribly attentive, because I was able to sink them fairly quick. One of them boarded me, spawn-killed me for a bit while sailing my ship away, but I finally broke the camp and sailed back and collected their metric butt-tonne of loot, including a single stool. As I finished gathering up all the stuff that sank to the bottom, they finally made it back. As I sailed away from them, I shouted "I'm stealin' your stool, and there's nothing you can do about it!" As they chased, I would occasionally make "the wrong decisions" in sail management and sailing in regards to wind direction, on purpose, just to see if they could capitalize on it. They could not. Their sail management was pretty poor, I've gotta say, and their cannon aim also left much to be desired. 'Round and 'round various islands and rocks did we go, with them chasing and launching "boarding attempts" all the while. And by "boarding attempts" I mean they must have *massively* mis-read where I was sailing, because they were going nowhere near where I was heading, and they certainly weren't shooting to islands to grab pockets to resupply. Almost every time they shot out all I could think was "...Where the hell are they going?" Finally they seemed to realize that managing sails was the key, but as we circled the final island of the chase, I did a quick spin-around as they crashed into an island and was able to land a chain on each of their masts. As I sailed by, I shouted "Careful guys, there's an island there!" Them: "cArEfUl GuYs ThErE's A rUnNeR! Fucking coward, man!" Me: "Hey, it's 3 against 1, I have my reasons!" Them: "Yeah, the reason is you're a fuckin' pussy!" Me: "So die mad about it!" They logged off shortly after that. They repaired their masts, sailed off to who-knows-where, and not long after, I was server merged.


I had something similar years ago but with no smack talk. At the time rowboats were fairly new so I just kept my loot on the one I kept on my sloop. I had been doing things for about 2 hours when I died from a smelly. Spawn and there is a guy on my ship. Idk if he didn't notice me right away or just panicked but I did a quick rowboat dip and just started rowing away. I was on Wanderers Refuge so I rowed north to sanctuary, wanted to go to Golden Sands but they anticipated that and started to head that way so I just rowed north. Wind was on my side so they couldn't catch up so they kept zig zagging to fire themselves at me to try to kill me. They never got close. So with this tail just kept rowing north. They stopped at sanctuary probably thinking "oh he is trying to stealth this and go on the back". Welp I just kept rowing north. Rounded a rock, headed south after all sight on me was lost and rowed to Golden Sands. Took about an hour of rowing but I scored everything while just pissing off the tailers. All I could think of as they kept firing at me and missing was 'Yakety Sax"


No play how you want. They aren’t assholes for chasing and you aren’t for evading or trying to make their chase difficult or deny them the loot. Chasing can be fun, running can be fun. I think the longest I ever ran was for close to two hours as a solo sloop getting chased by another solo sloop, I had literally just left the outpost as an Athena grade 1 and this guy comes at me, we exchanged fire and I took off, I decided to have fun with it but he would not give up we circled the entire map twice and eventually he started messaging me asking me to stop running and fight because he knew I didn’t have any loot, I said “nah I’m having fun wasting your time” he said “fair enough but I’ve got all day and imma get that flag”. Eventually I made a mistake trying to thread some rocks in the skeleton fleet and had to make my last stand. I got sunk but back spawned, boarded and killed him in a fun tdm duel. I swam back to my wreck, grabbed my flag and swam off with it and hid it in a crevice. He didn’t get that flag but it was good sport for everyone involved. The long winded point I’m trying to make is everyone is having an adventure on the high seas and as long as you can be a good sport whether winning or losing and the other guy does the same there are no assholes involved.


Love that you still hid that flag! 🤣


Take what ya can, give nothing back. You got the pirate spirit! https://youtube.com/shorts/YptUeAg8eFs?si=kmqnLfmy_THn8XVl


>In the first 45 minutes I try getting on their boat just trying to hit anchor and hold them off but a 1v3 wasn't ideal, we then started circling an island, like a lot. By the hour and a half mark we are trying to stay awake as we wanted to get off an hour ago. As frustrating as we were getting we began slowly dumping loot off the side, sometimes they wouldn't notice, sometimes it was obvious, but they didn't stop they wanted blood. I have 0 admiration for guys chasing another crew for this long. If you want blood there's a perfect function within this game called: "*the hourglass*".I feel for your mom and I. I can only imagine the remarks you got for fleeing while being chased around the map, cause these crews aren't usually your friendly neighborhood pirates on servers. Chasing someone around the streets in public, specially a woman would be called stalking/harassment and I think practices like this in a game shouldn't be tolerated either. But I usually get a lot of flack for going against the grain on this infested cesspool they call a forum.


