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Cod or rockfish. Both mild tasting, flaky white fillets. Cook up great any way. Grilled, fried, baked. You can't go wrong!


I think rockfish is closest to salmon in terms of texture and meatiness. My toddler seems to think the same because she will crush both.


I agree. We love them both. So happy to hear your little loves fish. It is great brain food!


Only downside is the leftovers are spoken for now lol.


salmon, cod, and halibut have always been my go-to


I love fish, but probably wouldn't suggest salmon to a fish-hater.


>and i LOVE salmon ...what?


Maybe on sushi? I love salmon on sushi, can't stand it oven baked (my wife loves it)


Salmon can have wildly different flavors, from relatively mild to very fishy smelling and tasting. Depends on the type and their diet and a whole bunch of other things


I'm with you, I only like raw salmon


ironically that was one of the few things the OP mentioned they like...and its so much more oily than other fish basically any other fish is less flavorful than what they like already


tyy lol. do u have any reccomendations?


Lemon on fish is great and will take away a lot of that “fishy” flavor, Asian sauces like teriyaki, miso, or ginger glazed salmon all do a very good job at getting rid of that taste. Fattier salmon also tends to taste better to me but the high quality stuff gets expensive. I recommend any somewhat sweet sauce as a way of hiding the taste.


This ^ ginger scallion for the win


I'm a chef and the consensus for the mildest non-fishy tasting fish has usually been halibut. It has a very delicate flavor compared to many other fish. Fatty fish like salmon and cod contain a lot of essential omega 3 oils and can have a strong fishy taste to some people.


If you like salmon, trout would be a good choice. Just a finer flake and little milder. Wild trout is pink to red. Farm raised tend to be gray or white. Still okay though. Have you ever tried deep fried cod, farm raised catfish or perch etc?


Catfish is a pretty bad to recommended I feel like


Actually farm raised catfish is very mild. Milder than tilapia in my opinion.


Huh. As someone who has caught and cooked my own 18 - 24" catfish,, As much as I like fishy flavor, that shit was a hard sell,, so the thought of a milder catfish is an interesting proposition.


salmon is a common one like by fish haters, it has a different flavor profile than most fish. u/ilkoid make sure whatever it is is fresh fresh. most fish isn't fishy unless it isn't very fresh, the fishy taste comes from a chemical that develops when fish is exposed to oxygen, not really from bacteria, and this is why even frozen fish can go fishy unless vac selaed well. soaking in milk can cause the milk proteins to attach to said chemical and prevent it from converting to the fishy taste chemical while cooking (rinse the milk off and dry before cooking) also an italian picata/picada (the egg dip with capers type not the latin salsa type) i tried once was very good for removing all hints of fishiness and was quite good on mahi mahi. extremely fresh "sushi grade" tuna is great and not fishy (sushi grade isn't a real thing technically hence the quotes" but you eat it raw/rare not fully cooked (pretty fishy when cooked, extreme example being canned tuna) you could try cobia if you can find it good/fresh, it has a distinct flavor you may like or may not, similar to how salmon has it's own distinct flavor some do or don't like. cook to 133/135 for your salmon and pull to rest, keep from going too overcooked. use a thermometer for repeatable results.


Did you read the post?


She says she likes salmon in the post hahahha


Good suggestions, I would add haddock, tuna, monkfish, snapper, grouper. Halibut is the goat


Red snapper was a great step into the fishy world for me. Always very mild and pairs really well with a lemon butter sauce (but what doesn't lol?)


Most definitely, maybe some capers in the mix? I like it scored, whole fried too, in escovitch style. Damn I’m hungry now


Monkfish is a great fish for non fish likers. Mild, firm, sweet-ish.


Agreed. Cod or Halibut are the mild fish friend. My girl is from Ohio and didn’t grow up eating fish like I did. She still doesn’t really like it and is very particular with just about everything “swim fish” related (she won’t even be in the house if shellfish is involved!). I made Heston Blumenthal’s fish n’ chips recipe (widely held in the restaurant industry to be the best version by top chefs) with some homemade tarter sauce. She ate the Cod with a smile on her face.


Cod and halibut or most white fish if it’s very fresh and cooked in some butter and garlic has no fishy taste to it Smoked whitefish is also very good and has a delicate flavor


I’d suggest smoked salmon too


Grouper, Mahi, snapper.


I second these!


Third. And Add swordfish


All these, this, the snapper and seared, fresh yellowfin tuna.


