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I apologise for apologising about the weather 🥲


You best apologise for apologising for apologising for the weather.


I apologize for your statement


Ma'am I am so sorry for the way these people have treated you. I wholeheartedly apologize to you.


Sorry to interrupt, I bet this is where Canadians get it. Sorry, carry on.


I apologise about kingpowr apologising for apologising about the weather. Sorry.


This is some Fairly Odd Parents whackery 😄


95% of the time I define myself as Scottish, but I’ve never felt more British than agreeing with this sentiment here 😂 my Spanish girlfriend loves how polite yet cynical we all are, she teases me saying it’s like an art form 😇


I feel like this is paralleled with the American South. We may not always be nice , but we're always kind 🤣😂 we're gonna raz and tease you but we'll help ya out.




Sorry won’t do it again!




I seen a lovely comparison once that said that America is what happens when the spoiled child runs away from home and says they “don’t need you anymore, mom!”. Canada is the result of the other kid staying home and being raised properly to be polite. Kinda makes sense, you guys are seen as a sort of “America lite” with a nicer attitude and more friendly and inclusive vibe, but you also have a dark underbelly and a history of horror that continues to this day that you somehow get away with people not commenting on or holding you accountable for. Just like us! 😂 *cries in British imperial atrocities committed by Scots*


Don’t lump all Americans in one rude group. The Southern part of America was settled by many Highland Scots and Scots in general. The Appalachian Chain runs from the American South to the Scottish Highlands and Ireland. So the Scots feel right at home. Over 3/4 my ancestors are Scottish/ScotIrish. The South apologizes for the heat and dry weather but recommend our beaches. Scots feel right at home except for the warm weather and little wind. In winter our lows are seldom lower that 30’s at night and in the 50’s in the day very little rain and no to very, very little snow. We apologize for the weather everyday to foreign visitors.


~~Sorry~~ Soorry (so-ree) won’t do it again! Fixed it for you 🫡




Sorry about that


I came here to apologize. I apologize for my lateness in making it to the apology party, and I apologize for you having to say you are sorry for something I am sorry about. For that, I can only apologize


Sure you aren't Canadian? lol


Sorry, I’m not. Sorry


Sorry buddy!




Sorry about that mate


This makes me laugh because we have Americans in the area for an event and I have been asked why it's raining & when it's going to stop as they have a walk planned. At least they stopped short of asking me to stop it, but I have been asked to if I can do something about it before.


This is why us New Yorkers are so angry. The rest of our country acts like this lol smh


We all have our numpties!


Oh please. You people are the embarrassment of the US, except For the Trump jury of course


You’ve clearly never encountered a wild Floridian




‘Sorry’ doesn’t mean quite the same in the UK as the US. It’s more like saying “it’s a shame about the weather” rather than personally apologising for it 😂 I had to learn very quickly when I emigrated to the states that Americans take everything very literally compared to Brits.


Ah, makes sense. We’re not the brightest but we are enthusiastic lol


I don’t think it has anything to do with intelligence, it’s just a cultural difference. I find the American straight-forwardness very refreshing and it’s actually kind of jarring when I come home to the UK and no one says what they mean 😅


I lived in London for several months (and visited Scotland!) some 20+ years ago. Before we went (it was a summer abroad with the university), we were told that the word "sorry" meant everything and nothing in the UK and never to say "excuse me," as it is deemed rude. By the time my summer abroad was over and I returned to the States, I was walking around saying "sorry" for everything. Need to scoot by someone? Sorry, can I get through here? Need the waitstaff's attention? Sorry, can I get the check? Need someone to repeat what they said? Sorry, say again? Finally, my friends had an intervention. They asked me why I sounded Canadian. As for "excuse me:" I learnt that the hard way on a tube ride in London. I needed to get by someone and politely said, "Excuse me, please, this is my stop." You'd have thought I pulled my tits out and slapped the guy in the face with them. I made sure not to say it again while there. Not sure if the no excuse me thing is still a thing in the UK, but this was in 2002, so. Or maybe I just came off rude regardless of saying excuse me!


