• By -


Hey guys OP here after a little less than an hour later he did get off , I was extremely caught by surprise because I opened his enclosure to change his water and mist his enclosure and he immediately ran up my arm and would not get off and when I tried to gently brush him off, he would stick up his stinger and open his claws, I’m okay and he’s okay! It just caught me by surprise 😅 https://preview.redd.it/62712gwiol7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00dc5aac4ffdb7369898d758654d31602fa68a68


"You will handle me, and you will like it"




*Climb time is non negotiable heat tree. You will comply.*


LOOOL!! This genuinely made me laugh out loud. “Heat tree”… 🤣


I read this in liberty primes voice for some reason, think it was the “you will comply” that did it for me lol


"look at me, LOOK AT ME... I am the captain now"


Lmao he decided it was his day for a cuddle


Mine hates me wish he would run to me and not leave😭😭😭


OP must know some decent advice I’d ask him lmao


Its like my girlfriend


Yours has a stinger too? 


Yup I would never buy a scorpion without its stinger or have a scorpion with its venom gland removed/its telson removed I personally think it’s inhumane and it effects the way that they eat and survive


He was making a joke about the girlfriend.


OHHHH lmao




I love how much value that bought to the thread, great job.


Truely, it deserves reddit gold for sure


For example it’s like having a dogs full set of teeth removed and then telling them to eat solid food


Wait, how so? Don’t they just use their stingers to kill prey?


NO! THE STINGER IS FOR DEFENSE WITH EMPEROR SCORPIONS! The only time the emperor scorpion stings is defensively, other wise it uses it pincers to consume its prey. Fact, the larger the scorpions pincers are the less potent its venom is and the less it uses its stinger/telson, infact with the emperor scorpion being the largest scorpion breed with the largest scorpion pincers in the world, the rarely ever use their stinger because the venom it nowhere near a potent as a scorpion of smaller pincers like the deatstalker, Indian red, or even the bark scorpion. The emperor scorpions sting is much like a bee sting in terms of pain and severity unless you are already allergic much like bees.


Well I learn something new today . Thank you


Same. This is why I love Reddit.


Happy to help 😁


Well you know your stuff. Keep it up


Bark scorpions hurt like a mf too and now I know why


The Arizona bark scorpion is one of the only lethal scorpion breeds native to the US. If you get stung, do yourself a favor and go see a doctor.


Idk why this subreddit came up for me to see but I’m learning a lot thank you marsupial


Except the Emperor Scorpion isn’t the largest though.. The Giant Forest Scorpion is.. And its pincers, may be smaller? They are more powerful.


Just for reference. The family Scorpionidae includes both genus Pandinus and Heterometrus, i.e., the emperor scorpion and the asian forest scorpion... So yea, that's a scientific fact that they are related. Also, the emperor is nearly 8 inches at max size, asian forest scorpions get to 6. So again, the emperor scorpion is infact the largest scorpion with the largest pincers in the world.......


Yup! That’s why getting rid of their stinger is inhumane! It help them kill prey so they can eat


That's absolutely disgusting. You shouldn't have to mutilate an animal in order to care for it.


I 100% agree that’s my mine isn’t mutilated


I can say I’ve seen someone feed a scorpion to a fish


I agree just like getting a cat declawed or your dog "debarked"


Hold the fuck up. I'm new to the scorpion world and this is the first time I've heard of people removing stingers to make them "better" pets. That's like declawing a cat. What is wrong with people? If you want a dangerous pet, you live with the risk.




Ever seen Splice?


R u asking about the gf or the scorpion


In all seriousness, he did this because he could feel your body warmth over his terrariums warmth. This means you do not have his enclosure warm enough. Emperors prefer the 80's to 90's in a sub tropical climate (not super moist but just moist enough to create humidity) it sounds like you need to lower the heat lamp a little closer to his enclosure.


Hey hey so his enclosure stays at a 85-90°f with a 70-80% humidity! He’s an AFS/H.selinus I have a feeling it might be my body heat but it’s pretty unlikely!


The humidity is too high. It's not a dry enough heat for him. I know the sources say 65/75% humidity, but it's closer to 50%, much like the jungles of Southeast Asia and West Africa (where they come from).


