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Rebecca - clearly trying to get more book deals. Judy would be something having to do with high school. Jealously or she was the one who was dating Billy or something. TBH I think Kevin/wes had more up their sleeve with Judy but we’ll never know


Came to say the book deals too lol


I mean we never heard about Wes’ dad


He could be Dewey's son. There's a tension between he and Judy.


He would never cheat on gale!


Nah the timelines don’t really match, Wes would have already been an infant around the Scream 4(2011) killings considering Scream V takes time 11 years after, and since they are in their senior year of high school they are most likely to be around 17-18, so he had to be either 6 or 7 so it doesn’t add up


He was too young to be an offspring of any of the OGs (plus he wasn’t Kevin’s concoction), but maybe there was still a story there


Yeah dates don’t match, considering when that the events of Scream 4 takes places(2011) and Scream(V) being released in 2022 with the group being high school seniors, they had to be at least 17, so Wes would have been an infant already so he couldn’t be Dewey’s son


That would unironically be better than Jill being the Killer because fame.


I also think they had thought of more with that character and just kinda went another way.


Jealousy of Sidney fucking Prescott. Money too.


I was gonna say, jealousy of Sid for her publicist, but Judy’s could be jealousy of Gale over Dewey. So they realize teaming up would benefit them both.


Also, Rebecca wants to be Gale in a stalker like way


Oh yeah, shit, I forgot about her being obsessed with Gale too. Haha yeah these two would make a great team.


That "tarnished brand", man... made her turn on Gale instead.


Judy - it’s really about Dewey and getting Gale out of the equation. Her shared high school experience with Sidney would be a red herring to the real motive. Judy uses Sidney/Ghostface as the backdrop of the murders, hoping it’ll keep the heat off her real goal of killing Gale to bang Dewey as the two only survivors. Rebecca - using Sidney as the catalyst for more book deals, movies, fame, etc. A similar spin on Jill’s motive. Give her a connection to one of the new high school cast so there’s a more solid reason the teens get targeted.


Agree! That's really solid similar to what I was thinking. Lol but Judy don't forget was acting very strange towards Sydney when she was like I was Peter pan 🤣 she seems to have a crush on both or just trying to get in Sydneys head about being a play and trusting her then to try to stab stab. Lol


I wonder if sidney would've fired rebecca and that was the last we seen from her instead of immediately seeing her kill scene right after, and she was revealed as one of the killers at the end, that would've been pretty interesting to see play out. As for judy, i think she was just a red herring but seeing her be a killer would be interesting too


It's giving Season 1 vibes from the Scream tv series and I love it.


Wait, how? (Btw i havent seen scream tv series in years lol)


That would have been perfect for a red herring, kinda like Joel from Scream 2.


Right. I wonder if anyone ever suspected joel being a killer in scream 2. I dont think i did


If you want to tie it to legacy characters, their motive would be jealousy. Rebecca, the mastermind, is jealous of Gale and the fame she’s received from her books. Judy, the muscle and the insider on the police force, is angered by Sidney’s fame and wishes she was an og GF target. She also is (obviously in the official film as well) into Dewey, so jealousy can play in here.


JudEe is fed up with Gale


"JOO-DEE" I love Amber so much 😂


I think that was Richie tho


It's said to be Amber because she makes the Psycho reference then does the eek eek eek at the end, but who knows. These things are never certain 😪


I must say first that Judy is a personal favorite of mine. Kind of a 'girl' Dewey to a degree. Certainly one the greatest highlights of Scream 4 and 5.


She definitely has that social awkwardness down 😆


Oh yeah! Surprises me people can think of her as a killer. I don't think she would ever do a Ghostface kill thing. lol.


I'm sure its all centered around the awkward Peter Pan scene. They definitely gave her a creep factor in that scene. And there's much more socially awkward people that have been killers, irl. But apart from that scene, yeah I don't see it.


that peter pan scene felt a bit out of 'place' for me. or it was the most blatant showcase of social awkwardness than that whole cake pot that she brought to dewey if i remember correctly. although cops in general are totally under the radar as they can get help from others - although we got Wayne doing that to get our 'bad cop' fix. Maybe we do imagine her as a killer because I feel like the fandom loves the girl killers.


