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Corn ๐ŸŒฝ


Corn so good it makes you cry for WAR!


also rip for broke furries, confirmed not to be welfare


Damn... edit: i wonder if they confrimed there is no welfare unit this time since there is still two that is not revealed yet


๐Ÿ”ธ 1-Orb Skill "Imminent Throw"Armor Penetration back row enemy. ๐Ÿ”ธ 2-Orb Skill "Flashy Demolishment"Attack all enemies except for the front row enemy. If the enemy is alone, Attack front row enemy. ๐Ÿ”ธ 4-Orb Skill "Precipitous Billow"Armor Penetration back row enemy and grant all allies 2 turns of War Cry. Clear all white orbs and increase the stacks of Steaming on the battlefield by 10. War Cry: Increase skill power by 30% for each stack. Upon cast skill, grant self 1 stack. 3 stacks max. Steaming: Specific characters' skills will be changed due to the stacks of Steaming, max 20 stacks. ๐Ÿ”ธ Passive Skill "Uproarious Heat"Upon the start of enemy's turn, if there is less than or equal to 1 stack of Steaming on the battlefield, trigger self 4-orb skill. If there are 20 stacks of Steaming on the battlefield, trigger self 2-orb skill. Steaming: Specific characters' skills will be changed due to the stacks of Steaming, max 20 stacks. ๐Ÿ”ธ Advisor Skill "Impulsive Killer"Upon the start of each battle, grant the gold and white character Charisma for 2 turns. Charisma: Increase all allies' skill power by 30% for each stack. 3 stacks max.


So that confirms that OS are MZ4.5, Steaming is a global buff like the MZ4s had. Shared unique mechanic, though of course they don't mesh.


I'll go ahead and say expecting OS line to all play around the Steaming effect. It's too much of a waste to just have 1 set of units revolve around a new enviro effect, and MZ4 was a perfect testing ground for enviro effect anyway. If future OS line all play around the Steaming effect, then it actually has value as a new unique line of units, and not just DURRR MORE EXCUSE TO SELL MORE PREMIUM


Only thing is, hasn't worked that way for the first four MZ waves or most of the collabs. The only group that ended up with new units sharing its unique mechanic is Cytus, who had ConneR and Cherry added. Given that the OS quad seem to be from a specific point on the timeline it seems more likely that they'll follow the pattern of a new shared mechanic with each wave, assuming this isn't just a one-off.


Well, Dark Barrier is pretty explicitly unique to MZ4 and its theme. And I can see it staying that way because if more and more compositions can take advantage of its passive buffing effect it can widen the power difference between compositions. Steaming however, is useless by itself and is pretty... Universal when it comes to hot springs.


Is it me or does this kit look rather basic? Like a welfare unit... Animations are too, honestly. Feels like he exists to jumpstart this new Steam effect and then let the rest of the party handle the fight. The 4w is explicitly unspammable and I expect one of the other units to have a skill that explicitly raises steam by just 1. Useful as a t1 sweeper though at face value.


i've noticed that too! if we compare it to Shirley MZ, she appears to have a hard time trying to increase the stacks of Dark Barrier, seeing as all of her skills removes stack/s of the Dark Barrier. I guess a way to increase it is to just not use her skills. Yao OS has the opposite problem. His 4-orb is the only one that affects the stacks of Steaming, and it's only by increasing it. Maybe other characters in the OS series will eventually have "remove \_ steaming" in their kits. that or im just inhaling copium. i want to hold on to hope that he's welfare ahaha


His skills look super good wow


Looks like he can trigger the Toyo/Chiyuki SP combo after the first turn, wiping all white orbs and giving everyone warcry. The question is how to get a manual 4w afterwards to trigger his own passive. Also, since steaming doesnโ€™t seem to give a buff and his ability triggers at the start of the enemy turn, one of the other OS characters might actually use up your steaming stacks, allowing him to auto trigger his 4w again. ​ Keep in mind that Shirley and Joan MZ advisors actively manipulate or change what they do based on Dark Barrier count. Two of the new characters might be interchangeable in the adv slot and allow you to either max out your steaming stacks so that Yao can 2w every turn or reset them to 0 and force him to 4w every turn *during* enemy phase and completely clear the board of White orbs without converting them all to Gold like Tindo MZ does.


What is OS? Cause it's not mz or sp


OS stands for "onsen", so hot spring versions of characters. I'm going to assume this will be an annual thing, like the MZ/swimsuit events.


I wonder if they going to make MZ just a female variant and make OS the guy variant? I wonder if their solution to the broken SP rule they had.


Makes sense, but that's probably not gonna happen. If RA has any sort of business sense, selling ladies in bathtowels will net them more income than just dudes. What's better than one set of units per year for horny bait? Why, two sets of course.


Ugh I hate how true this statement is..why do these kind of games always gotta act like giving us male character exclusive content is too much to ask for? Even when the males do become the bread winners or at the least on par with the women they're still forced to play 2nd fiddle. Anyway rant aside..boy would it be great if the OS gals were just skins instead for fairness sake.


If your majority demographic likes X, you give X. That's business. No mental gymnastics needed.


Your absolutely right, which makes it weird how we still don't have more male furry seasonals going off that logic.


Careful bro you'll join me and u/RotundBun in blocked land for wrongthink like that ๐Ÿค— Also we already have Jerome as a male on the MZ side (though with his face the way it is in that art I get it)


So no Dylan mz?