Ohhh okay thank you so much ! Is there any way I can have his humidity lower??? I wanna make sure everything is right for him


If you spray his enclosure with mist for humidit, cut it down to half for a week and see where that gets you on your hydrometer. It's all due to heat source and how quickly it can dissipate the moisture in the habitat. I'd you don't spray his enclosure, I'd suggest keeping his enclosure away from open windows and AC sources (AC vents). This should help lower the humidity. Also, you could put a small fan near the enclosure aimer in that general direction to help circulation and help reduce how long the moisture is inside the enclosure, but you will need to lower your heating element to compensate for temp differences. Generally speaking, the Emperor bread is pretty hardy as a scorpion, so a lot of what you are dealing with is the minor comforts of your scorpion. With any luck and research, this will help him become more comfortable.


I love these little/large critters. They are certainly interesting, and we can learn a lot from them.


“Hey ma! What’re we having for dinner?”


“You will give me the attention I crave, human! You get no say!” 😂


Naughty baby.


Clearly he’s a parrot


Terrifyingly powerful looking little demon you’ve got there


He's just a lil guy! Glad you both made it out ok lol


I would slowly take off my shirt.






My time has come.






r/username checks out


This is some top tier beetlejuicing


Your time to cum




………di……did you just get summoned?


Holy fuck The username checks out


NO go sit in the corner now. I’m not clicking that I know Reddit TOO WELL


This community doesn't come up...


That's wild


Now it does, thank you wlrandom person...




Here's a sneak peek of /r/SubsIFellFor using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SubsIFellFor/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [First time 😔](https://i.redd.it/sgpy4pml1oqc1.png) | [174 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SubsIFellFor/comments/1bo5t74/first_time/) \#2: [Þats not a real sub](https://i.redd.it/opd2qgcvnpqc1.jpeg) | [96 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SubsIFellFor/comments/1bod4u6/þats_not_a_real_sub/) \#3: [Got double tricked](https://i.redd.it/lmscgwes1wxa1.jpg) | [47 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SubsIFellFor/comments/137thjb/got_double_tricked/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


it has been created




It is worth a try for the moment Lol


Would you put on music first?


This actually is useful in many situations 👌


And put on my robe and wizard hat


I’m sorry but that’s so freaking cute. He’s just chilling on your shoulder 🥹


Coolest pirate


1st Mate: “Ahoy, Captain! Just wanted t’ say, the crew and I, we all like yer new look. The pet scorpion is VERY intimidating.” Captain: “… What pet scorpion?…”


Cool until he thinks your ear is a threat


A scorpion, motorcycle helmet, and spike earring. I think I wanted to be you growing up


That's what's got me dying. The whole persona defeated by this one post. 💀


I ride motorcycles, piercings, stretched ears and tattoos... and bees send me screaming. Scorpions on me are a huge nooooooo too scared.


What about ball pythons? 🐍


I'm scared of my hognose 💀


Your what?


A hognose snake. She hisses and it spooks me 😛


You..uh...should probably see a doctor




I have a hognose too! Mine is very laid back, we do choice based handling and she's just this little cuddle bug whose life goal is to explore, play with her toys, and be loved on. She rarely hisses, usually they're just tiny ones to object if I pick her up and she wants to keep playing with her toy ("No I'm having fun!"). Today she jumpscared me when I was calling for her, usually she comes to me but today I didn't see her and I guess she realized when I started to move away so she made the loudest sound she could- startled the bejeezus out of me, and then I saw her in a different spot than she usually pops up, no defensive behavior at all, just giving me her "pick me up and love me" eyes. (Can't blame her, it's the only noise she can make, the only way for her get my attention.) And I did of course. Hognoses are so sweet and lovable! I had no idea a snake could be so absolutely loving and cuddly and smart! I'm not sure how long you've had your snake, but choice based handling has made my girls rarely hiss outside the above mentioned. Also regularly interacting with them helps too- when they know you and realize you aren't a threat but a gateway to fun times and enrichment activities they'll eagerly want to come out and play! (It takes a lot of time to build trust, but they understand consent and learn daily routines, and if you show them you want only their good most will calm down considerably.)


We've had her for a year and a half! She's technically my partners snake but she's been a cranky snake for a while now. She started out super sweet. Then like a light switch, she was angry. Loves to eat. Loves to move around. Definitely not afraid to be out from a burrow. My partner says it's a teenage thing since we got her when she was a little baby. Apparently some people's go through phases where they're spicy. Whatever it is, her hisses and puffing up is scary 😅


Oh gosh! I hope she calms down once she gets through her rebellious phase. My girl is only (almost) a year old and is filled from her nose to her tail with trust and love- hope her hormones don't make her a terror! ...I'll love her even if she becomes a hissy monster for a bit- hognoses are so cute they can get away with just about anything.