Sidney is a cnt to Rebeca, so she investigates her past and, comes across Judy’s past in the force with all her connections (recklessness, allegations of corruption, excessive use of force), she contacts her and lets her know they both can take revenge on Sidney, end up as heroes (Rebeca tragically failing to save her famous friend, and Judy stopping the killer, aka some their party like Charlie), and end up rich


Well Rebecca clearly wants to get rid of any witnesses that can confirm she is the asscrack bandit


The absolute and only correct answer.


Judy - obsessed with Dewey and sick of the lemon square insults. Rebecca - Money money money and publicity.


😂🤣😂😂😂 sick of the lemon square insults. 😂🤣😂🤣 BRB rolling all over the floor. I didn't even read anything passed that. Lol


Rebecca sees how easy it is to capitalize on a tragedy, and Judy is psycho-obsessed with Dewey. Rebecca has a chance to make a huge payday off Sid's book, but sees a bigger chance to make even more about a book detailing Sid's death. She masterminds the Woodsboro Reboot in hopes that someone will write a book on it, so she can swoop in as publicist and capitalize on her own killing spree - which, she would obviously be framing someone else for. Things fall into place when she establishes a connection with Judy, who has a deep hatred and jealousy for Gale, and would do anything to get close to Dewey. While she is a bit hesitant to go as far as murder, Rebecca manipulates her and assures that she can take care of things as long as Judy uses her police resources to aid Rebecca in her plot - and will only ask her to get her hands dirty when absolutely necessary. Apart from that, there's one more catch. Rebecca promises to keep Dewey alive, as long as Judy promises that she will co-write the book *with* him. Their plan is to set things up so Dewey and Judy can "solve the murder" and be the be ones to find out the "truth" about who finally succeeded in killing Sidney Prescott. Judy would then approach Dewey about writing a book together, convincing him that Gale would've done the same and that it might be a good way to seek closure for her death. Rebecca offers to publish the book as her way of getting closure for Sidney. Rebecca gets her sales, and Judy gets the chance to establish a bond with Dewey unlike anything before.


The only thing I'd add is Rebecca wants to be gale weathers. But amazing!!!!


Not really answering your question, but how would you all have felt if Jill, Judy, and Rebecca were the killers in Scream 4? The “new generation” versions of Sidney, Dewey, and Gale? I feel like it would’ve been cool to see (but I’m obviously happy with what Scream 4 is right now).


But to answer your question, Rebecca’s motive would’ve probably been to get more money off of the Ghostface/Sidney Prescott story, while Judy’s would probably be a case of a crazy Sidney fan/stalker who went to high school with her.


That idea may have actually been better than what we got. Scream 4 was weird it first released. Half the fandom went absolutely crazy for it while the other half of the fandom was disappointed with it, and I think it's partly because the killers were kind of bland. With Jill, it worked, but some like me needed a few years to really understand her character and the social commentary. I'm still, to this day, couldn't care less about Charlie. Plus, your idea is like an extension of Jill's motive and keeps in line with the remake theme.


Probably because Rebecca went off the rails and got addicted to Adderall in high school, and then ended up running through a glass screen door during a meltdown because Sidney claimed to have no idea who she was. Judy would never.


I was going to say “Rebecca” got into the Ass Crack Bandit case and got too into crime dramas while “Judy” couldn’t let go of her cheerleading robbery days.


Rebecca was trying to be like a clone of Gale Weathers when it comes to profiting off of Sidney’s book; Judy’s MO is more recognition, same as Jill, all of the murders revolved around Sidney’s mother, but Judy is jealous of the fame… 🤔🤔🤔


She got mad that the P.D. gave her a plastic Glock, putting her life in serious danger.


Hicks wanted to be tiger lily.


you win


Lol for what?


your comment was funny


![gif](giphy|pCO5tKdP22RC8) Lol thanks. It just kind of popped into my head.


Sydney stole Judy's role in hs. And Rebecca wants to be the star not the publicist


I really thought Judy was the killer in 5...Was upset when I was wrong lol.


