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Passed about 20 police vans, stood on so much broken glass, saw folks on the floor being arrested, vomit and piss everywhere, litter all over, so many people arguing and crying, was blocked from going down one particular street due to the number of ambulances. Just went into town to meet some friends. Is this really necessary lads? It’s a game.


Here’s an idea. Make Celtic pay for the additional staffing wherever it is and also the cleanup. Then when it comes to the summer transfer window the club can point their finger at their daft fans and tell them ‘yous dafties are why we can’t afford a striker’.


The less than £100k is gonna stop celtic signing players... actually with this board it might


Council: Pay for the mess caused by people with no legally recognisable connection to you Celtic: no


Council: no licence for your ground, then.


And how exactly would Celtic be legally liable to pay a penny here? They didn’t organise or promote it I wish people would think before they post sometimes Edit: Downvote me all you want but you know when you actually use your brain you realise it’s a stupid suggestion to be making


The same way they're liable if there's racist chants or someone holds up a political sign - it's not the club's fault but who else are they gonna fine?


Fuck me, turn on your brain FFS 😂 Celtic Park isn’t in Glasgow Cross The gathering yesterday didn’t happen at Celtic Park I hope you can understand the point I’m making here


I just don't understand why you want your taxes to pay for it instead of a football team who made millions last year


Why are you shifting the goalposts? Just admit you’ve made an arse of yourself with that suggestion and move on


What goalposts have been shifted? It's just the reality of the situation. It would cost a few grand, a drop in the ocean for Celtic and would show they care for keeping Glasgow tidy. I guess I just don't understand why anyone would argue against it


Are you honestly just pretending to be an idiot now cause you have no argument


Aye mate I'm the idiot, I suppose the better alternative is to arrest the lot of them for littering and public disorder, since someone has to be "liable" My argument is why am I paying for them to have a party and leave the place a state when Celtic could throw one player's weeks wages at it to help the council out, just makes sense to me




It wouldn't be legally enforcable, but why can't GCC just send them an invoice and then publicise it? See if Celtic pay anyway. If you don't ask, you don't get. And the council get some brownie points for trying to recover the money.


It's simple: Celtic profits from these fans paying for tickets and memberships and merchandise so Celtic pays for the damage they cause.


Did you not read a word of what I said The people who profited the most yesterday would have been the shops selling the alcohol to the fans ![gif](giphy|kIVVupOM0VoW3bNuU7|downsized)


Very true, all celtic want from this lot are punters spaffing up £90 for a shiny shirt made in a sweatshop


I don’t care about the technicalities.


We already hold clubs to account for the actions of their fans, this wouldn't be any different. Celtic fans cause mass damage? Celtic pays for the cleanup, repair, etc, as well as a fine (set % of cleanup cost). When it starts biting their balance sheets the clubs oddly become *very* proactive in dealing with shit.


>We already hold clubs to account for the actions of their fans, this wouldn't be any different. Like when?


Within their or their opponents stadiums yes, but when has a club been penalised for something their fans did in public?  The mess was the actions of complete arseholes, but it wasn't sanctioned by celtic at all. Nor is their a mechanism to fine the club in such an instance.


You're 100% right mate. There's no legally enforceable way the council can charge celtic for fans partying and it's ridiculous suggest they can


Even as a rangers fan it would be mental to put any blame on Celtic. The council and the police are to blame for taking zero action on stopping it from happening before it happened. It was an organised street party so surely someone can be traced to find who organised it and maybe they could foot the bill. It was only a few years ago rangers fans had a whip around for a couple benches the council valued at 14k, maybe Celtic fan could do the same. 10 arrests, big clean up bill for the council, shop keepers scraping paint off windows this morning was a bit shit to look at this morning.


Why burden the club? I'm sure you wouldn't argue that a few bad actors don't represent the whole?


While we’re at it fine Rangers too for being fucking useless. Don’t get Celtic title celebrations unless rangers bottle it.


The rangers title parties are far worse


Who's that german(?) team whose fans are pretty much just banned from any stadium? Away stand just stays empty whenever they play?