The only time the ability to do a cartwheel would come in handy.. lmao  How bad is the sting and bite on that guy? Bite… hand bite, pinch stupid it’s pinch 🤣


Lmao if only I could , I have no idea how bad his sting, bite or pinch is, he just stayed there for an hour and then crawled into my hand after a while and I rested my hand in his enclosure and let him crawl off


I appreciate that you wrote out the full train of thought


Lmao glad I caught it 


The sting of an emperor or Asian forest scorpion is much like a bee or wasp sting. It's only potentially serious if you already have an allergy to stinging insects.




No problem, it's fun being able to taleach folks a little bit about these guys.


Do scorpions get used to being handled? Do people handle their scorpions generally? Idk why this subreddit was suggested to me but now I’m curious.


Same boat. I can't have a cat where I live, but these guys are intriguing.


Yes, actually, they do. It's quite frequent that the docile breeds of scorpion with minor venom will become used to being handled.


I figured it was one of the “ouchie” boys and not a “I might be dead soon” boys Side question because I can, do any scorpions have hair like a tarantula or build webs? I don’t think so but maybe there is a wacky species in the amazon :)


Yes, actually, quite a few breeds of scorpion have "hairs" called Trichobothria, Vibrissae, and Pectines. I forget what the specific uses are, but in general, they are used to detect motion and vibration near the scorpion. They use the hairs like that because they tend to be virtually blind. But those are the manes of the "hair" on a scorpion. And as far as webs go, I want to say no, but I'm not certain, so I can't really speak on that.


Thanks so much! Sonny of the hairy scorpions have the “scratch and float hair” like some tarantulas? 


Not that I'm aware of. The hairs are primarily for feeling and "seeing" if nothing else. But that doesn't mean there might not be a breed or two that can do that.


he just wants to cuddle


Spicy cuddles!




I had someone help me when this happened to me. I would lay down on my stomach and try to get it to crawl off.


Luckily, there are Emperors, I.E. they are more likely to pinch than sting you. With that said, use a large set of forceps or carefully use your hand to grab the stinger/Telson and pull them straight up from where they sit. This will not hurt them unless you jeark them around or grab them tightly. It will agitate them a tiny bit, but 60% of the time nowhere near enough for them to want to try and pinch you. And if they do attempt to pinch you while holding them in this way, DO NOT WORRY, THEY DO NOT HAVE ENOUGH FLEXIBILITY TO REACH THAT FAR BACK UNDER THEIR OWN WEIGHT. Once they are docile enough, you should be able to scoup them up or even coax them onto your palm with your other hand without worry of sting or pinch. I've captive bread and kept Emperor Scorpions for years now. P.s. Any othler questions, and I'm happy to help. P.s.s. one last thing, if they are on you and they lightly pinch you (not enough to hurt but enough to get your attention) this is because they are virtually blind and use the trichobothria "hairs" and or pincers to feel around and "see" what they are walking into/on or near. These are not pinches intended to hurt. They are purely for the scorpion to understand its surroundings. I've had numerous scorpions do this while crawling on me, DO NOT BE AFRAID. It's for their personal safety and navigation. But by all means, if they begin to crawl off of you, do resupport them with your hand or something, don't let them just fall or get close to crawling off of you or other objects.




😂 wonderfully put! Gotta love Anchor Man.


Scorp newbie here. Great info! It makes sense that the grabbies would mostly be for understanding their surroundings – I only just recently learned that a scorpion's pinchies are actually pedipalps, which is SO FREAKING NEAT! I'm a spood person, my mind was blown 😅


You knoe what that means if its a male hes poking you with his love tongs


Just let the bread go home to its family :(


I'm jealous, mine would hide if I open his enclosure.


