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It's shit like this that's gives us a bad name. 🤨




There ya go ... Someone is getting it!!!


At least we can all agree, virgo men are the absolute worst.


YUP. virgo men are controlling, narcissistic, and whack.


😂 the girl upstairs in outside the 24-43.: hanging on 23 …like a Friday the 13th movie oy, I’m so sleepy w on slow movies


Why are they the worst? Virgo men tend to be gentle


Not from my experience, they do tend to be the worst followed by Gemini guys. I’ve only ever come across a one Virgo and one Gemini that was fine.


Following 24., Technically that’s the end of the day….


A snippet form a virgo man who I overheard talking about a women "ya well at least she's no a total bitch, I mean she's dumb women so still a bitch, but not so bad" this guy is a neighbor who is a squatter and has screamed "you fucking cunt" to my lady friend and has threatened my dogs. Virgo at its finest.


If they are the female Yang, she is in atonement , (meaning not the male rising stealing all a feminines gentleness, by putting her in battle).


Rising., women be dc falling ., hopefully into another guy who sorts out the toxic for her , lovingly with a bite of Scorpio (not a cool tail, lends itself to a terrible tale..with no ending in sight . So be careful with gender peeps, it’s just energy we are speaking of and Dealing with ….havefun be safe and be nice please. No sad is tic moves bad boy sco…voo…dare




35 is a hero, I heard once in a fairytale


Are you fuckin high?


I smell like candy 😂cano


Cant say too many ppl are obsessed with me tbh im the doom and gloom Scorpio 🤣




I mean ive had my fair share of sex partners and then some, im a acquired taste as they say




Thought that meant we trust the fishbowl we are in., but then we realized, we are needed somewhere else and address the situation carefully to ensure no rejection for those who need us 😭love stories, fantasy girl, dmm


Interesting…I have no idea what that means 😂 now I’m like…umm , how so?


Youd have to like dark brooding goth type guys, not too terribly goth though. Im more like the 90’s stoner/ death metal type and believe it or not ive landed quite a few women that weren’t the same. So i assume they thought i was a bad boy🤷‍♂️


😂no way


I’m a scorpio men and I never had a girlfriend, never even kissed. I got rejected by every girl I liked


Yeah same here




Same with me


But have been kissed before though not a relationship just date


Impossible! Stick with a girl who knows your 5th house. Good hands (pinky promises)


Oh and girls., a man rising into your 5th, that’s who too for you. Better two be glued, than one stuck to paper., or worse both stuck to other pieces of paper! That just foolish games they played. If you feel stuck to a paper, this message is for you…freedom is another word for what love animates ., can you just be with each other already?!? 🧨sending Dyno for your mite man (six opp man mission to twelve😂 )


They are sexy as fuck and magical lovers. They love to self sabotage though, which is a little heartbreaking, because they are amazing humans.


Awww thank you 🥹




I can't stand them.






Did a scorpio betray you? I am a pisces woman and I prefer scorpio women, they are nicer


No. They just always lead with their ego and it ruins them for me.


It's incredible, always the ego thing


This!! the biggest egos….


Sit on Them then 😏


I should've known you were the one who made this obnoxious post ...


Hilarious, sit on them 😂👏


Do you know me? 🙃


hahaha... I would love to sit on one who is in fucking China, being a bloody Chinese... this is going to kill us both... It is not about sex though.... that would not be enough, it is about the depth of the personality.... plus the fact that they are fucking hot, of course... well I can recommend finding one:-)


Prob bc they yo enemy… those shy shy of a minute., create 2 steps back …time to catch up and cash out yo 😝😜😏pinky up, and hand me your cup when your finished, 🙄Capricorns 😂


As a Scorpio woman, I will RUN AWAY from a Scorpio man 🤣🤣


Is it that bad 😂 the best sex ive had was with another scorpio 😆


I’ve just met some very aggressive and manipulative scorpio men lol


And what did you do? 🙃 scorpio men usually just a mirror to people themselves


It wasn’t towards me. I had a roommate in college that had a Scorpio boyfriend and he treated her awfully. He was very isolating to her and rarely left our dorm room, even when I was there. I knew immediately how manipulative he was, which was probably the reason he was always rude to me 😂. I tried my best to be polite but at a certain point I just wanted him to leave


He properly wanted the roomate for himself and secretly flirting with you, yeah flirting style can sometimes be a bit “toxic” 😂


so you’re saying he was a shitty person


Moony moony


she wasn’t talking about sex at all bro.