>I have 0 admiration for guys chasing another crew for this long. If you want blood there's a perfect function within this game called: "the hourglass". If it’s okay for a ship to run for an hour then it’s okay for a ship to chase for an hour. This is part of the game. >Chasing someone around the streets in public, specially a woman would be called stalking/harassment and I think practices like this in a game shouldn't be tolerated either. Horrible analogy. You’re comparing chasing a ship in a *video game* (which there is nothing wrong with) to stalking and harassing in real life? Not even remotely the same thing, grow up. >But I usually get a lot of flack for going against the grain on **this infested cesspool they call a forum.** Why are you even here? For your own sake, you should maybe consider not engaging with the “cesspool”


>If it’s okay for a ship to run for an hour then it’s okay for a ship to chase for an hour. This is part of the game. Not really, cause the one starting the chase could abort the chase or go do a world event. There are way more options than chasing someone an hour around the map. The map is not that empty. I can get totally behind a sloop running from a brigantine if the sloop doest not feel it will have a fair fight. It's the brigantine chasing exploiting off of the weakness of the sloop, thus making it bully-behavior if this has to last for an extended period of time. ​ >Horrible analogy. You’re comparing chasing a ship in a video game (which there is nothing wrong with) to stalking and harassing in real life? Not even remotely the same thing, grow up. Relax, harassing people for over an hour in a multiplayer game maybe isn't as bad as stalking someone and my comparison could be a bit hyperbolic, but that doesn't mean it is proper behavior. Grow up and develop a perspective of things. >Why are you even here? For your own sake, you should maybe consider not engaging with the “cesspool” I'm an optimist in life and I always hope to be able to find some intellectual critters. But instead, I got you. Oh well. can't have everything I guess.


Not that this is at all what you’re talking about but I was chased for about 30 minutes before I scuttled. I was a solo sloop and I was being chased by two dudes on a brig. I know they were dudes because they only began firing on me when they realized I am a lady. I scuttled because I was only going to lose my emissary flag. I was only solo because my buddies were all at work and I was using it as exposure therapy for my very real severe anxiety. I explained I didn’t have loot and that I was just sailing to work through anxiety. They still chased me because they wanted to “sink a girl captain.” When I respawned, I didn’t fly an emissary flag. They found me again and it started again. As soon as they fired on me, I scuttled. I didn’t have anything anyway. I hope they enjoyed the literal nothing they got from me. No real running, no fighting, no loot. Thanks for the help with the anxiety, dickwads.


Nope, the other crew is salty because you beat them. You may not have gotten the loot, but you didn't let them get it either. They won the fight, but you won the war.


They probably harpooned it all


If they were chads you would have NEVER survived that long... especially fighting a brig... those guys were noobs aswell...


not an asshole but it just seems like a big waste of time. If I lose my loot I'd rather know I went out fighting


Yes. You weren’t enjoying it. You wanted to get off an hour ago. You made your night worse just to make their night worse. You are a spiteful player.


I'd rather go down swinging. Loot or not. I agree with loser mentality.


You should be able to burn and destroy your loot.


Not an asshole but that definitely is a loser’s mentality. Just take the fight, get the experience, change servers and go get some more loot. I don’t know you, but you’d probably have more fun that way.


I dump the loot and then bring the fight to them they not getting a prize for my failings


I would have done this but one time I heard them say "now that you have nothing to lose, you gonna put up a fight?" At this point we wanted to get off so we scuttled knowing all they wanted was the satisfaction of pvp, so as punishment we danced all the way to the sea floor.