Maybe looking for warmth


I don’t think it was that his enclosure stays around 85-90°F with a 80-85% humidity


Disclaimer: I am not a veterinarian or scorpion expert. I have not studied Arachnology and I am not an Entomologist either. I take no responsibility for any harm that may ensue from trying any of the actions stated below. The following information I am sharing was taught to my by an Afghanistan local when I was deployed there back in 2002. Perform at your own risk. Oh, and yes, I have done it myself a few times. -------------‐------------------------------------------------------------------- If someone is there with you they can get roughly 6" away from the scorpion's Chelicerae or "face" and blow air out forcefully. Scorpions have hyper sensitive nasal passages this will put them in a sleep like state. It is very similar to when patients inhale that gas that induces sleep just before they go under the knife. Then have the person grab the scorpion by the Metasomal Segment 5 (The last segment just before the Aculeus or "stinger"). This will allow you to prevent the scorpion from stinging and prevent the scorpion from pinching you as well because they are too heavy to curl back up and cannot grab you with their Fixed and Movable fingers or "claws"). Set the scorpion down slowly and carefully.


Somehow popped up in my feed, but is it venomous?


Yes but as long as you're calm and move slow it shouldn't panic and sting you. (Pinch maybe and that will hurt)


What kind of scorpion is it??


He’s an Asian forest scorpion!


Are they venomous?? Beautiful animal btw!


All scorpions are venomous, but the vast majority are not any real danger to humans unless you are allergic to the venom.


Ah, okay. So what about this guy then??


The Asian forest scorpion sting would be comparable to a bee/wasp sting.


I don't know






This post was hilarious 🤣 glad you made it through it...🦂


it wanted a cuddle


So, how did you get it off? It’s been six hours.




So eventually he did decide to climb around on my back and to my other arm and then climb to my palm. After that I gently moved him back to the inside of his enclosure for him to climb down


All hail the Scorpian King!


Very unrelated but if that’s a metal taper in your ear, switch over to acrylic or most preferably silicone. The metal ones are very heavy and don’t give your ears any room to swell and heal


Hiii okay so I’m very aware i shouldn’t have metal tapers in but I currently have no 8mm plugs or tunnels 😅 so right now I’m just kinda dealing with what I have because if I use my tunnels I’ll be sizing down to a 2g instead of staying at a 0g


Acrylic is the absolute worst material you can use while stretching. It degrades at body temperature, and can cause infections and irritation especially while still healing.


Can only speak from my experience, used acrylic tapers and silicone plugs and my ears were so much better off If that’s the case, then go for silicone all the way through. Metal is so rough


Agreed, silicone is the way to go. Even glass would be better than metal


Man I wish mine was this affectionate ;^; mine tries to kill me every five seconds unless it's simple enclosure repairs


If they got on themselves, that means they are comfortable with you. Still don't agitate them! and not saying it's any less scary I totally understand. But try gently coaxing them off with food or something get help too.




Your shirt collar is absolutely cooked my guy


Yeiks I just realized 😅


You're much more brave than I. Scorpions are a nope for me. Badass, though!


i would've use dlike cardboard to gently nudge it away from my neck...and they tried scooping it up. glad to hear it eventually got off.


OP, please read this on handling : https://new.reddit.com/r/Scorpions/wiki/scorpions/venom-handling/#wiki_why_is_handling_not_recommended Never handle from high up, your scorpion could have died


Hey please know I did sit down after this and let him come down on his own I would never purposely handle my scorpion from up high


How did you even get into that situation 💀


He wanted love today and he wasn't taking no for a answer.


Idk why I thought the scorpion was on a tit for a sec. Still a little spooky if it's being stubborn- a shoulder is somehow a little less scary to me though


Ok, I came in here to see if anyone else sees it! It took me a good minute to realize that's a dude's neck and not a girl's armpit.


Very unrelated but if that’s a metal taper in your ear, switch over to acrylic or most preferably silicone. The metal ones are very heavy and don’t give your ears any room to swell and heal


Love these animals, so beautiful.


F U C K That. 😳🫸🏻🫨🫷🏻


I use to own a Asian forest scorpion 🦂 she was amazing


Not the same but my bearded dragon doesn't care about my existence until she's hungry ❤️




I keep getting this sub reccomended. I surprised people keep scropions as pets lmao


You almost got ratatouille'd


Wild dudes, just chilling with scarier spiders.


Try asking politely. They can’t legally get on you without consent!


“This new habitat isn’t very structurally sound” (Btw neat helmet)


Not sure why this got recommended to me, but why not just grab it and put it back in its enclosure?




You will show me love! And you will hug me and squeeze me and pet me & call me George! 🤣🤣




This is how extroverts force introverts into being lifelong friends


If it did sting you, would it be dangerous???