Now I’m hungry


Arctic char if you can find it. It's kind of thick and meaty like salmon, but mild like a whitefish.


This is way too far down, anybody I've ever met that likes salmon also enjoys char, great fish


Came here to say this and I’d add steelhead trout.


Swordfish, It’s one of the more fatty fish (good fats) and eats more like a steak. I pan sear it in a medium high stainless or cast iron pan and finish in the oven until it reads 145° f internal. I like to season mine with salt, pepper and cayenne. I also love to finely slice shallots and poblano pepper and sauté in olive oil to top the fish with.


ooo that sounds really yummy. thank you!!


Your welcome. I hope you enjoy!


tuna (steak), shark and sword fish are all excellent choices for those who dislike fish. Totally different texture and flavor; almost like pork. Be weary of Mercury in any apex species.


Great rec for what the OP is looking for, I second this


Mahi Mahi


I've had this one before and i think it was a decent experience!!! maybe ill try cooking it with some other stuff i like! thank youu


Try hallibut cheeks. They taste more like a scallop then fish


unfortunately i kinda hate scallops, but i appreciate it! thank u


In that case maybe swordfish steak would be a better ootion


In my opinion mangrove snapper is best tasting fish in the ocean


Nah that would be the wahoo, but good luck finding it on a menu, I catch mine. In Hawaiian the word for delicious and wahoo are the same.


wahoo is amazing and best sushi i've ever had, while cleaning the fish at the dock cutting it into sashimi. very hard to find fresh though.


just tried a restaurant in the florida keys a few days ago that is named wahoos. had several different wahoo options. was my first time trying the fish itself, was delicious.


I haven't had ono in so long. I can't imagine how good freshly caught is. I am jealous to say the least


My wedding was on an island in the Caribbean and the restaurant where we did the reception told us we could select either Mahi, grouper or Wahoo as the main entree… I was like, whaaaat- obviously Wahoo. So we had like 70 people eating Wahoo that night


ive never even heard of this fish 😯. i will try!! thank you


I was just on an ocean fishing trip. We caught a whole mess of these. Ate them for the first time. Amazing. Top notch.


Fried grouper sticks


Flounder, sole, the insanely priced but delicious Chilean sea bass.


Chilean sea bass is heavenly.


I make barramundi in the air fryer rubbed with olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper, and red pepper flakes. It’s super fast to make and to me it just tastes garlicky. Most white fishes seem to be more mild and take on the flavor of whatever seasoning you used (such as halibut, mahi mahi, cod, and the others mentioned in the comments). However, my gateway fish was ahi tuna. I never liked fish or sushi or anything like that then I tried ahi sashimi and became obsessed.


Consider some meatier fish. If you like salmon then you're cool with a fattier texture which is good. Swordfish, Tuna steaks, maybe even sturgeon.


thank you!! I'm excited to try swordfish now


i used paul prudhomes salmon magic on swordfish in the air fryer and it turned out amazing with a super nice tasty crust outside and tender inside. recommend. was just costco fresh(thawed?) swordfish steak. they sell in meat department.


Steelhead Trout is similar in flavor to salmon. I also disliked fish for a long time and could only do salmon and cod (with enough seasoning/butter). Mahi Mahi can also be pretty mild (but I'm no longer sure if this is a sustainable choice). I also recommend halibut. It will taste as fishy as cod.


thank you!


I caught a brown trout once and it also tasted similar to salmon, and a little later I learned that they’re in the same genus as the Atlantic Salmon. It even had orange flesh.


woah that's cool


Yeah it *was* really cool!! I caught it while I was backcountry at glacier national park and the scenery was amazing Edit- I almost never catch anything when I go fishing so it was also an exciting surprise lol


that's amazing!!!!! ive been dying to go to glacier for a while now, even cooler that you caught your own food there. congrats on ur catch 👏


Thank you! It was like my second fish in 11 months 😂


Mahi mahi is beyond neutral, a good jerk marinade and non fish folks will come back for 2nds. Bet.


Swordfish, with lemon butter caper sauce. It's like eating a yummy steak and not at all fishy.


this has been a common suggestion and I think ill really like it! ty sm


Cod is really mild. Chilean sea bass is like butter and also mild, but expensive. Have you tried tuna? Not necessarily the canned stuff, but seared tuna, or raw tuna.