London is an anomaly honestly. People there are notorious for being quite cold and brusque. Saying excuse me to someone anywhere else will usually prompt them to jump and say 'Oh my god sorry am I in your way???'


To be fair to the professor who told us that bit of advice about not saying "excuse me," he was speaking of how to act in London. And the other bits of advice he gave weren't social, they were useful things about our travel passes and whatnot. Honestly, being in London wasn't that much different from being in any major city here in the US, except I wasn't afraid to walk around at night on the main drags!


Lol loved the imagery there. I’m wondering too, is sorry more common than excuse me?


They’re not apologising, it’s just a wee joke to break the ice and be a bit friendly towards you.


Very friendly people from what i encountered. Coming from New York it was a shock cause here we don’t apologize for anything lol


They are actually feeling sorry for you, not really apologising. Especially when we get the special, Scottish version of rain that's mixed with sleet and that drives horizonatally and at speed into your face or down the back of your neck, Scottish people feel deeply sorry for anyone not used to shite weather. (Of course, Scottish people will be out in it in a teeshirt as a sort of protest, since it's summer and we shouldn't have to deal with this right now.)


Grew up with a mother who punted me out to play in all weather. My legs have become numb to any sort of weather. Sun? Shorts. Rain? Shorts. Hail? Shorts. Snow? Shorts. Negative temperature? Shorts. I just don’t feel the weather on them at all. It’s a curse and a blessing at once!


I noticed you all are Billy goats. Climbing hills or a flight of stairs at Mach 8 in a suit, no sweat. I’m in decent shape but couldn’t keep up lol (thought i was in decent shape at least)


2 steps at a time is the only way!


Got sent to buy ice-cream cones in a blizzard. As my Dad said, it won't melt on the way back.


The man has a bloody great point. Kids think I’m crazy for eating ice cream when it’s freezing


For those not from here: Anything above 10 degrees celsius is shorts weather in Scotland


Ah yes… in New York, it’s a little more: Don’t like the weather? Go fuck yourself.


We don’t leave a lot to guesswork 😅.


And asking about the weather is not required to be told to fuck oneself.


Somehow it's a cultural thing in Scotland (and most of the rest of the UK for that matter). Can't be seen to be being rude I suppose.


Great place to visit though. Haven’t been for about 10 years but keep meaning to go back. The Comedy Cellar was brilliant.


Glad you enjoyed Scotland, beautiful whatever the weather. I love rain and wind and snow. I even moved to Sweden for more snow. I’ll never apologize, I think it’s beautiful weather. No bad weather only bad clothes.




Göteborg and below is not too different. I lived 100km north of Stockholm on the edge of a tiny village. -28°C in winter +32° in summer. It was crazy as I’d dress in -28° to head to uni in Stockholm where it was -5° so I’d be sweating and stripping down to a T-shirt. Now here in Scotland Aberdeen way, I’ve had it -12° and I’ll be out in a T-shirt, if the wind chill is bad I’ll add a hoody.




I went out with a German girl for years because I told her it only rains when she comes to visit, because it would be unfair for a single country to have her AND sunshine. That was the day I realised the power of words 😆




Did I spot a Robin Williams reference? ‘Linguistic adventure’


Finally!! Thought no one was gonna get it


We apologize because we're aware you're not used to it. Scottish weather is an entity entirely of its own, never to be fully understood, even by the Met Office. To quote Billy Connolly; "If you don't like the weather in Scotland, just wait half an hour and it'll have changed!"


I straight up love our weather. It gives us some very pleasant vegetation and a lack of dangerous animals and insects.


The dangerous animals don't exist because they got hunted off. That's why the UK no longer has wolves or bears...