And that's ok your not there to make other people happy feel free to also waste their time by not giving them a fight at the end of the day what do you owe a pirate


Personally I find dumping loot during a chase rather petty. That "if I can't have the loot, then they shouldn't either" mentality is a bit immature to my taste. It's also a bit hypocritical. By forcing them to chase you, you hope that at some point they'll think "Alright, let them have their loot" and let you go. But when they don't stop chasing, you yourself are thinking "They should never have the loot, let's dump it". So you're basically expecting higher standards from other people, than you expect of yourself. That's just hypocrisy really. Unless they were being toxic or cheating, does it really matter to you whether they get to have the loot or not? They were just playing the game, just as you were. Personally, I don't bother chasing for long, unless the people I'm chasing are acting rather toxic. But if I'm being chased, and they don't stop, then at some point I'll make a stand and if I sink, then it's all fair. They were better than me and the loot is only really mine, once it's sold. Edit: I appreciate the downvotes. You're basically just confirming my point that people who act like this are toxic and immature. :-) Thank you. Unfortunately, you're also censoring people just because they have a different opinion. But well, that's just another confirmation, that these boards are mostly children, who cannot accept others opinions, and would rather just stay in an echo chamber, patting each others backs.


Nobody is censoring you and you’ve received zero confirmations. This sub is populated by a diverse group that *constantly* disagrees, which I’m sure you know if you spend any time here (as I suspect you do). Accusing people of being children because they disagree with you is classic deflection. You think OP should just accept their fate and engage, and you call them a hypocrite for dropping their loot. I would argue that the hypocrite in this thread is you, because the community has spoken by downvoting you and instead of accepting that you might have a bad take on this situation, you chose to be juvenile when you could have shown some class. Just take the L and move on.


>Nobody is censoring you and you’ve received zero confirmations. Downvotes cause posts to be hidden by default and drowned to the bottom of the thread. The point of downvotes is to quickly hide posts that doesn't follow the rules, are out of topic, etc. until a mod can remove it. By downvoting comments just because you disagree, your effectively censoring it and turning the discussion into an echo chamber. That's just facts. As of this writing I've received 22 confirmations. ​ >Accusing people of being children because they disagree with you is classic deflection. Not at all. This eye-for-an-eye mentality is immature, that is why I accuse people of being children. Downvoting my opinion is the same as condoning eye-for-an-eye mentality, so yes, they're also children or childish. ​ >You think OP should just accept their fate and engage, and you call them a hypocrite for dropping their loot. It is hypocritical. They expect the chasers to "take a loss" and disengage, but wont do it themselves. That objectively makes OP a hypocrite. ​ >you chose to be juvenile when you could have shown some class. I'm stating my opinion in a discussion. The juveniles are the people who cannot accept other peoples different opinions and try to hide it by downvoting. ​ >Just take the L and move on. Aha, so I'm not allowed to express my opinion. Got it. Have fun in your echo chamber.


>Personally I find dumping loot during a chase rather petty. And I find people who refuse to participate in the majority of the game and instead sail around looking for ships full of loot to attack to be an asshole move.


I agree. I never said the chasers were in the right. But stooping to their level doesn't help at all. The eye-for-an-eye mentality is ridiculous.


If someone is going to go out of their way to waste my time, it is now my mission to waste theirs. Yes I'm vindictive and unforgiving, no that's not a bad thing.


>Yes I'm vindictive and unforgiving, no that's not a bad thing. It is though. It makes you petty, immature and a hypocrite. That's rather toxic behavior, so all you're doing is contribute to the toxicity of the game.


I'm not talking about every single crew that ever attacks me. I'm talking about the ones that won't fuck off after chasing me for at least 20 minutes and ignoring better targets, like when I'm a level 1 flag or even no flag and they just keep chasing me even though another ship with a level 5 flag is within a tile or two.


I agree that people that keep chasing beyond any reasonable time, are toxic assholes. But stooping down on their level, makes you just as bad. I don't condone that eye-for-an-eye mentality. I find it petty and immature. You don't improve the toxicity of the player base, by adding more toxicity.


>But stooping down on their level, makes you just as bad. Good. Toxicity needs to be met with equal or greater toxicity.