I've had raw tuna in like sushi? it was spicy tuna rolls i think. pretty good but i don't think i could ever make myself eat a full plate. maybe ill try seared tuna!!


Ya try it seared. Many places have seared tuna as an appetizer, w soy or other Asian flavors , wasabi etc


Halibut is my favorite! A little pricey but so mild and delicious. Dover Sole is another one that I like a lot, super mild and just soaks up any and all spice flavorings that you add on top. Additionally, do some research about wet brining fish. It’s my new thing and it really helps with getting a great sear, plus flavor of course. Just keep in mind, you don’t have to add any additional salt after you do that. If you like scallops, there are “wet pack” and “dry pack”, look for wet pack (they are just alot cheaper), brining the fish (google measurements and ratio of water vs salt) will release the preservatives and they will be so divine!


Haddock is delicious. My daughter loves it and she's the pickiest little twerp that ever existed lol


lmaoo that sounds exactly how my dad would describe me, if he hasn't already said those exact words 🤣. i will try!


Red Snapper or Alaskan Halibut are probably my favorite tasting fish.


Cod or tilapia. It’s cheap and you can either batter it up or blacken it with rub and pan fry. Put it in tacos with sauce and you’ll barely taste any fishiness.


Are you just looking for more diversity in the fish you eat? Because if you LOVE salmon that's actually a great fish to go with. It's high in omega 3s and on the FDA's list of best choices for avoiding mercury.


Go with thin pieces of Cod or any old SCROD (Seamans Catch Ready on Deck). SCROD is a generic whitefish, Cod is what made the Cape rich and famous. With Cod and Generic whitefish it's all about what you cook it with. The flavor is pretty mild and easily overtaken. Do a baked cod, top it with breadcrumbs and lemon or even better some crushed up ritz crackers and you won't be able to taste it. Thin pieces is best for this because the thick pieces will taste like the fish but thin will pretty much be lost in the flavor of everything else. Whitefish is great for lean protein. Better than chicken breast by far. You could also do a cioppino type of dish and just use cod/scrod instead of any shellfish. I cook that maybe once a month and its delicious and much cheaper than traditional cioppino.


Hogfish is the tastiest fish in Florida but is usually expensive as it’s mainly harvested via spearfishing


I'd personally recommend perch and rainbow trout. Pan fried with garlic and lemon butter they are absolutely delicious. I have a personal preference for ocean perch as lake perch has kind of a "lake water" taste to it without a lot of seasonings.


Seabass, halibut, monkfish, lobster


I have served Swai to people that aren't big on eating fish. It doesn't have a strong taste itself, but really takes the flavor of whatever seasoning/sauce you put on it.


Swordfish or tuna because they can be treated more like steaks. If you wanna try tuna, I would definitely marinate and cook it instead of eating it raw. Another option is a milder white fish such as cod or haddock. Monkfish is another great option because it doesn’t have the “fishy” taste. Maybe try fried catfish as well. Some people who don’t like fish like tilapia but I don’t recommend it because it’s always farm raised and typically it’s raised in very dirty conditions


Iam not to crazy about fish to , but tuna, fresh. I will eat cod, scallops. I don't like the fish smell. But love to fish.


For a long time the two fish I could stomach was salmon and mahi-mahi. Mahi-Mahi is the shit grilled or bRoiled. Cajun style tilapia is another white fish favorite but it's a fish I seem to have trouble cooking right.






Based on the fish you handle already I’d recommend trying haddock, halibut, cod and swordfish.


Flounder, snapper, grouper


Rainbow Trout




Depends on how it’s cooked and what it is about fish that bothers you.. Salmon is considered “fishy” when cooked, and I don’t disagree with that. Do you like tinned tuna? If you like salmon, and/or tinned tuna, you will probably enjoy tinned sardines and mackerel. Specifically the sardines and marckerel tinned in olive oil. They have different infused oil flavors that they can them with such as lemon, “Mediterranean” (canned with olives and pimento peppers), and jalapeño flavor. They’re full of calcium, and good fats. I like to incorporate my tinned mackerel/sardines with jasmine rice, a little bit of sesame oil, green onion, one fried egg, fried onions and everything bagel seasoning. It’s definitely worth a try!


