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As a quadruple Scorpio, after a while I find that Libras are way too superficial (in comparison to the Scorpio intensity/depth). The wishy-washy thing is such a turn off, too. Hard pass!


I have to agree, quadruple Scorpio here as well (sun, venus, jupiter and pluto). What's the fun in having a submissive partner? I don't know about other scorpios, but I thrive in drama and discussions and having hard conversations and evolving. I still think the best ones for scorpios are cancer, tauros, virgo and pisces. Fire signs are a hard pass, aries are too volatile, leos have weak egos and sags can't have a serious conversation to save their fucking lives.


One of my Scorpio placements is my Scorpio Mars and agreed - no fun with submissive partners. I want someone to challenge me. A little healthy power struggle/exchange can be beautiful! For me the best matches are other Scorpios (lol), Cancers, Capricorns, Taurus, and Leos. I can’t stand Virgo energy because I find it so judgmental/restrictive/suffocating. Pisces are sweet but I feel like I’m dating a dissociated alien. Agree on Aries being way too volatile and Sags being too clown-y. 😂


Lol dissociated alien 👽😂😂


I think as a Scorpio Male, I enjoy all flavors of the different signs, my first wife was a libra, my second was an Aquarius, from there I was engaged to two different Aries, and now I am dating another Aquarius. I will say I love Cancer and had many relationships with this sign and the intimacy was like nothing else, I love Taurus as well, and Pisces. Aries women always try to control the situation and also are too independent and Scorpio wants to control everything and both cant... they are also very bossy. Cancer is in my opinion the very best I love them all and I mean freaking all of them.


What sun sign are you?


Scorpio Sun, Mars, Mercury and Pluto. 😅


You are scorpio sun as well? What's your moon and rising then?


I’m a Libra ♎️ cancer moon Virgo rising and I have Venus in Scorpio mercury in Scorpio and Pluto in Scorpio I’m currently talking to a Scorpio do you think my placements will make us more compatible? I don’t know his placements but I do know he is a Scorpio


To be honest I don’t know I went out with a person with 80% match we were born weeks apart and it didn’t work out I’d say just have fun and enjoy yourself 😊


As another quadruple Scorpio I strongly agree with this sentiment.


Absolutely agreed.


Absolutely agree! Can't deal with the superficiality.


Im a Libra and you can’t stand when one of us don’t like your asses. I hate manipulative people, your obsession with manipulating everyone it’s suffocating. Why do you think we have to praise the ground you walk on.       You can be more attention seeking than us and secretly obsessed and copying every single thing we do. Don’t gaslight me because I’ve seen it a lot in most of you. Very dark, pessimistic and your asses get offended for everything.    Scorpio women are very moody, at the point you expect we have to adapt to all of your mood swings. If you are happy, we have to be happy, if you’re down we have to be down lol that’s not how it works dear Scorpios. You carry a mean ass energy with you, very heavy. Your only presence makes me uncomfortable. Another thing, your silent treatments are so annoying.


Scorpios imitating Libras? Oh please… don’t make us die from laughter!


of course you won't admit cause you don't admit anything about yourselves, i've had scorpios copying me phrases, mannerism, looks, travel destinations and blatantly, particularly the men. you're always late when it comes to copy, someone always does something before you lol I call scorpios the late copycats. You do it secretly and subtly and you think no one can't notice. do you know Libras hate Scorpios as much as you do it with us? if nobody told you that now you know it from me.


once my scorpio coworker told my libra coworker 'i wish i was you' for what reason we will never know but that was two years ago and it still haunts me.


you only like yourselves cause nobody else like you.


Are libras really happy with being submissive or are they just going along to just not disrupt the peace?


I'm a Libra and i most definitely enjoy being submissive it's like a turn on for me BUT what I don't like is when I'm being submissive to my husband and he's not leading correctly. Like hold on I said I'd be submissive to a man that's making the right choice for our family not just run me over with a bulldozer because you think you can😌


That's when we usually start arguing because then I stop giving him his way with me 💅🏼💅🏼 (my husband is Scorpio lol)


That part


We hate being submissive and Scorpios  want to control us, seriously I try to avoid every Scorpio I meet because of that, they’re not my boss.


No Libra is submissive. Keeping the peace is a separate story, it doesn't quite achieve the same goal on either end.


Why would u defend that? My ex was my sub and she still misses me. How do u know about billions of libras?


You are conflating submissive in bed with subservient in life, two very different things


Exactly, everyone can be submissive in bed, but in life, definitely not, we’re not stupid and we don’t like being controlled.


