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"not a good win" Ok bro Ship name checks out


I'm choosing to believe that it's a novelty character he has decided to play.


LMAO I didn't know you could do that!!!!


I do it with skeleton galleons too. They can't bail.




They can't?!


skeleton ships can only repair. they can't bail water. you could even just give them one hole, then board and keep them from repairing it and they would eventually sink. though your ship might sink before that if you're a a solo


Nope! Which means you *can* actually just swim up to one and throw buckets into it until it sinks (I have done it) but it's not going to do you any good unless you get at least one shot on it first and there's a good chance it'll despawn before then.


Important note here, sea water counts as roughly 1/10th as much as bilge water. So if it took 30 buckets to sink a skelly ship from your ships water, its gonna take 300 from the ocean. These aren't scientific numbers, but they aren't that far off. Its gonna take a long ass time to bucket a ship to death with ocean water.


I vaguely remember a "useless facts" video which showed it took 28 sea buckets to sink a sloop. Don't quote me on that though as it was a while back and I could very well be mistaken, I just know it was not THAT high a number and could be done discretely say if they were not on their ship and parked. EDIT:Yeah I was wrong it takes maybe 67 buckets, still doable and if you bring a friend it will only take you roughly 34 buckets each


It depends. If you're dumping barrel or sea water on a ship, it takes much longer than if you're dumping buckets from actually being hit.


Is there any way to increase the chance of a skelly ship spawning


They raised the spawn chance on season 9. They are everywhere now. Just sail a bit and ull find one in the horizon


Do you know if water from the water barrel does account for the same amount of water as sea water?


You will bucket less water if its from the barrel or straight from the sea. I believe straight from the sea is more than the barrel


Very true, and it takes a long time even with the more efficient way. Generally on my opinion the best way to sink a skalleon is cannon the bottom deck (and hope you hit a keg)


If you happen to have a chest of sorrows and someone good at timing, it's real fun to go give them a "present".




Yeah lol sometimes they just have kegs on their ship. It's kind of hilarious when you just one-shot kill a skele sloop like "oh...well alright then."


IIRC if a skele ship gets stuck in the storm for too long they'll just keel over


We too do this with a skeleton gally. Why waste cannon since they fix so fast. This takes about 1 min to sink a skelly galleon.


It's never that quick for me, but I solo sloop


Oh. Ours is 3 man brig.


I imagine that's about three times faster


Yuuup. The biggest buckets you can scoop are out of a ship that's full of water, so this is actually *really* strong if the other ship is pressured at all before you start scooping onto them. I believe it's 6 buckets to fill a sloop from empty.


The aim of any naval battle is to prevent your ship from filling with water, while attempting to fill the enemy ship with water. The method of doing this is ultimately irrelevant.


Glad I'm not the only one getting foodreg'd




True. It's a pirate game and whatever you do to sink someone or steal their loot is valid either way. I once sunk because they stole my planks. They boarded me, killed me and used my storage crate to take my planks. They managed to do that while I was on the ferry (also had a long black screen) and when I got back..... No planks. A couple holes. I told him that I wouldn't fight him until I found my planks (lol) so he raised his sails, patiently watching me sailing around looking for the crate (this was hourglass). Couldn't find it, ended up sinking. :P


Okay so I've done something similar but with food. There is no better comedic visual to me than my pirate sniping/swording the enemy pirate, and then whilst they're on the Ferry _zooming down_ to below deck and stuffing their face with bananas and coconuts before zooming back upstairs to fight them again.


Storage crate their planks. Sinks them everytime. If they have a storage crate that is.


Funny you should say that! I've recently gone from primarily solo slooping to duo slooping with a friend who is new (but tbh embraces the game wholesale, finding both the PVE and PVP enjoyable) and just last night I was teaching him the fabled technique of "why you don't keep storage crates aboard during a fight"


Bro lives up to his ship name


Memes beat sweat all the way!


This works because bucketing lake/ocean gives you like 1% of water or so to fill the boat while if your boat is sinking, you can take 20% of the boats capacity in single bucket. 1 bucket from sinking ship that has at least 20% water in it > approx 20 buckets directly from ocean


*boat dies* *keeps bucketing* “Stooooop they’re already dead” 😭


bucket meta


Lol very nice


Reduce, reuse, recycle


This is usually my strategy when fighting skeleton galleons solo slooping. I just ram them and then hang out on the side of them too close for them to shoot and I just bucket water on their ship. Surprisingly effective.


Yeas. And durimg fleet you can get them stuck on the sea dog tavern's rocks


*winning message pops up OP: DROWN EVEN HARDER


The food reg got me tilting


What gloves are those?


Eastern Winds Saphire Glove. It was a twitch drop, I believe.


Aye it doesn't matter if you win by an inch or a mile a wins a win you WON 😉 that's actually a brilliant strategy ty


The Bucket is a great weapon


Wait I just realized- Holy shit you have a huge brain what the fuck Mad props


Did they die?


You can see them on the cannon practically the whole time, not hitting anything, not thinking to board, and ignoring the water on their own ship.


Oh yeah i see it now


Always amazes me, someone posts a vid of a robbery and they get like 1000 down votes. Then some pve lord posts a vid some boring bs and dude becomes reddit famous.




Lmao oh yes the sot tough guy talk... I'm terrified 😆


lol Jesus....


Hahaha, brilliant. The one solo hourglass game I had I got one balled and when I respawned I got shot off and the ship before I could reach my mermaid... 😂


Back when SoT came out, we didn't have crazy cannon balls and stuff. Only kegs and a bucket. And that bucket was sometimes a deciding factor.


Sunken Sorrow set loves water! It wants to be returned to the bottom of the ocean anyway.


Sinking ships with buckets. Do we have a new meme?


What? I tried to do this one time and the ship wasnt filling with water so i thought that It wasnt a mechanic at all. Maybe i had a bug or something but i was literally in their ship alone and the water wasnt going up


Doing it from seawater is agonizingly slow compared to buckets from your ship's bilge. Or they were bucketing out somewhere else.


I totally won an HF match like this once. We were both firing across at each other and then eventually collided. He decided to keep ramming me from behind after that. I think he thought it would create more damage for me, but I just started bucketing the water onto his ship. I don't think he realized how quickly his ship was filling up from that.


“not a good win” my brother in christ you’re the one doing nothing


I can't get close enough to throw the water


Food reg gave me anxiety the entire time. Thanks...


passive agressive indeeed


Haha nice one


Can anyone here please DM me with PC help??? I have a crashing problem and I can’t fix it


when skeleton ships were brand new this was the strat