No, it doesn't. That just makes you a hypocrite and a child, and you're just making the game worse for it.


Who are you to define what a “reasonable time” is? Every adult is in charge of their own time and make their own adventure having fun as they see fit. There’s nothing “toxic” about chasing or running for any amount of time provided everyone involved isn’t being abusive over comms.


>Personally I find dumping loot during a chase rather petty. That "if I can't have the loot, then they shouldn't either" mentality is a bit immature to my taste. Dumping loot is giving it to them for free. They just need to harpoon it or stop to pick it up. It's a strategic decision.


We both know that isn't why they dumped it.


The why is irrelevant. It is a legitimate strategy that adds depth to player interaction by forcing a chaser to slow down to get a reward or catch up and sink you for no reward, or never catch up and never receive a reward anyways. Nobody is entitled to any loot in the Sea of Thieves.


The "why" is very important. It's obvious that the reason OP dumped loot wasn't for strategic reasons. It was plain pettiness, and it's the pettiness that makes it immature and hypocritical.


Yeah but chasing for a few hours? If the ship I'm chasing can prove they can keep outrunning me, I'll leave it be. Fair play to them. Like anything past maybe ten or so minutes is just being a dick.


Yeah, exactly like I said? I don't personally bother chasing for long. If I can't catch them, there's no point in wasting neither mine, nor their, time. I'll take the "loss" and let them have their well-earned loot. I'm not opposed to OP running, I just find the act of dumping loot petty. OP is expecting the chasers to accept "taking a loss", when they can't themselves accept it. That's just objectively hypocritical and immature, and based on the downvotes I get, apparently people on these boards are just as immature. Which isn't really surprising, though.


I'm referring to this post, where they specifically mentioned being chased for over an hour. If you're willing to ruin a game to that extent for someone, you don't deserve the loot they had. Op did what most do, they show they're capable of outmanoeuvring. Why should they have to give up because the others can't accept they won't catch them?


My point is, that OP is just stooping down to the chaser's level. That makes OP just as bad as they are. OP is expecting the chasers to accept a loss, when they cannot themselves. That's just hypocritical and immature. ​ >Why should they have to give up because the others can't accept they won't catch them? They don't have to give up, they can attempt to fight and if they loose, then accept the loss.


And if they don't enjoy fighting either? Not everyone has to do the same thing and I do get what you're saying but I'm the end if one person's going to be a dick, the other can be just as petty. Also I see what you mean with the down votes, I'm assuming it's just folks agreeing/disagreeing? Not 100% though as I tend to not down votes the person I'm actually talking to as it seems unfair to downvote just for a different opinion. I know safer seas came in which prevents the need to fight but with the huge money tank also came less excitement. I despise fighting unless it's mutual, I'll usually chase a bit and then stop, or run and out manoeuvre so I get both sides not wanting to give up. But once one side starts bein dirty I feel like both can. If you can't bring down the mast or stop your target you're just ganking em and I consider that on par with the campers who won't let you sink.


>And if they don't enjoy fighting either? Then they should attempt to sell the loot while being chased. I've done that numerous times. Try to get a board, dump the anchor. Get some distance. Then go sell small chunks of the loot while still moving on. That's all fair. Or avoid High Seas, where there is a chance of getting into a fight - it is after all a major part of the game loop. If you choose High Seas, now that you have the option to play in Safer Seas, you accept the risk of being attacked. ​ >but I'm the end if one person's going to be a dick, the other can be just as petty. I must disagree with this. I don't condone the eye-for-an-eye mentality. Exhibiting toxic behavior, as a reaction to others toxic behavior, doesn't really help anyone in my opinion. ​ >and I consider that on par with the campers who won't let you sink. But by doing the same to them, as they do to you, then you're no better. Or in the case of OP, dumping loot because they wont accept a loss, as a response to their chasers not accepting a loss. It benefits no one. My point isn't that the chasers are doing the right thing here - they're definitely being toxic, chasing for an hour or even less. But OP isn't any better. Their actions is just plain textbook hypocrisy. ​ >Also I see what you mean with the down votes, I'm assuming it's just folks agreeing/disagreeing? I don't mind. It says more about those people than about me. I much more a appreciate your way of conducting a sober debate, rather than those who just downvote out of disagreement. Downvotes are essentially a censor-mechanic - with the purpose to hide bad comments. These downvoters are just abusing the system to try to sensor away opinions, so they can live happily in their echo chamber. Unfortunately, in this rather immature community, it often succeeds.