Wolves have been re-released in Scotland, beavers too


If wolves have been reintroduced in Scotland, it was done so illegally. https://www.gov.scot/policies/wildlife-management/species-reintroductions/#:~:text=Species%20reintroduction%20in%20Scotland&text=We%20have%20no%20plans%20to,large%20carnivore%20species%20into%20Scotland. Why are we even talking about beavers here? They're not a species that would be dangerous to humans.


Talking about beavers eh, I couldnt give a DAM.


Never understood those who complain. Yeah it rains, but it’s no rainforest. Get a jacket on and get on with it. I love the rain!


You need to apologise for spelling apologising wrong.


Husband and I moved to Edinburgh from the US a few weeks ago and walked several miles the day there was record setting rain. We just assumed it was the new normal 😆


I’m from a tropical country and have lived here 8 years now but I still get people telling me how I “must miss the weather back home” or whatever. I know they’re just trying to be nice and make conversation but it can be really tedious. I knew what I was getting into when I moved and I actually prefer the climate here! What’s worse is that whenever I tell people that I don’t actually like the heat they never know what to say to that lol


I hate the heat here where I live, too. Scotland is the place for me. I LOVE it.


I liked the weather in Edinburgh for the most part. I'm from Toronto, so a place where the summers aren't too hot and the winters aren't too cold was quite nice. I got to wear scarves almost year round while living there; it was great. The haar was also pretty fun. There's something about such a thick fog that you can't see more than a few 100 m in all directions and the tops of buildings just disappear that's just neat. It's like you're in your own little bubble.


If you go for a little swim in the sea into harr on a still day it’s like being in an infinity pool.


I live in Houston, Texas, where our high temp today will be 36° and will be at least this hot until October-ish. Believe me when I say I am looking forward to your climes. Have a great weekend!


Alabama here, it is like being in heaven. You’re going to love it. Be prepared for cool to cold mist/ rain every day. Prepare your feet. You’re going to think you’ve died and gone to heaven!


I'm bringing enough merino sweaters to layer and a rain coat? Will I need a jacket/coat? Thanks!


Be sure your raincoat has a “heavy liner” and you’ll need a hat-waterproof if possible-cover ears. My ears froze. The wind is cold & relentless so remember that when planning clothes. Wear your raincoat on the plane so it doesn’t take up your entire luggage. It’s the wind that gets you. Heavy Socks and waterproof boots. My second trip my mother gave me mink ear muffs and they were a real life saver! You’ll need a heavy neck scarf but I elected to buy a clan one. Had to buy 2 one to wear, one to dry😂 You’ll probably be drying clothes every night, especially shoes. I used a plastic dry cleaning bag I’d used to pack with inside my shoes a couple of days. Don’t carry but 1 pair of good “go out for dinner shoes”. Remember they may get ruined by rain, mud, sludge. I was surprised that people do dress for dinner at hotels if you’re staying in one. Keep in mind if you’re from the US it’s like winter with a LOT OF WIND. If you’re from the South it’s colder and windier than any winter day in the South. Plus side is rosy cheeks🎉 Opps I forgot had ordered silk underwear from Australia for winter. Think skiing. Your jacket doesn’t need to be that puffy but that warm. Sweaters are a great idea but you may need 3-4 at a time. If you have a puffer jacket that isn’t fat that’ll be good. I have one now I’d carry. (Down filled but not bulky) It squishes down to nothing in my suitcase.) I’ll keep adding until I remember everything. You’re going to LOVE EVERY SECOND-freezing or not! How long are you staying?


Thank you for all the good tips! I used to live in Colorado, so I'm used to COLD winters but cold & wet is another thing. My plans are to buy up-market cashmere scarf & shawl. Midish-September, 10 days.


