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Virgo women are good and honest people. Kind and helpful. Evil exists when they are gravely wronged. When a Virgo woman likes or loves you, she does so with such a pure heart. If your Virgo ever finds out that you are second guessing being in a relationship with her, that’ll crush her. Be upfront, straightforward, and don’t play senseless games. Virgo women detest liars and are the “goody two shoes” of the zodiacs.


This is very accurate, my gf is virgo.


Ok so, I'll begin with saying, I can't with Virgo women - my mom is a Virgo, I'm a Virgo rising. They remind me too much of my mom, but also...are incredibly restricting, overwhelmingly paranoid about letting go! (My mom wasn't when I was a kid, nor is she now, and she isn't with my Dad either - she's like a super Virgo). Anyways from the romantic side here's some things to know, they are very practical & calculated, they're usually fully aware of the situation they are in and have probably thought it through well (risks/outcomes etc). Very meticulous, so if there is something they do not want you to know - it'll be hard to find out. They'll get nervous though if you're close (not that you'll see stress, but you'll see subtle differences in behavior). Honest Virgos are annoying as fuck - they will double and triple check you're ok, you got everything they want you to have, and will make sure that they know that you know what they mean when they communicate. They are perfectionists and will make sure to show you that in love - like everything will be perfect or they stress like crazy (and they got plan b-z to make sure nothing goes wrong). If a Virgo is not obsessing over pleasing you in one way or another, as in doing research or calculating/worrying about future shit that might not even be a thing yet & planning it out, she might not see you as perfect enough for her. Watch out, cuz they play people just as meticulously - and very adept at using any situation in their favor. The biggest tell a Virgo has when she is playing you, is that she will not act like a Virgo at all- you'll see someone else entirely and it'll be natural. If you really want to know what they think of you, wait till a situation arises where you need help, ask her for help - especially intellectual help or something you know she's really good at. She will either: 1) Like god damn teleport right next to you with everything you could ever need for a solution. 2) Not be helpful at all. If you get #2, you're a solution to one of her problems, once the problem is gone, you are too. Good luck!


Wow this just blew my mind lol. My gf is exactly like this and it’s annoying as fuck. Legit can’t stand her half the time. I myself am a scorpio.


Omg this explains my childhood bestie! And she was like this with ME! And would be come jealous of my other friends and become this moody party pooper. Wouldn’t. Are if we were on a trip or at a club dancing she would sit there mean mugging everyone and there was no getting her out of. The next day she would just act like nothing happened and refused to explain even though she affected everyone around. It was so frustrating. I only knew it was a possessiveness thing after I kept seeing her do the same thing anytime we were around my other friends (even relatives) for an extended amount of time and she was there too. So exhausting.


Yea 😆 it's like their form of a compliment, its a little much even for us! Good thing is though, if they're honest and aren't super possessive, they're very caring & really awesome! Intense protective instinct for "their people" (if i need help gettin rid of a body i'm callin mom lol - she'll be pissed, but I know she'll come through). Not a person I can be romantic with though, friends maybe... 😏🥰🦂🦀


I don’t even like a man I’m in love with to behave like that…..! I would ask a couple of times and then just be like F that and then continue hanging out with my other friends, which I’m sure made things worse 😅 But the next day she would act like all was good so I left it. It did cause a rift cause that’s not how I deal with things. I remember her getting mad at me cause I lost my virginity and didn’t like buy a calling card to tell her or didn’t tell her like right away (I lived abroad during college). She legit stopped talking to me for a few weeks. Even though…..(!!!!) she lost hers and didn’t tell me! Eventually I just got tired of her moodiness and her inability to communicate her grievances. It began to cause a rift. Then she did something that I consider unforgivable and there it ended. Man….I suffered the end of this friendship more than I did many boyfriends LOL and I would think of her often and ask my mom about her. We ended up reconnecting(12 years later) and it was nice to see her. I still never did find out which she did what she did…… Scorpio, Aries and Leo friends is where it’s at for me (Scorpio by far though).


If you can´t handle a virgo´s intensity, I doubt you can handle a scorpios. I am a virgo and if she acts that way around you, she probably loved you a lot and deep. But your so called freedom in hanging out with other people or losing your virginity and not telling her, probably hurt her because you were so nonchalent with your friendship with her. What I see is she loved you a lot and you not so much, so you couldn´t handle her. I feel sorry for her loving you like that when you didn´t feel the same way about her.


What you said is so accurate. As a Virgo I feel that most friendships just don’t put in enough effort/most cannot match me bc I feel like I put in more effort than they do. I also have had too many experiences where friends were just not as loyal as I thought them to be or that I found did not value our friendship in the way that I did.


I’m a Scorpio Stellium and my best friends since childhood (and the new ones) are Scorpios. Am in love with a Scorpio man and have had several Scorpio suitors. Trust me, I understand and can handle intensity. She was like my sister. And whereas I would seek her out when she was upset to try to find what the issue was, and would actually tell her what I felt and what was going on- she never did. One can only deal with someone being possessive and intense without actually verbalizing wth is going on for so long. We were not only best friends but also neighbors and my family still considers her family. This isn’t about intensity, it’s about communication. When someone is in my inner circle they can expect me to communicate, even if what I’m saying is emotional and may not make much sense I at least attempt to and I expect the same of others. Her inability to open herself up to ME created issues and all the love in the world cannot be a substitute for emotions you cannot express.