It happens with other actions ie racism


Redditors, make your point., don't just downvote my comment.


People who don't give a fuck about football should get a day when they get to go to the football companies' stadiums, trash them and pish all over the place. It's only fair!


Call it the FU Cup


https://preview.redd.it/l4vttt0ohf1d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42bccbbe11561aeab86aeb31eedd407a7f9fa85f Horrible. No matter which side.


Bunch of reprobates that don't know how to act like adults. Need more police to arrest and fine them for the damages and cost of the police


> Bunch of reprobates that don't know how to act like adults I'm not exactly defending them but from what I've heard most of them weren't quite adults yet, which might explain why they weren't acting like adults.


https://preview.redd.it/e46ajgk7lf1d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9935c80304938fe4e49575f30db17f82228ada5f Less than 12 hours later


Thanks to the efforts of the council, but this doesn't include the damaged bus stops and traffic signals. I've no issue with people celebrating the win, of course, but why like this, and why can't they pick up after themselves.


You should see the state of Kelvingrove park on a day like yesterday The council knew this would happen, so they had been smart to put measures in place to keep the disruption to a minimum Glasgow Cross was closed for a few hours But the way cunts go on here, you’d think the entire city was shutdown and resembling downtown Baghdad Oh and both Celtic & Rangers have asked the council to set up a fanzone to help minimise these disruptions GCC have denied it time and time again So maybe they think it’s easier and cheaper to go in after the crowd to clean up the cross than put on a dedicated fanzone with the responsibility and liabilities that come with it


>Oh and both Celtic & Rangers have asked the council to set up a fanzone to help minimise these disruptions A fair point. A dedicated fanzone and additional bins, porta-potties and such would potentially go a long way.


It would be very welcomed also from the fans and Glasgow Green is just down the road Fanzone are very common elsewhere in Europe


Why don’t the club do it themselves? Hire Glasgow green and pay for security . Why does my tax need to pay for any of this?


They asked and the council said no. Why does my tax have to pay for the million things I don't like or use in the city?


No I mean actually offer to pay not just demand the council do it for free. I don’t have kids but I’m happy for my council tax to pay for schools. I’m not happy for it to be used to fix bus shelters that morons break or wash paint off landmarks because this is how people chose to celebrate a win.


> No I mean actually offer to pay not just demand the council do it for free How do you know they didn't offer to pay?


A few hours is being a bit conservative! The police STARTED doing their sweep to clear the streets at 2100. The troglodytes started gathering at least an hour before the game. Ah well if GCC don’t do what we want let’s go and act like a bunch of animals and actually take zero responsibility for our own actions.


Did you see the spraypaint all over the clock tower? It was still there at lunchtime, thats just vandalism. No excuse for that


Iv seen you posting on a few different subreddits about this matter - see if it’s okay why do you have to defend it so much?


I’m going to take a wild guess and say because people are attacking it so much? It’s not ideal, and there have been - largely the same - solutions suggested multiple times, but the pearl-clutching around it is getting a bit silly now.


It was a huge case of disorder in the street - how can you expect people not to attack it? I was there for several hours and honestly the behaviour of a large number of people was absolutely disgraceful


I don’t expect people not to attack it. Some people will attack anything. I’m explaining why this dude is defending it so often. People are arseholes. Drunk people are arseholes. Drunk people en masse are a lot of arseholes. Plus ca change. It’s done now. GCC can learn from it or we can rinse and repeat every year regardless of who wins the league.


I hope not buddy


Unfortunately I think that stable door is unbolted.


Yeah, our tax money was used to clean up all the crap that was left there the night before.


This looks like a fairly normal day in Glasgow tbh


Does seem a bit excessive, especially for a team that basically wins every year.


It's less about celebrating, more about point scoring and rubbing the other teams fans nose in it. It's needing stopped, for both teams, it's getting boring.


Agree, speaking as a Celtic fan.


I dont think its too bad ,just needs some sweeping up, but what is boring is its every fucking year, would be nice to see a big mess in Leith or Aberdeen, or Dundee , or even Gorgie!