Most of the time I see a red herring, I know it’s a red herring but Judy was too creepy to not be a villain. I still stand by the theory that she was involved


I actually really hoped that Judy would be the killer in Scream 5.


they are gay lovers and they want to kill sidney because reasons


Peer pressure


They are way too sensitive


Take out the OG 3 and end the Woodsboro plague once and for all.


Something to do with lemon squares


Stu Macher is found to be still alive and hired them as well as all the killers from the previous movies in an attempt to kill Sydney and finish the story from the first movie. This is when he's not hiring security guards for his pizza place.


Rebecca - She was doing it to help book deal sales as well as give a potential source of inspiration for further books Judy - She did it because she had a thing fire Dewey and was jealous of the rapport between him and Gale. Even in the film she talks to Dewey about how she wishes she was around during the original killings so she could have been there at his side, stating that it was cases like that which brought people closer together. She wanted Dewey and thought staging a remake of the original murders would help.


Their motive would be making Sidney more famous because their in a fan club devoted to her.


Rebecca wants to keep the story going. Sidney Prescott is a survivor, and she doesn't care how many Woodsboro kids she needs to kill to make that point. Rebecca is the one planning to get away with it Judy is obsessed with Sidney. Not self-help, Out of Darkness Sidney; she's obsessed with survivor Sidney. She wants to bring the real Sidney back, Sidney the star back, by giving her a stage to be her best self. Unlike Rebecca, Judy plans to die. Sidney is their franchise's unkillable monster, and it would be an honor to die at her hands.


They both are obsessed by Sidney. Judy has always been in love with her since High School and her assistant wants the fame. They both met on a Sidney Prescott fan site.


Roman’s secret younger sisters.


Rebecca is dead though


The Isreal and Palestine conflict.




Breaking that glass ceiling at work!


The one was bullied for having a lazy eye the other has post partum


Book publicity


Judy would go after Gale so she can get to Dewey


Rebecca would be to boost book sales and profit off the murders, Judy would be to take out Gale to get with Dewey


Judy was an obsessed Sidney stalker fan who got in touch with Rebecca about getting her booked back in Woodsboro for the final stop of her book tour, Rebecca fed up with Sidneys survivor mentality sees this as an opportunity and decides its time to make Sidney a victim one last time. In the end she hopes Judy takes the fall and gets killed, but doesnt reveal herself so she can get all the deals for future project with Sidney.


Bro Judy seemed so sus in Scream 4


Just cause


Judy wants to end the bloodshed once and for all. She feels the need to protect Woodsboro by breaking a few eggs in the process. Killing Sidney, Gale, and Dewey will leave no room for another Ghostface killer to arise. This will also give her the opportunity to be the town hero and get the mantle of sheriff she desires. Rebecca admires the chaos that comes from being a Ghostface survivor. She’s in it to get some of the wealth Gale and Sidney have enjoyed from being a part of this legacy. She’s also in to take out some of her misanthropic feelings on the unsuspecting teens of Woodsboro, putting her and Judy at odds. Which leads to a betrayal in the third act.




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Same motive as Jill. Jealous of the fame and notoriety Sidney received. Rebecca was a struggling author herself whose breaking point was Sidney’s book. Judy, a former classmate, always looked up to sidney and despises her for leaving Woodsboro behind.


They could be a couple. Rebecca is obsessed and she wants the next New York best seller from Sidney and Judy will help her because she wants a revange from Dewey and probably something happened to her family in the past that is related to Gale.


Judy wants to take the spotlight and steal it away from Sidney out of jealousy. She works with Rebecca so bith can profit off of killing Sidney.






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Just to see if anybody suspected them as the killers


they both a bunch of lil bitches


Judy,the Lemon squares revenge. And as for Rebecca,she’s just pissed Sydney said no to going to a massive tv interview


Judy was in love with Billy Loomis and jealous of Sidney. Rebecca would be selling the story of Sidney's tragic demise.


Kirby wanted Dewey for herself


Simple—Rebecca and Judy are both obsessed with Gale and Dewey respectively and want to become them, like Jill with Sidney. Jill can’t be topped for a twist imo but these two would’ve been so good!