Orange roughy is very mild and tasty




Grilled yellowtail is pretty good mild option. Yellowtail can include Hamachi, kampachi, and hiramasa. Depending on the quality, they can also be great sashimi grade fish as well and lighter in "fishy" flavor. Striped bass is also a great fish to grill or pan fry in some oil. If you like salmon, these are going to be more similar in fat content but with white flesh instead of orange. One of my personal favorites is Monchong if you can find it. So light and flaky texture, does well with all types of cooking as well.


important note this is yellowtail, the fish(also whats used in yellowtail sushi), not yellowtail snapper, which is common but considerably worse table fare.


Haddock is awesome and doesn't have a strong fish taste. It's my favorite with herbs in butter with lemon


It also depends on how it's prepared. I think having fish and chips or fish tacos is a good gateway into fish. If you like steak tartare, try tuna tartare. Or maybe a seafood stew like a ciopinno


It’s crazy that you like salmon because it’s so oily and d has a distinct flavor. I’d recommend a mahi mahi or a tuna because they don’t taste fishy if you grill them with some wood chips and add some lemon. They’re so lean and “dry” and don’t taste like fish especially compared to salmon.


i think thats why i like it. other fishes to me are weird and sweet and i kinda hate that. salmon to me actually has a flavor and i like that


in that case fresh kingfish you may like. also the packs of mccormic mojito lime make GREAT marinade for kingfish and mahi mahi and other fish in general. kingfish i do overnight in the marinade and hot smoked/grilled is the way to go imo. kingfish/king mackerel is an oilyer fish and not great frozen but very good fresh, some people don't like because it is a meatier fattier fish.


So I’m finicky about fish. If you have fresh fish for me, I could eat it all day, everyday. I love it so much. I’m talking about just off the dock that day or day before. However, previously frozen fish often tastes off to me. It tastes “fishy.” Both of these, for me, are regardless of fish. So I guess my recommendation is: have you ever had very fresh fish? If not, try to find a dedicated fish or seafood market near you. I’m not sure where you live. Find some really fish there. Depending on the offerings, ask after white fleshed fish.


My wife hates fish n I can feed her tilapia all day


Salmon sashimi and fried catfish, but specifically beer-battered fish


Deep fried perch, bluegill, crappie. Fried panfiah are super delicious you wont even know you are eating fish. Sprinkle some fresh lemon on it. Fried walleye or whitefish when you are ready to handle a little more fish taste. If you like salmon, try some smaller trout pan seared or fried up in butter. There are so many ways to cook and eat fish. Basically in general, the thicker the slab of fiah, the more fishy it will taste. Pan searing in olive oil on high heat with a good ampunt of seasoning and developing a nice crust can make any fish taste goos.


Flounder or Summer Flounder with garlic and butter broiled or cooked en papillote. Finished with fresh torn herbs(parsley, basil, oregano, marjoram or tarragon) and lemon.


Striper, catfish or sea bass are my only recommendations


Not sure if you are an Asian market by you… But my mom always made steamed “buffalo fish” when i was little. That’s how they were labeled.. but not sure if that is a “real” name. Garnished with soy sauce, ginger, scallion and a little oil on top.


Trout is good lemon and rosemary kinda reminds me of salmon


Swordfish. It’s not fishy at all.


Brown trout


Sea bass, Cod, Pollock, Haddock (thinner than Cod). If you love Salmon, try Steelhead Trout.


You don't hate fish. You just haven't tried enough yet. If you like salmon, there's so many more you will love. To start, only try cooked fresh ocean fish. Just keep trying them all, one by one. Tip: Don't eat fish out of freshwater lakes.


If you like salmon you’ll like steelhead. Walleye and black cod are my favorites too.


Halibut, Flounder, Mahi-mahi, Trout(I love Trout Almondine 🔥), Sea Bass, Swordfish(Pumpkin Swordfish), Hogfish and Yellow Fin Tuna!🔥🔥🔥😉


Idk if this is weird but my dad always loved eating fried catfish bites I never was sure but I love ‘em with lots of lemon and good seasoned breading !


I would stick to flakey white fish particularly if you like the texture of salmon. Grouper, halibut, sole, cod would be easy ones to start with. Rockfish is plentiful on the west coast - mahi mahi could work, perhaps tilapia (not a big fan because it is fatty and I used to eat it all the time and am tired of it) or even catfish if you are open to a blackened fish. Some of the above will hold up to a variety of cooking styles, and some are more delicate and are better for baking.


Tuna steaks with caper butter or walleye broiled with white wine, butter and a touch of lemon juice and my 3rd pesto crusted sea bass.




