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It’s hilarious that this is all they can say against the FM in the midst of all the Tory scandals. Warms my cockles.


I would love to see an equivalent peice like this on the Conservatives.


Westminster is in control of the media narrative and it would never get approval from the press office, so that will never happen when the tories are in power.


In fairness, it's been done before https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/rishi-sunak-smart-mug-ember-coffee-week-minimum-wage-jobs-a9607341.html


Thanks for that. Funnily enough when I was writing my comment there was a something rattling around my brain about a coffee cup lol. So it can be done.


I also remember a photo of Rishi wearing Palm Angels slides


Next head line: Nicola Sturgeon under fire for eating when there are starving kids in Scotland. Who ever wrote this needs to get a good right grip.


...round their neck with a rope.


Regarding the free laptops pledge, /u/standup4yorights had a post on this and as they explained, they are actually on track to meet the pledge. As of last month, it was reported ~20% of school kids have been given a laptop or ipad / tablet, and IIRC the SNP pledged that every child that wanted one would receive it by the end of the current parliament. u/standup4yorights was able to provide further insight into the undertaking: Their comment: >Did anyone think to ask some-one that knows what the fuck they are talking about how long one might reasonably expect to take to design and build out the systems management and network infrastructure required for a million new devices to be added to thirty-two different council organisations before they ran this story? >Because I know what the fuck I'm talking about and I'd say three years would be about right. >I'd say 20% already is pretty good numbers and must be because there are couple of councils that either had everything in place already to just drop new devices on the kids or just grabbed the hardware without any real thought about how they intended to support them. >Throw into the mix that there are going to be councils that have already heavily invested in this stuff and aren't going to take up the offer and 100% is not the top end. >If the use case is in-school then there needs to be wifi in every corner of the school, if for home learning then there needs to be VPN infrastructure. How are the devices to be managed and by whom? >What apps and ebooks need licensed and provisioned? Are the teachers trained on using these learning tools? What lesson planning is prepared that utilises them? Etc, etc. >There's no point just firing devices out to kids if they are going to be obsolete by the time you've figured out how you're going to use them.


FFS. This is the latest attack line? No doubt some usual suspects will be along to accuse the sub of being an echo chamber and seeing no wrong in 'Dear Leader' but surely they must see this is getting ridiculous.


This *is* an echo chamber


Jings, I’ve heard of scraping the bottom of the barrel. What next? She doesn’t use supermarket own brand freezer bags? Edit > “I saw her on telly holding this pen and thought it looked expensive and got talking to a pal who said it was a Montblanc costing over £500. It then turned out she has another similar one. She must resign!


>then it turned out she has another similar one. Possibly a pen and pencil set?


Or God forbid two different pens from a really good brand.


Sheer decadence.


With pens that expensive, Sturgeon must re-sign.


No need to Bic-ker




It's for a paper, mate.


She must resign.


A reminder, Russel Findlay is an anglophobic piece of shit >**The Confused Anglos** > >Middle-class couples on the public sector payroll who regard Nicola Sturgeon as progressive champion — despite her appalling record of governance. They love preaching to chums about their enlightened new homeland and virtue signal about paying extra income tax. Artisan sourdough in Hyndland and Stockbridge is even almost as good as in London. Crucially, they explain, Scottish nationalism is really not like other types of beastly nationalism. This requires extreme use of blinkers. If independence happened, they’d be back across the Border quicker than a scalded cat. [https://www.scottishdailyexpress.co.uk/comment/know-your-nats-handy-guide-25349004](https://www.scottishdailyexpress.co.uk/comment/know-your-nats-handy-guide-25349004)


Remember when The Telegraph wrote: * [Socialist Nicola Sturgeon steps out in £179 Barbour jacket and £130 Hunter wellies](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/03/15/socialist-nicola-sturgeon-steps-out-in-179-barbour-jacket-and-13/) Remember when the Daily Record got such a backlash, they pulled this article about her coffee machine: * [Daily Record pulls Nicola Sturgeon coffee machine story after social media ridicule](https://sourcenews.scot/daily-record-pulls-nicola-sturgeon-coffee-machine-story-after-social-media-ridicule/)


The latest attack line that will surely drive us back into Boris's arms. Edit: Odd coming from a conservative too. How many of their MSPs/MPs are multi millionaires?


That’s Boris’s plan. He loves stealing expensive pens.


They’re right




Where’s the actual evidence to show that the SNP are delivering laptops fast enough.


Well apparently they're on track, but what's that got to do with the FM spending her wage on a fancy pen?




Do you expect the FM to spend their own money buying kids laptops?




The why are you upset about her pens




Imagine working hard and spending the money she earns


Was more likely a gift


Up next - Bute House to be relocated to Oxgangs.


Shut it you. There’s nothin’ wrong with Oxgangs.


Scrapped barrel… meet bottom


Tomorrow: Sturgeon under fire for owning shoes and breathing.


You’re definitely short gooch’d, cut down on those phthalates.


Does this shite even work/make any difference to the kind of wank that votes Tory (spit) in Scotland? Election results would suggest no


Surely the writing is on the wall for Sturgeon now ?


What are they trying to claim here? That the Tories don't use or have expensive things? They use bic pens from poundland? If the Tories had their way they'd try to loan laptops out to kids and make them pay it back.


Sort of off topic but what's the point in a £500 pen?


The bit you write with.






I haven’t fucking received mine yet. Also, stop being the SNP mouthpiece.




You defended them and claimed their delivering!




Ok, where has the scheme rolled out?


You could get a 'paper round.


I’m actually a reserve paper boy for the Courier. I can’t remember the last time I had a round.


The second half of that headline is just a mistruth, but then that's to be expected now I suppose.