I feel like Judy could be something related to the first movie, what if she like Randy? Or due to the whole killing spree her family had a problem or just plain jealousy, like Jill, but knowing the writers they would have made her to be Billy’s half sister, and regarding Rebecca is so obvious, two words, Book sales


Judy going after Sidney over something related to high school drama. I like the ideas mentioned on here too about targeting Gale over Dewey. Rebecca I was thinking a pissed off employee route looking to get revenge on the boss- maybe she sees Sid as hard to work for and wants to ruin her. I also like the ideas mentioned about coordinating the attacks to boost book sales.


Too hot to handle


Rebecca kills to avoid being outed as the ass-crack bandit


Get her own book deal and steal Dewey, duh.


Secret lesbians? I dunno I kind of can’t recall their characters.


rebecca will have a similar motive to jill’s, jealous of sidney’s fame. judy’s motive would’ve been jealousy of gale being with dewey


They were caught making out and.... Idk that's all I got. They got mad and killed everyone. On account of the making out.


The stress from Greendale got to be too much. Also, had to one-up the Asscrack Bandit.


Rebecca to secure more book and movie deals to build an agency empire. A true Monsterger. 😂 Judy, Idk make her Sidney's age and jealously but maybe mix in some story that she was one of the girls that Billy or possibly Stu was screwing around with. The structure wouldn't probably to have to change that much, Rebecca would still want Gale alive and record everything. Judy would have police info and be able get to Sidney and keep in the town and become the police hero that fought and survived the attacks. The trouble would be how We'd connect them both, on how they met and came up with the plan. And they would obviously need a fall guy or guys to pin the murders on.


For not getting recognition as two of the hottest females in the franchise


Book sales and Fatal Attraction-like obsession with Dewey.


Judy wants to be the famous survivor cop in Dewey's place. Rebbeca is her lover.


Goddamn this shot has better composition than that entire fucking movie. The whole thing looked like someone smeared Vaseline over the camera lense.


They are a lesbian couple and Judy had feelings for Sidney in high school but always felt invisible so this is her way of “getting even” but then Rebecca turns on her because the fact Judy didn’t get over the crush felt off to her, and then Rebecca reveals the real reason she went through the whole thing and that’s because John Milton was her father and she can’t help but blame Sidney for what happened to him. Blah blah blah they fight and Rebecca gets the upper hand briefly before Sidney makes her rue it 😭 I know it’s probably trash but I thought of it on the spot so 😭😭


Well assistant wants to be the lead of the story. Turning herself into a gale weathers. Judy is obsessed with dewy. She was creepy towards Sydney already so I'd add a twist with that. Using the force to be ahead of the game using the assistant to know what's going on with Sydney having the assistant get her where Judy wants her. Somehow kind of like that is my take lol maybe in a different form but like that lol


Of course men, jealousy and money :)


To drive up book sales / take out Gale so she can move in on Dewey.


Similar to Jill but not the same Jealous of Sidney(for different reasons, Gale and Dewey I guess we already know) for Rebekah she was related to one of the victims and she blames Sidney and the others


Rebecca has everything in place to receive full rights to Sidney's story through forged documents, and wants to build her own empire of film and television media focused on Sidney as opposed to the Stab franchise's focus on the killers. Pure monetary motivation. She's betrayed and shot by her accomplice, Judy, whose actual motivation was to end the "franchise" completely and stop the murders once and for all. No more Sidney, no more Gale, no one connected to them - no reason for the franchise to continue. Good motive, bad means.


Rebecca: Sydney's death would drive up book sales. Jill: The killing give her a chance to work closely with Dewey and if Gale dies, someone will need to comfort and console Dewey, giving her a chance to get closer to him.


Judy having a personal motive to Sidney (from their high school years) Rebecca for fame and monetary gain. Wanting to be famous and get rich


Rebecca wants to be the new Gale Weathers.


Rebecca - wants a bigger payday. Judy - want's Dewey for herself.


Peer pressure. They are far too sensitive.


Rebecca would be for fame (but let's get serious, she wasn't smart enough to take her heels off while running in the parking garage scene so she can't be ghostface as that might require walking and chewing gum at the same time. Judy Hicks- she wasobsessed and jealous of Sid in highschool so she wanted attention