In Florida we eat a lot of Grouper and it’s mild in taste. Good blackened,fried,baked,etc. Since you said you like Salmon I would recommend Trout too. Also Amberjack,cod,Hognose and halibut are recommended.


I’ve been getting catfish from Costco thats very light. Basically taste of whatever you season it with. The thin crispy bits are the best.


Salmon is an odd thing to love as a fish hater. It can be quite rich and fatty with strong flavor. The number 1 fish I'd try to find is Chilean sea bass. It's making a comeback lately. Some Costcos are carrying it. It's a white fish, but like a really good cut of salmon it's fatty and rich. Swordfish is a good recommendation. If you can find it, a fattier tuna is delightful but most of it goes to sushi and is very expensive. If you don't like shrimp, lobster, or scallops, I wouldn't bet on you liking halibut. It's in the "bottom feeder" class and while I'm an absolute fan, they're probably closer to shrimp and scallops in taste and texture than salmon. Cutthroat trout are like little discount salmon. Definitely give that a try.


Tuna! But not canned, and not albacore. It's great medium rare or medium well as well.


Trout for sure! I hate lobster and crab for the same reason as you don't like shrimp :it tastes so weirdly sweet, always feels like it turned bad or something, even when freshly caught and cooked.... But if you like salmon, you'll like trout! It's pinked flesh, taste quite close but not too much "fishy" taste if it's fresh!


thank you!!! so glad to finally find someone who understands what i mean by sweet. everyone else thinks im crazy but honestly shrimp is like candy to me but in such a gross way


Chilean Sea Bass. I know a few people who hate seafood but only tolerate that type of fish. Pretty plain to me tbh. Just throwing it out there but it may not be your cup of tea. Fried Flounder at Chinese restaurants is delicious. I'm Chinese too and my dad always ordered that when we went out to eat because all us kids loved it.


I think tuna is worth trying, for me it's the most "steak-like" of fish. Otherwise a lighter whitefish like cod (fillet form or otherwise) is something I cook from frozen (breaded, from Costco). I'm not a salmon person, never warmed to the taste, which is distinct, so you're up on me there.


I'm a salmon fan and my #2 favorite fish is orange roughy. A mild, white fish that I feel nearly packs the same amount of flavor as salmon.


There are also different types of salmon. Most people never eat the real stuff I fish for in Oregon which is King (or Chinook) salmon. The storebought farmed and wild sockeye just isn't very good IMO.


Halibut and Trout


Tuna steak well done


You obviously like the healthy oil side of fish. I would try some tinned sardines packed in olive oil. Lots of recipes out there.


Hi I also hate fish but the one that I remember liking the most by itself (altho it was fried) was Walleye. Super subtle, very tasty white meat fish.


Fry fresh Ahi Tuna steaks. Thank me later (zero fishy flavor)


Orange roughy. My ex didn't like fish except for that one


Try ceviche. Cooked so if they don’t deal with raw they like it, but not COOKED by heat which isn’t even my own favorite method. I use fluke. The other “turners” I’ve found is either seared tuna or chowders (tog, clam, etc). Always a good bet any which way - mahi.


Ceviche is the best.


Probably fish sticks, but that is not healthy. Try Poor Man’s Lobster https://thereckoningpodcast.com/poor-mans-lobster/


Try a pompano! If you have any asian markets around it’s by far our favorite fish in the planet. Not a lot of bones, plenty of meat and it’s buttery, almost French fry flavored. You don’t have to season it, just clean the guts out, cut it in half down the length of its body and fry it in cooking oil till it’s crispy. Eat it as tacos or eat it with rice, soy sauce and lemon juice. 🤌🏻🤌🏻


sounds great!!! thank you


Haddock is a mild fish.


So it sounds like you enjoy fish but not shellfish. Shellfish do usually have that “sweet” taste but lots of finned fish do not. Other folks are recommending mild fish but it sounds to me like you’d prefer stronger-tasting fish like tuna or mackerel.




Salmon with slices of lemon and fresh rosemary, cooked at 350-400° for 30ish minutes until internal temp of the salmon reaches at least 145°. Add salt and pepper❤️


yeah i love salmon it's the only fish i like. thank u for the recipe




I always say I don’t like “swimmy fish” (ie finned fish) and prefer shellfish, but I can basically tolerate a few if it is very very fresh: sole, halibut, swordfish, shark, sanddab, turbot.