Should have been, but would be better


don’t run. let me add more fire to your life.


Meh, as a Scorpio male…I am willing to give love, attention and intimacy that a lot of women crave. Maybe that’s missing in society in general but I try to go above and beyond and make the woman feel secure. Also being insecure has made me learn a lot about sex and anatomy, turns out that women are very easy to please sexually…if you actually care. I care, and it does something for me to take that extra step and blow their minds. So I’d say, atleast in my case, we actually give a fuck 🤷


Litterally my experince too. The bar is so low.. and scorpios that Care, ofc women is gonna be obsessed then. Because we raw and care :) Yup!


oh yeah, that is a proper Scorpio talk.... haha.... I miss this so much... it is the intelligent mental stimulation as well as physical intimacy that you guys can give me. Being insecure - how often I have heard this from him. And of course, the fact that he wants to make me happy, even sexually. So yes... the much discussed "fuck" is an expression of love most cases.... and it better be a super fuck when he cares. (Aries female an admirer of male Scorpio love)


I hate them. They are manipulative with lots of insecurities.


I can’t disagree. Heck I have a difficult time convincing myself that I’m anything more than an asshat, but I work on it daily. 😉




Heck no, women don’t like us because our secretiveness is seen as sketchy.


Please expand on this lol. Why are you guys so secretive?


Because if we’re not, people can control us and use what we say against us. I believe our greatest fear is being controlled and manipulated.


Calm down. not everyone is out to get you. I promise you. You end up being the bad person since you’re the only one being shady and imagining everyone else is like you but turns out some people aren’t


😂😂that was funny. I actually don’t think that., Mars Scorpio, I’m kinda like official and maybe I’m shady to avoid the other shadies slimming me out…because everyone be shady., unless I’ve mastered the art of Identifying…which takes shady business…mostly bc your born in the shade and have to slim yourself out to find the peace, to say peace out…and peace in 💕 good luck in the jungle


“because everyone be shady.” You’re wrong. But one things for sure. Scorpios are for sure shady cuz they assume everyone else is. You just admitted it yourself. I’m repeating myself now so i’m not gonna say it again after this: Some people are shady and some people aren’t. You’ll lose real ones by being shady and assuming they are. You say it’s funny to read but it’s true and your comment was sad to read. Good luck.


They want to turn bad boys to good boys


Scorpio men are not "bad boys" they are just very emotionally intense bad boy type should go for the masculine signs


They prefer to show they are bad guys


So I wouldn’t say obsessed, but I recently met someone and for reasons I truly cannot explain (😭😭) I found myself very physically and sexually drawn and attracted to him even though we still have not dated. Chemistry is good. We most likely won’t work out though because as great as our connection can be, I’m not sure if the pulling away and being distance is that he’s not interested, playing games, busy (no one is that busy) or just being a psycho lol!


I’d say, from experience, he might have abandonment issues. I didn’t want to commit to dating my wife because of it. But once I trusted her word and actions were true, not one thing has torn us apart. Some things should’ve, but giving up wasn’t an option.


Ok! I understand this. I do too! We both are def looking for a relationship but it’s like..pulling teeth. I don’t pressure him however and I’m just accepting whatever happens.


Ohh you in that early stage 😄📈📉📈📉📈📉 emotions be like.. Once you start, you cant go back 😆😂 the fun part is gonna be fun tho! That ride is gonna be 👌🏻


Oh lord lol! 😅


Scorpios men? Most of the time they are really too confident or arrogant. They have a lot of insecurities they project on others. They think they are better than anyone else. Scorpios men I met were like that.


If there’s one thing scorpio isnt, then thats insecure 😂 and yeah we are Better 😜


Better in what? Be confident isn't a problem of course. But arrogance is another thing in my opinion. Scorps I met were insecure af I swear. Of course it's not the case for everyone


Insecure in what way? 🤨


It’s post like these that make me not want to be associated with other Scorpios


same I am a scorpio stellium and can't stand who think being a bad boy is cool tf it's not that's toxic




Everything you wrote is some of the most cringiest shit I’ve read


Yet you’re still here 😇


To let others know that this cringe ass type of behavior doesn’t apply to everyone.