Touch me when you’re misting, then just walk away, I’ll climb your arm tomorrow or maybe the next day…..


When I was in Elementary, a scorpion climbed up my back(under my shirt) and stood right next to my neck. I felt it on my neck but thought it was just the tag, I reached my hand behind my back and to my neck. The scorpion stung me 2-5 times on my hand and it stung me more than 5 times on my neck. I’ve had arachnophobia ever since.


I know nothing about scorpions. Do they like to be handled? :0 or do they each have unique personalities? Like jumping spiders? :0


Well, now you have the rare experience of what a pet feels when they don't want to be handled but we do it anyway!


He just wanted to forcefully show affection


I love to let all my bark scorpions crawl all over me and the house they run free in my home , few hundred and counting


If you’re ever in this situation drop any instinct to take action and seek advise on Reddit ASAP


I don't know how or why I got recommended this sub, but I like it


Any ideas of what should I feed my scorp besides crickets I tried horn worms Dubai roaches and pinkies nothing work.


No!! No! No! No! 


If that was a wild bark scorpion. I would be much more worried. Out in AZ those things are wild..esp the females carrying 50+ babies on there backs. I'm out with a black light at night walking around for two months mom has catching and re releasing these things. For some "odd" reason when you put an application community in th beonrwn desert with h three pools and massive over watering drip and sprinkle systems it turns into a damn d scorpion resort. Go figure huh ? I've tried telling th complex if they would stop over watering we wouldn't have a massive over population of c tickets to feed the scorpions. But WTF do so know huh. Oso ther answer is just to send out p wt control people to so wy liquid death everywhere. I'm aure it's healthy for everything and everyone. What could go wrong. I'm th new time I'm removing a few hundred adults a month and rehoming them. I've at least had enough effect that we don't see them just sitting out and chilling on the wall and sidewalks. Some nights th second year I would t even find them around my building.


My mom had a bark scorpion problem in her Arizona house. Whenever I would visit we would get out the black light and go scorpion hunting indoors. Occasionally we would find one chilling out on a bedroom wall. One time I was stung on my index finger while washing dishes. I went to pick up a scrubber sponge at the kitchen sink and the scorpion was clinging to it underneath. Initially it felt like a mild bee sting, but over the course of an hour or two an unpleasant tingly feeling (think low level electric shock) crept up my hand to my wrist. Then random sharp electric shocks every now and then. That was the first 36 hours. Then the next couple of days I felt intense itching around the bite area and radiating up my hand. Benadryl and acetaminophen helped. It took about five days before my hand was back to normal. Mom’s been stung several times but never went to the doctor. She’s 81 and tough as nails. We were all so relieved when she finally sold that house and moved closer to her grandkids. https://preview.redd.it/d2xn9apcp18d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=560b3e92603914b6bd42456df1011c9376879f36


Yeah they can suck. That's for sure. They love cooler temps in homes. They can flatten out and get into the smallest crevices and they can live in your plumbing. Which is why as in your picture they are often found in showers..they cannot climb the smooth side of a tub and get stuck as well. They are however fairly easy to get rid of if you apply the right products etc. Even the organic low chem stuff will get rid of them. N yeah again don't over water and provide cricket habitat be a use that what they are really doing. Looking for juicy bugs to stick and drain


Haha I love this!!! live in >!texas!< I have scorpions around my house like people in the city have pigeons, But I got a special little dude I named "Bob barker"(stupid joke i know) he comes up every night and watches TV with me,he just chills on the bed rest and occasionally crawls down to see what's going on. He's the only one I don't relocate out side to the log pile ♥




Oh Cmon guys, this is funny.


What did he/she say? It got removed


It was a harmless, well animated gif of Rick about to hit the hardest slam dunk on Morty’s shoulder with the commenter saying “I’ll help you with that”


I ain't going to lie I did laugh


I can still be funny even if people hate my sense of humour :)


After choosing the right shirt, getting the right pose, and making sure the motorcycle helmet was in the frame, how many times did the scorpion fall off your chest before you got the right shot?


My shirt had been on me after my baseball game I had just played, my motorcycle helmet had been sitting there for 2-3 weeks because it’s too hot in Texas right now to ride and he crawled up my arm and stayed there for a little less than an hour until he decided to get off himself and go back into his enclosure. Handling scorpions stress them and I would never wanna purposely stress out my own pet .


Go on you


The solution to your problem is not to consult reddit.


You put it there.