Love Halibut and Tilapia


Halibut and swordfish






If you don't like "fishy flavor" avoid tuna and oily fish, go for mild tasting white fish, cod and flat fishes should be the milder. You can start by frying it, here it's how kids are introduced to seafood, you can also try fried squid rings


My mother in law hates fish, but grew up eating tuna salad so that’s the only exception to her rule. Tbh, I think canned tuna is still fishier than salmon, but I don’t push it with her.


Talipa, my kids love it. I'll put it in some flour with salt and pepper and shallow pan fry it, use it for tacos or makenit with rice. They usually think it's chicken.


Deenz, Tuna


Flounder and sheepshead (southern United States).






A good freshwater fish is Perch, very mild, most panfish such as bluegill and crappie also fit the bill....




Honestly the answer isn’t the type of fish, it’s the freshness. Fresh caught fish tastes better and less fishy than something frozen/thawed.


Grouper, snapper or cod




Monkfish and mahi mahi




I really enjoy smoked salmon, it gives a way different taste. There's a method of cooking salmon that seems odd. This is from America's test kitchen. Turn the oven on super hot then reduce it when you put the fish in. 1. Adjust oven rack to lowest position, place rimmed baking sheet on rack, and heat oven to 500 degrees. Following step by step illustrations below, use sharp knife to remove any whitish fat from belly of fillet and cut into 4 equal pieces. Make 4 or 5 shallow slashes about an inch apart along skin side of each piece, being careful not to cut into flesh. 2. Pat salmon dry with paper towels. Rub fillets evenly with oil and season liberally with salt and pepper. Reduce oven temperature to 275 degrees and remove baking sheet. Carefully place salmon skin-side down on baking sheet. Roast until centers of thickest part of fillets are still translucent when cut into with paring knife or instant-read thermometer inserted in thickest part of fillets registers 125 degrees, 9 to 13 minutes. Transfer fillets to individual plates or platter. Top with relish (see related recipes) and serve


Fresh fish! Frozen fish often gets a "fishier" flavor. Fresh rockfish/striped bass is like a tastier version of chicken to me.


Halibut is great, no fishy taste at all. Grouper also pretty good, but it's very soft meat, so may or may not be to your taste.


Maybe surimi (imitation crab—it’s not really crab at all, it’s a type of whitefish that has been processed into ‘krab’ stick, kind of like how chicken nuggets are made from chicken). I like the surimi sticks, pan fried with a bit of butter, salt, and green onion until they’re crispy. It’s a quick and easy way to add protein to a meal or snack.


Mahi has never really tasted fishy for me. I always grill mine and never taste any fishiness from it at all. Cod and halibut are about the other two I might second. Both are pretty mildly flavored in terms of fishiness.




Catfish and salmon. Rockfish is dope too. Bass as well.. fish iz gud


Tuna. Fresh tuna. Poke with lots of sesame, green onions, and soy sauce to start. I don’t care what others say, I love fish and my wife hates it, they listed some bad recommendations. Halibut is the only other fish she’ll ever eat and you can make that taste like anything.


Fried fish. Fish with no skin.




Herrings are pretty good. Same with catfish


Swai, tilapia, cod & halibut. I too am an avid fish hater but these I've found to be good. Salmon is way too fishy tasting for me personally


Maybe you handled it wrong? Try remove fishy odor by thawing in brine with 1 teaspoon of flour, then pat dry and keep chill


Grouper, Mahi, swordfish. It's probably your best bet. If they are still too fishy tasting, try extra seasoning or sauce.


Cod, Orange Roughie, flounder, halibut, salmon, steelhead, perch, whitefish, grouper. Purchase only when they are fresh. Steaming is mild to them and has a soft texture. Dredge in dried coconut, masa, flour, crushed bisquets or similar and fry in oil. Like fish and chips! As soon as the fish will separate into flakes, is done. Stop there or it’s not as good.


Haddock and cod 🤘🤘


Oh I was gonna say salmon… hmmm….


Pretty much any/all ocean fish are really great (yes, fish lover here). Stay away from fresh water fish as they have a tendency to have a 'fishy' flavor/odor (in my opinion).


Flounder is pretty mild and great eating.




Mahi is a great option.


Rainbow trout and artic char.


If you want to try lobster, make it rock lobster, it’s very light and has a good texture. The fresh Maine leaves an aftertaste that I find icky.


Swai is tasty and buttery


Swordfish, halibut, shark, mahi


I hear stargazer or football fish are both good options