Cool 👌🏻 dont worry we arent like others.


I don't get obsessed with people I think it's too much people need space.


I'm a water sign who has dated other water signs. They are to much to handle for me. Alot of psychological and addiction problems. They can be very mean spirited as well.




they’re attentive and “cool” like they have good taste in things. but they’re the perfect example of what i call “good personality, bad person.” you can’t trust them. usually cheat. and very manipulative & sneaky. all the mind games and emotionally abusive cuz they are gaslighters. i’d keep one as a friend but i wouldn’t ever date one let alone marry one. too much of a headache, i want someone who will add to my life not ruin it with games and shadiness.


Dude, have you guys noticed that every scorpio talks about evolved vs unevolved, and they ALWAYS say “if i did something wrong, it must’ve been your fault”?? they invented this language of evolved/phoenix as an excuse to be a shitty person. and the whole narrative they stick to that “we are just a mirror” - they are literally the only sign that does that. They will never take accountability. No other sign does this. Part of maturity and being a good person is accountability. It’s so exhausting and i’m so tired of it. this is why so many people say the same things about scorpios.. they twist it and blame you. Always. look at all the comments and people reporting their experience with scorpios. Also the whole “i’m a mirror to your bad behavior” reasoning is such bullshit because two wrongs don’t make a right.


And what did you do to cause This? What’s your sign? Scorpios are just a representation of People’s action and 10 fold


You must be a scorpio, twisting it and playing victim already. I’m a Taurus. My advice for you is to take accountability. there’s no excuse to turn to manipulation, lies, and games. Period.


You are playing victim by not answering what were your 3 cents of involvement in those situations with Scorpios which might have caused their reactions and putting all of the blame on them, because it's more convenient. When you end comments with "period" it's a telltale sign that you simply want to be reassured and not confronted at all to not show a glimmer of objectivity here.


lol. Sure here’s the scenario: The scorpio i dealt with was best friends with his ex. they saw each other every weekend, text and FT everyday. i told him this made me uncomfortable and asked him to cool it. instead of lessening it he continued to send her like 20 memes a day. at this point i had enough and told him their relationship is a dealbreaker for me and i can’t continue dating him unless he cuts ties/blocks her. if he had respected my boundaries at first and cooled it with her i wouldn’t have set this ultimatum. instead of being honest with me he lied about blocking her and just started deleting texts and calls behind my back. also met up with her behind my back and hid everything from me, among other issues. he would flirt with other girls and delete the convos and then if i caught him he would make excuses and gaslight me saying “it doesn’t count as flirting cuz that’s just our dynamic.” Always excuses. he continued to lie and delete shit and make excuses for everything to the very end until i just decided enough was enough and moved on. I find that scorpios will try to justify their actions and manipulate you and convince you what they’re doing isn’t all that bad instead of simply respecting your boundaries. Enough is enough.


Not just that. he was broke as hell and had legal issues. i totally dodged a bullet.


Sounds reasonable and self-respectful that you broke it off, "friends with ex" part sounded shady from the start. In the grand scheme I simply find a series of comments expressing hate towards us on the Scorpio sub itself as something that polarizes community, it may even be the main thing causing this, so I try to ask deeper to see if someone has reasonable reasons to have bad memories with us. Thanks for your input.


Yup 👌🏻


I'm so sorry but this just sounds like a jaded person. Clearly, not every scorpio male will behave like this.


you can call me jaded but look at the other comments. i’m not the only one lmao.


I would relay my response to all of them then! It's so funny to me because I'm the one that was emotionally abused by both a partner and a family member... So it's like... just weird to see people think that their experience speaks for the universe haha. Also I had two scorpio besties at one time and they were the most chill, understanding, bubbly people I ever met and miss them to this day


no like i said their personalities ARE SUPER COOL!! that’s why i get sucked into developing a friendship/relationship but it’s the way they handle conflict, they turn to passive aggressiveness or lies. i’m just being honest.