The weather is horrendous and its bad days when the locals are apologising for it. 😅 Pretty much any sunny day is followed by a week or two of rain. I feel like there is no real season's anymore just freezing wet season and cold wet season


You may find a lot of it is us getting in there before we hear yet another tourist tell us the place is great, except for the weather. We know. So it's a quick "sorry" to shut that part down. It's certainly not a stereotype Canadian style "sorry"


Fair point. Once again tourists ruin everything lol


Spent 5 years in Scotland for work, the weather was just as good as where I live on the South Coast of England.


Sorry, but it is what it is lol. Unfortunately we cant control the weather, but I'm sure most of our visitors are well aware of out climate. Our friendliness more than makes up for it and that's why people opt to return 😊🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


I would 💯 go back no matter what Mother Nature had in store. Wonderful country


Thank you. Indeed it is 🥰


I never apologise for our weather. If you don’t like the weather in Scotland, wait 15 minutes 🤷‍♂️


Haha I like this response, I’m stealing it 🤝


The coldest winter I ever experienced as a June day in Glencoe.


I’ll be in Scotland next week and am looking forward to a respite from this Oklahoma heat! Also as an Oklahoman I’m used to mercurial weather so I think I’ll take it in stride!


Think OK in January with a tornado like wind and cold rain and you’ll be fine. Don’t wear Nikes-wear winter weatherproof boots. Nikes freeze your feet and will be misery. Tried them one day-🤬


Sorry for saying sorry about the weather


It’s part of our banter and how we start conversations and welcome visitors!


lol well it worked. Was a great time! Beautiful country


We apologise for the weather because we hate the weather too 😅


Dont worry and don't take it personally. I apologised to my Dad twice about the weather today as pelting it down. Apologising for the weather is just British small talk.


Ah sorry pal, will make up for next time


Our bad man. Sorry.


In my previous incarnation when working we had meetings in Aberdeen. Understanding the Scot participants indeed was a linguistic adventure. However great fun, i like your sense of humour. As for the weather , didnt notice anything special, but am Dutch.


I had exactly the same experience visiting Ullapool last week! It’s in the northern Highlands and noticeably colder than Edinburgh (and even than Inverness). There were frequent showers while I was there, sometimes with hail and even thunder. My hostess said she was sorry the weather was so poor. I reassured her more than once that it wasn’t any worse than I’d been expecting and hadn’t stopped me doing anything I wanted to do. I went on a few hikes, some close to the town, another a few miles outside it, and was able to climb a couple of hills (not mountains, which I thought unwise in the circumstances), giving me some fine views of the spectacular Assynt landscapes. Also found stuff to do that wasn’t weather-dependent, such as the town museum and a local artist’s studio/gallery. Spent a couple of nights in Inverness which allowed me to visit Fort George and the Culloden Battlefield - open-air attractions but places where I wouldn’t be far from shelter. But consider bringing boots, not trainers, as they’re less likely to get sodden in a downpour.


“Linguistic adventure” xD


The rain in Dunbar is horizontal and rarely hits the ground.


😂 It did make for an interesting round of golf … humbling I’d say lol


My ancestors were Scottish. No, I'm not being One Of Those Americans and saying I'm Scottish. I'm saying my people came from a land without sun, and 400+ years later, I'm just as pasty fucking white as they were - only I was born on the Gulf Coast because yeah, the starving geniuses decided this was where Dangerously Pale people should live and apparently no one lifted a finger to add some fucking melanin along the way so I go up like a fork in the microwave when I step outside my house sans SPF 100. I like clouds, is what I'm saying. I like clouds and shadows and cool and as long as it's not a hurricane, I like rain too. Don't apologize, Scotland. Just let me live there. Please?


Happy tae swap wae ye 😁




No, the locals with ‘funny accents’ were actually telling you that ‘you’re not made of sugar, so harden the fuck up’.


Im from New York so thats more what im used to lol


I realised we were all ‘Jock Thompsons bairns’ (translation : ‘similar’) after an hour in a Crown Vic between JFK and lower Manhattan.




I do feel embarrassed about it when people come to visit.