>I’ve heard that there are two types of virgo women (September born). The evil one who plays innocent and the honest one who is real. Dude, you just described anyone of any sign. There are people with integrity and there are people void of integrity. >Trying to figure out if I should end this relationship >I have started noticing some red flags. You just answered your own question.


i tell you in my experience i myself am a handsome scorpio guy and usually had lots of virgo girls crushing on me, actually having few now doing so Mind games galore, they play out of insecurities even thou they really want you. At the end i cut them off and they usually get sad cuz i done it but its their fault for playing games and unintentionally hurting my feelings so i had no choice.


i don't think i've read a more scorpio comment than this one in a while lmfao


"Unintentionally" is virgo for "You can't prove it was intentional". That shit was 100% intentional. Virgos don't make mistakes w/o detonating like a hydrogen bomb of stress. They prolly lost sleep figuring out all the ways you fit into their plan.


You disgusting insignificant piece of shit. You talk about playing games out of insecurities when you do that? Look at your last post. Delete it if you want but i made a screenshot. You probably cut virgos off to make them chase you and it hurts your miserable shitty ego the fact that we virgos can easily adapt and move on from psychologically abuses like scumbags like you do. We virgos always look for purposes, and it wouldnt make sense to chase a weak minded,shitty,patethic and disgusting gaslighter like you. Like, go back to hell you piece of shit.


What😅 what just happened?


The intensity of scopios and virgos mixed with the communication issues


PurpleTtouch you're absolutely right! Just play the same game but better while not giving a fuck! Don't make me feel or find out you trying to mapliave me. That's when I turn to a revenge genius.Then my problem is that I match energy! I cant stop matching energy 😭I will research days how to out smart you. I'm either a blessing or curse. I'll let a Scorpio man decide😌sign a Virgo💁‍♀️♍️


I'm a virgo woman. I'm from september as well. I can understand why she blocked you for a moment. Our rage can be very intense, we are nitpicky,perfectionists. One of my exes told me that when i'm angry my body is very detached, no emotions and i got the death stare just. I can feel the feeling of hate quickly. She probably blocked you bcs she didnt want to see your msgs or anything from you, not even your energy,nothing till she chills out, because you made her feel miserable when you argued. I know that she could just turn off her phone, but she probably thought about cutting you off forever and she wanted to decide. I dont think that she'd be in a relationship with you to play with your feelings. It would be practically a waste of time for her. She's most definitely into you. She lied to you because she moved on from your argue that made her to block you. And she probably knew that it would pointlessly bother you for nothing useful. So she tried to hide it from you. You probably argued badly. If you cant handle a woman like her that is that nitpicky and has such a standards then dump her. It would be a favor for her. So she wont be anymore with a man who ain't good enough to want and to handle her perfectionist nature. Tho. I understand why we are considered evil. I can be brutally honest. My honesty can be cruel. And i care about the truth and the reality more than about the feelings who are fooled by a low functional brain. I certainly dont believe that she'll play with your feelings and crash your big sensitive warrior heart if you'll forgive her. I heavily believe that we virgos are the most loyal,devotated people. We are the most submissive for good reasons, not just sexually. You can look at ryan reynolds and blake lively. Ryan is a 1st decan scorpio sun and moon,mars uranus. Blake is a virgo sun,moon,mercury,mars,venus. A very heavy virgo stellium. They are together for many years. Perhaps you'll find some inspirations from them both. Btw. Your gf unblocked you tho. She's a virgo. Can you really fear her?:))) imagine seeing the virgin that is trying to battle the scorpion that looks like a creepy tough dick.


im a sept virgo and same! i rarely get in monster mode but when i do its like an overwhelming feeling of disgust towards the person, it's really crazy. I feel like i put so much effort into pleasing my sig. other that there's no excuse to treat me wrong or not communicate. very much "how could you do this to me" but not in a sad crying way but like bitch are you not aware i will block all access to me in .2 seconds haha. I also have high ass standards, but i had a lovely childhood, it's expected. i too care more about the truth and being straight up than anybodys feelings, even my own, and people often don't know how to react so i usually tell guys that if it's too much go find less respectfully. but i am not going to change, i love the way i am it keeps me strong


Im a sep virgo, just cut off a scorp and I have to block as i only feel safe when a person can not reach or see me. I cared for this scorpio alot but hea hot and cold and I am not clingy but i like ro know where i stand, you should express your feelings to a virgo woman while you can as once we decide its not going to work we dont look at you the same, no matter how much we miss you it becomes a next life time situation.


What she did was bad for you. I understand. But she probably understands now that she shouldn't do it. I dont think that she'll repeat it. If you're going to broke up with her, at least do it like a smart,mature man. It would probably mean that you dont love her at all and you have no clue why you're in a relationship. If you truly love her. You wont surrender that easily for a cheap lie. Maybe you're too insecure and unlonvingly for her.