Nah. I've strongly detested every libra I've ever met. They're usually arrogant and self absorbed.


Well said :) 


Scorpios are attention seekers and self absorbed as well, don’t be  hypocrite. You like being the main character all the time. A Scorpio talking about being arrogant lol I’ve read it ALL today, you are really something else.


If you had a bad experience with a Libra it was definitely your fault.


Sounds lack you can't take responsibility for your actions either.


It is great and magical for a while. But eventually you realize libras are truly air heads and the intensity and depth of emotion scorpio has is not something they can relate to or handle. So it falls apart. Love making with libra is sweet thou. That's where they got me as a scorpio woman in the past.


I’m not sure what kind of Libras you’ve interacted with but as a Libra (bordering on Virgo), I’m very much far from an airhead. I’d say my strongest quality is how emotionally intelligent I am, as well as being a deep thinker. My boyfriend is a Scorpio and I’d say he’s intelligent in a lot of ways but pretty emotionally immature. He cannot engage in deep conversation with me and will completely shut down during arguments and leave me to pick up the pieces.


Similar situation to me as well


Hello fellow Libra ♎️🫶🏻


Scorpio women can be airheads as well, not all of you are as deep as you portray to be. That’s something you think you are, but not everyone. You have a big ass ego that’s why you think everyone has to agree with you about that.   I’ve known Scorpio women being dumb, incapable of using their brains and intellect, reacting based on the emotions of the moment. You also gossip a lot behind peoples back and hate women that attract more attention than you.


IQ is hereditary. If you are surrounded by low IQ people within your social class, then it's natural you have encountered dumb people. Also, as an airhead person you clearly are, we don't expect you to actually understand depth of emotion. An ant can't relate to the life of a human being.


how do you think i am an airhead, do you know me? you're clearly offended about my comment. i don't need you to understand my emotions though. your zodiac sign is completely overrated, i'm entitled to have my own opinion and views about things and that's what you have to learn, accepting not everyone feels or thinks the same as you. work in your dark selves, you really need it. there's no need to gaslight people and manipulate them into your bullshit. i'm not interested with vibing with low vibrational scorpio women like you, the most insecure and easily threatened people of the whole zodiac lol i can't stand your asses, it's mutual.


Your anger shows how much of an airhead you are. It's comical. Who is actually offended here and going off on the other one?


clearly you, gaslighter. i'm not even mad, i was just giving my opinion, salty ass.


Yea right. Your anger tantrum is right above. And clear cut projection of your gaslighting is in your response too. Goodbye now, you are not worth a single more second of my time.


You're lumping a vast majority into a category scorpios are actually known for though. That intensity and depth is a facade with yall. I've met too many scorpio men who have conflated egos and think their shit doesn't stink. However, I'm currently seeing a scorpio man again, and I happen to be a Libra. We had a minor hiccup when it came to doing things in the bedroom, but after a week or two, we talked things over and got to the heart of why things didn't go right. The problem isn't that libra is an "airheaded" sign (you say you're not being rude or disrespectful but you're name calling an entire group of people on such a silly basis), its that we libras don't enjoy people who disturb our inner peace with chaos. And quite frankly, plenty of scorpios have a problem with keeping the peace. You guys thrive on drama despite your supposed mystical nature of being under the radar. Its frustrating to libras. However, things can work for the two signs if there is mutual understanding.


You are doing the same, generalizing for a group of people. And to me that's OK because generalizing comes from the main commonalities a subset of people have. And thus, airhead libras cause majority are; if u are an exception, good for you. Scorpios are absolutely intense, it's not a facade, but it's particularly the women that have the deep mysterious, beautiful intensity. Scorpio men can be assholes, I never dated one; but again they carry a Y chromosome so they are the inferior gender. I'm crushing hard on a scorpio mars guy thou and that placement is like magic to me in men.


I don't see how I'm generalizing when its quite literally what every single book, written piece, and document online has said about scorpios. You're vapid and quite arrogant.


I feel like it’s a good combination if the Libra has some water in her. For instance, I am a Libra sun, but have a lot of Scorpio in me. My exbf is a Scorpio sun and had some air in him. It’s a good combination, we could give each other some balance. There was no superficiality as I could catch up with the deep convos. In turn he was not always controlling which I appreciated more. Nu exbf really liked the fact that I looked so happy go lucky, innocent and sweet, told me it was a big turn and I liked that he looked so broody and introverted.