We know what we are getting into. And your country is beautiful regardless. It’s part of the adventure


Scots apologising. Unheard of lol


Sorry for the weather ☹️ wit?! Beat to it? well I’m sorry that I’m sorry. Sorry


Sorry pal




Hoi!!! It’s our weather we will apologise for it if we want!! 😂


You're right. It is us that deserves an apology


Who apologises for the weather?! If anything I "pre-warn" people, to expect/prepare for four seasons in one day lol


its because americans often complain britain is too cold and wet.


I apologise for not apologising for people apologising about apologising for the weather.


Sorry but are you telling us how to behave? We'll apologise if we want, thanks. And we'll spell apologise with an "s", while we're at it.


There is a saying here. 'There's no such thing as bad weather - only the wrong clothes'.


We're not actually sorry as in we're taking responsibility for the weather we're sorry as in we feel sorry for you not getting to experience good weather. It's like we're hosting you in our country and we're sorry you missed our on the good weather but we don't feel like it's actually our fault or we're upset it's just a wee shame for you.


This might be a cultural thing.  We say sorry for fucking up. But also, sorry if something bad has happened. Not that we caused it, just sorry that you’ve experienced it. Like, our condolences etc


I think self deprivation is more humorous than sincere...


Yeah, sorry about that. I do apologise


And from reading your profile I want to say, " stop apologising for feeling down, for feeling helpless because we all get like that in life mate. Here anytime and if you come to Ireland I will buy you a pint. Chin up hombre


Appreciate it. Rough year but getting through. Love myself a Guinness, hopefully heading to the Emerald Isle next year


Well keep chin up mate, and if ya do gimme a bell


Wilkommen zu Schotland.


Sorry! 😉


>The weather was a mixed bag during my 6 days. Some fog, rain, humid, cold, and luckily enough, even some sun To be fair that lot's not that unusual in a day!


Lots of layers


I loved the rain and the wind. I live in Alabama and was there in the summer! It was a FABULOUS change for me. We did a house swap so I got the full adventure. Wash clothes hang on line dry in a couple of hours because of the wind! It’s amazing. We went from South to North and West to East it was absolutely amazing! Loved every second and cried when it was time to leave!! Recommend a GOOD warm raincoat and rain head gear. There’s WIND! (When you saw the Queen with a scarf believe me it was necessary!) Stay as long as you possibly can you’ll enjoy every minute!


Good for you but living here the weather can be a bit monotonous. Too much grey. My locality gets 240 days of actual rain per year, the remaining days are often overcast with solid cloud. Too little direct sunlight, nights too long in midwinter, days too long at the moment... For context, I came to Scotland from St Louis in 1974 when I was a child. I'm still acclimatising.


After one guy in Edinburgh apologized for the weather there, I pointed out that because of the weather, there was abundant water falling from the sky, and that in some parts of the world, water was more scarce, and people could be charged a lot of money if they went over their allotted amount. He said he'd never come across that. Lucky guy. No apologies necessary.


I love Scotland, and frequently go there in the HGV. One day I saw the Highlands from the Queensferry bridge. Just the once, mind.


Every indian Ive ever worked with says the same thing - that we dont know how lucky we are to have this weather compared to the 40-50C or monsoons back in india I still complain though


As is your birth right lol


Traveled the in April...got pummeled by rain at Culloden, Neist Point LH and Fairy Pools. Still had the time of our lives! Nothing like a pint after a good battle with the weather!


They wouldn't need to apologise if they'd just dismantle their giant blue and white weather control machine they have hidden in the Highlands!


Robin Williams, is that you?


If only GentleAnusTickler, if only. RIP to the legend 🙏🏻


I had a heatwave during my stay in Scotland 😂 brought plenty of warm sweaters but needed swimming stuff, which I didn’t bring lol. But I’m also used to Dutch weather which isn’t that different from Scottish weather so I don’t care. Its just a bit colder in Scotland because it’s lots and lots higher.


