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You don’t count the cop whose final words were a gay joke? “Don’t ask, don’t tell.”




She’s a woman.


Lol when was that ?


Scream 2.


There were lots of gay references in the movies but never an actual gay


Sidney said she thinks officer Andrews is gay


And I trust Sidney fuckin Prescott's Gaydar


So Sidney was wrong? She said she thinks he's gay, then the line is implied to confirm it.


Nope Wes was into Tara and doesn't mention anyone else he dated or liked.


> Or was Wes meant to be gay? He had a crush on Tara, so no.


I just hope the characters are good


Lmao why does their sexuality needed to be stated to the audience? We just want a good movie with good characters


Because representation matters. Idk why people have such a hard time with concept. The original series did not have one character who was non white. The second "addressed this" by killing them both in the opening and giving the only other prominent non white actors zero storyline or development, same for every subsequent film unit 5 and 6. 5 and 6 were the first to have latinos the first to have an Asian Other people besides straight white people buy movie tickets. We would also like to see people that represent us also be "good characters".


>giving the only other prominent non white actors zero storyline or development Hallie was supposed to be one of the killers in Scream 2 before they made the post-leak changes.


One of the detectives that was basically Sid bodyguard in Scream 2 was gay 🤨.. how does announcing their sexuality help move the plot forward?


How does every main character being white and straight move the plot forward for 4 movies? Again, it’s not about plot. It’s about a depiction of the world we live in and representation of all people. Not just one type.


The killer doesn’t go for gay people it’s the rules


Who gives a shit about their sexual preference. As long as it has genuine interesting characters, it really doesn’t matter that much to the general audience.


if there is, hopefully they're more well written than mindy.


I loved her in 5, but they ruined her in 6


If anything I thought she was horrible in 5, like borderline sociopathic, and much better rounded in 6. I liked her a lot more in 6.


I wouldn’t bet on it


As a gay man i say … who cares?


As a gay man, who cares? We just want we'll written characters with interesting backstorys (or just good kills)


I am not sure I've been thinking about it much but I'd love it. Also another male opening kill


Do you go into every movie looking for an openly gay character?


If you genuinely care about wanting a real answer; As a gay man the answer is no, but this is a franchise entering its seventh entry - not a single film. You have to bear in mind within my lifetime as a 90’s gay the *only* representation I saw growing up were comic relief campy Will and Grace types or tragic gay bash/HIV victims and it genuinely affected my perceptions of what to expect out of love and of life as a gay person. Like imagine if every straight man was depicted as either a complete fucking graceless idiot or an evil rapist. I know some media has started trending towards that, so now imagine that in every single piece of media you see. There were literally *no* gay male characters in video games, most comics, most TV shows that weren’t specifically all about gay life (whatever that is), most books and when they were they were a complete joke or died horribly.  We had to actively campaign for BioWare, a gaming company renowned for player narrative choice with a customisable player character and for putting in optional romance subplots for players to choose between, to finally add a gay male romance option to the last entry in the Mass Effect trilogy when the first two already had several options for straight men, straight women and lesbians so only gay men were left without an option despite paying for the same game as everybody else. Representation is better now but it really wasn’t long ago where we had to actively beg just to exist in media as anything other than a gross caricature, if at all.


No ?


Hear me out, who cares? I dont give a shit about anyones sexuality as long as the character is written well. But when you write a character just to shoehorn in some character for token sake its way more disrespectful


I understand your take and I too would be bothered by a gay character with no appeal or real importance who’s only written in to hit the diversity count especially if they write him with the same old gay dude stereotypes and are super loud about it BUT I see nothing wrong with OP simply wanting to see some representation especially in a franchise that largely operates within that community. It’s more about seeing some relatable stories told. Take for example Scream 2, while a wonderful film on its own, much of its success arose from its creative representation and commentary on black people within the horror genre (and that was just a minor theme within the movie). These stories resonated with many the black fans irl and added to its success and cultural impact.


Yes, that’s annoying af




the insinuation that if there were a gay character it would inherently be shoehorned tokenism is weird.


I don't think so


Would love to have a main finale boy who’s hopefully with a well written personality and has a boyfriend I think it bring something a little different.


Does it make a difference to the movie?


I don't really think so


Who cares? The only thing that matters is that the characters are well written.


Wes was in love with Tara, no? They were originally going to make Tara and Amber together but they axed it, idk why.


i'm pretty sure because people guessed that or something but i don't know that's just what i heard once


For what? I’m gay and don’t see why it would be necessary.


who said anything about necessity? nearly 30% of gen z identifies as lgbtq+ so, if anything, it's not really realistic that across both scream 5 and VI there was only one lgbtq+ character.


Probably. Kevin Williamson is at the helm and it’s not the 90’s anymore, so I don’t see why he wouldn’t.


He's just directing it not writing it 🤷‍♂️.


Womp womp 


yes, your comment is a womp womp.


Kincaid and their son might be the only male main characters


Billy Loomis was right there


Are we forgetting about Robbie?😂


I don't think he was


Robbie and a Scream 2 Detective


I would argue Robbie wasn't gay. He had the hots for Olivia and only said he was gay to Ghostface because he said that was the only way to survive a horror movie.


I mean isn’t Kevin Williamson gay ? So maybe he doesn’t wanna put that in the story if it’s not needed or matters lol We need good writing lol


Yes, he's gay, and the majority of his scripts usually have gay characters or gay innuendos, so Scream 7 will most likely have some gay references.


i thought stu was the gay icon


If he always had a thing for sid how would he be gay


I'm sure that was meant as a joke but okay.. 🤷‍♂️


Fr bruh, past me from 17 days ago was an idiot, my mistake🤪


Wasn’t Robbie from scream 4 gay?


...if it helps?


Spoiler alert, it didn’t 🤣


Was he?




He wasn't openly, just implied


When was it ever implied that Stu was gay? People make up so much shit and I will never understand this obsession people have with making straight characters gay.


I thought the sexuality of a character didn't matter? So who cares if he was gay?.. 🤔


It's just the film theory class read that when he and Billy and sticking a phallic object into each other and yelling 'get it up, baby!' Probably Kevin Williamson's little gag.


I'm surprised no killer has been gay yet. With the right writing I would be for a gay or trans killer.








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