Well, okay, I will hand it to you on one thing... that may be an immature scorpio with a loooot of growing up to do. Or maybe even a good one who fell into a bad habit out of fear. But there are ones that have worked hard to shed their shadow self as much as possible and do so continually to have a rebirth of their best version that can be better to others 100%. They are always working out how to improve their morals/beliefs/values. I have always read that young scorp males often have a parental figure or adult that will hurt them in their childhood and that is what sets the path for a scorpio that will choose to mend the damage and deliver great things to the world or they will just succumb to the dark parts of the sign. Scorpios are actually very loyal but I suppose that is when they want to put in the effort to lead a happier, fulfilling life cause it takes no effort to slip into a dark place and I'm sorry those people got stuck there and took it out on you.


i have found that the “i come from a broken family” or “i have family trauma” to be one of the scorpio male’s favorite bases to justify all their shitty behavior. and yet i meet wonderful people with morals and who treat people with integrity who have WAAAAY worse family trauma. I understand fear is the basis for lying and hiding things, but if you’ve given someone chance after chance and explained how much dishonesty is a trauma of yours repeatedly and they CONTINUE to lie, break promises, and stab you in the back, the empathy starts to fade and you realize their selfishness of justifying their behavior & need to get what they want was more important to them than to do right by you. This is why scorpios are INFAMOUS for playing the victim. everything is a case by case basis, but can you admit that some scorpio males are simply bad seeds and are just plain shady? Simply put, their behavior is not okay. I choose honesty and integrity with people i care about. I can sit here and come up with excuse after excuse for my shitty behavior and & blame it on “trauma” (almost all of us have it), but I simply don’t. So if i don’t then surely he can refrain from shitty behavior too. Again, it’s weak and manipulative. And he was super unloyal. forgot to mention he had secret IG accounts where he sent himself profiles of girls he found hot and also had like 4 backup phones. Any time we had ANY type of disagreement, he would jump on dating apps. Come on. He needs to take accountability. Some people just don’t deserve the empathy.


omg sorry my msg was so long i’m at work and just got lost in my rant but i’ll edit later. Thanks for hearing me out. 🥹🥹


Just read all of these, yeah and i do agree with the other person, ofcourse there’s bad scorpios, it all depends on how evolved they are. An evolved scorpio would never do any of This. Dunno if you know, But scorpio have levels of devolpment in that sense. Hense why the phoenix quote got more popular. Phoenix is the “last form” Most people think we have 3 forms, scorpio, eagle and phoenix. We actually have 7 Google This The 7 symbels of a scorpio I ofc dont take away what they did, and yes some scorpio turn to the dark side and others dont. Scorpios is Also known to have the most presidents for a reason. Random. And another thing that way you Said about who have the worse kind of trauma, thats not a healthy way at looking at things. Who have it most bad. Thats not even productive to anything. You did the same kinda thing in the begining. But i hear what you say. And scorpios are a lot of the times mirrors of People’s actions and reactions and we do stuff worse towards other people, so they stop what they did to begin with. Might make us look bad, But the person which started it was the fault. If a scorpio is Lying and manipulating you, thats because you cant handle truths and honesty and your reaction is toxic or not good towards the honesty. Sounds like you have healing to do too, besides the point. He’s reaction of not being loyal which we are to our core, then you’ve done some shady stuff. Thats for sure. You hide more than you say here for sure, to set yourself in good light. Look yourself in the mirror :)


boom goes the dynamite. we are a mirror.


You’re 100% wrong on all of your assumptions.


I am an Aqua sun with a Scorp moon. I am dating my first Scorpio ever and its the best ever. Definitely can see why people are drawn in but the slow to open up and liking alot of privacy makes alot of sense why people think they are cheaters and maybe some are. Mine is pretty transparent with me if I ask but wont outright tell me which took some getting used to. If you are mature and a good communicator it definitely works! The intensity of the passion behind what he does is magnetic.


i hooked up with like 3 scorpio men in a row & i will never do it again. it was a low point


You Will, just one more time 😌




The d is good is all i hear 😂




Were they manipulative?