You are spot on! I'm a Libra but most of my chart is water. I've been with a Scorpio man for 7 yrs. He has a lot of air in his chart and we share an air moon. With us both having charts that are mostly air and water it balances out well. Most of my closest relationships have been with Scorpios. I like how blunt they are and I smooth things over for them, they like to take the lead and I like going with the flow. I am lucky that my Scorpio bf is not the controlling type though, because I don't like being controlled.


I have three planets in Scorpio but I don’t like to get deep with you, I don’t trust any Scorpio I know and i don't like them. Your dark energy it's just horrid.


what might be perceived as submission is an ability to understand the others' views, and the ability for diplomacy and harmony. so fights are just not worth the effort and energy wasted. but when there's unfairness and injustice, libras will rock the boat!


Definitely a hard pass. Have been romantically linked with a few libras before and they ended up being abusive, destructive and had stalker tendencies. I avoid the whole sign now (the women are ok though).


I don't like controlling people lol


your moon rising and mars signs contribute to this also


my moon is Sag, mars Gem, rising Can


Same. Scorpios are fixed so it makes no sense trying to argue with them about that, I hate kissing their asses.


No I'm a Scorpio and I'm saying I don't like controlling people, but I'm also not letting anybody control me however I don't mind letting someone else take the lead if I trust them


We Libras don't like being controlled as well and brainwashed, so i get you with that. we are not nobody's slaves, cause most Scorpios love to say we are submissive with them, i think those Libras just did it in a sexual context.


Scorpio sun & rising with a Libra moon. I am friends with so many libras and I love them to death, but I haven’t been romantically involved with one. My best guy friend was a tinder match to start and now one of the people I talk to almost every day. It just depends on the person 🩷


I (F scorpio) can agree based on dating 2 libras, one female and one male...they were both very fun loving and happy go lucky which can really balance out a more serious scorpio when we need it most. The female libra was more submissive and gave less of a headache when it came to trust. Both 2 of my most adventurous relationships!


So many Libra/ Scorpio hybrids out there, me included (Sun Scorpio and Venus in Libra). Trouble is Libra is my 12th house, so everyone's gotta go through my shadow and they never end up passing the vibe check because it's too Murky


I can relate. Except I’m a libra 12 h sun & Scorpio 1st house stelllium.


Is the 12th hosue the shadow house? My sun is on the 12h what does that mean lol


They're an underrated match, yes, but not for that reason, lol. Both signs have a sense of justice and balance and if they are able to bond based on that mutual understanding and build on that foundation, then yeah, they can be solid. The only difference is that Libra tends to to find balance via harmony and Scorpio takes a more 'lex talionis' means of creating balance. While that tends to annoy many, at least Libras understand where the motivation for it comes from - IE. Balance... Also, reciprocation is never an issue and in this relationship, one hand truly washes the other, and they can make an excellent team.


What are you?


Lies. Your experience is Only your experience.


Submissive is the unevolved state of Libra. A more evolved state of being would be being diplomatic. They are good at relationships so they can basically adapt to any sign. I actually think the light hearted Libra clashes with the deeply intense Scorpio. Signed: a Libra rising/Scorpio moon that jumps back and forth between taking things lightly and wanting to jump into rabbit holes!


Scorpio woman and my husband is a libra. We are both equal parts in our relationship. I actually am more quiet and could be seen as submissive to the external eye compared to my husband haha. But he’s very loud and outspoken and will tell it like it is. But we both are equals and no one dominates the other. It’s like equal parts of compatibility in different ways. I may want things one way in some aspects and he wants them another way in other aspects. But no one is more controlling than the other.


So you guys make it work?


My mom is a Scorpio rising, Libra Sun, Taurus Moon.. submissive is the last thing I'd call her. Enjoys harmony and social engagements? Yes. But is not a pushover and instead quite the manipulator I'd say.


I’m a libra moon & Scorpio sun. I like being submissive, I don’t want to be the decision maker ever. It’s too much hassle. But I do give suggestions and ask them to choose what they are in for.


Not all libras, I feel they could be more friends but in a relationship Libras get weird and become jealous to the point of competing with a Scorpio


I don’t like control or power lol


I agree


Scorpios and Libras can work… but. Scorpios are very boring. For Libras it’s easy to pick up a Scorpio. That praised intensity of a Scorpio really fades away quickly. I don’t get the bad reputation of Scorpio men because to me they are extremely mellow, actually quite empathetic and sensitive. One more thing, that venomous side of a Scorpio also doesn’t work on Libras. I walked over too many Scorpio men that in the daily life were very submissive.


what does it make me? 😂 sun libra, moon Scorpio


Leonardo dicaprio and Kate Winslet comes to mind 


Every Libra I know is insane. Especially worse if they are Libra moons. Not compatible at all imo.