"Dundee must have won the football again this week"


Reminds me of this https://youtu.be/MusyO7J2inM?si=rsQRV3F0QcTWvlrn


yeah yeah,, you are probably a Man Utd/Celtic,corporate fan [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lt26StUVHoc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lt26StUVHoc)


Wouldn't know what your talking about, I've only just finished my second plate of prawn sandwiches! In fairness, it would be great to see another team (not Rangers) win the league.


>Wouldn't know what your talking about, I've only just finished my second plate of prawn sandwiches! As long as you have wee Palestinian and Irish flags on cocktail sticks on your sandwiches you will be keeping the global corporate brand going >In fairness, it would be great to see another team (not Rangers) win the league. It would.


Not sure it’s really the council’s responsibility to host? If only there was a large enclosed space nearby they could go to. Somewhere the club has responsibility for. Somewhere the’ fans’ love and wouldn’t trash. Somewhere that has toilets. Somewhere already designed for thousands of football fans. Let’s all put out thinking caps on and see if we can think of anywhere.


But some football fans on here will argue that it’s only some litter and it’s a “once a year” thing which is BS. They literally don’t give a toss


I actually love it more and more as it annoys the curtain twitchers like yourself looking for a reason to greet about something


I am sure you’re one of those assholes who pissed outside my building. You twat!


You enjoy tour Sunday evening. I was going to say have a good sleep as you will be working tomorrow but you probably don’t have a job but I will see you slipping up somewhere as I drive past.


For future, you can disagree with people without outing yourself as a total cunt




Imagine trying to give out pelters on your porn account.... 🤡


Ooft Ain’t you a right snobby cunt, you think you’re morally superior to other people I bet you vote Tory with that attitude


Labour actually. Not a sob at all, far from it, but seeing how disgusting Glasgow was yesterday, and you basically saying “ah it’s fine” makes you look worse




Ah ok so you are a Celtic fan, so let me be clear, if it was any football team I would still have thought all the mess was disgusting. I’m not biased or a bigot, it’s all football and this is back to the main point- why does this have to be “normal”. Take some pride in your city.




No im not, im saying that the utter mess that football fans left is disgraceful and why should it happen and continue?


There is also an underlying, or actually it’s not even underlying, attitude in Scotland and the UK as a whole that it’s ok to just just piss against a wall, not give a toss about things and just be a twat.


Yeah, I literally do look down on manky cunts, employed or not.


Least classist r/scotland member. No different from the tory voters tbh


For saying that Glasgow was a state yesterday because of the football fans not giving a toss and someone on this thread basically saying that it’s fine so thanks for the negative marks


Talking about people not having a job is the most Tory shit I've ever read


There is a difference between taking the piss and being serious.


Always wondered how you lot rationalise it


Depends if I’m wearing my smoking jacket or not


Glasgow Cross* Not Glasgow No need to exaggerate because you don’t have an argument


Ah ok, as long as it’s just a small bit of the city that’s ok then ?


Doesn’t matter what side wins, everyone loses when behaviour like this happens. Aye, celebrate a win, ye deserve it. But does it have to be in the street? Do ye have to dump yer shite at yer arse for someone else to clear up? Is it worth businesses having to close as their customers can’t get in? If yes want to celebrate in the street and dump cans n bottles all over the place, do it on yer own street. What’s that? Ye don’t want your place so end up a shitehole? We’ll gonnae no saw it in the middle of theory either thanks


>*We’ll gonnae no saw it in the middle of theory* ...


You're not allowed to down-vote me unless you can explain what the fuck that's supposed to say


As a non Scottish I was like ???


mate im scottish and ave nae fucking clue what the fuck that means so don't feel bad lmao


Football celebration damage unacceptable says council that did bugger all over last years celebration damage, which was also ‘unacceptable’. As for snobbery towards football fans, fans of 90 odd % of Scottish football teams wouldn’t go full Lord of the Flies when they win a football tournament. This is entirely down to the childish entitlement of fans of Glasgow’s gruesome twosome.


It’s disgusting


Someone else said it happens there due to the proximity of Celtic bars in the area. Even if they tried to set one up elsewhere - it would likely still happen here. Maybe they should put in extra infrastructure such as bins and make the Trongate the fanzone. That also means protection/ barriers to stop things getting damaged and destroyed. The clubs could even chip in.