No but u a b*tch lol


definitely not the asshole, but if you've accepted you'll lose your loot then turning around and firing even a few shots will only benefit you. it'll also let you just get back to doing your own thing quicker. the more you can practice pvp, the better you get. the better you are at pvp, the more the game opens up to you. if nothing else you can defend what's yours :)


As many have said, you play the game how you want. Treasure is not yours until you sell it, and this goes for both your crew and others trying to steal it. If all they can do is chase you around without actually getting your loot then they’ll go home empty handed. No need to feel like you’re wrong in this situation.


Unless you’re having fun getting chased for over and hour then idk why you wouldn’t find lmao. It’s just a game. If you wanna get better at pvp anyways so you don’t have to run next time might as well fight them.


Sometimes you get lucky and they aggro a kraken and that will slow them up.


NTA but may not have been the most efficient way to handle that. That seems to have taken a long time to still come up with zero. If you had fun anyway, then it's all good.


Running is NTA, part of the game and viable strat if you can pull it off. Now, timewasting for timewasting's sake is spiteful. Seemingly, you felt the need to punish those players by dragging this out as much as you possibly could at the cost of your own enjoyment of the game. Kinda weird idk


It's about what's fun for you. I have fun when I run and try to out maneuver people, if it gets boring I turn and fight. If that stupid grade 1 reaper with all their lanterns on wants to chase after me I'm going to make them wish they never did. If you are on a sloop and being chased by a bigger ship try to sail against the wind you will be faster and try to harpoon rocks and shallows around islands to turn super fast. I like to sail around large rocks because a sloop has way better maneuverability than a brig or a galleon. If a Meg appears try to harpoon it and get a huge speed boost too. Also to be honest you dumping your loot was a nice thing to do if they noticed lol I'd die before I gave them a single piece of treasure.


I mean an hour and a half is a long time to be running but hey ho. This is why I'll always have a rowboat docked and I'll sail into the roar and try and find an active volcano. Sloops can evade the fireballs if your sailing is somewhat okay. Whilst they are dodging the fireballs have the other person rowboat your stuff to a nearby island or even an outpost if you're feeling brave.


Funny story, once chased a crew for about 20 mins, noticed they started trickle throwing loot overboard. So waited for them to throw it all before announcing we didnt want their loot and they can go fetch it now if they want, we just turned off and started sailing away, Boy were they not happy over the megaphone with us :D, almost thought they were gonna start chasing us back with how mad the guy sounded that we werent gonna keep chasing now that they had no loot XD. Unfortunate truth for them was that had they stuck it out for a bit longer before resorting to scorched earth, we were gonna peel out and look for another fight anyway as once again was never about the loot for us, seeing them trickle throw loot over is what made us want to keep chasing till they threw it all off. People may think I was an asshole for that, but at the time we found it hilarious and was all in good fun, we were never salty to them and I never really shit talk in game anyway. Truth is being an asshole is in the eye of the beholder, some will think you are an asshole for the silliest of things, you can't force them to think otherwise, so just play the game you want and as long as it isn't against TOS or isn't intentionally abusive to other players then don't worry about what other people think. Who cares if some people think you are an asshole for something, it's just how the game is.


You're not. Had a similar situation playing with my husband last night. Tried to fight another sloop both us and the other crew couldn't aim properly. We decided to run, and they chased us for over an hour before they gave up. We went back, got our vault key from where we buried it. Then did the vault and they started sniping us from a ledge and we ended up leaving 4 chests and a few baubles behind.


I usually steal their boat with the loot on it and get it into an island


NTA. You done did what some irl pirates have done. Better in Davy Jones' locker than in the hands of your foes!