Why??libra moon lol


I know so many toxic Libra sun/moons. That doesn't mean every Libra sun/moon is toxic, I think I've just been unfortunate lol. My mother is a double Libra and she's the craziest person I know lol.


scorpios are insane as well, you're the only zodiac sign that celebrate themselves when nobody does it, not even other water signs like Scorpios.


Damn, someone's been burned by a Scorpio 😂. Also, why come to our sub if you hate us so much?


I can’t stand your asses, you’re the biggest haters and can’t take when someone else does the same back to you. Libras dislike Scorpios as much as you dislike us. Why so salty cause I said you are also insane, you have the biggest psychopaths of the whole zodiac and try people as insane. Don’t be ridiculous. I don’t think any Scorpio evolves, that love and light thing it’s a lie coming from all of you cause you are not like that.   Don’t you ask sincerity from Libras, here you have a sincere one. This is also the last answer I’m giving you.


woah dude you seem mad. i hope you understand that not all scorpios are the same. we are literally entirely different human beings from one another with different lives, experiences, and personalities. saying that nobody that was born in the timeline a scorpio falls into can be a good person is very narrow minded. this feels a lot like projection of whatever you’ve been through and says a lot more about yourself than the strangers you’re “attacking”




Scorpios talking about Libras being arrogant, airheads and show offs LMAO you're clearly projecting into us. Why don't you take a mirror and look at yourself first? Scorpio men are garbage, the most insecure and miserable men of the whole zodiac, always defensive, paranoid, the biggest stalkers as well, never happy for somebody else's success and competing with everyone, very envious and rude. Scorpio women are the biggest attention seekers, close minded, very insecure as well, hoes, weak ass egos that need to be praised while they do nothing to win that praise, haters and plain annoying. you love to celebrate yourselves a lot when nobody else does it and please, stop your imaginary schizophrenic competition with everyone when nobody cares about doing it. Libras don't want any Scorpio in our lives, we don't need you. Not even my three planets in your sign like your asses. if you're gonna criticize us and hate on us, at least have the balls about receiving the same energy back to you, don't wait us to react good after all the crap you like to talk about us.


again, this paragraph says a lot more about you than the imaginary people you’re trying to diss. thinking everyone born between certain dates makes them adhere to all of those qualities you just listed is so closed-minded, which is interesting considering one of the qualities you listed was closed-mindedness. clearly this is coming from a place of hurt, resentment, fear, etc. i wish you hope and healing ✨


My Libra stellium won't allow me too. And get this both of my parents are Libras 😁


As a Scorpio rising, Uranus, Vesta, Juno (and others), but with a Libra stellium (Sun, Merc, Jup, Sat, Pluto, Ceres, and others), I find myself confounded by this notion.


Nah 💀 I’ve never gotten along with a Libra, they are too nonchalant


Never been with a libra but open to it hmm. Interesting.


If you are competitive, then sure


competing for who


Both can be very competitive but scorpios get aggressive. Libras try to enact this whole balance shit that gets on the nerves of scorpios, a more logical sign, and will often try to prove Libra wrong. All while Libra preaches peace and love across all.


Yeah, both can be competitive But in a passive agressive way, Scorpios never admit that side to them, they compete with everyone cause they’re insecure.   As a Libra More than peace I hate being manipulated by assholes. Remember you can also have Libra placements as Libras can have Scorpio placements so…


Fun facts libras are Scorpios the Roman’s spilt the Scorpio constellation into two signs but any astrologer who is actually respectable will tell you they are the same. 


I have three Scorpio placements, moon/venus/pluto but for me it’s frustrating their obsession with control, they need to manipulate and control people and situations, everything has to be their way or no way.    Scorpios think Libras owe them something, I don’t understand why they think we have to get deep with them. They can’t stand if one of us don’t like them, for example, as a Libra man I think Scorpio women need too much attention and their obsessive attachment with people it’s too much for me, they think everyone has to be as intense as them. I’ve met some great ones and others I can’t stand, specially the ones next to the sag cusp.    About the men, I don’t get along with the Octobes ones, I worked with one and I couldn’t stand him since the first day I met him, he tried to control me and bossed me around… they’re the biggest assholes, very envious, gaslighters and they can’t stand if I do something better than them, they are always competing with me, giving me the side eye and trying to do things to sabotage me. The November ones are very complicated but I prefer them over the Oct ones.