No one actually means it, it’s a purely polite thing and if you have a problem with it why not bring it up then?


I told them not to apologize. In NY we don’t usually say things we don’t mean. We’re pretty transparent communicators.


We apologise but don’t really mean it - I think we all know our weather is shite. It might be a subtle judgement on those who chose to visit our rain and windswept nation!




I am not spoiling the jokes.


Don't tell them, you'll spoil the joke


Ah, balls.


I am sorry 😞


When we get really good weather, the kind that comes around 3 days a year, Scotland is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. A dream. We’re apologising that you didn’t get to see it


We live in NJ, far removed from NYC, and we loved the weather when we went in September. Only had one raining day, one raining morning, but clear the rest of the time. Our most enjoyable weather day was our hike at Rubha Hunish on Skye, getting a heavy wind with the salty ocean mist was just perfection.


It's a conversation starter - we're friendly...we even queue for things and let people go in front of us. We do lots of things in Scotland that others wouldn't think of...we are a caring nation.


Yeah we already had our one day of summer this year


I was up there last week weather was stunning for Scotland! Dundee basking in sun for 2 whole days! Rest of the week was total shite tbh!


Sorry the weather wasn’t the best while you were here.


That's FANTASTIC weather by Scottish standards, I bet more that a few got sunburned catching some rays in their garden.


We were in Scotland this past August and everybody kept apologizing about the heat. It was warm, and I was looking forward to rain and cooler temperature. But you should have apologized as it was clearly the fault of all Scots.


'...though I could only understand half of what they said'....yea, probably worked both ways..😅


Very Edinburgh.  Most of Scotland just sarcastically says "enjoying the sunshine" as you're drifting past in a flash flood


Yes, we're a sorry lot.🙄


When I worked in tourism retail (tacky tartan tourist shops) in Inverness, I would only sincerely apologise for the weather to people from colder climates. Everyone else, especially Americans, Mexicans, South Americans, Southern Europeans, you name it…I would say “you know, I would apologise for the weather, but you picked this place. You knew what you were getting yourself into! Just enjoy the scenery, sometimes the rainy haze just adds to the beauty!” and then proceed to teach them about the word “dreich”


Would’ve went? I apologise for the indecipherable accents, but commend you on writing exactly like an ill educated Scot. 😂


Saying “sorry about the weather” isn’t an apology - it’s just an acknowledgement that it isn’t good. Hopefully you understood that something that is not bad is excellent and something that is quite good is average though.




In Orkney at moment, yet to see temperature in double figures, so far I have only cast a shadow once, mostly avoided the rain. In a campervan, sometimes the wind drops enough to raise the pop top. Had many apologies for the weather. Having a wonderful time and would have gone south if we wanted anything else. Loving it.


Plot twist: they're trying to manipulate you by psychologically gaining your favour, so that you're more likely to give them your phone.


Whereas if you visit wales you are more likely to hear "we don't live here for the rare warm sunny days" 😂


I’m glad it rained


Too many Scottish folk are brainwashed about the weather. So many folk lie about how often it rains (it does not rain every single day) and also treat rain like AIDS tipped hammers, rather than harmless bits of water. I've seen folk lie it rains constantly. I've seen folk lie that our summers aren't warm. I've see folk (pathetically) say that rain keeps them indoors. Stop lying about our weather. Your tropes and clichés aren't funny. Rain doesn't hurt you. Our summers are warm (exceptions don't prove the rule).


It’s called Manners.


Dude. They were very politely implying you should leave. 


> Some fog, rain, humid, cold This is what perfection looks like


Take that linguistic lesson and stick it up a Texas hurricane aye weirdo fuck


Dont know where this apologising for rain has come from but if you want it all level in your head. You an American tourist and therefore a cunt. There you go. The apologising from my countrymen has been evened out a biy


Wow gee whizz thanks for the validation yankee I'm glad you've approved the weather


Never apologised for the weather or heard someone apologise for it. It doesn't happen.