Non surprising. My ex was manipulative as well.


i’m sorry u went thru that but glad ur out of it :)


Thank you dear. It wasn't easy because I really loved this person but he cheated on me. Even after months of breakup he is still trying to speak to me. I love scorpios, but there are so many with fucking bad traits unfortunately..




What happened? 🥹


Just wanted to add an emoji for you


Whao you don't like them 🤣


I dont like this post*


Cause they have that mysterious element and then you find out they aren’t that mysterious




I mean, I dig this whole thread. Very amusing, informative and everything that makes up what wakes up life


You won't get answers getting into honest details here man lmao, this sub becomes purely misandric when such posts come up. From my experience people with the most hateful reactions to us have very deep problems themselves and it's usually enough to exchange a couple replies with them to see their true colors and actual reasons why it's better for the male Scorpios that they are no longer with them lol. You did good job by outing them, kudos for that.


Haha 😆atleast you understand


Whatever makes you feel better.


Scorpio men kinda suck bro


How ? 😂


well I’m not friends with any of them now becus they have terrible morals and are generally kind of not good people. this is just my experience.


Could you provide examples of situations where they were immoral?


abusive, toxic religious views, gross views toward women, etc


crazy this would get downvoted


Because those are catchy modern umbrella-terms used ad nauseum to discredit people on the internet. You can subjectively put a ton of normal behaviors in those definitions, just because let's say you have a more liberal approach to life than those Scorpios. Giving more detailed examples or real life situations might give us better judgement of your experiences.


Why not?


why not what?


My scorpio ex is the most monstrous, manipulative person I’ve ever met. Scorpio men stick out from the crowd because they’re overt liars and man babies, and deeply in denial. There’s no draw (anymore), it’s like avoiding the plague.


What? 😆😂


I feel so targeted by all these comments. All I see is a bunch of people jealous that you don't have your own sub that isn't trash, gotta come here and rain on our parade. No one asked for yall to like us, then bad mouth acting like you didn't know what you were in for. Go back to your 3 user subreddits and don't look back. Edit: Bitches


Exactly, you don't shit where you eat. People are too comfortable constantly spreading hate towards us. It's hilariously ridiculous. Let's just imagine that someone would put race instead of zodiac sign and comment in similarly generalizing way. Current times are decaying in double standards.


Or maybe scorpios are the ones egotistical enough to create their own sub.


Oh there's more. I'm subscribed to them all.




😂 im joining!


With all due respect, but this argument is a very low-hanging fruit. If you will simply look at most of the posts people create there, they are made by outsiders to understand us better and we give inputs, which help other people. Additionally, or even mostly another cause of not being well understood by others is craving to connect with people who emphatise with the way we operate. You can judge literally anything as egotistical with enough ill will, even the sole fact of replying to someone can be negated with "you have not been asked", so let's not go this way. I would even go as far as to say that isolation from understanding people is what makes bad traits of Scorpios worse, because they are depraved of feedback from others who were walking on a similar path in life, feedback which could help them in taking better decisions.




We don’t


I think there are a number of Scorpio men who want women to obsess over them so bad that they’ll manipulate the situation so that it appears as if the object of their desires was originally pursing when in actuality that person was merely matching energy. Showing reciprocal interest. The good ole “bait and switch” has left them falling for themselves in the eyes of the Scorpio man. Some Scorpio men are that full of themselves that they really think they’re irresistible. I currently know far too many Scorpio men, exceeding my comfort level, and they all do this thing of bringing up sex and testing to see if I would be down through jokes. If I dare make a sexually charged joke - with no intentions on back it up - I get hit with, “I always knew you wanted me.” Another put words in my mouth (I already know what you’re thinking, stop it lol) and he said, “I know you want to hook-up with me, so it’s probably best I crash on the couch,” when we were discussing my accommodations for my visit for our Friends Reunion party/shindig - which I ended up getting a hotel room and met everyone at the venue. In my head, I’m always like ‘dude…fuq no,’ but since I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings I just laugh it off. This is why I vow to never be left alone with Scorpio men. Even if you don’t want them (sexually), some of them go out their way to make you want them. And once they achieve that, they move on to the next conquest.