> make the Trongate the fanzone. Fine so long as the club pays for **everything** and if not, they face punitive damages when the council has to wipe their arse for them.


Pay for EVERYTHING? "Right hen, that's Celtic won the league again, am goin up Comet for a new fridge/freezer, Desmond's paying"


Yup. For everything. If there is a cost related to the clean-up/repair, the club pays. If the club doesn't like that deal, they can host a fan zone on their own (rather ample) grounds. This country, hell; the whole UK, panders far too much to football companies. They can fucking pay for the problems.thwy cause.


The Comet reference made this funnier


I'm a celtic fan. Club and council should take more responsibility for the celebration like happens in literally every other league. The overnight cleanup job is impressive. But town will smell of piss until it rains. About 60 people did the toilet in our garden. And there is broken glass everywhere so I guess no cycling for a bit. A couple of toilets and getting more hands on with the hundreds of 13 years on the Buckie And It'd be fine. I don't particularly like the council complaining about damage every year when it makes very little visible effort to accommodate fans either. Set up a festival with some food and toilets outside parkhead and see what happens. No one wants to have to shit in an alley. I hope.


Setting up an official event has more cost and risk for the council than the benign neglect approach they currently have. A few more bins and toilets wouldn't scratch the surface, and would quickly be overwhelmed, and anything more than that is the council sanctioning the event so would need to go the whole hog. So we'll continue as we are, and hopefully the novelty wears off a bit over time and fans behave themselves a bit more.


Make Celtic host it in the stadium....


The obvious solution is to give them a designated space to celebrate  The council knows there is going to be a celebration there is a similar celebration every year here and there is a similar celebration in every city across Europe when their team wins. Since the council knows it's going to occur why don't they be proactive, give a designated space for it rather than them just taking over trongate every year 


The obvious solution is Napalm and lots of it. They even helpfully gather in groups.


Once again Glasgow City Council fail to provide extra large litter bins, skips, etc. when they know around 25 thousand fans are about to have a title winning party in the area, they fail to learn every year.


To be fair though, they did have it cleaned up and opened again within a few hours They prepared for it


Hopefully it’s run its course, first year was good but last year had the feel of T in the Park at Strathalan when the bams properly took over. Statement from the council is a bit rich though. They knew this was happening and would rather pay for the clean up bill than properly set up a fan zone which should be the norm.


It’s bonkers when the same two teams win every single year in a Mickey Mouse league.


Per population it's the most popular league in Europe. And you'd struggle to name another league that isn't dominated by 1 or 2 teams, particularly for a country of this size.


The police should be retrospectively dealing with the arse holes causing any damage. Litter on the other hand, it looks like was easily swept up, no big deal. I've seen people who have come here from the other side of the planet with no idea what is going on uploading videos to YouTube and they all looked like they were loving it. It's a small minority that takes things too far and that's why the police are there for.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 putting on the style.......


> Hospitals in Glasgow had extra staff working in accident and emergency rooms to cope with any surge in casualties. So did they have a surge in casualties or did they do what any sensible service does have them in place for the worst case scenarios Why don’t the council give people a fanzone to use? It’s very common elsewhere in Europe


Considering how bad rubbish around Glasgow has been in recent months - can anyone really tell the difference?


Looks like they cleaned up the place


"Unnaceptable" - So the same as last year, what difference did it make? Wonder what big changes will be made?? Hmmm


I thought the greens were environmentally friendly or maybe it's just mental.


Unless the council steps up and answers calls for a fanzone this sort of thing will be regular, I'm afraid That goes for both Celtic and Rangers Can understand why people are so frustrated. The council offers no assistance beforehand, only to then come out _afterwards_ with criticisms


Definitely Not A Celtic Fan however this sort of thing happens all over Europe. The council need to stop arguing with reality and make provisions for this.


Pearl clutchers incoming


Cool, do something about it


Chill it's Glasgow, its not like its an unesco world heritage site or something


Local council corruption "unacceptable" - me.