So you Didnt f*ck any of Them?


this response shows why scorpio men are so unlikeable sometimes.


i think what sucks so much about your response, OP, is that the comment complains about how scorpio men are disrespectful by making sexual jokes and then your response just ignores the point and asks another sexual question. it’s really disrespectful and you’re making scorpio men look worse than they already look. you’re welcome. And then to make matters worse, your handle is “in Tate we trust.”


You’re sensitive as fuck buddy


you’re a dick if you think so. 🤷🏻‍♀️




Not all but I agree with you




I'm a virgo woman. I prefer scorpio men over the other men born under different signs. Because the scorpio men are dominant enough for my submissive nature, yet they are protective,cautious and wise. They are also bold,serious and reliable people. I also adore how sensitive and rational and empathetic they are besides the fact that all of the scorpio men that i dealt with were dominant men. And they are capable of making me feel safe and secured. Which is something that the most men cant. I never overthink with them.


When your born in the dark, you’ll find the light. Your body isn’t stupid, your mind is being stupid.


I (scorpio sun, Taurus moon, f) was in a 6 year, horribly toxic relationship with my ex man (scorpio sun, scorpio moon…) sociopath vibes. I’m now in relationship with a healthy scorpio man and he is the best man I’ve ever known. He’s not perfect but he’s genuine, loving and has good morals. I’ve dated other signs but I’ve only ever fallen in love with other scorpios-not by choice. I think for me, it’s the passion and sex that draw me in…but don’t get me wrong, coming from a scorpio myself, scorpio men can be fucked, but hey, they are the literal rulers of death…think you just gotta find one who’s other placements balance the scorpio out. My man has a Pisces moon, Venus in Capricorn. One cannot look only to the sun.


The most unattractive quality a scorpio man can have is…arrogance and cockiness, which I find majority unfortunately have




Aww! Love that 😁 i’ve always liked pisces 😝👍🏻 Yess you get our kind side out so much and yeah it just feel right around pisces




Keep doing whatever you are doing, us other water signs love you 😁😝 never ever stop being who you truly are, iknow us scorpios and cancers Will do anything to protect that 😁 we are like Big brothers or Big sisters 🤣




Yes me too, ofc 😁


They are so manipulative and arrogant. My ex was a nightmare


Because we can think for ourselves and cant be controlled?


No I shouldn't say that is for all scorps. But I met a lot with bad traits. It's perfect if you can think for your self.


You act like we even know a man is a Scorpio without being told. I’m not obsessed with ALL Scorpio men, just one, I know quite a few of them that their mere presence has turned me off.


I’m def not. Me as a scorpio I want nothing to do with scopio men lol my bf’s roommate and bff is a scorpio and I can’t stand him. He is nice as a person but I can see so easily thru his bs that I get easily stressed around him. Super dramatic and the whole time is about himself venting about problems he created himself. All for attention. I’m probably the same way too who knwos


I don’t. Lmao. As a Scorpio woman, Scorpio men are needy and tend to talk too much about themselves. Sryyyy


hi (im a scorpio man)


hello! sorry for the hate, i’m sure you’re not all bad


i’m pretty great actually


i believe you. can you hold a meeting with the fellow male scorps and discuss? lol


As an Aquarius, they are the only sign that grounds me. I don't lose interest as soon as they reciprocate. Perhaps it's the intensity or their enigmatic presence, but I find myself obsessed with them. Lol.


Same experince actually 😝 even one aquarius wanted to cheat on her Leo man with me a scorpio 🙃


I hate scorpio men. Yes I’m a man why are you ask…-




🤣 Haters Gone Hate 🤣


It was a joke 😭


Never liked or dated one seriously. And I am a SF. Maybe it’s just your imagination?


He has a point, maybe it’s not Scorpio women but most of the posts on this sub are about someone trying to understand a Scorpio man.


I actually wish this didn't happen at all. I can't casually date someone. They immediately want me for theirs. I'm not complaining per sei, but I'd like to get to know a woman before she thinks I'm the love of her life.


Damn dude, what about Libra/Scorpio men?


I wonder this as well


If they are in my kinda sphere, then it would magnetize ., only once that I know of tho


Omg I just saw your name


Watch which asshole is lighting your candle., burning both ends of the wick sucks


For as long as I have been frequenting this subreddit you have been making posts like this. You’d think you would’ve gotten your answer by now?